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President, Garth Webber Atkins

Ta da! My Porsche is back on the road and it is sooooo good to have a Porsche for Porsche Club events again. The 944’s first out-of-town run was the “Ladies’ Drive” on June 10, which I enjoyed and I hope everyone else did. A super big plus of the engine rebuild is that I can lead a drive without worrying about whether I am sending fumes and soot onto the car(s) behind me. It has been a concern since my very first club run, when the car behind me passed me early in the run. Not good run etiquette and I wondered what was up, since we’d been told not to get out of order. At lunch, however, the driver’s passenger (his Mom) explained to me, somewhat apologetically, that she asked him to get ahead of me because she was feeling sick from the fumes. I was a little embarrassed, but I actually appreciated the feedback. At least I knew. So, after staying near the back of the line for most drives over the years, I hope that issue is now resolved. Our next big event is “Porsches on the Pitch”, our long-awaited 25th anniversary whole-club event. During COVID last year, we had to limit the celebrations geographically to curb the spread of the virus. This year, we are going all-out with a spectacular venue – the venerable and beautiful Shawnigan Lake School grounds. All attending Porsches will be parked on the rugby pitch for the show and shine, for which there will be awards. A number of vendors will have displays of their goods and services. There will be door prizes throughout the day, including a set of Continental Tires. Dinner will be a barbeque catered by the school. Overnight accommodation is available at one of the dormitories, so if you have fond memories of your university dorm days, here’s a chance to sample that environment for a night and to not have to drive home. Quite a few of us are looking forward to chilling in the common room. It has a full kitchen, so you can bring your favourite late-night snack and breakfast supplies. If you haven’t registered already, you can do so until July 31 at msreg.com/Porsches-on-the-Pitch, I hope to see you there! Have fun, enjoy the sun! Best regards, Garth


Editor, Steve Fairbrother PCA Awards!

Those who have joined our Facebook group already know this, but at the recent Porsche Parade, some annual PCA award results were announced and VIR this year, has won again!


Many of the awards are based on Club membership size and we are in Class 3 (of 6). From my research last year, Class 3 has the most clubs in it, or rather - the most entrants (around 40 last year). So to come anywhere near the top in Class 3 is really good.

This year we entered our website (www.virpca.org) into the best website category, as a lot of work had gone into redesigning it to meet both the members’ and the Exec’s needs. A committee was formed with our President Garth Webber Atkins at the helm and club member Karl Hoener making it all happen. After meetings, samples and testing (and repeat!), the final website was put into production. All that work has paid off as the Club has been placed in Third Place in Class 3 for Best Website category - congratulations to everyone involved, especially Garth, Karl and Dave Nickel (our official webmaster).


As in the last few years, we also submitted the Porscher for the National Newsletter Contest and have won the first place in our class twice (2019 & 2021). This year we didn’t make the “hat-trick” but achieved second place which is great!

It is fantastic to win a third newsletter award for Porscher and many thanks to everyone who takes photos and sends them in or writes articles (small or large). I encourage you all to continue doing so in the future.


Garth Webber Atkins received the awards from Zone 6 rep John Sommerwerck at Sun Peaks recently, which they both attended.

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