1 minute read
VIR President, Garth Webber Atkins
On Sunday April 24, 16 cars and 26 members toured through the backroads and scenic roads of Central and North Saanich, taking in farmland, ocean views and interesting rural residential areas. The weather was sunny and temperate, making the drive pleasant and relaxing. Thanks go to Brad Blaney for driving the lead car, Rowland Atkins for running sweep, and Geoff Melnychuk for volunteering to file the PCA Observer Report. We ended the drive at the Stonehouse Pub at Canoe Cove, where our group filled the excellent sunny dining room and enjoyed a good meal. Thanks to all who turned out and made it fun!

Photos by Eric Maitland & Garth Webber Atkins

VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS
Wingren Nufloors announce custom made, Porsche themed, Turkish rugs.
Limited Edition run of 100 rugs, 3’x5’. Various designs available $299 each. See one at the BlackRock auction

Contact Gordon Halkett for details at gordonhalkett@gmail.com

Porcher Editor, Steve Fairbrother
My sincere apologies to Bill Corrigan of the Olympic Peninsula Region as I showed a photo of OPR’s President, Bill Ellwell in last month’s issue of Porscher in his Griot’s Garage Tour article.
Bill’s true likeness is shown here.
Bill Corrigan