Complete Viral Network Marketing Overview -

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Complete Viral Network Marketing Overview Â

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Viral Network Inc. Markets are Created, They Don’t Happen What We do: Develop a Complete Online Marke3ng Strategy for Our Clients Through Integrated Social Media Pla@orms – FACEBOOK TWITTER LINKEDin YOUTUBE Result: TARGETED AUDIENCE VIRAL DIRECT COMMUNICATION PRESS RELEASES, UPDATES, OFFERS & PROMOTIONS = HAPPY CUSTOMERS & NEW SHAREHOLDERS  Social Media Synergy Achieves Extensive Networking Opportunity providing an Engaged Audience to Promote to and Communicate with  Social Media Sites allow a Trending Topic or Opportunity to be Spread, thus making it VIRAL  The World is Communica3ng Through Social Media Sites. Join the Conversa:on


Viral Network Inc. Social Media Marketing (SMM) “You go directly to your customers/shareholders” Our design and marketing team will collaborate to create a presence for you on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn that delivers new customers, new shareholders & sales. Each one will be built around a strong call-toaction and will be professionally designed so that the first impression is a lasting one. All three will also be optimized for search within each network. This means that when someone does a search, you will be coming up in the top results.


Viral Network Inc. Social Media Marketing (SMM) “You go directly to your customers/shareholders” YouTube Marketing   YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world, and over 80%

of the prized 25-44 year old high income demographic are watching videos online.   We optimize each of your videos to come up on the first page of search results on YouTube and Google Video.

Social Network Creation   Our Viral Networking Strategies will allow your Social

Network to grow organically. Our marketing team will then go in and place strong calls-to action throughout the network that will drive new sales and shareholders

Viral Loop Marketing   We have created a proprietary marketing system that delivers

an ROI of 5-10 times. Our social media marketing team is able to integrate your list of emails into a Viral Loop that is ongoing and revolving.


Viral Network Inc. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) “Your customers/shareholders come directly to you” Rank #1 in Google for Multiple Keywords & Phrases Increase Conversion Ratio of your Entire Website   Dynamic Keyword Selection   Original SEO Content Creation   Site Structure & Linking   Ongoing Back-link Building *40% of people click the 1st link the appears Google


Viral Network Inc. Email Marketing Weekly Newsletter Creation  Create a newsletter with vivid content that draws clicks and keeps your subscribers coming back

Multi-Stage Auto-responder  Once your prospects enter their email addresses on your website,

they are brought through a series of messages about your services over the next month.

List Building & Management  Whether you have 100,000 emails or 100 emails, we are able to

substantially increase the emails that you capture on a monthly basis. Our conversion team will create a strategy to drive more subscribers through your existing website.

List Rentals & List Purchases  We work with you to help you identify the correct demographics and geographics to pursue.


Viral Network Inc. Web Design & Development Social Web 2.0 Design   Having a website with social components can take your business

to a new level of engagement with your customers and prospects.

  We create the website around your target audience, filling it with viral content that has a proven track record of drawing interest.

Ongoing Maintenance & Updates   We recognize that businesses can change at any point in time,

and we want to be there to reflect those changes on your website in a timely manner.

Corporate Presence   Our Design and marketing team will work to unsure consistent

Branding amongst all online portals. Call to actions will push your customers and shareholders to take action, & participate.


Viral Network Inc. The Problems: (With tradional marketing IR/PR) • Not maintaining rela3onships with shareholders and customers • Difficult to penetrate the right popula3on demographic to create new shareholders and customers

• Marke3ng programs s3ll access a specific audience only once

• Informa3on not easily shared -­‐ To pass informa3on, the individual requires a conscious choice to email friends – “Not dependable”

• Time consuming and expensive to get updates out to the public


Viral Network Inc. Our Solu:ons: Our Solutions: • Not maintaining rela3onships with shareholders and customers • The Viral Network is a 21st Century Social Media Pla@orm – which retains and builds real rela3onships • Difficult to penetrate the right popula3on demographic to create new shareholders and customers • Viral Networks 200,000+ connec3ons are already targeted to enhance your business • Social Media Sites allow us to specify our exact target audience: Age, Work, Educa3on, Sex, Interests, Ac3vi3es etc. • Marke3ng programs s3ll access a specific audience only once • The Viral Network captures the people who are most interested in your Company. The Audience is global and accessible 24/7. Like a walky-­‐ talky that connects you to your shareholders and customers. • Informa3on not easily shared -­‐ To pass informa3on, the individual requires a conscious choice to email friends – “Not dependable” • Viral Network instantly accesses your audience – “Friends of Friends” connect each other to your company “directly”. This sharing is Viral Network Marke3ng. • Time consuming and expensive to get updates out to the public • Updates are global, instant, visual or wriien – sent -­‐ from your office, boardroom, cell phone, or in the field



How a Viral Message is created

Here’s how your message gets disseminated to the public

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 10


How a Viral Message is created

Step 3: Posted on Social Media Sites

Here’s how your message gets disseminated to the public

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 11

Your Following

Step 4: News seen by following, awareness achieved

Step 3: Posted on Social Media Sites

Here’s how your message gets disseminated to the public

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 12

Your Following

Step 5: News is shared and talked about. Viral Message achieved!!

Step 4: News seen by following, awareness achieved

Step 3: Posted on Social Media Sites

Here’s how your message gets disseminated to the public

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 13

Your Following

Step 5: News is shared and talked about. Viral Message achieved!!

Step 4: News seen by following, awareness achieved

Step 3: Posted on Social Media Sites

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Step 6: New friends become Aware of your company -­‐ Becoming Customers and Shareholders

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 14

Your Following

Step 5: News is shared and talked about. Viral Message achieved!!

Step 4: News seen by following, awareness achieved

Step 3: Posted on Social Media Sites

Step 2: We disseminate the News

Step 6: New friends become Aware of your company -­‐ Becoming Customers and Shareholders Result: Corporate Branding, Product sales growth, Expanded Shareholder distribu3on

Your Company

Step 1: You create the News 15

Viral Network Inc. Ongoing Marketing: Once the proper infrastructure is set up, VN’s marketing team will continuously do the following:   Educate new individuals about the Company/Opportunity   Encourage people to join one of the many online portals the company has set up, further building your following   Promote the Company’s Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin accounts by outwardly posting the links on targeted communities, forums, groups and walls   Interact with the followers to encourage Engagement, thus making them ACT   Persuade the people who already care about your company to introduce/ invite their friends, family & colleagues to the opportunity as well


Viral Network Inc. The Goal:   Build a Direct Audience for your Business (1,000 or 5,000 or 100,000 or even 1,000,000 people accessible to you at the click of a button)   Allow this Audience to Grow Organically by using Viral Networks Unique Strategies   Make Your Company More Visible through Search Engines so that the People who are Already Searching for you or your Competitors, Find YOU!   Drive More Traffic to your Website, but More Importantly, MAKE THEM ACT!   Allow You to put out More Content, Updates, Contest, & News Releases   Harness the Most Powerful Form of Marketing/Promotion – Unbiased 3rd Party Individuals who have Nothing to do with Your Company. GET THEM TALKING


Bringing your Corporate World Home To a Friend Email us at for a FREE consultation

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