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The details below are from the DRAFT minutes to be approved at the next AGM. VIRPCA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AGM Minutes October 31, 2021 Meeting Location: Best Western Duncan BC 1. Call to Order and Quorum: The meeting was called to order by Tim Evans at 10:30 AM. A quorum was established. The Notice of Meeting was distributed by email to members and the Agenda and Director’s Reports were published in the October 2021 Porscher magazine.
In attendance:
Directors and Chairs Tim Evans President Garth Webber Atkins Vice President Ross Mosher Secretary Trevor Ross Treasurer Wendy Woodley Up Island Director Dan Bourlet Mid Island Director Imogen Burr South Island Director Klaus Kreye Rally Chair Steve Fairbrother Newsletter Paul Rossmo Technical Chair
Regrets: Dan Schuetze Membership Chair
Members attending: Thomas Ahn Dean & Ann Aikenhead Matthew Arsenault
Brad Blaney Dan Bourlet Didier & Irene Brard Gregory Brennan Franz-Albert Burgund Imogen Burr Henry & Betty Choy Rick & Gayle Collopy Ron Dempsey Grant & Janice Denluck Detlef Ehrhardt Tim Evans Steve Fairbrother Gary Glover Keith Glover Gordon & Farah Halkett Michael Holan Klaus Kreye Wyman & Sandy Lee Peter & Joy Lindsay Stuart Macleod Bruce McCallum Didier Moinier Ross Mosher AJ Papp Steve Peers John Ramsay
John Rogers Trevor & Sonia Ross Paul Rossmo Al & Jacquie Sherwood Kathleen Short Solomon & Hui Juan Tang Betsy Terpsma Stephen Titus Garth Webber Atkins Wendy Woodley Ernie Yakimovich John Clark Elizabeth Rogers Marilyn Sing Connie MacDonald Colin Boerkamp John Palmeter Laura Ferreira Ernie Kowal
2. Approval of 2021 AGM Agenda: Approval of 2021 AGM Agenda as circulated - moved by Tim Evans seconded by Garth Webber Atkins, carried.
3. Review and Approval of the October 27, 2020 AGM Minutes: Minutes of the October 27, 2020 AGM Minutes were published in October 2021 Porscher for member review. Approval of the October 2020 AGM Minutes as circulated - moved by Tim Evans and seconded by Garth Webber Atkins, carried.
4. Awards to Members: Tim Evans Enthusiast of the Year: Gary Glover (all 25 Roads completed, attends all monthly meetings/drives, longest serving Club President and won this award 20 years ago)
Rally Champions (by Klaus Kreye): John & Daniel Rogers (Spring Rally and overall Rally Championship), Garth Webber Atkins & Rowland Atkins (Fall Rally)
President’s Awards: Karl Hoener (website) and Trevor Ross (25 Roads)
People’s Choice Awards: Ron Dempsey’s 356 (South Island Picnic), Dean Aikenhead’s Cayman GT4 (Mid Island Picnic) and John Palmeter’s 911 (Up Island Picnic)
5. Board of Director’s and Chairs’ Reports Members were referred to the Reports published in the October 2021 Porscher.
6. Election of the 2021-2023 Board of Directors: - Ross Mosher Notice of 2021 AGM and call for Nominations and Expressions of Interest in the 7 Board positions were made by the President in his October 2021 email to all members and published in the October Porscher.
Nominations for all 7 Board positions were received prior to the AGM and these were presented to the members (as below).
Three calls for nominations from the floor were made. As there were no nominations from the floor, the following nominees were elected by acclamation:
President: Garth Webber Atkins
Vice-President: Secretary:
Stephen Peers Sam Auerbach Treasurer: AJ Papp Director at Large Up Island: Wendy Woodley Director at Large Mid Island: Detlef Ehrhardt Director at Large South Island: Ron Dempsey
7. 25 Roads: Trevor and Sonia Ross
Editor - Refer to Trevor & Sonia’s article later in this issue for in-depth coverage.
8. Closing Remarks and Door Prizes: Tim Evans
Tim thanked the current Board and retiring Executives and the 25th Anniversary Committee. Members of the 25th Anniversary Committee will stay on to help plan next year’s
Black Rock and Summer Gala.
Date for 2021 Black Rock is set for last weekend in May and hopefully will be a multi- regional event.
Auction items are being held over for either Black Rock or Gala.
Working on a 25th Anniversary Summer Gala Event - details to follow.
There will be a recognition of Past Presidents at the Summer 25th Anniversary Gala.
Tim noted there were four past Presidents attending the AGM - Ernie Kowal, Ernie Yakimovich, Brad Blaney, and Gary Glover.
Club has grown over the last two years to over 600 members and affiliates.
Tim thanked Garth Webber Atkins and Karl Hoener for their work on the new Club Website.
Tim asked Garth to say a few words. Garth thanked the departing Executive and those who stood for election. Special thanks to Tim for leading the Club for the past two years and that Tim had earned the respect of the entire Executive and Members - Tim received a standing ovation.
Garth presented beer steins to Tim and departing Executive. 50/50 Draw was won by Keith Glover ($325) remainder ($325) donated to Cops for Cancer.
Ron Dempsey asked the members if they would be interested in a Holiday Dinner at Uplands Golf Club on December 5. There would need to be 50 to 60 people at a cost of approximately $70/pp. The speakers will be John and Chris Beresford who participated in the 2019 Paris to Peking Rally in their restored 1959 VW beetle. The majority of members indicated they would likely attend. Ron will pursue and advise.
Door Prize winners: Winners had to have registered for the AGM via MSR and be present at the time of draw:
Hui Juan Tang:
Porsche Umbrella Farah Halkett: 25th Anniversary mug Elizabeth Rogers: Porsche hand sanitizers Betsy Terpsma: Porsche hand sanitizers Brad Blaney: 25th Anniversary mug Wyman Lee: Porsche thermos Matthew Arsenault: 25th Anniversary mug Laura Ferreira: Porsche hand sanitizers Gayle Collopy: 25th Anniversary mug Sandy Lee: Porsche hand sanitizers Henry Choy: 25th Anniversary mug Stephen Titus: Porsche backpack Stuart Macleod: 25th Anniversary mug Steve Fairbrother: Porsche books Peter Lindsay: Porsche hand sanitizers Ernie Yakimovich: Porsche backpack Gordon Halkett: Porsche 25th Anniversary folding chair Rick Collopy: Hand turned cherry-wood bowl made by member Kathleen Short
Trevor Ross: One year subscription to OOO Magazine
9. Adjournment: Tim Evans There being no more business at 11.58 AM, Tim closed out the 2021 AGM.
Editor-Some pictures from the AGM follow, but space prevents showing ALL the winners.