2 minute read

Key Farm Bureau issues see action during General Assembly

Although the 2023 Virginia General Assembly session was a condensed 46-day event, there was no shortage of introduced bills and follow-up issues. Virginia Farm Bureau Federation had a successful session because many of its supported policies were approved.

The General Assembly adjourned Feb. 25 but was unable to come to an agreement on changes to the biennial budget. It passed a stopgap budget with additional funding for education, the state’s revenue stabilization fund, state construction projects and the Virginia Retirement System. While legislators are expected to return and finish this work, at the time of publication the General Assembly had not finalized the budget. During this session, Farm Bureau supported key budget items that would:


• Increase Virginia’s slaughter and meat-processing capacity.

• Fully fund the Agricultural Best Management Practices cost-share program.

• Assist livestock farmers with preventing wildlife damage.

Key Policy Positions

• Incentivize localities to adopt land use assement for forest lands.

• Increase funding for training and certification of soil and water conservation district staff.

The following is a recap of key issues regarding implementation of VFBF-supported policies. These lists do not include all of the budget items or bills that Farm Bureau followed. Specifics on bills with which Farm Bureau was involved are detailed in a comprehensive summary that was mailed or emailed to Farm Bureau leaders who participate in the VFBF Action Alert and legislative update system.

Based on information available at press time, here is how 11 key policy positions fared in the General Assembly.

means Farm Bureau policy prevailed means Farm Bureau policy did not prevail means Farm Bureau was neutral on the final action, or more work needs to be done on the issue to say Farm Bureau policy prevailed.

Prevent additional requirements for aerial application of crop protectants ✓

Preserve the farm use vehicle registration exemption and reduce abuse by making clarifications to the farm use placard program ✓

Delay the mandatory implementation of certain conservation practices for farmers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed ✓

Continue the Dairy Producer Margin Coverage Premium Assistance Program ✓

Secure additional funding to support the Virginia FFA Association’s students, teachers and staff ✓

Expand and clarify the list of farm machinery and farm implements eligible for personal property tax exemption within a locality ✓

Protect key food safety laws, including the state meat inspection program ✓

Strengthen the land use assessment law ✓

Simplify the stormwater management and erosion and sediment control requirements for construction of certain farm buildings ✓

Continue the Virginia cattle assessment ✓

Ensure agriculture and forestry priorities are funded in the state’s budget ✓

Prohibit any state agency from planting or utilizing invasive plants on state-controlled lands ✓

Remember, Farm Bureau’s work is never done. After the General Assembly session, the organization works to have staff or members appointed to boards and various technical advisory committees or participate in meetings to ensure the proper implementation of legislation.

Additionally, members have begun participating in this spring’s regional policy development meetings to begin determining Farm Bureau’s policy positions for 2024.

If you are a producer member and do not receive Action Alerts but would like to, contact Tenille Nuckols, VFBF social media and member engagement coordinator, at tenille. nuckols@vafb.com or 804-290-1293.

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