HopeNOW - Spring 2014

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HOPENOW rescue - recovery - restoration

Donnie Pope is the first to admit that he has lived a difficult life, however, his hope has been restored by the love and mercy he has received through Jesus Christ.

Spring 2014 Volume 5 | Issue 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS THE ISSUE OF HOMELESSNESS You’ve probably seen them around town. Maybe in The Oval? Asking for money on the side of the road? It’s no surprise that the issues of homelessness has populated the front of the paper or been discussed at City Council meetings. Read more about some of the solutions we are offering. Pgs. 4 - 8


VOLUNTEERING YOUR VOCATION A year ago, we were approached by a couple who had heard Danny speak at their church. Moved to action, they wanted to not only offer their time, but their vocation. See how they are using their vocation to help change lives. Pg. 14


John Anderson VICE-CHAIR

HOPE NOW MAGAZINE Spring 2014 | Volume 5 Issue 1 | April 7, 2014

Brad Reenders Marc Schuil Rob Van Grouw Judy Vannette



Josh Bergman Steve Biswell Scott Bosler Karen De Groot Mike De Groot John Koster Rance Milliniks

Danny Little Mark Shelton Jessica Cavale Molly Schengel

MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 109 Visalia, CA 93279 TELEPHONE: 559.740.4178 EMAIL: hope@vrmhope.org WEBSITE: www.vrmhope.org

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Hope Now 2

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REPURPOSED TREASURES We are excited to announce that we are expanding our Simply Chic Boutique location on Main Street to house and sell restored furniture! We have extended our store into the old Embellish and Restore location. Pgs. 12 - 13


OUT OF THE SHADOWS Donnie came to the Rescue Mission for a bed, and instead found a new start to life. After staying in our Overnight Shelter for a month, he entered our Next Steps Program. It was there that his life really started to change. Pgs. 10 - 11


LETTER FROM DANNY As we are well into

Please continue to pray for us in our desire to facilitate

2014, we are ready to

change so that the human heart can be directed to our

press on to meet the

Lord Jesus Christ.

needs of this coming year.



we now house over 200 individuals each night. We will house, clothe, bathe, and feed many of our community’s

Danny Little

hurting with the hope of life change. We have seen

Executive Director

over 210 of our previously homeless men placed into permanent housing. What we are ultimately striving to offer is hope. Hope for safety, hope for change, hope for tomorrow, hope for a Savior.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10

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Homelessness THE ISSUE OF

You’ve probably seen them around town. Maybe in The Oval? Asking for money on the side of the road? It’s no surprise that the issues of homelessness has populated the front of the paper and been discussed at City Council meetings. Panhandling and homelessness have become a popular topic of conversation in our community, and for good reason. Homelessness is a real issue. According to the most recent Point-in-Time Homeless count, nationally there are 633,782 experiencing homelessness on any given night1. In our community alone, there is an average of 2,115 homeless individuals sleeping on our streets. 2 Each one of these individuals has a unique story to tell about how they ended up on the streets. Some were born into families of addiction, some suffer from mental illness, and some have just fallen on hard times.

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We have an amazing team in our community that annually surveys

of Jesus Christ. Homelessness may be an issue but there is HOPE.

homeless individuals to hear their story, collect data, and listen

Through our services and the Next Steps Program, in 2013, 210 of our

their needs. According to these volunteers and the Kings/Tulare

guests got off the street and into permanent housing. We have put a

Continuum of Care on Homelessness, the top three reasons for

lot of time, thought and prayer into the services we offer down at the

homelessness are lack of affordable housing, unemployment

Mission, and we know that the services we provide are working! Each

and substance abuse. On top of that, 37.7% are disabled, 31%

and every program at the Mission is provided so that we can share the

suffer from mental illness, and 13% are veterans struggling to re-

love of Christ. From that, people are being fed, individuals are getting

acclimate to society3.

off the street, and lives are being changed.

When asked, local homeless community members said their top

So yes, homelessness is a real issue in our community, but there are

three areas of need were food, housing assistance and health care.

solutions. The staff at the Visalia Rescue Mission is working hard to

Sometimes, something as simple as a meal is all an individual

provide holistic services that meet the spiritual, physical and emo-

needs to get back on their feet. For others, it might take case man-

tional needs of our guests. We invite you to join with us as we open

agement and connecting them to local resources. Thankfully, that

our doors to help those in need to get off the streets and back on their

is why the Rescue Mission exists. To help meet each of these needs,

feet with dignity.

so that each individual can get back on their feet, knowing the love

Our Approach At the Rescue Mission, we focus on 3 main goals: RESCUE – RECOVERY – RESTORATION. When it comes to addressing the needs of our homeless community members, we provide the following…






next steps



Our community

For anyone who

We have an overnight

In collaboration with

Those who come

This is the most

Kitchen serves 500

comes to us, we

shelter for men and for

the City of Visalia, we

to us for help have

dynamic service we

meals a day; 365

provide daily shower

women and children.

opened a Storage

an option to meet

offer to homeless

days a year. We serve

times for them to

We provide showers,

Program last year,

with one of our

individuals. For

breakfast, lunch, and

come and keep clean,

laundry, bedding,

allowing individuals

case-managers. The

those who choose

dinner to anyone who

preventing diseases

and storage to those

who are living on the

case-manager takes

to enroll in our Next

might be hungry, no

and the spreading of

who do not have a

streets a safe and

time to listen to their

Steps Program, they

questions asked. We


safe place to stay.

secure place to store

story and map out a

live on campus,

will never turn anyone

We believe that by

their belongings.

individualized action

receive training, case

way. We believe that a

providing a safe, good

Participants no longer

plan of what steps

management and

warm meal is our first

night’s sleep, these

have to lug around

they need to take to

job experience. Each

connection to getting

individuals will have

their belongings and

get off the streets.

individual volunteers

them the help they

a better chance of

can instead focus on

32 hours a week back

need. Hope begins

getting back on their

what they need to do

to the Mission in a

with a meal.


to get back on their

variety of ways. By

feet and possibly into

doing so, they are

one of our programs at

gaining valuable work

the VRM.


(1) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Annual Homelessness Assessment Report 2012. https://www.onecpd.info/resources/documents/AHAR-2013-Part1.pdf (2) Kings/Tulare County Continuum of Care on Homelessness. 2013 Point In Time. 2013.

(3) National Alliance to End Homelessness. Snapshots of Homelessness. http://www.endhomelessness.org/pages/snapshot_of_homelessness (4) USC School of Social Work. Facing Mental Illness. 2011. http://msw.usc.edu/mswusc-blog/facing-mental-illness-infographic

Collaborative Storage Program: the Visalia Rescue Mission has partnered with the City of Visalia to facilitate a storage program that allows individuals who are living on the streets a safe and secure place to temporarily store their belongings.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Below is our VRM Resource Card. We ask that instead of

a valuable resource that will help them beyond just one

handing out money to those in need, that you hand out this

meal. Go online to www.vrmhope.org to print OR call us at

card, which has all of our information, locations and meal

559.740.4178 and we will deliver a stack of resource cards to

times. This is a great way to provide someone in need with

your office or business.



We are excited to launch a Capital Campaign for funding for 2014-2015! Our goal is to raise 1.6 million dollars which will allow the Mission to move forward in meeting the growing needs of our community.

How Will You Build?

If you are a regular giver to the Visalia Rescue Mission, we are asking that you give ABOVE & BEYOND for these two years to help us reach our goal, transform lives and share the Hope and Restoration of Jesus Christ to those in our City! If you have not given to the Mission in a financial capacity before, we are asking that you become a regular donor towards our Capital Campaign for 2014 and 2015! This is an exciting time for the Mission and we trust that the Lord will do great things through each of you! If you have a business and would like to get your employees involved by launching a very simple employee deduction plan for this campaign, we’d love to help you! With the few easy steps you can get your company and employees invested in the cause of life-change and transformation of the Visalia Rescue Mission! We invite you to join and Build HOPE with Us!


Build with Us

Out of the Shadows

“Working at the Mission has taught me so much. It’s taught me responsibility, time management and how to build healthy relationships. It also taught me that I have something to offer, and that I am valuable.”

the Next Step Program

Donnie first came to the Mission in search for a bed. After being released from Tulare County Jail late one night, he roamed the streets of Visalia for weeks, wondering what he would do and where he could go. “The streets were hard,” said Donnie, “I would just walk and walk and walk for days on end, because I didn’t know what else to do.” Donnie came from a family of addicts. Born in Porterville, his parents were heroin addicts and alcoholics, exposing him to abuse at a young age. Personally, he struggled with drug abuse for 36 years of his life. Donnie continued, “I’ve come from a lot of evil, I have experienced dark and wicked places. But the VRM has

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saved me from that darkness. They showed me that I had options, and that I wouldn’t be alone.” Donnie came to the Rescue Mission for a bed, and instead found a new start to life. After staying in our Overnight Shelter for a month, he entered our Next Steps Program. It was there that his life really started to change. “Next Steps provided me the freedom to not have to worry about my next meal, or where I would sleep. I could finally rest and refocus on getting my life back together.” Donnie met with his caseworker and they worked out an individual action plan for the steps he needed to take. From there, he started volunteering his time back to the Mission by helping in the thrift

department. It was there that he remembers feeling normal again. “Working at the Mission has taught me so much. It’s taught me responsibility, time management and how to build healthy relationships. It also taught me that I have something to offer, and that I am valuable.” When asked what the biggest change in his life has been, he answered, “Learning about the love and

grace of a relationship with Jesus Christ. I feel like, through Jesus, I have been given another chance.” At 50, Donnie is a new man. He has been restored through a relationship with Jesus Christ and the help of our Next Steps Program. As I was wrapping up the interview with Donnie, he started to leave the room when he turned back and said, “ This is where my life starts. It’s by God’s grace that I have a new start”. written by Molly Schengel

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simply chic boutique NEWLY EXPANDED & GROWING

At the Rescue Mission, we are in the business of restoration. We exist to restore purpose, hope, and dignity through Jesus Christ. We are also in the business of restoring and re-purposing furniture. Anything from side tables to dining room chairs, we see the beauty in unseen treasures. We rescue these amazing finds so that we can support the real life restoration happening on our campus. We are excited to announce that we are expanding our Simply Chic Boutique location on Main Street. We have expanded our store into the old Embellish and Restore building, where we are now selling newly restored and hand painted furniture items. We invite you to come down and take a look at our newly expanded store and the extensive new collection of carefully refurbished furniture. As always, all proceeds from furniture sales and our Thrift Stores go directly to supporting the life changing programs at the VRM! So stop in for a visit and take a look at our amazing new line of beautifully restored furniture!

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come visit our new expanded store at 100 E. Main Street

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Volunteering Your Vocation At the Rescue Mission, we are always trying to provide the most wellrounded and holistic services we can. We realize that in order for our guests to get back on their feet, they have a lot of hurdles they need to overcome. We also realize that we cannot meet these needs on our own. That is why we rely on volunteers to come alongside us and serve! A year ago, we were approached by a couple who had heard Danny speak at their church. Moved to action, they wanted to not only offer their time, but their vocation. As a nurse practitioner of 30+ years and a Health Care Administrator with 20 + years in rural health, they knew they could offer a valuable service. In no time, they put together

Volunteer Highlights: Paul and Maria are nurse practitioners who heard Danny speak about the VRM and were moved to action. After realizing that there was no one providing medical support for the homeless, they offered their services and opened a VRM Medical clinic.

Thanks to our Medical Clinic Volunteers, we are now able to provide a more holistic service to those in need, ensuring that life change is possible and it is taking place each and every day right here in our community and at the VRM. what is now the Rescue Mission Medical Clinic. This clinic is open to anyone in our Next Step Program or Drug and Alcohol Recovery Programs. The clinic is hosted two times a month seeing anywhere

“It is a privilege to get to be a part of their recovery. The Rescue Mission really is making a difference, and it is humbling to see.” Maria, Healthcare Administrator.

from 10- 20 individuals a night. The focus is first on listening to each story, then they are able to screen, identify the need, treat, and prescribe appropriate treatment. All for free. “Most of what we see is fixable for 3 cents,” said Nurse practitioner Paul,” but when it goes without treatment, they end up in the ER and costing thousands.” Not only are our guests being cared for and treated, but we are taking key steps to make sure these individuals don’t end up in the ER. “What they are really giving us is an opportunity for our residents to heal physically so that they can really focus on healing spiritually,” said Lindsay Baldwin, Director of Volunteers at the Mission That is exactly what we are seeing. This amazing team of volunteers that has grown from 2 people to 5 people. Each one taking a personal interest in our guests as they hear their stories and determine the best way to serve their physical needs.

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Take Action!

We are proud of the various ministries that

By Volunteering Your Vocation

your skills and gifting could create greater

we’ve created, but maybe you see a way that impact.

Contact Lindsay Baldwin at

lindsay@vrmhope.org or 740.4178

Letter from Chairman of the Board Building “Hope and Restoration through Jesus Christ” is what the

out to raise the money needed to complete that project which

Mission’s focus is all about. We

soon as possible. We are introducing the VRM’s Building Hope

primarily do this by coming

Campaign for 2014-2015. We will need approximately $1,600,000

alongside those that come to

to fully fund our campaign. Please consider an additional gift

us and provide for their physical

toward this project…. We would love to give you a tour of the

will directly improve how we provide services to those that come to us. We are very excited about getting this accomplished as

needs such as food, clothing and many other needs they may

Community Center to see firsthand what needs to be completed.

have. In doing this we are allowed the privilege to share the


Gospel of Jesus Christ which is where restoration begins. Now it is obvious, perhaps, that we need such supplies like food, clothing and funds to provide these basic things. What may be

Mark Shelton President of the Board

overlooked at times are the facilities and buildings needed to provide such dynamic services. It was just over a year ago that we completed the bottom story of the new Community Center. But what many don’t know is that the second floor is still just a


shell inside and still needs to be completed. So we are setting


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UPCOMING EVENTS Easter Community Meal: Saturday April 19th Come join us as we serve our Community Easter Meal and celebrate

Express Employment Refresh Leadership Simulcast: Wednesday April 16th

the resurrection of Jesus together! We would love to have you come

The Refresh Leadership Live Simulcast is YOUR opportunity to

and serve alongside us!

come together with members of our business community to learn

Contact Lindsay Baldwin at Lindsay@vrmhope.org.

more about the principles of great leadership. Speakers this year

Scott Smith Golf Tournament: Friday April 25th Registration 8am - Tee-off 9am

include: John Mackey//Dick Vitale//Christine Cashen. All proceeds go directly to the Visalia Rescue Mission. For more information, go to www.refreshleadership.com/live

day of golf and to remember an amazing man that served our

5th Annual Golf Skills Challenge: Friday August 15

community. All proceeds will go directly to the VRM.

Registration 7:30am - Tee Off 9am

To sign up go to: www.golfcreekridge.com/smithinvitational.com

Come and test your skills on the golf course and help support the

The Visalia Association of Firefighters are holding a golf tournament in memory of Visalia Fire Captain Scott Smith. Come out for a fun

Visalia Prayer Breakfast: Thursday May 1st 7am - 9am

VRM while you’re at it! Our Annual Golf Tournament is based on the “Big Break” and will be full of fun, competitive challenges. All proceeds will go directly to the VRM.

again this year! As a community, we will join in fellowship and pray

Frampton Guitar Circus: Friday August 29th

together for our City, community, and churches. Come and join us

The Visalia Rescue Mission is presenting an amazing night of guitar-

for a dynamic morning of prayer and encouragement. For more

hero pyrotechnics and gutsy rhythm-and-blues. Grammy®-winning

information as well as ticket and sponsor options,

guitarist Peter Frampton and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee,

go to www.vrmhope.org/calendar

the Real Deal, Buddy Guy, set the night on fire with indelibly searing

The Visalia Rescue Mission will be hosting the Prayer Breakfast

performances. For tickets and more information, go to www.ovalpark.org or www.vrmhope.org



Breakfast Thursday May 1st Visalia Convention Center

Community.Together.In Prayer

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