Courses in New Zealand
M - 9503100295
Institutes offering Management studies Southern Institute of Technology Master of Applied Management /
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 18 months STARTS - 10 Jul 2018 NZ$18,000.00 (8,14,912) per year
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Enterprise Postgraduate FULL TIME- 18 months STARTS - 20-Nov-18
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Institutes offering Management studies Victoria University of Wellington Master of Applied Finance (MAF) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year (3 trimesters) STARTS - 06-Mar-18 NZ$48,960.00 (22,16,561) per year Master of Commerce (M.Com) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year (3 trimesters) STARTS - 05-Mar-18 NZ$42,122.00 (19,06,985) per year
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Institutes offering Management studies Master of International Trade (M.IntTr) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year STARTS - 06-Mar-18 NZ$45,742.00 (20,70,873) per year Master of Professional Accounting (MPA) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 16 months STARTS - 20-Nov-17
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Institutes offering Management studies The University of Waikato Master of Business and Management (MBM) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year STARTS - Nov-18 NZ$37,440.00 (16,95,017) per year Master of Digital Business Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 or 2 Years STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$27,970.00 (12,66,283) per year
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Institutes offering Management studies Master of Management Studies (MMS) in Applied Eco
nomics and Finance Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 or 2 Years STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$27,970.00 (12,66,283) per year
Master of Management Studies (MMS) in Human Re
source Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 or 2 Years STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$27,970.00 (12,66,283) per year
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Institutes offering Management studies Master of Management Studies (MMS) in Internatio
nal Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 or 2 Years STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$27,970.00 (12,66,283) per year
Master of Management Studies (MMS) in Applied Eco
nomics and Finance Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 or 2 Years STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$27,970.00 (12,66,283) per year
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Institutes offering Management studies Master of Philosophy (M.Phil
) in International Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$29,535.00 (13,37,135) per year
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) in Strategic Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year STARTS - 26-Feb-18 NZ$29,535.00 (13,37,135) per year M - 9503100295 http ://
Institutes offering Management studies The University of Canterbury Postgraduate Diploma in Science (Finance) Postgraduate FULL TIME- 1 year STARTS - 19-Feb-18 NZ$34,900.00 (15,80,024) per year Master of Commerce in Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 12-18 months STARTS - 19-Feb-18 NZ$42,700.00 (19,33,153) per year
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Institutes offering Management studies Lincoln University Master of Sport and Recreation Management Postgraduate FULL TIME- 18 months STARTS - 19-Feb-18 NZ$40,000.00 (18,10,916) per year Master of Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engin
eering Postgraduate FULL TIME- 2 years STARTS - 19-Feb-18 NZ$32,800.00 (14,84,951) per year
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