2 minute read
Harassment Policy/Sexual Harassment Policy
of Human Resources. If the faculty member denies the improper conduct alleged in the charge, this shall be stated in writing to the VPAA. If the VPAA and/or the Director of Human Resources decides at any time before resolution, that further investigation is necessary, this shall be pursued in the most timely manner possible. In addition, in the case of further investigation, wherever possible the confidentiality of all involved individuals shall be maintained. If the VPAA and the Director of Human Resources decide that the charges have merit and may constitute a violation or law or University policy, the case shall be forwarded, with documentation, to the Faculty Hearing Committee. The Faculty Hearing Committee shall proceed as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
Harassment of students and employees at Virginia Wesleyan University on the basis of sex, race, age, color, disability, religion, national origin, genetic information or sexual orientation and preference is unacceptable conduct that will not be tolerated. Therefore, the University offers, and encourages, any individual who might have been a victim of such harassment on its campus the use of the Virginia Wesleyan University Counseling Center.
VirginiaWesleyan Universitycomplies with the Immigration Reformand Control Act of 1986 and in doing so hires only employees who are legally employable and who provide the University with identity verification and/or work authorization in compliance with the Act.
It is the responsibility of the newly hired employee to provide the university payroll department with the necessary documents. This is to be done within three (3) days of the employee’s first day of work. The employee completes the Employee Section ofthe appropriateEligibilityVerification/I-9 Form. The Payroll department employee or his/her designee views the presented necessary documents and completes the Employer Section of the Form.
The payroll department files the completed Form in a file separate from the employee’s payroll file.
Virginia Wesleyan University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) has been established to ensure that all research conducted at the University meets high ethical standards and complies with federal mandates regarding the treatment of human research participants. Any member of the campus community (faculty, students, or staff) wishing to conduct research that involves human participants should determine whether their research protocol is exempt from review or should be submitted for approval by the IRB. Exempt research would include (but is not limited to) research done for purely pedagogical purposes, research conducted with no intent to publish or present the results at conferences, and research involving oral histories. If your research will result in making inferences beyond your sample of collected data and you plan to publish or present these results in any form, then your research is not exempt and you should plan on submittingyour proposal before collecting data. Additional information concerning specific procedures, exemption policy, as well as all forms needed for the application process may be found using the Institutional Review Board link on Blackboard. This link is available to all facultymembers.