Disaster Resilience Improvement

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Resilience with reference to Disaster Risk Management can be described as the capacity to a) prevent, b) prepare for, c) mitigate, d) respond to, and e) recover from natural or manmade disasters. Hyogo Framework for Action outlines five essential priorities in order to build a resilience based DRM system. The World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) also aims to assist communities In addition to that, I would like to present the following suggestions based on my personal understanding and discussion in the meeting: 1. Religious Perspective: Research indicates that mosques play an important role in disaster management in Asian countries including Pakistan1. Training imams and teachers at seminaries may help in raise awareness and improve levels for disaster preparedness, response, relief, and recovery. Mosques may also be used as aid collection and distribution centers. Religious influence and belief can directly be used to our advantage and help build resilience in communities. 2. Volunteer Service for Community Based DRM: According to the UN, volunteerism is directly linked to DRM, environmental sustainability, and water and natural resource management 2. This link can be harnessed by introducing a grassroots volunteer program as part of youth empowerment initiatives. Existing volunteers of Boy Scouts and Fire and Rescue services can also be roped into this structure. 3. Establishing a Clear Line for the Flow of Information: A large number of persons remain unaware about the PDMA helpline or contacts for the designated disaster management officials in their areas. A clear structure for the flow of information needs to be setup from volunteer observers all the way to the head office of the PDMA for real time updates from all over Punjab. 4. Local Disaster Preparedness Plans: The collection of detailed data should be utilized to prepare a disaster preparedness plan based on local conditions, capacity, and requirements. This can be achieved by combining geo spatial mapping with data obtained from the surveys that are scheduled to be conducted in various districts. 5. Inclusion of Lady Health Workers and Lady Health Visitors: LHWs and LHVs already visit most homes in their communities and are respected members of

1. PTA Telecom Subscriber Statistics 3G/4G Users.

Retrieved From http://www.pta.gov.pk/index.php?Itemid=599


Volunteerism and Disasters. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2016, from http://www.unv.org/fileadmin/docdb/pdf/2011/SWVR/English/SWVR2011_full_[10]_chapter7.pdf

the locality. They receive regular trainings. Including DRM and CBDRM training in their curriculum can help increase awareness of DRR techniques at the household level and decrease associated health risks. 6. Effective Use of Self Reporting: Pakistan has one of the highest rates of mobile phone users in the world with 31 million users 3. Media channels already take advantage of this by asking viewers to make news reports and send them through WhatsApp. Selected reports are then made part of the news. A similar approach may be adapted by PDMA in vulnerable districts. It can also be made part of Chief Minister’s Youth Centric Approach. 7. Promoting Climate Change Knowledge: Before effective policies can be built, there needs to be an access to knowledge and a complete understanding about issues4. Promoting climate change and adaptability knowledge through the media, government institutions, publications, educational networks, and public information sessions should be considered for resilience based DRM.

AHMAD AHSAN Communication Expert FERRP/DCRIP PIU PDMA M: 03225702238 E: ahmad@vpia.org

3. PTA Telecom Subscriber Statistics 3G/4G Users.

Retrieved From http://www.pta.gov.pk/index.php?Itemid=599


Sanderson, I. (2002). Evaluation, policy learning and evidence‐based policy making. Public administration, 80(1), 1‐22.

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