35 minute read

Magnificent beasts roam Virginia farms

MAGNIFICENT BEASTS: An American icon roams Virginia farms


Rob Ferguson remembers when 260 of his bison escaped.

“A rusty chain broke off an exterior gate,” said Ferguson, who co-owns Virginia Bison Company at Cibola Farms in Culpeper with Mike Sipes. “They were all excited and playing, and they dispersed miles apart. The sheriff came and got us because they were getting ready to cross the street going toward town.”

Ferguson likened it to trying to round up deer. After an exhausting day searching and calling the herd, all the bison were safely returned to the farm.

It’s an entertaining story now, but he said it was anxiety-inducing at the time. Bison are wild animals— aggressive, temperamental and smart.

Bison require a different approach

Bison farmers have a genuine fascination and appreciation for the big animals, and raising them requires a different approach. Strong wildlife fencing is used to keep them contained, and farmers are mostly hands-off.

“We try not to really fool with them,” Sipes said. “Except for maybe once a year during round-up. Even our de-worming process or any medical stuff is as minimally hands-on as possible.”

Bison primarily eat grass and like to roam. And while they’re not as hard on the ground as cattle, Cibola practices mob grazing, or short-duration, highintensity grazing. After a few days of grazing and wallowing in the dirt to deter flies, they’re rotated to new pastures so grass can rejuvenate.

When it’s time to work them through a corral or move to a new field, they don’t respond well to “whooping and hollering” as Sipes calls it. Instead, they’re called and led. Once a dominant cow starts moving, the rest will follow. It’s their herd instinct.

Virginia Bison Company at Cibola Farms has been raising bison since 1999.

A bison’s massive head is used as a snowplow in the winter to forage for grass.

Melrose Bison Farms’ signs let people know there are bison in the area.

Bison calves are sometimes called ‘red dogs’ because they are born with an orangy-red coat. It turns brown around the time they’re ready to wean.

“We kind of have them trained,” Ferguson said. “They know that they’re going from a pasture that’s run out of resources to something that’s green and lush.”

Tricks work on instincts

Mike Morris, owner of Melrose Bison Farm in Campbell County, attests that bison farming requires a lot of learning, trial and error. He said the best way to work bison is to use their instincts against them.

“You basically have to trick them. They’re naturally curious—when you open a gate, they want to go through it. So, I’ll let them go through and then close it,” Morris said. “They’re not as much work as cattle, but it’s a lot more intense. You’re always kind of redesigning things.”

Morris once had a bull that would jump on his fence and crush it. Tired of frequent repairs, he reinforced the upper part of the fence with horizontal steel bars.

And while a bison herd looks calm and content grazing in a pasture, they’re highly territorial and dangerous. “You can’t just go out and walk in the middle of the field,” Morris said. “Once they get excited, all bets are off.”

Herds slowly recovering

History books describe the tragic plight of bison during the 19th century. Prior to westward expansion, roughly 60 million roamed the Great Plains, but within the century they were systemically slaughtered to nearextinction.

“At the end of the 1800s, there were less than 1,000,” Morris said.

Public and private conservation efforts are slowly increasing populations. Between national and state parks and independent bison farms, there are about 385,000 in North America today according to the National Bison Association. But the expense of raising bison, along with

Mike Morris said bison farming requires lots of trial and error.

the space needed, can be difficult to manage. Numbers are growing though, and as the commercial market expands, more people become interested.

“It’s farmers like us and national parks that are really putting in the effort and bringing them back,” Sipes said.

A lean, healthy meat

Compared to beef, America’s original red meat tastes slightly sweeter and is higher in protein and omega-3 fats. Bison also is lower in calories and cholesterol, and rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B12.

“It’s one of the best red meats in the world for human consumption,” Sipes said. “The nutritional value is off the charts.”

Because it’s so lean, it’s recommended that consumers cook bison steaks medium-rare to keep them tender and juicy—never past medium—and closely monitor internal temperature.

“If you overcook them, you might as well chew on your shoe,” Morris advised. “They’ll be dry and tough.”

Clockwise from top left: Bison leather cuffs and bison oil candles are among products sold by Virginia Bison Company. Bison leather is soft, strong and durable. It can be used to make purses, wallets, belts and more. Large bison head mounts adorn the walls in Virginia Bison Company’s store. A wide variety of bison meat, from steaks to jerky, are available for purchase as well as decorative bison skulls.


Cibola Burgers


2 pounds ground bison meat (with ground pork or sausage) ½ red onion, diced 3 ounces mushrooms

6 dashes Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning ¼-½ jalapeno, diced


In a large bowl, combine all ingredients, and mix well. Shape mixture into patties.

Grill patties over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, flip and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then flip again, and cook for another 1-2 minutes or until cooked through to your preference.

Coffee-rubbed Steak


¼ cup chili powder

¼ cup finely ground espresso 2 tablespoons paprika 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon dry mustard 1 tablespoon kosher salt 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 tablespoon dried oregano 2 tablespoons ground ginger 2 boneless bison ribeyes or strip steaks canola oil or olive oil

salt and coarsely ground black pepper


Preheat oven to 425°.

Combine all spices in a bowl. This rub is very flexible and can accommodate many alterations.

Preheat a cast-iron pan over high heat. Brush each side of the steak with oil, and then season each side liberally with salt and pepper. Rub 2 tablespoons of the coffee rub onto one side of each steak.

Cook the steak, rub side down, for 2 minutes. Flip the steak over, cook for 2 more minutes and then transfer the pan to the oven. Bake to medium-rare using a meat thermometer, about 5-8 minutes, or to 145°.

Remove from the pan, and let rest for 5 minutes. Slice and serve.

- Recipes courtesy of Virginia Bison Co.


• Bison cows weigh 1,000-1,200 pounds, and bulls average 1,500-2,000 pounds. • Despite their bulk, bison can run 40 mph and jump 6 feet high. • A bison’s hump supports its massive head, allowing the animal to use its head as a snowplow in winter—pushing away snow to access grass. • Bison snort and grunt to communicate with each other.

• Calves are the size of a small dog and born a surprising orange color. Their coat changes to brown once they start to wean. • Bison show aggression by raising their tails and snorting. If you see a bison looking at you with its tail up, run! • They cannot be milked. Any product labeled buffalo milk or buffalo cheese is produced from water buffalo milk.

James Harrell enjoys a cup of his Virginia Gold coffee.

Peanut coffee is a less-acidic alternative to regular coffee.

Oil is extracted from ground peanuts, and then caffeine is added before the final grind.

Striking gold

Suffolk peanut fields yield unique coffee


Before commercial coffee roasters moved to town and turned Suffolk into Virginia’s “caffeine capital,” the city had long been revered as “The Peanut Capital of the World.”

Driving through Suffolk with the smell of roasted coffee wafting in the air and a cup of Joe in hand, the two worlds serendipitously intersected in the mind of James Harrell.

“I had an aha moment,” six years ago, said Harrell, a fifthgeneration Suffolk peanut farmer. “I was driving by one of the coffee roasting facilities here, and you can smell the coffee for miles. This was right before peanut harvesting season, and it was at that moment when I thought, ‘Why don’t I make coffee out of peanuts?’” After harboring the idea for a year and taking another six months to perfect the “I think it’s really important, as far as local production process, Harrell followed products and peanut through on the idea and started selling Virginia Gold™ peanut coffee in 2017. The name is a nod to the product’s roots in products in Virginia, that we’ve created an entirely

Suffolk and the golden hue of the original batch. To produce Virginia Gold, Harrell uses new category in the peanut industry.” — JAMES HARRELL split Virginia peanuts grown on Harrell

Farms, which is owned by his father, Dennis Harrell. Manufacturing the peanut coffee with roasting and oil extraction equipment Harrell built himself, the entire production process is done in-house, creating a uniquely Virginia product.

For Virginia Gold to reach a consistency resembling coffee, the peanuts are roasted and ground, and their oil extracted before they’re finished with a final grind. The product’s caffeine content is added after it is extracted from decaffeinated coffee beans.

Harrell describes the blend as a smoother, less-acidic coffee alternative. The taste, he says, resembles a medium-roast coffee. Caffeinated and naturally decaffeinated varieties are available for purchase at vagold.com.

As the product received media coverage in early 2020, Harrell said he met with an investor to discuss an expansion. However, those plans were temporarily put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Undaunted by the holdup, Harrell is content with the current business size and low overhead. Coming from a long line of peanut farmers, he’s especially happy to use his one-man operation to oblige the wishes of his grandfather, Robert Lee

Harrell, to have people consume more peanuts.

“I think it’s really important, as far as local products and peanut products in

Virginia, that we’ve created an entirely new category in the peanut industry,”

Harrell said.

“Now that we have peanut coffee, it’s just an entirely new way of using the peanut. In a sense, that increases consumption over time.”

From cultivar to cup: Peanuts have been turned into a value-added product.

Amherst agent Ed Sale named Ralph Stokes Award Honoree

Ahumble act of generosity had a profound impact on Amherst County Farm Bureau insurance agent Ed Sale. While serving meals to destitute families in Guatemala on a church mission trip, Sale noticed a little girl standing in line, waiting for volunteers to fill her bowl with rice and chicken broth.

“She had torn clothes and three rubber bands on her wrist,” said Sale. “She wouldn’t take that bowl until she took two rubber bands off her wrist and gave each of us one. So, when you get back home, you’re a pretty humble person.”

His dedication and commitment to serving others was officially celebrated when Sale was named 2020 Ralph Stokes Award Honoree—the top sales award for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. The honor usually is announced at the end of the annual sales conference in March, which was canceled this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Sale’s heart for service has led him on multiple mission trips to Guatemala and Haiti. He doesn’t take a clean drink of water for granted. That broad worldview gives Sale a vantage point to recognize how good he has it, and he works hard to pay it forward.

“When you go to third-world countries you really learn how blessed we are in this country,” he said. “It made me realize how much God has given me. And as it says in the book of Luke, ‘To whom much is given, much is expected.’”

Honoree chose service over reward

Ray Leonard, VFBMIC vice president of sales, said Sale has long been known as a top-producing agent in Farm Bureau and is well respected in his community. Sale recently qualified to attend a sales-incentive fishing excursion, but declined the


Ed Sale shares farm time with his granddaughters, Paisley, left, and Madison Sale.

opportunity to participate in an overseas mission trip instead.

“It’s a difficult choice—to volunteer in a third-world country over an allexpenses-paid weeklong fishing trip on the Gulf Coast,” Leonard said. “But Ed didn’t hesitate, honoring his commitment to his church, his community and to those less fortunate.”

Generations of Sales still live on the same sunny acres in Amherst where he was born and raised. The family is deeply connected to its agricultural ancestry. Sale lives on a road named for his grandfather, a tobacco grower and cattle farmer. His son’s family resides in the house built by Sale’s greatgrandparents. Now Sale, his father and brother raise beef cattle on the land.

“I’ve never found any place I love more than right here,” Sale said. “I try to give Farm Bureau 50, 55 hours a week, but the rest of my time is spent out here.”

Before joining the VFBMIC family, Sale was his own boss at an auto parts store, where he worked in customer service from the age of 19. In 2001, two-time Ralph Stokes Honoree John Parr encouraged Sale to test for a sales position at Farm Bureau.

Sale said those are the only two jobs he’s ever had. “I always liked sales, maybe because I love people. I had a lot of relationships that brought me a lot of business.”

In addition to the long list of Sales’ awards and accomplishments shared with the VFB network, his proudest work has been in service to his community. He coached Dixie Youth Baseball for 20 years and was league president, and he served 16 years with the Amherst Volunteer Rescue Squad.

Award’s namesake known for determination

The Ralph Stokes Award, presented by the sales management team of the Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co., is the top recognition given annually to an agent who has a high degree of integrity, offers Farm Bureau members excellent service and has earned the respect of his or her peers.

Farm Bureau established the Ralph Stokes Award in 1986, the same year Stokes retired after selling Farm Bureau insurance for 32 years. Stokes was known for his motivation and a high level of mobility, despite the fact that he used a wheelchair. His physical limitations did not deter him from faithfully serving policyholders in remote areas.

The following are the Ralph Stokes Award Honorees since 2011: 2019 Jim Jervey, Southampton County 2018 Chris Adams, Hanover County 2017 Mike Mullins, Washington County 2016 Debbie Murphy, Hanover County 2015 Jerry Funkhouser, Shenandoah County 2014 Robin Gloss, Campbell County 2013 Mike Brown, Fauquier County 2012 David Spence, Smyth County 2011 Clay Francis, Southampton County

We take your safety seriously

Virginia Farm Bureau® takes the safety and health of its members and policyholders very seriously, which is why we are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 in Virginia. Can I still visit my insurance agent or county Farm Bureau office?

County Farm Bureau offices are open to visitors; visits by appointment are preferred. You also can utilize our phone or online resources to conduct business. What precautions are you taking to protect visitors’ health?

We ask that members and other visitors take the following steps: • Please do not come inside if you are experiencing fever, coughing, shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing. • Please wear a face covering while inside the office. • No more than one customer at a time is allowed in the lobby area. • Upon entry and before you leave, please use the hand sanitizer we’ve provided.

• Maintain a 6-foot distance from other individuals. What happens if the office closes temporarily?

If we must temporarily close an office in the interest of public health, we will do so and you will be notified as soon as possible.

We offer 24/7 phone and online resources for our clients.

Helpful Contacts: • Need to file a claim? 800-452-7714 • Need to call in a payment? 888-236-7716 • Need to make a change to your policy? 888-236-7716

You may visit vafb.com to do any of the following:* · Make a payment (VFB policies or membership only) · Request a policy change · File a claim (auto only) · View/print policy documents · View/print auto ID cards *Please note: If you have not done so already, you must create an online account using your membership number.

Thank you for your membership, and for helping us to protect the Farm Bureau family and your community!

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Group health insurance policies benefit employers

Saving money on employee business,” said Meagan Vickery, then they’re eligible to enroll in health benefits while still attracting Experient Health senior account insurance through their business,” and retaining a quality executive. “If you’re a business owner Vickery said. workforce is important in today’s competitive economy. Virginia Farm Bureau’s health insurance agency—Experient Health—can help with group insurance policies. Experient Health offers many group and already have a group health plan, we can become your broker. We evaluate your benefits to ensure they match your business needs. Many times, we can add extra benefits for our members without additional cost.” Group health insurance policies have many advantages. Premiums for group plans may be less expensive than on the individual marketplace, assuming the business owner doesn’t qualify for tax credits. insurance plans, including vision, dental, life, accident, cancer, medical gap and disability. A subsidiary of Virginia Farm Bureau, Experient Health has staff in its Richmond office and throughout the state that work to help businesses find the best insurance plans for their employees. “We make the enrollment process as streamlined as possible so business Experient Health can help companies with as few as one employee to as many as 150 employees. Selfemployed business owners also can qualify for group health insurance, Vickery added. “If a business owner does not have any W-2 employees and does not consistently pay 1099 workers, and can provide a Schedule C, F or K-1 Many group plans offer a broader network of doctors and facilities as well. And in the event the business expands, the small business owner has a benefits package in place to attract and keep quality employees. For more information on group insurance, call 800-229-7779 or visit vafb.com/quote. owners can concentrate on their from their most recent tax return,


Have questions about Medicare Supplements? Call today!

Virginia Farm Bureau 1-800-229-7779 An authorized licensed insurance agent for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, license number: 109534

This policy has exclusions, limitations and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For more information on benefits, please contact your agent or the health plan. Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or the federal Medicare program. The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance. Contact will be made by an insurance agent or insurance company. Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Vi rginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. AADVOTH006M(15)-VA SBANESAV18655

Even cyclists on Richmond’s Capital Trail need to be aware of pedestrians and other riders.

September campaign steers toward bicyclist and pedestrian safety



Move over, motorists: the end of summer is for bicyclists and pedestrians.

September is Bicyclist and Pedestrian Awareness Month in Virginia, and Drive Smart Virginia is reminding drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to share the responsibility of road safety.

The organization’s “See and Be Seen” campaign advocates for motorists to drive without distractions and to be aware of other road users. The initiative also urges bicyclists and pedestrians to avoid distractions, obey traffic laws and increase their visibility by wearing bright and reflective clothing and using flashing lights.

The promotion of this year’s campaign comes in light of pedestrian deaths reaching a record high in Virginia in 2019. Drive Smart Virginia’s annual report revealed 126 pedestrians and 13 bicyclists were killed on Virginia roads in 2019, and an additional 1,896 pedestrians and 754 cyclists were injured.

“The increase in deaths and injuries of pedestrians and bicyclists on Virginia roadways is alarming,” said Darlene Wells, executive vice president and general manager of Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co., and a member of the DSV board of directors. “Everyone has the right to use the roadways, and it is important that everyone is looking out for each other.”

Drivers are required to maintain a 3-foot distance from pedestrians and cyclists on roadways. When sharing roads with vehicles, cyclists should ride with traffic, and pedestrians should walk facing traffic, as far away from vehicles as possible.

Virginia law requires drivers to yield the right of way to pedestrians at any clearly marked crosswalk. Motorists also must yield in extensions of sidewalk boundaries at the end of a block, and at any intersection without sidewalks where the legal maximum speed doesn’t exceed 35 mph.

In rural areas where roadways may not accommodate added space for pedestrians and cyclists, drivers should use extra caution.

“As a driver, you need to be absolutely aware of where you are,” said Dana Fisher, chairman of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation Safety Advisory Committee.

“If you’re coming up on someone and you’re distracted for any reason, you’re going to approach them at a faster rate than you would anticipate. You need to be aware of blind corners, drops and hills and, especially if you’re on a road where you can’t see very clearly, you need to make sure you’re not distracted as you drive.”

Protect your car’s full value with added endorsements

When buying auto insurance, it’s common for car owners to purchase basic collision BY ADAM CULLER and comprehensive coverage to keep policy costs low.

However, in the event of a total loss of a vehicle, typical collision coverage will only pay for the vehicle’s actual cash value. To ensure coverage for the full value of your car, it’s important to consider adding auto loan/lease payoff coverage or new vehicle replacement coverage endorsements to an auto policy. Auto loan/lease payoff coverage • Is designed to pay the difference between the unpaid amount due on a vehicle’s loan or lease and the actual cash value of the covered vehicle at the time of a total loss.

This coverage can be applied to any

new, used or leased vehicle while a lien holder or leaseholder is listed on the policy. New vehicle replacement coverage • Will replace your car with the same make and model in the event of total loss, but can only be applied to cars less than 2 years old and not previously titled. It’s important to understand that this endorsement pertains to a vehicle’s model year, not length of ownership.

“If you were to buy a 2020-model car financed for 6 or 7 years and wanted to attach one of these endorsements, I’d recommend getting the loan/ lease endorsement,” said Lisa Whitus, personal and commercial lines underwriting manager for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. “The best part about this endorsement is that your vehicle doesn’t have to be 2 years old or less, and any time you have a scenario that you’d want to put this endorsement on, you can.”

While opting for loan/lease coverage costs slightly less, Whitus said new vehicle replacement coverage would make sense for those who frequently purchase new cars.

Ultimately, each endorsement is available to drivers to relieve the stress of not knowing if they could afford another car if theirs was totaled.

“You hear so many horror stories about people saying, ‘I was in a wreck, and I couldn’t get a new car with the amount I received from the accident,’” Whitus said. “If you have one of these endorsements on your policy, we’re saying that we’ll pay the difference, and you’ll have the money to get another.”


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Free Medicare 101 Educational Seminars go virtual


Pour a fresh cup of coffee, pull up a chair and grab an iPad, laptop or smartphone. This year, Medicare education has been presented virtually in living rooms across the state.

Virginia Farm Bureau Health Insurance has facilitated free Medicare 101 Educational Seminars since 2016, but this year’s sessions were held online due to the coronavirus pandemic. Tracy Cornatzer, sales manager for VFB Health Insurance division, said access to health information is more crucial than ever.

“We didn’t want COVID-19 to prevent us from holding them this year,” Cornatzer said. “We first want to educate people on how Medicare works, and second, let them know that Farm Bureau is here to help them.”

There is still time to RSVP to the final seminar in the series, scheduled for Aug. 25 at 2 p.m.

There was strong response to the sessions that kicked off in May, presented by a representative of VFB’s Health Insurance Agency. Participants RSVP’d to the session of their choice and were sent a Webex link to join that meeting.

“Some members who responded were excited to attend but never used Webex before,” Cornatzer said. “We offered to send them a test Webex so they could have a run-through before the seminar. This was a new experience for a lot of people. We hoped to make it as easy as possible for them to join.”

A Webex chat feature allowed participants to ask questions, which were addressed at the end of each session.

“And we also encouraged the participants to contact their local Farm Bureau office if they had additional questions,” Cornatzer said.

She heard from one couple who attended the Sussex County seminar last year, and attended a virtual session this year because the information is so valuable.

“Going forward, I see us continuing to offer virtual seminars,” Cornatzer said. “Once people are comfortable meeting in person, we’ll offer a mix of in-person and virtual seminars.”

To RSVP for the Aug. 25 session, email your name, county and email address to VirginiaFarmBureauHealthInsurance@ vafb.com. A Webex link will be sent from Virginia Farm Bureau Health Insurance.

If you are unable to attend and have questions about Medicare or need assistance signing up for a Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, or Part D plan, contact a local Farm Bureau office or call 800-229-7779. You also can request a quote at vafb.com/health.

Critical illness insurance plans help employees with healthcare costs

More than 137 million $5,000 individual deductible, paying competitive rate for coverage is usually Americans struggle with that $5,000 could be a financial burden. one hour of pay per week. medical debt, according to a The lump sum payment received from Stinnett knows the importance of study by the American Cancer Society. a critical illness policy can pay that critical illness plans through personal Costs associated with a sudden, major deductible or pay that individual’s experience. health event like a heart attack, stroke, personal bills until he or she can get “Both of my parents have had heart cancer diagnosis or coronary bypass back to work.” attacks,” she said. “I personally have surgery can pile up, putting a financial Claims are paid directly to the a critical illness plan that I purchased strain on a family and adding stress to a policyholder, who can determine how mainly because of my parents’ medical life-changing situation. that payment is used. A policyholder history, but also to protect my personal

Critical illness insurance plans may use it to cover medical payments, finances should I have a major health offered by employers can help provide travel for treatment, monthly bills or event as well.” some financial breathing room. These lost wages. Stinnett recommends people plans typically pay a lump sum to the Underwriting is required for evaluate the need and cost of a critical policyholder or covered parties if they approval, so policyholders will have to illness plan for themselves. “If you have suffer a major health event. answer certain medical questions to a high-deductible health plan, have a

“Many employees are interested determine whether they qualify. The family history of one or more of these in critical illness coverage to offset questions are like those asked when medical conditions and want to protect the out-of-pocket costs associated applying for life insurance. yourself financially, I would seriously with health insurance coverage,” Coverage for these plans typically is consider purchasing critical illness said Michelle Stinnett, an account offered to policyholders on a voluntary insurance.” executive with Virginia Farm Bureau’s basis. If a policyholder chooses to For more information on critical healthcare companies. “If an individual enroll, that employee is responsible illness policies, call 800-229-7779 or has a heart attack and he or she has a for 100% of the premium cost. A visit vafb.com/health.

Delicious eats on the street

Street food is having a moment. With food trucks and carts set up in parking lots or on roadsides, there’s an endless variety of convenient, ready-to-go bites available.

Prepared fresh right in front of you, street food is growing in popularity because of its relatively inexpensive price and casual vibe. Because many food trucks and stands usually are gathered in one place, there’s often a wide variety of different cuisines to try. Eaten while standing, street food goes hand-in-hand with outdoor entertainment.

Some street food vendors offer authentic ethnic cuisine like Cuban,

Greek or Mexican. Others offer creative fusions of flavors.

Whatever your palate, there’s a street food for everyone. Try some of these street treats that will kick your taste buds to the curb.

Steak Street Tacos with Spicy Pico De Gallo


3 beef flat iron steaks (about 1½ pounds) 12 5” flour tortillas spicy pico de gallo (recipe follows) 8-ounce package shredded Mexican cheese blend Marinade: ½ cup Italian dressing ¼ cup fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon honey 1½ teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon chile powder


Cut beef steaks lengthwise in half, then crosswise into ¼” strips; set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine marinade ingredients. Place beef and marinade in a food-safe plastic bag; turn to coat. Close the bag securely and refrigerate 30 minutes to 2 hours. Remove beef, and discard the marinade.

Preheat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add half of the beef; stir-fry 1-2 minutes or until the outside surface of beef is no longer pink (Do not overcook). Repeat with the remaining beef.

Street vendors often prepare meat, tortillas and a variety of vegetables on the spot, so customers are assured hot, fresh fare.

Evenly distribute the beef on the tortillas. Top each with 1 tablespoon pico de gallo and 1 tablespoon cheese .

Spicy Pico de Gallo


1½ cups chopped tomato ½ cup finely chopped onion ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro 1 tablespoon minced jalapeño pepper ¼ cup hot picante sauce or salsa 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


In a large bowl, combine tomato, onion, cilantro and jalapeño pepper. Stir in picante sauce or salsa and lime juice. Cover; refrigerate 1 hour to let flavors blend. - National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Grilled Mexican Street Corn


5 ears fresh corn, husked ¼ cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sour cream or Greek yogurt

Street corn’s taste makes up for its messiness.

¼ teaspoon garlic salt juice from one lime ¼ cup grated cotija cheese (or Parmesan, feta or queso fresco) 1 teaspoon smoked paprika (or chili powder for heat) chopped cilantro for garnish, optional


Pierce a skewer halfway into the bottom of each corn cob (If using wooden skewers, pre-soak them in water for 30 minutes).

Preheat the grill to medium heat (350-450°).

Place the corn directly over the heat, cover and let cook for 10-15 minutes, turning often until the kernels are spotted brown. While the corn is grilling, in a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, sour cream, salt and lime. In a separate bowl, mix the cheese with the paprika; set aside. Carefully remove the corn from the grill, and transfer the cobs to a large platter. Smear the mayonnaise mixture over each corn cob, then sprinkle evenly with the cheese. Serve immediately.

-Nikki Gladd of Seeded at the Table for Iowa Corn Growers Association

A raspberry smoothie made with milk and yogurt is a nutrient-packed treat.

Dairy foods packed with healthy nutrients F ad diet claims are popular in our culture and can cause confusion about what to eat. Consumers should shift their focus to consider the unique nutrients each food group provides. dairy for children 2 to 3 years, 2½ servings for children 4 to 8, and three servings for everyone beyond the age of 9. Not consuming enough calcium as a child may increase risk for osteoporosis later in life. For example, did you know that dairy foods are the No. 1 dietary source of calcium and vitamin D? Dairy linked to lower chronic disease

The following are more reasons why dairy nutrients The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend matter. low-fat or fat-free dairy foods, such as milk, cheese and Dairy provides bone-building nutrients yogurt, as part of healthy eating patterns that have been linked to health benefits.

Dairy foods like milk, yogurt and cheese are some of the Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, best naturally occurring sources of calcium. Along with which is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, vitamin D and phosphorus, calcium in dairy foods works to leading causes of death in the U.S. Research connects dairy support bone growth and maintenance. Since most of our consumption to a lower risk of high blood pressure. A bone development happens before adulthood, it is important growing body of research also indicates dairy consumption for children to consume the recommended daily servings of is associated with lower risk for Type 2 diabetes. About one dairy. in 10 American adults have diabetes, the majority of which

Guidelines recommend two servings of fat-free or low-fat are Type 2.

Dairy is a nutrient powerhouse

Dairy’s nutrient contributions have been noted in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans since they were first released in 1980. Eating dairy foods helps Americans meet recommendations for calcium, vitamin D and potassium. Additionally, dairy foods provide high-quality protein for muscle growth and repair. Meeting dairy recommendations can help Americans close nutrient gaps and contribute to overall health.

Milk can be enjoyed plain or added to a smoothie with fruit for breakfast or a post-workout snack. Yogurt can be the base of a parfait or the topping on tacos. And cheese can star on appetizer trays or provide a flavorful protein source in a salad.

By including dairy along with other healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, you are supporting your health. Visit thedairyalliance.com for delicious recipes. -Callie Yakubisin, RD, LDN, is the manager of food and nutrition outreach for The Dairy Alliance in North Carolina and Virginia. She can be reached at cyakubisin@ thedairyalliance.com.

Refreshingly Raspberry Smoothie

The perfect start to a busy morning or great finish to a tough workout, this smoothie is filling and refreshing with just a hint of cucumber and mint.


1 cup frozen raspberries 1 cup milk ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt ½ cup cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped 1 tablespoon agave 4-5 mint leaves

1 cup crushed ice


In a blender, combine all ingredients. Blend until smooth, about 2 minutes. Divide evenly between three glasses for 8-ounce servings.

2020 State Fair of Virginia has been canceled

The Virginia Farm Bureau board of directors mission, “so our first priority was to find a way to honor our announced on July 23 that it has canceled the 2020 youth and allow them to be recognized for their dedication State Fair of Virginia, and will instead hold a modified and hard work,” noted VFBF President Wayne F. Pryor. State Fair 4-H Livestock Show in early October. The “While a modified State Fair 4-H Livestock Show is not ideal, traditional fair that was scheduled for Sept. 25 through Oct. 4 we believe it will allow our youth to showcase the yearlong will not take place due to complications associated effort they’ve put into raising their animals, and with the COVID-19 pandemic. enable them to earn scholarship money as well.”

“This was a difficult decision, but safety is our Pryor said every precaution will be taken to number one priority,” said Marlene Jolliffe, the keep participants safe during the event. State fair’s executive director. “We’ve spent months Fair staff are working with Virginia Cooperative developing plans and scenarios that would allow Extension employees to finalize plans for us to still host the fair this year, but with the everthe livestock show, and those details will be changing, unpredictable COVID-19 situation, we announced at a later date. just couldn’t make it work.” The State Fair has been held each fall since

The State Fair of Virginia is an annual event that 2009 at its permanent home at the 330-acre nurtures, preserves and celebrates the best of Virginia’s Meadow Event Park in Caroline County. The event was past, present and future through scholarship initiatives, established in 1854, and was not held in 1918 due to the creative programming and a focus on the commonwealth’s Spanish influenza pandemic. agriculture and natural resources industries. In 2019, nearly “While our hearts are heavy, we believe this is the right 245,000 people attended the State Fair. thing to do,” Jolliffe said. “It is important that we are good

The complexity of the event requires thousands of stewards of our operation and consider the health and hours of planning by staff, partners and vendors; planning welfare of our communities. typically begins many months before the fair’s opening day. “We are thankful for the thousands who make this magical “In a normal year, preparing for this annual event is a huge event come to life each September. We look forward to seeing undertaking. In the midst of a global pandemic, it just wasn’t you at next year’s fair, Sept. 24 through Oct. 3. We will be feasible,” Jolliffe noted. back bigger, better and stronger.”

Agriculture and youth are the foundation of the fair’s For more information, visit statefairva.org.

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