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 VPAA  School Deans  Registrar  Nine Faculty (four to be elected by the faculty, at least two of whom must be tenured and elected in alternating years (becomes effective with the 2019-20 academic year), and four to be elected by schools, all for staggered three-year terms; and one education faculty member selected by that department)  Representative of VWU Global Campus  A representative from the General Education Committee  Student members as determined by the commission

The Commission on Faculty Standards and Welfare

Mission: -to consider issues pertaining to faculty welfare and professional development, to conduct hearings and to make recommendations when appropriate.

Membership: Ten faculty members:  One representative from the Committee on Advancement and Tenure  Three faculty members elected to Faculty Hearing Committee  Four faculty members elected by their schools for staggered three-year terms  Two at large members of the faculty elected for staggered three-year terms, at least one of whom must be tenured and appointed in alternating years (becomes effective with the 201920 academic year).  Elections to positions filled by the rotation of faculty members shall be held each March.

Committees: Two standing committees contribute members to this commission. The committees are organized as follows:

The Committee on Advancement and Tenure

It is the responsibility of this committee to give regular and systematic consideration to faculty candidates for advancement and tenure in consultation with the VPAA, to promote high standards of faculty performance as expressed in the standards of faculty excellence described in Section III, Faculty Evaluations, and to bring recommendations for faculty advancement and tenure to the VPAA.

Membership: The committee has five members and one alternate elected from the full- time teaching faculty. Each school shall elect one person to represent the school, and one at-large member and the alternate shall be elected by the Faculty Assembly. Members serve a three-year term, and these terms are staggered so that one member is elected in the spring of each year. Only tenured members of the full-time teaching faculty with the rank of professor areeligibletoserve on this committee. At anyone time, no more than two members of the committee may be from the same school, and no department may have more than one person serving on the committee.

Duties: The duties of the committee are: a. To identify qualified candidates for promotion and tenure; b. To evaluate these candidates according to the University's established criteria for

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