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VIR President Tim Evans

A wonderful day at Saanich Fairgrounds for the South Island picnic where members enjoyed refreshments, snacks, lunch and a special treat after.


Congratulations to Ron Dempsey who won the People’s Choice award.

Thanks to all the volunteers, and there were lots of you that made it happen, especially Betty Choy and Sandy Lee. Thanks to Solomon and Jan from Chicken-on-the-Run for the tasty lunch boxes. Looking forward to the Mid Island and Up Island events in August!

Treasurer & Member Trevor & Sonia Ross

25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge – July Update

The circumference of the Earth is slightly more than 40,000 kilometres, and so far, the total mileage logged for the Challenge is roughly 20,000 kilometres with nine weeks still left to go! It’s great to see how many of you love to drive your cars, there are lots of smiling faces in the photos that have been submitted and it’s wonderful to be welcomed back into our more remote communities with the easing of COVID restrictions.

Congratulations to Team gary987 for completing all 25 roads, joining Team Gosse as the only two teams with those bragging rights (so far). As of writing, team Dempsey and yours truly are tied with 18 roads completed, and there are many other teams hot on our wheels. For more details, go to the VIRPCA website and click on the 25 Roads Challenge under Events. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a “RESULTS” button that takes you to “Results by Road” to see which roads have been driven the most, and “Team Statistics” to see which teams have been out driving. Click on a road or a team’s name for stories and photos.

The only road update I’m aware of since the last issue of Porscher comes from Team Dempsey, who reports lots of construction and gravel all around Yellow Point, likely 5 km in all (Drive #17). This reminds us to check road conditions and closures before heading out as they are always changing. They can also be a good excuse to get off the main roads and do some exploring!

There is still plenty of time to register and get some drives in; even if you only go out once or twice, I would appreciate you letting me know so I can include you in my stats and add your name to the draws that will take place during the Gala in October. You could also combine your drives with some of our upcoming events, so I encourage you to check out the routes you could incorporate during your trip.

The Challenge runs until October 1, so you still have time to register by emailing your team’s name to 25Roads@virpca.org. Take photos during each drive and send them in so I can keep track of your progress. Complete rules and instructions can be found on the VIRPCA website (under Events, 25 Roads Challenge) and in the Driving Log you received in the mail. As always, be sure to check out the VIRPCA Facebook page and #virpca25roads on Insta-

Good luck, stay safe and see you out there.

Trevor Team: Old Red, Older Blue 25Roads@virpca.org

Steve Peers route # 4

Many thanks to all members who sent in their photos to Trevor & Sonia and/or posted them onto the Club Facebook page for other members to enjoy. Please keep them coming—lots of time left yet

25 Roads team standings (as of July 30th)

If you are not listed, why not start?

Gosse 25 2040 40.5

gary987 25 2021 40.5

Old Red, Older Blue 19 1672 28.6 Dempsey 18 1302 22.7

Mayne Maniac 13 1191 18.8 Pastry Patrol 12 922 18.4

Cayman Islanders 12 746 14.9

Bidibodi Bidibu 11 704 17.5 StuMac 10 893 23.8

Skeeles Scooters 10 787 11.3 auf Achse sein 10 768 15.4 C.O.V.I.D. 10 747 15.0 Shrek&Fiona 10 739 14.8

Island Mike 911 8 515 10.4 PJ996 8 475 9.5 JoeJoy 7 662 13.2 Mick 7 548 10.7 Bradious 7 414 8.3 Grey Haired Gear Heads 7 409 8.2

Porscher Head Ed 6 362 7.3 911moji 6 312 5.9 The Red Baron and The Baroness 4 436 8.7 Lexi 4 386 7.7 Tyro 4 340 6.5 2LaneHighway 3 179 3.5

Blue Bird Bliss 3 178 3.5 Niki 3 160 3.9

Black Blue Turbo Trio 3 160 3.2

Steve and Laura 3 146 3.0 No Name 2 2 181 3.6 Topdown 2 142 2.8 No Name 3 1 114 2.3 Blackfox 1 82 1.6 No Name 1 82 1.6 Wild West 1 63 1.3

Kalahari Cruiser 1 61 1.2 Moto48 1 46 0.7 No Name 4 1 45 0.9

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