Virginia Parks & Recreation
“Fall into the New” with Radford Parks and Recreation
An Epic Coaster & A Magical Event Coming In 2018!
Thank You!
For all your support in making 2017 another terrific year!
For up-to-date Park information including hours, go to: ©2017 Cedar Fair, L.P. KD17-430 WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Virginia Parks & Recreation
Official Publication of the Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Volume 74 WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: 804-730-9447 Fax: 804-730-9455 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR James C. Stutts, CAE, CPRP Member Services Coordinator Nancy Turnage Administrative Assistant Lori Haislip
Kings Dominion
4 5
2017 VRPS Boards, Key Leaders and Staff
VRPS WINTER 2017-2018 Calendar of Events News from Chesapeake
AutumnFest at the Chesapeake Arboretum
Get Involved with your Service Area!
10 News from LTI
2018 Leadership Training Institute
LTI Marketing Committee Needs LTI Alumni!
Editor Amy-Jo Hendrix, CPRP Send Articles to: or AmyJo Hendrix, CPRP, Town of Vienna Parks and Recreation, 120 Cherry St. SE, Vienna, VA 22180
Virginia Parks and Recreation is published three times per year by the Virginia Recreation & Park Society, Inc. VRPS is a non-profit professional organization supported by membership dues and contributions. VRPS is affiliated with the National Recreation & Park Association.
Subscription Information. Members receive the magazine as part of their annual membership dues. The magazine is available by subscription for $25 per year. Requests for subscription should be directed to VRPS, 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
Message from the President
News From City of Suffolk
City of Suffolk Department of Parks and Recreation Earns National Accreditation
News from City of Norfolk
Making a Splash in Norfolk! Norfolk Achieves National Accreditation
16 23
News From James City County
James City County Parks & Recreation Earns National Accreditation
2017 VRPS Annual Awards
Recognizing Excellence in 2016
VRPS Preferred Vendors
Editorial Statement: Statements of fact and opinions are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers, members or staff of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society or the Foundation of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society.
The mission of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society is to unite all professionals, students, and interested lay persons engaged in the field of recreation, parks, and other leisure services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
ABOUT THE COVER “Fall into the New” – 2016 Best New Environmental Sustainability Award Winner, Population Category 25,000 and Under, Radford Parks and Recreation Department The New River is a crown jewel for boaters, fishermen, tubing and many other water related activities. It is vital that everyone takes responsibility for keeping the river clean and safe. The 2016 “Fall in the New” utilized over 450 volunteers to clean the river of over 4 tons of trash and hundreds of old tires. The river was cleaned of old appliances, bottles, plastic containers, tires and many other items that were thrown in the river over the years. It was with great pride that the City of Radford was able to host and be the sponsoring agency for the 2016 event.
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Fall! LaTanya Turner
President, Virginia Recreation & Park Society
he fall air is (finally) beginning to crisp, and we are fresh off the 2017 VRPS conference…and what a great conference it was! Interesting sessions, fantastic networking opportunities and in the City of Hampton, where there is so much to see and do: “Choose Hampton”- and we did! One of the things I love most about our conferences is the ability to get a new experience with each new city, the addition of the Legislative Forum with Senator Hanger and Molly Ward who is the current Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources, was not only informative but I believe it opened up some much needed dialog between our Society and the state. Also, with the newly formed Park Operations Resource Group, many in our Park Divisions got the opportunity to participate in focused and targeted sessions that will help them daily and an additional networking opportunity for them. Many thanks to the Conference ChairsNicole Dennis and Sunny Deming, the City of Hampton, and the entire planning team for a job well done! This year has been amazing for me. Serving the membership in this role has allowed me to be a part of all the training opportunities that we present around the state: Management Conference in Suffolk, the Virginia Senior Games in Henrico, the Senior Resource Group Fall Conference in Reston and the Annual Conference in Hampton. Being involved with the resource groups, and service areas provided me with a fresh prospective, some new ideas and a deeper understanding of what each area does. What I have been able to see, in this year, is a Society that is still strong and poised to get stronger with the tremendous work that is being done around the state. What
our professionals bring to the citizens they serve will have long lasting affects for generations to come. The work that is put into providing excellent programs, walkable communities, beautiful parks and grounds, enjoyable special events…(I could go on) you get the picture, and you know, what WE do is unparalleled. Through this society we have bottled all of this supreme awesome-ness, shook it up and it rockets in the sky like fireworks! (which we also provide☺). Working with the Board and the professionals at the VRPS office has been truly rewarding. Each and every board member and all of the VRPS office staff has the Society, and its members at the top of every decision that is made. No one is a placeholder, everyone wants only the best for this society and its members. I feel privilege to work alongside such dedicated people. The members, our membership is our strength, as we continue to face challenges in ideology, funding, politics, (and whatever else gets thrown our way) we will stand strong because we stand together. As we make our communities better we continue to get better and our society is a testament to that. Thank you for your support this year, thank you for allowing me to grow with you, learn with you and learn from you. As Aaron Reidmiller takes the reigns in 2018 I hope (actually I know) you will continue to support him and the society that brings us together. Salute!
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
LaTanya Turner
2017 VRPS BOARDS KEY LEADERS & STAFF EXECUTIVE BOARD President Treasurer Lay Member Executive Director
LaTanya Turner, CPRP Aaron Reidmiller, CPRP Rita Miller Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Treasurer Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Lay Member Executive Director
LaTanya Turner, CPRP Aaron Reidmiller, CPRP Blythe Russian Bill Sgrinia, CPRP Doug Blount Arlana Fauntleroy, CPRP Jane Shelhorse Margaret Thorne Rita Miller Jim Stutts, CAE, CPRP
Isle of Wight Parks & Recreation Hopewell Recreation & Parks Virginia Department of Health Virginia Recreation & Park Society
757-357-5951 804-541-2353 804-864-7897 804-730-9447
Isle of Wight Parks & Recreation Hopewell Recreation & Parks NOVA Parks Danville Parks, Recreation & Tourism Roanoke Co. Parks, Recreation & Tourism James City Co. Parks & Recreation Fredericksburg Pks, Rec & Public Facilities City of Portsmouth Virginia Department of Health Virginia Recreation & Park Society
757-357-5951 804-541-2353 703-359-4624 x221 434-799-5200 540-387-6061 757-259-5377 540-372-1086 (209) 757-393-5143 x 4264 804-864-7897 804-730-9447
Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks Suffolk Parks and Recreation Prince William Parks and Recreation Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation
804-652-1422 757-514-7268 703-670-7112 (232) 540-459-6777
SERVICE AREA CHAIRS Central Eastern Northern Western
Heather Grubb Emily Upton Kat Fish Ben Stine
RESOURCE GROUP CHAIRS Aquatics Seniors Park Operations
Willa Whitacre, AFO Karen Brutsche, CPRP Dan Smith, CPRP Marlie Smith
Reston Association 703-435-6532 Reston Community Center 703-980-2046 Hanover County Parks & Recreation 804-365-4693 Richmond Parks, Rec & Comm. Facilities
Annual Conference 2017 Annual Conference 2018 Foundation Awards & Citations LTI 2018 Management Conference 2017 Professional Education Virginia Senior Games Legislative Magazine Editor Pres. Newsletter Editor Webinar Chair
Sunny Deming Nicole Dennis Neil Luther Greg Sager Sandy Kellogg Jason Bookheimer, CPRP Kat Fish Amy Woodson Lakita Watson, CPRP Mark Furlo, CPRP Shannon Moore, CPRP Andy Crane Heather Grubb Art Thatcher, CPRP, AFO, MPA Amy-Jo Hendrix, CPRP Marcy Durrer, CPRP Janit Llewellyn Allen
Hampton Parks and Recreation Hampton Parks and Recreation Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks Hanover County Parks & Recreation Fairfax County Park Authority Danville Parks and Recreation Prince William Parks and Recreation Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation Suffolk Parks & Recreation Portsmouth Parks, Rec & Leisure Services Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks Henrico Division of Recreation and Parks GreenPlay LLC Vienna Parks & Recreation Hanover County Parks & Recreation VA Dept of Conservation & Recreation
757-727-6348 757-727-6648 804-501-5119 804-365-4690 703-324-9205 434-799-5200 703-670-7112 (232) 757-385-0415 757-514-7251 757-393-8481 757-385-0420 804-652-1407 804-652-1422 757-592-3103 703-255-6357 804-365-4697 804-786-0887
Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE Lori Haislip Nancy Turnage
CEO Administrative Assistant Member Services Coordinator
804-730-9447 804-730-9447 804-730-9447
2018 Leadership Training Institute Annual Conference 2017 Annual Conference 2018 Management Conference 2017 Virginia Senior Games 2017 Special Events Conference
Central Eastern Northern Southwestern Western
Margaret Thorne LaTanya Turner, CPRP, Jim Stutts CPRP, CAE Katey Legg, CPRP Margaret Thorne, LaTanya Turner, CPRP Rita Miller, Jim Stutts CPRP, CAE Doug Blount, Bill Sgrinia Aaron Reidmiller, CPRP Arlana Fauntleroy, CPRP Blythe Russian Bill Sgrinia, CPRP Jane Shelhorse WINTER 2017
Aquatic Senior Park Operations and Special Interest Groups
Awards & Citations Foundation Legislation Professional Education Nominations & Elections Student Initiatives Revenue Opportunities and Fee Structures
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Blythe Russian Jane Shelhorse Arlana Fauntleroy, CPRP Bill Sgrinia, CPRP Jim Stutts CPRP, CAE Jim Stutts CPRP, CAE Arlana Fauntleroy, CPRP Margaret Thorne Lakita Watson, CPRP Blythe Russian Revised 1/19/17
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
10:00am ����������������������������� Northern Service Area Meeting
10:00am ����������������������������� 2017 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
Thu Nov 9
9:00am ��������������������������������� 2018 VSG meeting
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
11:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Exhibits Committee Meeting
All day ��������������������������������� KD FFD/GAD Ticket Deadline
Nov 10
All day ��������������������������������� VRPS Central Office Closed
9:00am ������������������������������� 2018 VSG meeting
Mon Nov 13
All day ��������������������������������� 2018 LTI Early Registration Deadline
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Leadership Training Institute Committee Meeting
Wed Nov 15
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Nov 16
10:00am ������������������������������� 2016 VRPS Board Meeting
Wed Nov 22 – Fri Nov 24 All day ��������������������������������� VRPS Central Office Closed
6:00am ������������������������������� E-update
Tue Nov 28
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Education Committee Meeting
Wed Nov 29
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Wed Dec 6
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Dec 7
9:00am ��������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Special Events & Activities Committee Meeting
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Leadership Orientation
9:00am ��������������������������������� Eastern Service Area CPRP Bootcamp
Dec 8
9:00am ��������������������������������� 2018 VSG meeting
Wed Dec 13
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Dec 14
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
11:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Exhibits Committee Meeting
Wed Dec 20
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Dec 22 – Tue Dec 26 All Day ��������������������������������� VRPS Central Office Closed
Wed Dec 27
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
All Day ��������������������������������� Service Area/Resource Group Profit & Loss Reports Distributed
Dec 29
Sunday, Dec 31
All Day ��������������������������������� March 2018 CPSI Early Registration Deadline
Visit for the complete VRPS Calendar of Events. WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
All Day ��������������������������������� Holiday - Central Office Closed
Wed Jan 3
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
10:00am ������������������������������� VRPS 1st Wednesday Webinar
Thu Jan 4
9:00am ��������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Special Events & Activities Committee Meeting
Wed Jan 10
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Jan 11
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
All Day ��������������������������������� Holiday - Central Office Closed
Jan 12
9:00am ��������������������������������� VSG meeting
12:00pm ������������������������������� NSA Winter Social
Mon Jan 15
All Day ��������������������������������� 2018 LTI Scholarship Application Deadline
All Day ��������������������������������� Holiday - Central Office Closed
Wed Jan 17
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Jan 18
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 VRPS Board Meeting
1 1:30am ������������������������������� 2019 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
Mon Jan 22
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Leadership Training Institute Committee Meeting
Tue Jan 23
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Education Committee Meeting
Wed Jan 24
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
10:00am ������������������������������� Foundation Board Meeting
Jan 26
Wed Jan 31
All Day ��������������������������������� 2018 Athletic Fields Early Registration Deadline
All Day ��������������������������������� February Parks & Recreation Magazine Submission Deadline
All Day ��������������������������������� March 2018 CPSI Regular Registration Deadline
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Feb 1
All Day ��������������������������������� 2018 LTI Regular Registration Rate Deadline
9:00am ��������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Special Events & Activities Committee Meeting
Wed Feb 7
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Feb 8
10:00am ������������������������������� 2018 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
9:00am ��������������������������������� VSG meeting
Feb 9
Wed Feb 14
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
Thu Feb 15
11:30am ��������������������������������� 2019 Annual Conference Committee Meeting
Mon Feb 19
All Day ��������������������������������� Holiday - Central Office Closed
Wed Feb 21
6:00am ��������������������������������� E-update
10:00am ������������������������������� Northern Service Area Meeting WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
at the Chesapeake Arboretum 624 Oak Grove Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320 The Chesapeake Arboretum was the perfect place for a harvesttime community event on October 7, 2017. There were plenty of activities for children such as a hay bale maze, petting zoo, pony rides, pine cone and pumpkin painting, several pumpkin piñata sessions, and even a butter-churning activity. A Cornhole Challenge took place between ‘Chesapeake’s Finest’ with members from the Sheriff’s Office and Police and Fire Departments. Vendors and exhibitors were on site to promote nature, the environment and sense of community. Tours of the 3 miles of hiking and walking trails were conducted throughout the day. Located in the heart of the city, the Chesapeake Arboretum, or “Nature’s Classroom,” is a 48-acre site used for promotion of horticultural and environmental awareness through programs, displays, and education. The hiking trails meander through a hardwood forest featuring more than 100 identified tree species, a stream and lake. There is a 3-mile self-guided tree walk. In
the fall, trees like Paw-Paw and Fig take center stage, but in the spring, the Stewartia Grove provides color from its beautiful flowers. The camellias of Camellia Cove bloom through the winter months. The site also includes the Caleb Willliamson Farmhouse, c. 1700s. Many volunteers such as the Chesapeake Master Gardeners, scouts, community groups, businesses, and others spend thousands of hours each year to help keep this gem maintained for public use. The Chesapeake Arboretum Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity regarding its operation, maintenance and improvement and assists in its promotion. The Chesapeake Arboretum was designated a Virginia Treasure in 2016 by Governor McAuliffe as an economic and environmental asset for Virginia’s natural and cultural resources. For more information about the Chesapeake Arboretum, visit Departments/parks-recreation-tourism/parks/arboretum.htm
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Get Involved with your Service Area! Contributed by Kat Fish, NSA Chair Splashdown Waterpark When I became involved with the Northern Service Area, I was still grasping what these service areas were all about. The Communications Chair became vacant mid-term and I applied. Being involved is something I strive for, as I was already a member of the LTI committee. I was appointed to the position and everything else took off from there. Thru NSA and LTI, I have been open to many opportunities and networks that I would have not been exposed to. I developed professionally by leading meetings in front of my peers and other professionals. It taught me to plan meetings that were conducive and meaningful to our members. To value our members’ time, we “themed” our meetings so they knew prior the topic of discussion. NSA also introduced me to a whole new network of individuals outside of my respective agency. Many of these individuals I know I could contact for just about anything. Widening your network is helpful for idea sharing and future reference purposes. I am now getting ready to finish my final year as NSA Chair. I highly encourage you to get involved in your service area… reach out and see if there are committee opportunities or other ways to assist the current board. NSA currently has committee lead positions available in: Recruitment, Assistant Communications, and Awards & Citations. Please reach out to if you could help fill one of these roles. WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2018 Leadership Training Institute April 15-17, 2018 | Wintergreen Resort 8…
, 201 …April 15-‐17 te tu ti s n I g in ip Train ders- hone sort and icons now replacing LeaTime of the thingste our words all n Re- letters reemost lacing ou r Win wergvalue icons now rep
t u see the pos oing? g u about LTI… already been… thinking about
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nd for ways to ‘shave rs alook in efforts to ‘speed up’ communication. We off’ e a few seconds to ‘shav most -‐ l ette ook for ways l ings we value h e t W he t n. f io o of We make r at ne -‐ o‘make good time’d –uto unic ‘be doing’ - for fear constantly of ‘wasting for featime.’ Tim–e to ee p ’ comm y ‘be doing’ -‐ sp tl ‘ o an t st ts r on or c ff o f e t o – ‘best use of ourttime’ all in everyday onak t use ouafter od tim wordschoices bee’the all, we e gowill ill be he ‘bes– because, ‘m what w o t t – ha w ds n on o y . ec s ew everyda ard we try eshow off’ a fcan’t h ic ho ow c h e r ak te get it back, no matter hard we try. m at o m ’ We get it back, n ‘wasting time. all, we can’t er ft a , se au ec dership – b time’With oose Lea unt,’ chchoose so much pressure to ‘make every second Leadership ocount,’ c nd o l ive Training ec s ry ake eve rt days, you’ll m ‘ ho o s t o e w t ur r ss ve re O two short days, you’ll h p – you’ll be gladlayou -‐ with did! live did! Over ith so muc(LTI) each other e g d you WInstitute ting to know LTI) – you’ll b et ( g te – tu te ti ta s ns I nd a ng professionals from s thestate – getting to other - developing jects other Traini acrosthe up proeach romacross groknow rofessionals f attend participate in ’ll ’ll other prelationships. ou ou Y Y . s. with lasting ps er hi th You’ll participate ow in group - you’ll learn pire o and activities to insprojects ting relations rt zone – rself and h developing las you your comfo f ut o e bo a d si rn ut o ea l about yourself and how to inspire others. You’ll attend hands-on workshops and be p ’ll d to ste activities -‐ you home. b e encourage ng ni nd a ur et ps r o er sh encouraged your nces aftzone – and best of all, you’ll use these s-‐on work to step outside eriecomfort hand exp seof you’ll use the ll, a f o t es b and experiences after returning home. at l ocation. activities. Gre at re G s. on reat sessi eople. Gpeople. Great pGreat Great sessions. -‐ Attend LTI -‐ nt Great activities. ing it cou ! Great location. ak m eer -‐ o ar t c s r e’ ou er H nsform y ra T -‐ ly us uo arn contin LeHere’s rself. LTI—Learn ring you tothmaking itpicount! Attend s by ins er o e ir sp e In ill b -‐ trust us, it w on’t miss out– Transform your career – Inspire Dcontinuously pent! yourself. Don’t miss out – trust byl sinspiring me wel tiothers te.aspx us, it will be time well to register: TrainingInstitu or spent! ip n io sh at er m ad or Le nf i TI ents/L For more /EducationEv /w :/ tp ht For more information or to register:
LTI Marketing Committee Needs LTI Alumni! YOU are our biggest assets and our greatest resource for new participants at the institute. Sharing your experience with fellow staff members helps keep the buzz about LTI growing. Take a look around your department, recommend a fellow staff member to attend in 2018. Give that individual the same opportunity you had, a chance to continue to develop themselves as a leader! The marketing committee for LTI is looking for individuals to share their experience. We are looking for you to describe how LTI has impacted you in your daily work life and why you would recommend an individual to attend the institute. These first-hand accounts will be published in e-blasts, blogs, and upcoming VRPS magazines. Email Co-Chair Kat Fish kfish@ if you are interested!
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
CITY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION EARNS NATIONAL ACCREDITATION The City of Suffolk Department Parks and Recreation joins the ranks of elite park and recreation agencies across the country by earning accreditation through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). This
distinguished accomplishment was awarded during the 2017 NRPA Annual Conference in New Orleans. CAPRA accreditation is the only national accreditation for park and recreation agencies, and is a measure of an agency’s overall quality of operation, management and service to the community. This mark of distinction indicates that an agency has met rigorous standards related to the management and administration of lands, facilities, resources, programs, safety and services. As part of the accreditation process, Suffolk Parks and Recreation had to demonstrate compliance with 151 recognized standards and document all policies and procedures. Often the process helps identify efficiencies and heighten areas of accountability, all of which translate into higher quality service and operation to benefit the community. The process for accreditation involves a formal application, selfassessments, a site visit by a team of trained visitors that results in a written report, and a hearing with the commission to grant accreditation. Once accredited, the agency must uphold the standards by submitting an annual report and is reviewed again in five years. The Commission is comprised of representatives from NRPA, the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, the National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials, the International City/County Management Association, the Academy for Leisure Sciences, the Armed Forces Recreation Network and the Council of State Executive Directors. For more information about CAPRA accreditation, visit www. .
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Making a Splash in Norfolk! By Saliyah Hinton & Holly Christopher
Up 25% from previous years, 2017 was a record setting year for visitation to Norfolk’s beaches, and a demonstration of its residents’ desire to access the water that surrounds much of the city. Water, so integral to Norfolk, is a focal point in all aspects of our community’s lifestyle. More than ever, people in Norfolk are grabbing fishing rods, paddleboards, kayaks, and canoes to get out and play on the water. All Norfolk residents deserve to be able to safely and easily utilize the natural amenities the area has to offer. And Norfolk’s Department of Recreation, Parks & Open Space (RPOS) is committed to increasing recreational, and safe, access to our residents. Situated along
the Chesapeake Bay, Lafayette River, and the Elizabeth River, the opportunities to explore abound. One of the best ways to explore these waterways is by hopping into a kayak and gliding through the waters, and people are paddling through them now more than ever. They spot native crabs, great blue herons, and snowy egrets traversing the shorelines, and numerous fish skimming through the water along the current.
are natural filters, resulting in a decline in the rivers’ water quality to the point that popular activities such as fishing and crabbing were not encouraged to protect the health of residents. Recent conservation efforts have made local waterways easier and safer to access. The City of Norfolk, environmental organizations, and countless volunteers have worked tirelessly to improve the health of the rivers. Groups like Keep Norfolk Beautiful, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and Elizabeth River Project have conducted conservation projects such as regular coastal cleanups and oyster bed restoration projects that have directly contributed to the resurgence of the waters’ quality.
That hasn’t always been the case. Previous activities and neglect had caused an increase in pollution levels that overwhelmed the native oysters, which
In 2016 the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality released the findings that the Lafayette River now meets state water-quality standards for recreation. This has really kicked recreation interest into high gear, and RPOS is eager to accommodate the demand. Norfolk now boasts 13 kayak and canoe access points and is looking
Lavalette Kayak Launch and Fishing Pier — Opened October 26. WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
to increase that number. The newest site is the LaValette Fishing and Kayak Pier, located along the Lafayette River. Located near the Virginia Zoo, its proximity to the Zoo provides families with additional outing and educational opportunities. Kayakers will use the launch to get on the water to explore wildlife, either with a group of friends and family or as a solo relaxing escape. Though the grand opening is in late October 2017, fishermen have already been spotted daily with lines in the water and crab pots dangling from the posts. RPOS staff member, Ben Kane, who worked directly on the LaValette project, is eager to show off the location this month, “All of the places we’re opening are so peaceful and beautiful, waiting until next spring seems like too long.” More access points are in the works, and with the help of the Watershed Task Force, they will also be in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act and environmentally responsible. Any strategy to create parks, trails and other outdoor recreation facilities is planned in conjunction with The Watershed Task Force to ensure environmental sustainability throughout the city. Up next is a plan to construct a pier near Old Dominion University, encouraging the college students in the area to explore and enjoy their home away from home.
NORFOLK ACHIEVES NATIONAL ACCREDITATION Awarded to the Department of Recreation, Parks & Open Space at national conference in New Orleans The Norfolk Department of Recreation, Parks and Open Space (RPOS) is proud to announce its acceptance for accreditation by the Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). As a member of the National Recreation and Park Association, the department has spent the last 24 months preparing for the accreditation process, in an effort to provide excellence in operation and service.
CAPRA accreditation is the only national accreditation for park and recreation agencies, and is a measure of an agency’s overall quality of operation, management and service to the community. This mark of distinction indicates that an agency has met rigorous standards related to the management and administration of lands, facilities, resources, programs, safety and services. Being accepted for accreditation means that Norfolk meets these national standards of best practice. To maintain that status, these practices will undergo continued, extensive evaluation, resulting in continued quality improvement. Out of 6,600 recreation departments across the country, less than 200 have achieved accreditation.
“RPOS seeks to enrich the quality of life for Norfolk citizens through recreational opportunities,” says Darrell R. Crittendon, RPOS Director, “The accreditation process has allowed us to identify opportunities to enhance those experiences and streamline our operations, strengthening our department overall.”
Significant progress has been made in conserving Norfolk waterways that are leading to safer, more appealing recreational activities that engage local residents and celebrates what makes the area unique. Commitment to quality recreation activities such as these are part of what has led RPOS to achieve its recent accreditation by the Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). Norfolk is really making waves! WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
JAMES CITY COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION EARNS NATIONAL ACCREDITATION James City County joins the ranks of elite park and recreation agencies across the country by earning accreditation through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). This distinguished accomplishment was awarded during the 2017 NRPA Annual Conference held in late September. CAPRA accreditation is the only national accreditation for park and recreation agencies, and is a measure of an agency’s overall quality of operation, management and service to the community. This mark of distinction indicates that an agency has met rigorous standards related to the management and administration of lands, facilities, resources, programs, safety and services. As part of the accreditation process, Parks & Recreation had to demonstrate compliance with 151 recognized standards and document all policies and procedures. Often the process helps identify efficiencies and heighten areas of accountability, all of which translate into higher quality service and operation to benefit the community.
receive accreditation. The Department received very positive feedback from CAPRA with comments focused on well-maintained facilities, passionate and knowledgeable staff, teamwork, pride in what we do, commitment to our community and our ability to work in partnership with community organizations.”
efficient and effective delivery of services to our citizens. There are presently 166 nationally accredited parks and recreation agencies in the U.S. with ten of those earned by Virginia localities. The Commission is comprised of representatives from NRPA, the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, the National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials, the International City/County Management Association, the Academy for Leisure Sciences, the Armed Forces Recreation Network and the Council of State Executive Directors.
The process for accreditation involves a formal application, self-assessments, a site visit by a team of trained visitors that results in a written report, and a hearing with the commission to grant accreditation. Once accredited, the agency must uphold the standards by submitting an annual report and is reviewed again in five years.
For more information on James City County Parks & Recreation, please contact veda.mcmullen@ or 757-259-5415. For more information about CAPRA accreditation, visit CAPRA.
The benefits of accreditation include an increased potential for external financial support and tax savings through grants, documenting all department operations as a benchmark for continuous improvement, and routinely reviewing our department against national standards to ensure
John Carnifax, County Parks & Recreation Director, added “Parks & Recreation staff, as well as numerous County staff members, worked diligently over the past year to comply with the more than 150 standards needed to
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
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Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Fellows Award
Art Anselene, Town of Herndon Parks and Recreation
Distinguished Service Award
Mark Furlo, Portsmouth Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services Kim Turner, New Kent County Parks and Recreation
Outstanding New Professional Award Maureen Wilson, Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Tracy Newsom, James City County Parks and Recreation
Distinguished Private Sector Service Award Elizabeth River Project, Portsmouth Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services Go Ape!, James City County Parks and Recreation
Distinguished Volunteer Service Award
Col. Glenn A. Trimmer, USAF, RET, Stafford County Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities Karen Pusey, Chesterfield County Parks and Recreation
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Best New Program by Population 25,000 and under
Mess Makers, Colonial Heights Recreation and Parks
25,001 - 50,000
Cheer All, Danville Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
Hill City Hoops, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation Rides
Greater than 100,000
Norfolk Nighthawks, City of Norfolk Recreation, Parks and Open Space
Best New Special Event by Population 25,000 and under
Gypsy Hill Drive-in for Kids, Staunton Parks and Recreations Camp
25,001 - 50,000
Shenan“Glow”ah Golf Classic, Shenandoah County Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
“The Haunting” Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, Roanoke Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
Red, White & Lights, Henrico Recreation and Parks
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Best New Facility (Bricks and Mortar) by Population 50,001 - 100,000
Lynchburg City Stadium, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
Roll-top Observatory, Fairfax County Park Authority
Best New Facility (Parks, Playground, Greenways and Trails) by Population 25,000 and under
Matthews Park, Goochland County Parks and Recreation
50,001 -100,000
Pittsylvania County Park Project, Pittsylvania County Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
Embrey Mill Park, Stafford County Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Best New Renovation/Addition (Bricks and Mortar) by Population 25,000 and under
Montgomery Hall Park Pool Renovation, Staunton Parks and Recreation
25,001 - 50,000
Soft Play Room, Warren County Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
Riverside Park, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
Norfolk Boxing Center, City of Norfolk Recreation, Parks and Open Spaces
Best New Renovation/Addition (Parks, Playground, Greenways and Trails) by Population 25,000 and under
Waller Mill Park, Williamsburg Parks and Recreation
25,001 - 50,000
Abreu-Grogan Park, Danville Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
Paradise Creek Wetland Learning Lab and Kayak Launch, Portsmouth Parks,
Recreation and Leisure Services Greater than 100,000
Dodd Park Trails Renovation, Chesterfield County Parks and Recreation
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Best New Environmental Sustainability by Population 25,000 and under
Fall into the New, Radford Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
Please Do Hug the Trees, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
Arlington County Magnolia Bog Restoration, Arlington County Department of Parks
and Recreation
Best Promotional Effort - Traditional by Population 25,000 and under
Herndon Black Friday Sales Flyer, Herndon Parks and Recreation
25,001 - 50,000
Children’s Festival Coloring Ad, Danville Parks and Recreation and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
PLAY Magazine Winter Activity Guide, Roanoke Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
2016 Discovery Trail Map- Presidential Edition, Fairfax County Park Authority
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Best Promotional Effort - Specialty by Population 25,000 and under
Herndon Festival T-Shirt, Herndon Parks and Recreation
50,001 - 100,000
The Green Machine, Lynchburg Parks and Recreation
Greater than 100,000
NOVA Parks Website Re-design, NOVA Parks
2017 VRPS President’s Awards Heather Clement, Henrico Recreation and Parks Kari Diop, CPRP, Virginia Beach Parks and Recreation James Mickle, CPRP, City of Norfolk Recreation, Parks and Open Space Mark Palamarchuck, Portsmouth Parks, Recreation and Leisure Services
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
2017 VRPS Annual Awards | Recognizing Excellence in 2016
Arthur A. Anselene On February 2, 1976, Arthur A. Anselene began an illustrious 41 year career with the Town of Herndon. Art served as the Director of Parks and Recreation for 31 years, led the agency to four NRPA National Gold Medals for Excellence, the highest award presented in the industry; and ended as Herndon’s Town Manager for the final 10 years of his career. Growing from a single-employee operation into a comprehensive parks and recreation system to include its eleven parks, indoor tennis center, and flagship Herndon Community Center, Art’s 31 years of leadership resulted in the department becoming Virginia’s fourth to receive national accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA); and, earning numerous state and national awards. Art created numerous model programs, including the Herndon Festival; Labor Day Festival; Holiday Arts and Crafts Show; Turkey Trot 5k; outdoor concert series; and, Towne Square Singers. Mr. Anselene’s commitment to the highest standards in local government parks and recreation was apparent through his service on the boards of several professional and community organizations, which included the American Academy for Parks and Recreation Administration (AAPRA); CAPRA; the International City/County Management Association; and the Virginia Local Government Management Association. Locally, Art is active with Herndon’s Rotary Club, a former member of the Optimist Club, the Foundation for the Cultural Arts, and the Jaycees. Mr. Anselene was an elected Southern Regional VRPS representative to NRPA; served twice on the VRPS annual conference planning committee, and a member of the Gold Medal award committee for the AAPRA. He encouraged staff involvement in VRPS through membership, conference attendance, volunteerism, and participation at both the local and state level. More than his personal involvement, he believed in the Society’s role in representing the field, and building the next generation of parks and recreation leaders. It is an honor to recognize Arthur A. Anselene as the 2016 Fellows Award recipient.
VRPS Fellows Award Recipients 1964...... Myrtle Patterson Don Wingo Lucy Patterson Charles “Pappy” Nixon 1965...... Jesse Reynolds Howard Mast 1966...... Nan Crow 1967...... Cecil Gilkerson Bill Castleberry 1968...... Mary Schwartz 1969...... Ralph Wilson 1971....... Calvin Schilling 1973...... Leon Curtis 1974...... Marion Moody Hormachea 1975...... Ronald Reynolds Don Hull 1976...... James Greiner 1977...... William Garman 1979...... Fred Williams 1981....... Ellett McGeorge 1982...... Darrell Shell 1983...... Joe Hensley Michael Wise 1984...... John Gilstrap 1985...... Lakey Logan
City of Lynchburg City of Norfolk City of Norfolk City of Newport News City of Richmond City of Suffolk City of Charlottesville City of Harrisonburg McGuire Veterans Hospital V.A. Hospital, Salem V.A. Hospital, Salem Virginia Commonwealth University Campbell County Accomack County City of Portsmouth City of Chesapeake City of Richmond Henrico County Roanoke County City of Alexandria Virginia Commonwealth University City of Danville City of Harrisonburg
1986...... Ned Cheely, Jr. 1988..... Susan Walston 1989...... Muriel Barbour 1990..... Tish Lindsey 1991....... Tom Blekicki 1993...... Eldon James, Jr. 1995...... Roger Pollard 1996...... Ned Cheely, III 1997...... C. William Boyce 1999...... Charles Hester 2001..... Annie Thornton 2002..... Robert Antozzi 2003..... Douglas Kennedy 2007..... Michael Poplawskii 2008.... Cindy Curtis 2009.... Darrell Crittendon 2010..... Tom Clarke 2011....... Beth Wood-Whitley 2012...... Cindy Jo Daniel 2013...... Carol Steele 2014...... Sean Gleason 2015...... Greg Sager 2016...... Nancy Ellis 2017...... Art Anselene
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
City of Virginia Beach City of Virginia Beach McGuire Veterans Hospital City of Danville Henrico County King George County City of Alexandria James City County City of Virginia Beach City of Petersburg City of Richmond City of Fredericksburg Virginia Wesleyan College Newport News City of Virginia Beach City of Norfolk City of Roanoke City of Virginia Beach County of Henrico Gloucester County City of Colonial Heights Hanover County James City County Town of Herndon
VRPS Preferred Vendors ACTIVITIES Go Ape Tree Top Adventures Kings Dominion National Flag Football Piedmont Virginia ASA USTA Mid-Atlantic AQUATICS AAquatic Council, LLC British Swim School - Dulles Harper and Company, Inc. Jazzy Pools, Spas, and Fitness, LLC National Pools of Roanoke DESIGN/CONSULTING Bowman Consulting Group Capitol Landing Mulch - 2018 Exhibitor Commonwealth Sports Turf Services Gale Associates Land Planning and Design Associates Landscape Supply, Inc. Smith Midland Corp Smith Turf Timmons Group EDUCATION Old Dominion University Virginia Turfgrass Council
FACILITY AMENITIES American Ramp Company Anchor Audio Bedford Technology Court One GaGa Court Glasdon Inc. Mateflex Miller Flooring Mosca Design Most Dependable Fountains Musco Sports Lighting, LLC 2018 Exhibitor Pioneer Athletics R.J. Thomas Manufacturing Company Shoco, Inc. Smith-Midland Corporation Smith Turf and Irrigation SofSURFACES SportMaster Stageline Mobile Stage Turf Tank
GameTime - 2018 Exhibitor Discount Playground Supply, Inc. Kompan MaxPlayFit, LLC Mid-Atlantic Products, Inc. MTS Recreations Playground Specialists, Inc. Southern Playground Sparks@Play Spohn Ranch Skateparks Virginia Playground Services SOFTWARE ACTIVE Network eTrak Maximum Solutions, Inc. - 2018 Exhibitor ReCPro Software SSCI Vermont Systems SPORTS APPAREL/EQUIPMENT BSN Sports Challenger Sports SCORE
HEALTH AND WELLNESS American Red Cross BraiNtacT
SUPPLIES Riverside Paper Supply Fox Screen Print and Embroidery
PLAYGROUND/PARK All Recreation Bliss Products Cunningham Recreation/
Thank You 2017 Annual Conference Sponsors SUNDAY “GLOW BOWL” SOCIAL SPONSOR
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Hands-On Athletic Fields Training, 2018
From Irrigation to Aeration, Mowing to Management, What Works and What Doesn’t Date
Monday, March 12, 2018
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Mike Goatley (Virginia Tech), Jeff Clarke (Toro)
Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA 24061 540-231-2951
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Chesapeake Parks & Recreation Mike Goatley (Virginia Tech), Jeff Clarke (Toro)
Western Branch Community Center 4437 Portsmouth Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23321 757-465-0211
Wednesday. March 14, 2018 Henrico Division of Recreation & Parks Mike Goatley (Virginia Tech), Jeff Clarke (Toro)
Dorey Park Recreation Center 2999 Darbytown Rd,, Henrico, VA 23231 804-795-2334
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Claude Moore Recreation Center 46105 Loudoun Park Ln., Sterling, VA 20164
Loudoun Co. Parks, Recreation, & Community Svc. Mike Goatley (Virginia Tech), Jeff Clarke (Toro)
Lunch Included 8 - 8:30 am 8:30 - 9:45 am 9:45 - 10:00 am 10 - 11:15 am 11:15 - 11:45 am 11:45am - 12:30pm
Check-in Topics Break Topics Questions & Answers Lunch
12:30 - 2pm
Hands-On/Facility Tour
CEUs included (.2 CEUs pending approval)
ABOUT THE SPEAKERS Jeff Clarke, CSE is the District Sales Manager – Mid-Atlantic for the Toro Company. He previously served as a Commercial Territory Manager with Turf Equipment and Supply Company and as the Superintendent at Penderbrook Golf Club. Jeff has been part of the turf industry for more than 20 years and regularly presents on relevant industry trends regionally and nationally. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences and is currently completing his Master of Business Administration from Virginia Tech. “This session will focus on the latest technology available to properly manage field moisture levels, while touching on key water usage trends, water conservation techniques, irrigation system design and installation, and troubleshooting techniques. Hands-on product displays and visuals will be used to highlight key information. Learn from irrigation industry leaders on how to get the most out of your irrigation system!” Dr. Mike Goatley, Jr. is Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist in the Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences of Virginia Tech. Goatley has B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Kentucky and the PhD from Virginia Tech. Following 15 years on the faculty of Mississippi State University, Goatley returned to Blacksburg where his primary responsibilities are statewide development and implementation of educational outreach programs for all areas of turfgrass management. Mike has co-authored four books on sports turf management, was elected to the STMA Board of Directors in 2008, and is served as STMA President in 2012—2013. “I will work my way month by month through the calendar detailing the major sports turf management practic-
es/strategies to either apply then or to plan for in the future. We will also consider that many very positive things happen during the 'off-season' of sports turf management as well, and how to take advantage of that supposed 'down time' both professionally and personally." WINTER 2017
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Field Use, Turf Selection, Pesticide & Fertilizer Application, Water Use Efficiency, Skinned Area & Pest Management, Weed Control
Hands-On Athletic Fields Training, 2018
Name: ____________________________
Badge Name: ___________________ Cert. Initials: _______________
Address: __________________________
City: _______________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _______
Title: ______________________________
Phone (Office): ___________________
Phone (Mobile): __________________
Agency: __________________________________________________________
Fax: ________________________ VSTMA# ________________________
Monday, March 12 2018 — Virginia Tech
Wednesday, March 14, 2018 — Henrico County
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 — City of Chesapeake
Thursday, March 15, 2018 — Loudoun County VRPS/VSTMA
Registration Fee—Includes Lunch
VRPS Non-Member
Early — received by 1/31/2018
Regular — received 2/1/2018 - 2/28/2018
Late — received after 2/28/2018
Check#: __________ Need Invoice: Yes Credit Card:
Make checks payable to VRPS
TOTAL DUE = $ VRPS (Virginia Recreation and Park Society) 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: (804) 730-9447 Fax: (804) 730-9455 Email:
PO#: _____________ No
Master Card AMEX Discover
Credit Card #: _______________________________ Expiration Date: Name on Card: _______________________________ Address: (for credit card statement)
Cancellation Policy: If received in writing before 2/28/2018 VRPS will refund your registration fee less a $15 administrative charge. Cancellations not received in writing will not be eligible for a refund. No cancellations will be accepted after 2/28/2018, however substitutions will be accepted.
Special Accommodations:
City: ______________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Signature: ________________________Date: ______
I require special accommodations, including dietary, to participate in this workshop. (Please attach a description of your needs with your registration by February 28, 2018).
Phone: ______________ Fax: ___________________
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course and Exam March 7 - 9, 2018 – Newport News, VA Phone: 804-730-9447
On or before 12/31/17
CPSI Course & Exam
*Includes Lunches & Site Visit
CPSI Course Only
*Includes Lunches & Site Visit
FAX: 804-730-9455
1/1/18– 1/31/18
2/1/18 or after
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
VRPS Member
1.5 CEUs are included in the course fee.
*A candidate who has a disability may request a special accommodation; the request must be submitted in writing at the time of course or exam registration. In order to properly accommodate all persons with disabilities it is recommended that all requests be made 45 days prior to the scheduled date for the course and exam. *English as second language (ESL) candidates may request a time extension and/or the use of a strict translation dictionary. Candidates request forms/fees must be submitted to NRPA no less than 30 days prior to the exam.
*Price includes UPS Ground Shipping within the Continental United States to a BUSINESS address. Shipping to Residential address will be an additional $10 fee. Please call for international shipping fees. Cancellation Policy: Registration fee, less a $300 cancellation charge, will be refunded if cancellation is received in writing by December 31, 2017. Substitutions are allowed. No refunds will be considered after December 31, 2017.
Request forms are available online at The course host will work collaboratively with NRPA to ensure all approved, reasonable accommodations are met.
REGISTRATION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT First Name: Last Name: Name on Badge: Agency: Title: Shipping Address: (No PO Boxes): ___ ___________________ City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: __ Fax: Address is Business or Residential? VRPS Member: __Yes __No Attendees that are continuing their certification MUST provide their certification number. CPSI Certification Number for Renewal: Study materials will not be shipped until both the minimum of 25 course registrants is reached and full individual payment is received. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure timely payment is received by VRPS in order to allow materials to be sent and received, adhering to three weeks minimum preparation as recommended by NRPA.
Credit Card Type: Credit Card Number: Name on Card: Billing Address: Phone: Date:
City: Email: Signature:
Check/PO Number: Exp. Date: Security Code: Agency: State: ____Zip: ___Fax: ___ ___________________
Payment-in-full, in the form of check, money order, or credit card, is required to secure placement in program. If paying by check, make payable to VRPS and mail with registration form to:
Course and Exam will be held at: Denbigh Community Center 15198 Warwick Blvd. Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 812-7900
Virginia Recreation & Park Society/CPSI 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Course Details
Who Should Attend
Resource materials developed especially for this course are included in the registration fee and will be mailed to all participants who pre-register. If you have previously attended the course and wish to take only the exam, you may register for that portion of the program only. Exam only participants can purchase the resource/study material at All participants who pass the exam will be issued a Certified Playground Safety Inspector’s “CPSI” Certificate. Hotel reservations must be made separately – information is available at the bottom of this page. Total registration is limited to 80. No walk-ins are allowed for the course or exam. The exam is administered on the third and final day of the course.
Administrators Supervisors Risk Managers Public Works Departments Building & Grounds Maintenance Staff Engineers Architects Playground Equip. Representatives Operators & Caretakers of Playgrounds In: Parks o Schools o Camps o Homeowner Associations Hotels/Resorts o Day Care Centers Agencies such as: o YMCA’s/YWCA’s o Boys & Girls Clubs
About the Course
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, it is estimated that each year over 200,000 injuries occur on playgrounds and 70% of these occurred at public parks and schoolyards. Sponsored by the National Recreation and Park Association this CPSI course is the most comprehensive training program on playground hazard identification and risk management methods offered anywhere. Advanced reading and fifteen hours of training from nationally known playground safety experts will prepare participants to sit for the Certified Playground Safety Inspector examination offered at the culmination of the certification course. Plan your registration and payment accordingly: A minimum of 3 weeks of study time is recommended; NRPA advises not to take the exam if materials have not been thoroughly read.
Program Highlights: Hazard Identification Safety Surfacing Materials Playground Equipment Accessibility Safety Management Audit Objectives & Procedures Maintenance Procedures & Standards Off-site Park Visit
Schedule Day One- Wednesday 7:30- 8:00 AM 8:00- 8:45 AM 8:45 – 9:15 AM 9:15 – 9:30 AM 9:30 – 12:00 PM 12:00-1:00 PM 1:00 -2:45 PM
Registration Welcome & Introduction CPSI Program Break CPSI Program Lunch CPSI Program
2:45 - 3:00 PM 3:00 - 4:45 PM 4:45- 5:00 PM
Break CPSI Program Exam Preparation
Day 2-Thursday 8:00 – 9:15 AM 9:15 – 9:30 AM 9:30 – 11:45 AM
CPSI Program Break CPSI Program
Day 3- Exam Friday 8:00-9:00 AM Check in 9:00-11:00 AM Exam
11:45 – 12:00 PM
Questions & Answers
12:00 – 1:00 PM 1:00 – 3:15 PM
Lunch Site Investigation
3:15 – 3:30 PM 3:30 – 4:30 PM 4:30 – 5:00 PM
Break Site Investigation Wrap Up Questions & Answers Period
Hotel Information: Deadline is 3/6/18 or until the block is filled. Comfort Inn – Patrick Henry $75 + Tax/night, includes breakfast 12330 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, VA 23602 (757) 249-0200 Mention Virginia Recreation and Park Society
Many thanks to VRPS 2018 CPSI sponsors!
Virginia Recreation & Park Society