Get UNREASONABLE And EXTREME With Your Business Part - I Now is the time to get UNREASONABLE and EXTREME with your business! You must get unreasonable with how many calls you make, how many clients you contact and how you insist on getting business in today's market.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Cold Calling Johannesburg, Appointment Setting Johannesburg, Telemarketing Johannesburg, Increase revenue Johannesburg & Sales workshops Johannesburg Management must get unreasonable, even extreme, in their expectations, in order to keep production at levels necessary to keep those same people employed! "YOU MUST GET UNREASONABLE, EVEN EXTREME AT TIMES LIKE THESE TO INSURE SURVIVAL." Reasonable is defined as, having sound judgement, fair and sensible, Unreasonable would then be defined as, NOT having sound judgement, NOT fair, NOT sensible. • Now is the time to NOT have sound judgement. • Now is the time to NOT be, what you consider, fair. • Now is the time to throw sensible out the window. That is right I am telling you to not be sensible as sensible will not get the job done as the marketplace contracts! You have to get unreasonable in every regards now in order to survive! "You must get unreasonable in the market place or the marketplace will punish you." Most people only take enough action to get by and when the marketplace contracts they start paying painfully in the forms of reduced production. • The marketplace punishes those that are reasonable in times of contraction! • The marketplace punishes those that only take enough action as they never reach the level of action necessary to survive and prosper. • These people get punished because they are still taking the same amount of action as when the marketplace was expanding and are not compensating for the change in the market! There are three sets of people exerting different levels of action in the workforce and each group will suffer in different ways. 1) Weak employee's that has never exerted enough effort- the first to lose his job. 2) Good dependable trustworthy employee's that only exert reasonable amounts of effort- (this represents most of the workforce). They are at risk and will probably lose current pay plan unless they become unreasonable. 3) Those willing to do whatever it takes. These people will not get cut, not be at risk and become even more valuable to the company. They will actually be better off when contraction ends! These three levels can also relate to management and entire companies,the difference in these three levels comes down to creating enough action to get the job done regardless of the obstacles!
So what is enough effort? This is the first thing NASA gets the answer to when figuring out what it takes to get a rocket to launch, how much effort is necessary. In business enough effort is when you create new problems for yourself! Not enough action or effort yields familiar or the same problems. Example of familiar problems (not desirable) • Not enough production, results or income • Appointments cancelled • Customers satisfied but not enough of them. Examples of New Problems (desirable) • Too much production and can't deliver it • Too many appointments showing up all at the same time. • Customers angry because you called them too much. You will have created enough action through your efforts when you get new problems. Most people and businesses have the same problems over and over and never seek new problems.