1 minute read



Who, specifically, in your life influenced your decision to become a teacher?


Mrs. Wendy McClendon. My beautiful, kindhearted second grade teacher. What an amazing woman! I can't remember exactly how, but somehow, I won "teacher for the day" that year. I was able to dress like my teacher, sit at the teacher's desk, teach a short lesson to my fellow second graders, eat lunch with the other teachers, and so on. It was such a special day that I have never forgotten. She built our character, she believed in us, she made us each feel so loved, so important, and so valued. I knew that if I ever actually became a teacher, I would strive to treat my students the way she did.

What is your biggest challenge as a teacher?

Each year I gain a new classroom family; the students become "my babies"—we grow together, we learn together, we laugh and cry together, we do life together—and then at the end of each school year I watch that "family" go to the next grade level. It is part of the job, but that part never gets any easier for me.

What do you feel is the biggest reward?

Oh! There are so many rewards! The laughter, the milestones, the hugs, the "aha" moments, the memories, the field trips, the growth, the cards from students, the authenticity of young kids, the summers off, and the list goes on and on...but the biggest reward, I believe, is the relationships with my students.

How do you make learning fun for your students?

As a teacher, the best way to make learning fun and to help your students succeed is to truly get to know them. Once the students know I totally support them, the sky becomes the limit! Kids love crafts, games, and challenges. We do many hands on activities, we dance, we sing, we joke, we admit our mistakes, we share, we work in teams, and we create.

Impact 100 invited ladies interested in improving our local communities to a membership mix & mingle at Regions Bank in Fairhope for a watch party for the Maids of Jubilee parade. Impact 100 Baldwin County has awarded over $5 million in grants to Baldwin County nonprofits since 2008.

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