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Transitional Policies for the New Advancement and Tenure Policy
Ordinary Salary Increases
Each year, by the time that contracts are distributed, the administration will announce a standard increase, if any, for all faculty members.
Extraordinary Salary Increases
Faculty can receive extraordinary salary increases (above the standard percentage increase) on the basis of (a) merit, based on recommendations of school deans, department chairs and/or other faculty colleagues, the VPAAandorthePresident; (b)equitythataddressescompression,inversion,orotherinequities;and/or (c) any other reason that the President and/or VPAA deems worthy of consideration.
Salary Petitions
An individual faculty may submit a letter requesting special consideration for an extraordinary salary increase for any of the reasons listed above. Eligibility for an extraordinary increase does not depend, however, on the submission of a letter; further, submission of a letter does not ensure an extraordinary increase.
Salary Increases for Promotion in Rank
The salary increase for promotion will be commensurate with the standards of the faculty members’ new rank.
Merit-based Stipends
These guidelines do not preclude the awarding of merit-based stipends based on recommendations by school deans, the VPAA, the President, department chairs and/or other faculty colleagues.