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I, AUBREY IMRIE PANTON of 375 Newmarket Road Newmarket Brisbane in the State of Queensland Newsagent make oath and say as follows - 1. I am the senior partner in the firm of A.I. and D.E. Panton which carries on business as Newsagents at 184 Edward Street Brisbane aforesaid. 2. I have had two years experience in the Newsagency business which consists of the sale of all classes of newspapers, magazines and other publications including those which are known as the romantic type and those of similar types. 3. I know and am well acquainted with the publications known as Real Love, Romance Story, Real Story, Real Romances and Love Experiences. 4. In the course of my said business I have ample opportunity of noticing the classes of people who purchase the various publications. 5. In my experience the type of publications referred to in pararaph three hereof are purchased by what may be called the senior office girl class, many of whom are married women judging from the rings worn by them. 6. The majority of sales of the type of publications referred to are made to people of adult age and not to those of the younger classes. ALL the facts and circumstances herein deposed to are within my own knowlede.
SIGNED AND SWORN by the abovenamed Deponent at Brisbane aforesaid this fifteenth day of April 1955