How to create a network with SIODROID SERVER First of all, in the terminal that will work as SERVER you must enable the option in the SETUP screen to work as SERVER.
After restarting SIODROID in this terminal, it will run automatically a Service that will manage all external connections to this terminal databases.
On the terminals, following the Wizard, we must select the option to connect through the Network with SIODROID.
On the next screen it will ask to enter the IP address of the terminal that will work as SERVER. In case we don’t know the IP, we can push on the Database Server button in order to search the SERVER automatically.
It will search on the network all terminals set as SERVER. Make clic on the IP address we want to connect.
Now the IP address is set. We must change the terminal code number to be a unique number on the network.
Next step is to synchronize the data from the SERVER into this terminal.
After accepting the synchronization will start and send all databases from the SERVER into the terminal.
Now we have the option to select specific peripherals for this terminal. If we don’t set any receipt printer here, it will use the same as the SERVER is using. Note: Kitchen printers are always used the ones set on the SERVER.
To finalize, we can fix additional parameters for this terminal only, like the Default sales area, Table compulsory, the size of buttons, etc.