Founded: 2014 Titles in catalogue: 12 Titles published annually: 3-5 Emblematic titles or series Pelé, the King of Soccer: published in English and Spanish Phil, the Life of Philip K. Dick: published in English Albert Einstein, the Poetry of Reality: published in Italian
21g is dedicated to creating and publishing graphic novel biographies of the lives of people who changed the world such as inventors, athletes, explorers, artists, scientists and people who have made an impact in human rights, business, etc. These are the stories of positive role models, where they come from, their upbringing, families, environment and their golden years – not just their moments of glory. Our graphic novels, are all over 100 pages long and target young adults and adults. We are currently expanding our list to include the history of ideas and monuments as well. 17 bis rue Richard-Lenoir 75011 Paris, France · www.21g.fr Publisher: Jean-Paul Moulin > jean.paul.moulin@gmail.com Foreign Rights: Sylvain Coissard > sylcoissard2@orange.fr
Rodin, an Intimate Portrait Rodin, fugit amor, portrait intime Eddy Simon, Joël Alessandra, 21g, Collection Destins d’Histoire, 2017 The extraordinary life of one of the world’s most famous sculptors as seen through the eyes of the three most important women in his life… By Eddy Simon, former journalist and author of a best-selling graphic novel and Joël Alessandra, author of over 15 graphic novels, including documentaries on war-torn Africa, whisky and several travel books. This work was created in cooperation with the Musée Rodin in Paris. Foreword by Ms. Chevillot, Director of the Musée Rodin. Graphic Novel, Biography • YA & Adults 104 pages • 21 × 27 cm • 22 € EAN 9791093111308