9 minute read
The sociology program provides real-life occasions and intellectual resources that can help students understand the social and cultural dimensions of human behavior. By focusing on the concepts, theories and techniques of inquiry employed by sociologists, the Department hopes to foster the sociological perspective. The department offers a major in sociology and provides a great number of courses that serve other major programs and the general goals of a liberal arts education.
*See also Criminal Justice.
Major Requirements: Sociology
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology - OR - SOC 270: Social Problems* SOC 345 Foundations of Sociology SOC 350: Introduction to Social Research 4 4 4
SOC 353: Applied Sociology* - OR - SOC 480: Senior Research Project
SOC 488: Senior Capstone Two additional SOC courses at the 300/400 level 4 4 8
Three additional courses at any level, including one or two from the allied course list 12
SOC electives:
SOC 110, 215, 227, 237, 251, 303, 308, 311, 336, 351, 360, 400, 418, 460. *Students seeking an applied emphasis should consider taking these courses.
Internship (optional):
SOC 483: Internship Preparation - AND - SOC 484: Internship in Sociology (10)
Suggested Allied Courses (see advisor):
ENVS 106: Humans, the Environment & Sustainability
INST 123: Service Learning in Hampton Roads
INST 124: Service Learning and Issues of Civic Engagement in Hampton Roads
GEOG 112: Cultural Geography - OR - GEOG 113: Human Geography
SW 361: Human Sexuality
SW 402: Women on the Brink
HIST 451: History of the Holocaust
MATH 210: Introductory Statistics - OR - MATH 310: Statistical Models
PHIL 272/372:Beyond the Western Tradition - OR - PHIL 292/392: Alternative Futures
POLS 103: Global Realities - OR - POLS 353: Globalization & its Discontents
PSY 227: Social Psychology
RELST 116: World Religions
RELST 140: Religion in American Culture - OR - RELST 250: Religion & Popular Culture
SPAN 210: Hispanic Myths/Rituals - OR - SPAN 265: U.S. Latino Culture
TH 375: Images of Women in Theatre & Film
TOTAL HOURS REQUIRED: 40 (w/out internship)
This list is merely suggestive and is up-dated regularly. Students should consult their advisors and choose allied courses suited to their academic and career interests.
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology - OR - SOC 270: Social Problems* Two additional SOC courses at the 200 level or above Two additional SOC courses at the 300/400 level
4 8 8
100 Introduction to Sociology (4)
An introduction to sociology as a behavioral science and way of viewing the world. Students learn basic concepts of sociological investigation and interpretation and critical thinking. They see how individual behavior is shaped by group life and how group life is affected by individuals. They learn to apply a “sociological imagination” to examining social issues. Common sense notions are replaced by a critical analysis of social issues. Prerequisite: freshmen and sophomores or consent. Offered every semester.
110 Cultural Anthropology (4)
A study of the nature of culture; comparative analysis of social, religious, economic, and political institutions in specific preliterate and modern cultures; and the cultural dimensions of behavior. Offered every fall.
215 Study Away in Sociology (4)
This course explores sociological issues and applications beyond the classroom. Students will travel to places where institutions, individuals, events, and/or policies have influenced the field of sociology or where they are able to see sociological emphases and/or social change being applied in current contexts. Prerequisite: Consent. May be repeated for credit. Offered in summer or winter on demand.
227 Social Psychology (4)
Explores our development as socialized human beings shaped through our interactions with groups of other people and how the structure and function of both the formal and informal groups that exist in a society are shaped by the personalities of the individuals who comprise their membership. Students discover both academically and experientially the nature of such grouprelated psychological dynamics as attitude formation, interpersonal attraction, social conflict, and bureaucratic organization. Prerequisite: PSY 101, 102, or SOC 100. Identical to PSY 227. Offered every fall.
233 Education and Society (4)
This course examines education through a sociological lens. This course utilizes sociological theories, concepts, and research to analyze education. Students benefit from a deeper understanding of their own education and how schools function in American society. This course has a specific focus on how inequality shapes the American educational system. Offered selected semesters.
235 Diversity & Society (4)
This course is an examination of race and ethnic relations in the United States through a sociological lens. Race and ethnicity are social constructions that vary based on time and place. The importance of diversity and inclusion have vast implications for our society. Offered every fall.
237 Animals and Society (4)
Focusing on human-animal relationships, this course explores the role and impact of animals in human society, and the impact of humans on the lives of animals. Content includes the social construction of animals, human/animal interaction in social institutions, current debates, and the future of human/animal relations. Offered when circumstances permit.
251 Issues in Sociology (4)
Examines various topics and issues through the lens and methodology of the sociological perspective. Topics may include the sociology of food, aging, gender and sexuality, and adoption and foster care. May be repeated for credit as designated issues change. Offered intermittently.
270 Social Problems and Social Solutions (4)
A critical investigation of selected current social problems—their issues, causes, development, and alternative solutions. Offered every spring.
303 Small Groups (4)
An experiential course in which students apply sociological tools and concepts to better understand how groups work, to maximize group dynamics and collective functioning, and to maximize their own performance in small groups. Prerequisite: junior/senior status. Offered every fall.
308 Visual Sociology (4) W
A survey of basic concepts in sociology as they are portrayed in selected motion pictures and music videos. Serves as a systematic application of sociological theory and practice. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher; any sociology course would be helpful but not required. Offered intermittently.
311 Family (4) W
Examines the contemporary American family and the history, forms, and functions of families in other times and cultures. Special attention is given to the family as a social institution, its relationship with other institutions, forces of social and cultural change, and the future of the family. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher. Offered intermittently.
335 Deviant Behavior (4)
Sociological studies of various unconventional groups and individuals and the forms of social control they encounter. Topics may include: theories of deviance and conformity; typical reactions to deviance; control agents and agencies; how deviants cope with conventional society. Offered intermittently.
336 Sociology of Religion (4)
Examines the origin and development of religion as a social institution: theories concerning its nature and function; sociocultural dimensions of religious beliefs, values, and conduct; contemporary denominations, sects, and cults in the United States; the relationship between religion and other social institutions. Identical to RELST 336. Offered intermittently.
345 Foundations of Sociology (4)
An examination of major theorists and perspectives contributing to the sociological tradition, and of historic and current issues regarding sociology and its relationship to other academic disciplines. Required of all majors. Prerequisite: SOC 100 and junior/senior status or consent. Offered every spring.
350 Introduction to Social Research (4)
An examination of the logic, the strategies and the methods of sociological inquiry; an analysis of classical and contemporary models of research. A foundation course required for sociology majors. Prerequisite: junior/senior status. Identical to CJ 350. Offered every semester.
351 Medical Sociology (4)
Designed to provide students an introduction to sociological perspectives on the study of health, illness, and health care. Topics include epidemiology, the structures and organization of health care systems and medical encounters, bioethical issues, and current issues shaping the future of health, illness, and health care. Offered each spring.
353 Applied Sociology (4)
Focus is on engaging the sociological imagination and the sociological toolkit to address real-life questions and problems. These tools are used to identify, examine, and seek solutions for various social issues. Attention is given to careers in applied sociology. Includes a service-learning component. Prerequisite: junior/senior status or consent. Offered every spring.
360 Nationalist Social Movements (4)
A survey of racial-ethnic and nationalist social movements in the United States, such as the Ku Klux Klan, Nation of Islam, and Civil Rights movements. Addresses the criminogenic and terrorist aspects of these movements, their influence on U.S. culture and politics, and various theoretical approaches to understanding them. Offered when circumstances permit.
418 Family Violence (4) W
Examines the nature of family violence, risk factors related to violent victimization and perpetration, and outcomes associated with family violence. Further, it explores changes that have taken place in recognizing and responding to family violence situations. It also breaks down myths and examines family violence in special populations. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher and junior or senior status or consent. Identical to CJ 418. Offered when circumstances permit.
460 Readings in Sociology (2, 4)
Students select a topic concerning sociological theory or research, survey the relevant literature, and discuss their findings with their major professor. (Two or four semester hours depending on the scope of the project.) May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: prior consent of the project advisor. Offered every semester.
480 Senior Research Project (4) W
Students conduct a sociological research project of their own design, present the results in appropriate written form, and defend the effort in an oral examination. Research problems may focus on theoretical or empirical topics. Relevant methods may range from bibliographic search to field observation. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, SOC/CJ 350, and junior/senior status. Identical to CJ 480. Offered every spring.
483 Internship Preparation Course (2)
Designed for students intending to participate in an internship for sociology or criminal justice credit. The process of selecting an internship site, completing applications and forms, and understanding the requirements set forth by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice can be overwhelming. Lectures and scenario training provide students with practical information that should be beneficial to students who desire an internship in sociology or criminal justice. Prerequisite: consent of internship director. Offered every fall.
484 Internship in Criminal Justice and Sociology (8)
Practiced, supervised experience in direct student learning in applied social settings. Students learn how acquired knowledge and research writing skills can be applied to the workplace. Practical and applied learning through student performance in the applied setting gives the student a “competitive edge” for future community/workplace contribution. Prerequisites: 18 hours of sociology or criminal justice and CJ 483 or SOC 483. Students must contact the department faculty to review full eligibility for this course. Identical to CJ 484. Offered every spring and summer.
488 Capstone in Sociology/Criminal Justice (4)
By exploring a client-posed problem, students will synthesize and apply their previous work in the major to address a “real world” problem faced by an agency or organization. This course is designed to emphasize applied learning. This course is identical to CJ-488. Prerequisite(s): SOC 345 or CJ 301, SOC or CJ 350, and senior status, or consent. Offered in fall and spring semesters.