VIS Annual Report 2017 2018

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Report 2017-2018


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The VIS community is committed to creating awareness

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of t


Eco School

in Austria.

of the need for a sustainable environment and to leave a green print on our planet.

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Table of contents

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Board's Report


Director's Report


Treasurer's Report


Primary School


Secondary School


University Placements




President Van der Bellen Visit


ISA Results 2017


IB Diploma 2017




Performing Arts


Creativity, Action and Service


International Family






Campus Facts


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Caroline Nicholas Board Chair


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Board’s Report World-class schools are defined by the way in

involved for their vision, efforts and achievements.

which their students and staff exemplify their

In celebrating this award, we are equally pleased

beliefs and values. Our VIS community supports

to be contributing to the work of the United

our students, and empowers them to be successful

Nations and international community towards

and responsible, not just in the School but for

the sustainable development goals.

the long term. Students, supported by inspiring teachers and colleagues, have “walked the talk” in

The main responsibilities of the Board include

working to improve the sustainability of our


environment and to leave a green footprint.

sustainability. We will shortly be starting the




longer - term

process of developing a strategic plan for VIS, in Our




which we will welcome all stakeholders from the

programmes to reduce and recycle water and

community as active participants. We will review

other waste, to improve the School outdoor

our past achievements and areas that we need



to focus on to build on them. Good financial

biodiversity in VIS and its environs. The students

planning is of course a key part of the process.

and teachers demonstrated their projects to

The objective of that planning is to ensure that

the Foundation for Environmental Education.

we can empower the academic and activities

Shortly after, the FEE awarded VIS the status of

programmes, provide the best facilities for our

Eco-School, Austria’s 1st (and to date only)

students and, perhaps most important of all,

Eco-School. The citation is well worth repeating:

continue to attract and retain the most talented

“It is evident that VIS is truly dedicated to

and supportive teaching and other staff to guide

sustainability and the Eco-Schools programme

our students and to encourage them to achieve

itself (and…) undoubtedly deserves the Green

their potential in today’s challenging world.






Flag Award. They have invested the time, effort, and dedication needed to run the

We are proud of our commitment to diversity,

Eco-Schools programme successfully.”

which is both enriching and a force for cohesion in our vibrant community. This community is what

As a result, VIS has joined a community of over 15m

has enabled us to become a leader in education

students in 59 countries,working for environmental

generally and in eco-education in particular.

protection and sustainability. I cannot emphasise

I look forward to continuing our work in the

enough how proud the Board and I are of everyone

coming year.


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Samir Mikhail

David Jepsen

Jane Rigler

Elected by the VISA

Appointed by CTBTO

Elected by the VISA

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Tarek Sarwat

Board Vice Chair Appointed by the IAEA

Caroline Nicholas Board Chair Appointed by UNOV

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Peter Murphy

Béatrice Rossi-y-Costa


Appointed by UNIDO

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Richard Golden

Board Treasurer Elected by the VISA

Lucrezia Terzi-Boehm Board Secretary Elected by the VISA

Benjamin Kuscher Business Manager

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Peter Murphy Director


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Director's Report With a close association with the United Nations,

The first was an introduction of a more sen-

the focus of the 2020 Millennium Development

sible management of our waste streams.

Goals forms a very natural prompt for our work as

This brings with young people understanding the

a school.

nature of materials, how they are manufactured

These goals raise our collective consciousness

and how they can be usefully disposed of. Systems

of how our community can take direct action

for waste separation were introduced – an easy

towards the promotion of a more sustainable

first step to be followed by the more difficult task of

future. Given that our focus is education, we have

changing established habits. Once we know more

been concerned to develop an experience for

about materials and the environmental impact of

students that will empower them with a voice,

producing them, then we can make more informed

a sense of passion and connection to making a

choices about whether we want them or not.

real difference. Not surprisingly, it has been our

Our second strand of activity addresses the

younger students who were leading the charge

challenges of a digitally connected world, with a

for us to address their concerns about the future

more traditional print media environment. New

that they will inherit.

technologies streamlined work flows, so we are








reducing volumes of paper. The savings in paper

member of our school community, we have for

in our first year amounted to 2,4T. The reduction

many years been developing Eco awareness

of paper affects all of the associated systems

education for our youngest students in what

that had become dependent on paper and

was a ‘makeshift’ former greehouse. Students

consequently the waste that this generates.

learn through direct hands-on experience about

The third focus has been on developing a

the beautiful details of the natural world. This

strategy to gradually transform our building

sparking of curiosity launched our journey

to make it more sustainably smart by saving

to become an Eco-School – as a powerfully

electricity, turning lights off, switching to

student-led initiative. You can imagine the sense

renewable energy and using LED technology.

of pride reaching a point where the seeds of an

The journey is far from over, I have touched on a

idea become an externally recognised reality. In

few examples of our work here. As you read this

addition, we now have a purpose built ‘Eco-Centre’

report, I am confident that you will see many rich

that the Austrian President Dr. Van der Bellen

examples of how the initial focus has inspired the

officially opened in November! So what did the

community to take action and start to make a

students compel us to commit to in the early stages?



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Treasurer’s Report In June 2016, VISA concluded the arduous

gym roof. This will lead into a negative annual

negotiations with the Republic of Austria for the

cash-flow of approximately €2,9m.

educational amount and a leasehold securing use of the facilities until 2044. Unfortunately, these

The annual audit of accounts was completed

led to a step reduction in the educational amount

by BDO Austria GmbH and is available for all

to € 2m and the School being made financially and

VISA members. The following significant capital

legally responsible for renovation of the VIS school

improvements could already be carried out in

premises. The latter requires the School to bear


the cost of making them compliant with current standards, plus ongoing site maintenance.

100% legal compliance with building codes

Thus, the financial year 2016-2017 was determined

- New fireproof windows in the Mall.

by the technical analysis of the VIS school building,

- Compliant storage rooms all over the School.

and resultant adjustments to the budget for the

- Compliant server racks all over the School.

coming years. This analysis resulted in an essential

- Compliant wardrobes in the Primary School and

renovation need of € 12,9m spread out over a

the Early Learning Centre

5-year period.

- New fire doors all over the School.

Seen from this angle, the financial year 2016-2017

- Renovated Secondary Library.

was used to constitute additional financial reserves

- New structure in the Aula.

(€ 1,16m) and to start with necessary renovation Renovation projects

and improvement works (€ 1,05m) of the site.

- New low voltage system. 2017-2018 Forecast

- New lighting systems.

Despite the additional investments required for the facilities and reduction in the educational

Site Improvements

amount outlined above, our ongoing cost and

- Renovated Secondary Library.

efficiency measures enable the VIS to soften

- New playground in the Early Learning Centre.

the impact of the reduction of the educational

- New teachers’ & IT offices next to the Aula.

amount and achieve a break-even budget surplus

- New Eco-School Outdoor Area.

of approximately €10k.

- Improved Sport Field.

Additional investment costs for repair and

- Additional teaching area in the Library and Aula.

renovation is estimated to be €2,25m in 2017-2018.

- Additional study area in the Library.

A major cost driver will be the replacement of the

- Drama Lab equipped.


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- Digital presentation systems in three Gyms.

- Maintain current level of extra-curricular activities.

- A/V system in the Aula.

- Maintain an inclusive fee structure (such as IB course materials, exams and field trips).

In accordance with School Policy, the Business

- Sustain VIS as a School of choice given its

Manager presented draft proposals of a budget

enriched learning experience.

for 2018-2019 that took into account the above mentioned required capital improvements, plus

2018-2019 Budget Assumptions

improvements to the educational programme

- Medium enrolment set at 1.362 students.

and school facilities recommended by the School’s

- Stabilization of all expenditure at level of inflation.

management, and reviewed by the Board. At the

- The education amount from the Vienna based

November meeting of the Board of Governors, the

organizations is set at €2m.

budget for 2018-2019 was approved by the Board.

- Compliance & safety renovation cost of € 3,8m in 2018-2019 (estimated total of € 12,9m over 5-7 years).

2018-2019 Strategic Budget Objectives

- Due to high investments, the budget for this

- Keep tuition increases at a minimum level in

and future years will be formulated to meet

spite of reduction in financial support.

cash flow requirements.

- Sustain current diversity of academic programme.

- A year end accounting surplus of € 333k and a

- Maintain quality; e.g. student/teacher ratio.

cash flow deficit of € 1,8m. Cash Flow

Annual Budget in million Budget Revenue Administration Building&Site Services Student Development Personal Costs Depreciation Financials Capital Fund


In line with the policy announced in the General


28,99 -0,82 -1,58 -0,37 -1,12 -24,21 -1,03 0,15 0,00

30,49 -0,82 -1,59 -0,36 -1,26 -25,04 -1,23 0,14 0,00

Assembly, the Treasurer believes it appropriate to



moderate the planned percentage increase in fees.


conclude his presentation with a 3 year cash flow projection, which provides a more understandable transparent outlook of the finances of the School and the pressure on fee levels. Since the School’s budgets are prepared on a very conservative basis, there is a potential for any savings to be used to

Annual Cash Flow in million Year




Tuition Educational Contribution ELC subsidy (Vienna) Other Income

26,22 3,00 0,23 0,86

26,55 2,00 0,00 0,21

28,32 2,00 0,00 0,17

Total Cash Income




-23,38 0,00 -4,62 -28,00

-24,21 0,00 -4,71 -28,92

-25,04 0,00 -4,93 -29,97




1,31 -0,92 0,00

-0,72 0,00 -2,25

-0,04 0,00 -3,98




Operational Expenditure Personnel Additional Staff Other OPEX Total Expenses Cash after operations Capital Expenditures Repairs Property Tax Compliance Renovation Annual Net Cash Flow


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Christine Lang Primary Principal


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Primary School The VIS journey to become the 1st Eco-School

commit to the school pledge which they created.

International in Austria was an initiative intended

These students were also honoured to be able to

to involve our whole community. Students, staff

share their pledges with the President of Austria

and the PTA worked collaboratively to achieve

when he visited our school in November.

our accreditation, and Primary School students continue to actively support and develop our

At Primary School Assemblies, the Primary Student

Eco-School goals. The curricular links in place in the

Council cooperates with the Green Team to inform

Primary School support aspects of learning about

Primary School students and teachers about

ecology and sustainability. This, combined with

different projects, including the recycling system

sustained student action, demonstrates that our

and other ongoing developments related to our

students understand what is necessary to initiate

Eco-School themes. This keeps everyone informed

and participate in routines and activities that

and enthused and also ensures that the wider

support sustainability. Even our youngest students

school community is fully engaged.

know that it is possible to make a difference. As leaders of young students in a changing world, Students in the Primary Green Team meet

it is sometimes challenging for us to know exactly

regularly every week and participate in different

what skills our current students will need later

activities. This allows them to gain a deeper

in their lives. The seeds of what we can be sure

understanding of different ecological issues,

they will need, though, are currently be planted

while at the same time improving the school

in our Primary School programme: We are helping

environment. The Green Team was instrumental

our students to be aware of issues related to

in designing our current system for monitoring

sustainability, engaging them in appropriate

the recycling of rubbish within the classrooms.

ways so that they develop a true sense of

These students also help to maintain the gardens

care and ownership of their environments

and have been working together regarding care


for the outdoor areas, in particular the pond

work collaboratively to take authentic action.

ecosystem. At regular events, students confidently

How powerful this will be as they become

present their ideas and encourage others to

leaders themselves!







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Elisabeth Stanners Secondary Principal


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Secondary School Our VIS mission statement acknowledges that

are creating legislation and limitations on

we are educating our students in ‘a changing

the resources that can be used in building

world’. As a school we have chosen to deliver the

designs’ or ‘Different perspectives create healthy

IB curriculum programmes because we believe

communication on environmental sustainability’.

that the values of the IB match the values that we have for our students. ‘The aim of all

In the IB Diploma Programme the Theory of

IB programmes is to develop internationally

Knowledge course allows students the opportunity

minded people who, recognizing their common

to consider questions related to our common

humanity and shared guardianship of the planet,

humanity and the way that we share the planet.

help to create a better and more peaceful world.’

Examples of the types of questions that may be explored are: “What is the role played by consensus

Sustainability and globalization are central

in the validation of data relating to sustainability?”

to the education of our students: it is one

and “To what extent do measurement and

of six global contexts in the IB Middle Years

statistical methods provide reliable data in the area

Programme and addresses the question of

of sustainability?”

‘How is everything connected?’. Students explore the interconnectedness of human-made systems

Most importantly, in response to their learning,

and communities; the relationship between local

students are supported in taking action. There

and global processes; how local experiences

are many examples of initiatives that result from

mediate the global; the opportunities and

classroom learning, whether it be the response

tensions provided by world-interconnectedness;

of an individual student, or groups of students,

the impact of decision-making on humankind and

inspired by the passions of their teachers.

the environment. Our aim is that our students will leave VIS with a Our students study units, with statements of

sense of their responsibility for the world in which

inquiry such as: ‘The world’s natural resources

they live and a personal commitment to action to

are being depleted at a much higher rate on

effect change. The report on the Service & Action/

consumption that what is being renewed. Local,

Creativity, Activity & Service Continuum later in this

regional, national and international governments

report develops further on our work in this area.


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University Placements by VIS graduates 2009-2017

Australia University of Melbourne Australian National University Victoria University University of Technology Sydney

Hungary International Business School, Budapest Semmelweis University Szeged University Pecs University

Sweden Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Lunds Universitet Uppsala Universitet Örebro Universitet

Austria Technische Universität Wien Universität für Bodenkultur Universität für Angewandte Kunst Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Montan Universität Leoben Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien Wirtschafts-Universität Wien Universität Wien Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Sigmund Freud Universität Wien Film Akademie Wien FH Krems FH Wien FH Wiener Neustadt FH Salzburg FH Technikum Wien Modul University Webster University

Ireland The Royal College of Surgeons University College Cork Trinity College Dublin University College Dublin

Switzerland St. Gallen ETH Zurich Glion Institute Les Roches Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne

Italy Università Bocconi Università Cattolica di Brescia Università degli Studi di Parma

Taiwan National University of Science and Technology

Japan Keio University Kyoto University Waseda University Nagoya University Osaka University Sofia University Temple University

Turkey Gazi University

Belgium Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Korea KAIST Seoul National University Yonsei University

Canada Carleton University Calgary University Concordia University McGill University McMaster University Queen’s University Seneca College Simon Fraser University Trent University University of Alberta University of British Columbia University of Guelph University of Ottawa University of Toronto University of Western Ontario

Malta Barts and London School of Medicine

Cyprus Nicosia Medical University Czech Republic Charles University, Prague Jan Masaryk University, Brno Denmark Aarhus Universitet Copenhagen Business School Københavns Universitet Syddansk Universitet France American University Paris Paris Le Cordon Bleu Parsons Paris School of Design Institut d'études politiques de Paris Germany EU Business School, München FH Bad Honnef Freie Universität Berlin Leibniz Universität Hannover Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Technische Universität München Universität Leipzig

Netherlands Universiteit Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Erasmus University, Rotterdam Universiteit Leiden University College Utrecht Universiteit Maastricht Universiteit Tilburg Technische Universiteit Delft Universiteit Groningen NHTV Breda Hogeschool De Haagse Hogeschool Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Technische Universieit Twente Dutch Filmers Academy, Amsterdam New Zealand Otaga University Auckland Norway Universitetet i Oslo Portugal Universidade do Porto Russia Moscow State Institute of International Relations

United Kingdom Aberdeen University Bath University Birmingham University Brighton University Brighton and Sussex Medical School Bristol University Brunel University Bournemouth University Cambridge University Cardiff University Chichester University City University De Montfort University Durham University Edinburgh University Exeter University Glasgow University Herriot Watt University Hull University Hull York Medical School Istituto Marangoni, London Imperial College London Kent University Kings College London Leicester University Leeds University Liverpool University London School of Economics Loughborough University Manchester University Newcastle University Nottingham University Oxford University Portsmouth University Reading University Royal Holloway Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield University St. Andrews University School of Oriental and African Studies Southampton University Stirling University Strathclyde University Surrey University Sussex University University College London Warwick University Westminster University Winchester University York University Leeds College of Art

Singapore National University of Singapore Slovakia Slovak Medical University Spain IE University Suffolk University Madrid EU University Barcelona Esade Business School, Barcelona Instituto Europea di Design Toulouse Business School Barcelona

University of The Arts London University of The Creative Arts Royal Northern School of Music Thames College of Dance Rose Bruford College of Theatre & Performance United States of America The United States Naval Academy Annapolis The American University Azusa Pacific University Babson University UC Berkeley Boston College Boston University Case Western University Carnegie-Mellon University Colorado State University Cornell University Denver University Drexel University Duke University Elon University Embry Riddle University Full Sail University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology George Washington University Johns Hopkins University Lawrence University, Wisconsin Lewis and Clark University Miami University Michigan State University North Carolina State University Chapel Hill Northeastern University Northwestern University Oregon University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Stanford University Suffolk University University of Texas Austin Tufts University University of California San Diego University of Maryland University of Michigan University of Massachusetts at Amherst University of Pennsylvania Penn State University University of Tampa University of West Virginia University of Virginia Wellesley University University of Wisconsin University of Virginia Virginia State University Virginia Tech University Washington State University Webster University Yale University The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Delaware College Art Design Parson’s School of Design Pratt School of Art and Design Ringling College of Art & Design Rhode Island School of Design Savannah College of Art & Design


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Eco-School Over the past ten years the School has worked

its bit to live sustainability in a practical way.

to provide opportunities for students to connect

Understanding of sustainability by including it in

with and understand the natural environment.

the PYP, MYP and DP programmes, has been the

This enabled the students to obtain a deeper

key component in laying the foundations for the

understanding of, as well as connecting with

commitment to becoming an Eco-School.

nature. An Eco-Lab was created in which animals and plants were observed. The School established

The School changed to Green Energy as well as

a group of students who worked to address

to a sustainable heating system. The catering

environmental issues in the School and put into

manager provided details of the systems in place

place a system to help with recycling.

for sustainable recycling. The Reprographics Department also saw an opportunity to reduce

Following the School’s mission “to empower all

paper, ink and electricity consumption, and

our students to be successful and responsible … in

presented the concept they had in mind of

a changing world.”, the Eco-School International

changing to more environmentally friendly

Programme turns out to perfectly fit to the

photocopy machines. The IT Department started

School’s approach to educate its students to

recycling old and used equipment by donating

become global citizens.

it to a local sustainable partner. The hardware is repaired for sale allowing people to obtain

Eco-School International creates pathways of

good equipment at a fair price The application

communication between countries and develops

to become an Eco-School created awareness

a strong awareness of our connections. As a

through the whole school community.

logical consequence, the Vienna International School is building bridges to partners locally,

The idea of becoming an Eco-School International

regionally and internationally. The students have

started in April 2015, the VIS launched the

the opportunity to consider issues, formulate

Eco-School initiative in March 2016. There was

plans and take action to increase and implement

a strong possibility that VIS could be the

sustainability in their everyday lives in order to

1st Eco-School International in Austria, and this

improve their environment.

was a strong incentive.

From Economics to Food Technology, from the design to the technology departments – all did


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Eco-School School grounds and waste and litter were

The application for accreditation was thorough

selected as the first two themes of the Eco-School

and detailed, it provided an opportunity for the

Programme. It provided a framework within

Eco-School actions, activities and documentation

which the students could be the driving force

to be evaluated and eventually culminated in

for change, administration and staff helping to

becoming the 1st Eco-School International in

facilitate the process. The students also included


the establishment of a natural recycling system including a wormery and a compost area which

The undoubted highlight was the Presidential

provided opportunity for students to understand

visit of Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen who solemnly

the importance of little steps making a big

awarded the Vienna International School the

difference. The recycling and waste management

1st Eco-School in Austria.

system is still an ongoing project, which will be fully in place in March 2018.

In his touching speech, the President cordially thanked the Vienna International School and its

The outdoor natural environment includes the

Green Team for their efforts:

Eco-Garden at school, which has an educational pond, an area for pollinators, an area with logs

“It fills my heart with joy that you took up this

that provide habitat to different species, bird

problem and you organized yourself in the Green

feeders made by the students, a wall with insect

Team and took responsibility to effectively fight

hotels and bird houses.

climate change. I can only say: this is unique. What you did is really remarkable.”

Many students were aware of the challenges faced by the planet and once shown that it is possible

The whole VIS community takes these honourable

to make a difference, even through small actions,

words to heart, not as the end to an exciting

were keen to find solutions. The Green Teams

eco-journey but as a major incentive to live

were proactive in finding ways to communicate


with other students in assemblies and committed to the school pledge which had been created: “The VIS community is committed to creating awareness of the need for a sustainable environment and to leave a green print on our planet.”


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"I've only been here for one hour, but I want to stay forever." President Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen on his visit to VIS.

The Vienna International School was very touched

The morning was a wonderful celebration of

by this spontaneous statement by the President,

student voice and student talent, characteristics

as he described the welcome extended to him by

of our diverse and nurturing learning community.

our community. The President thanked the Green

The only disappointment was that we did not

Team for their efforts and awarded the Vienna

have a bigger space to host the event in so that

International School the 1st Eco-School in Austria.

parents could have experienced the tremendous energy and pride that we all felt.

President Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen spent nearly two hours touring the School. He was genuinely

The President left us with a powerful message of

impressed by the interactions that he had with

support for the work that we do as a community

students and the commitment he observed to our

of learners. He genuinely enjoyed his visit and will

sustainability agenda.

leave with strong and very positive memories.


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ISA Results 2017 Each year the School completes the International

The results from our 2016-2017 assessment

School Assessment (ISA) administered by ACER

illustrate the progress of students at VIS

who are responsible for the Organisation of

compared to approximately 76.000 students in


370 international schools in 80 countries.




(OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (

The results for this year continue to indicate that we have a very broad spectrum of ability in each

The 45-minute assessment, in each of four areas of

grade level with students as young as 8 achieving

learning, is carried out in October and draws upon

close to the levels of the PISA average of 15 year

learning across four grade levels.

olds in some cases.

ISA Mathematics 2016-2017

ISA Reading 2016-2017





600 500



517 431 306



100 410 120 274

669 216 415

Grade 3

Grade 5

712 354

735 342 567

Grade 7


Grade 9

Writing Narrative 2016-2017 800




650 293 487

Grade 5

Grade 7


711 325

Grade 9


400 363






300 200



100 0

556 148 383

Grade 3


571 521


483 10 276

Writing Expository 2016-2017









400 300

522 477


497 251 339

600 292 455

Grade 3

Grade 5

644 420

Grade 7

Like schools

737 393 575


Grade 9 VIS Highest Score

528 291 388

665 338 471

665 328 552

Grade 3

Grade 5

Grade 7

VIS Lowest Score

692 366

Grade 9

VIS Mean Score


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IB Diploma 2017 It clearly shows in the IB Diploma results that the

of VIS graduates earned an IBDP result that would

Vienna International School maintains a high level

earn them entrance to competitive Ivy League and

of academic sustainability.

Russell Group universities.

In 2017, VIS students again performed brilliantly

More than 73% of VIS students achieved 30 points

in the IB diploma. VIS students earned far above

or more, while the number of students earning

world results for average score. Roughly a quarter

fewer than 24 points declined to less than 4%.

Average Total 33,53 Scores VIS World

17,3 %

3,4 %

less than 24

24,1 %

29,0 %

49,1 %


39,8 %

9,5 %


6,0 %


13,8 %

7,9 %


Bonus Points

13,8 %

28,3 %


21,6 %

25,1 %

53,4 %


37,1 %



9,5 %



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Sports Scientific studies prove that sports and academics

Apart from the pedagogical approach to interact

go hand in hand. Becoming better at one will make

sports and sustainability, the Vienna International

you better at the other. Besides the obvious health

School organized an eco-friendly ECIS conference. It

benefits of playing sports, we also see important

was a conscious decision to address sustainability

character traits shine through.

by avoiding disposable merchandise items, by reducing waste, by offering refillable water

Teamwork, cooperation, trust, leadership, risk-

bottles and by relying on local suppliers, among

taking and commitment, are just some of the

other things.

character building we see as student athletes compete on our teams at VIS. Sports help students

In conclusion, the following statement is well

socialize into being more focused on school and

worth citing:

develop time-management skills, initiative and an ability to work with classmates.

“Sports hold a unique and powerful place in communities around the world. Sports bring

More balanced students are the result of

people together for a common cause and shared

synergizing sports and academics. We value

experience regardless of age, race, class, or creed.

the idea of a holistic education of successful

Just like life, sports bring us great joy and sometimes

and responsible students, completely in line

breaks our hearts. But sports have the power to

with the ideals of the Eco-School International

not only set an example of sustainable operations

Programme. Global citizenship and sustainability

for businesses and events across the globe, but to

are mutually dependent.

inspire and motivate billions of people to take action on behalf of our planet and all humanity.

Following this holistic approach, the Vienna

Sport and sustainability is poised to harness the

International School was happy to host the 2017

teeming energy of the sports industry toward the

ECIS (Educational Collaborative for International

good of all.”

Schools) Physical Education Conference. Under the motto ‘move. learn. live.’, we offered workshops

David Muller, Former Membership Director,

on mindfulness, social inclusion, encouragement,

Green Sports Alliance

PE boosting academics and team-building.


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Performing Arts Discipline, routines, traditions – these are not the

in place, the students know what to expect and

usual words you would hear out of the mouth

not having to “reinvent the wheel” every time a

of your tween or teenager. And yet, students,

concert is happening, cuts down on the logistics

especially in the Performing Arts, thrive when

side of the event and leaves more time and mental

procedures follow an established structure as

space for real learning.

they promote sustainability. Sustainability in the Performing Arts differs considerably from the

Sustainability in purchases

ecological point of view and yet, there are many similarities.

When we purchase (second-hand) items for

Sustainability in learning

the shows, we look at pieces, which we can reuse in future sets – either in the classroom or in the extra-curricular productions.

In order to remain sustainable (the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level), we

Local resources are always our first choice

constantly ask ourselves the same question. “How

– for instance, trainers in Vienna for workshops,

does this decision improve our students’ learning?”

lighting, technical or musical equipment. We also

This simple process ensures that we focus on

always try to fix things first before we replace the

what counts – our students.


When we teach skills in the classroom, we focus

When students start learning a new instrument

on teaching them in a way that students can make

in the Beginner Band, we encourage them to rent

use of them in many different ways. We also refer

an instrument first. Once they decide to stick

to previous units to ensure that the knowledge

with the instrument, parents are more willing to

transfer remains intact.

invest in a better instrument as students have already shown commitment and the chances are,

Establishing routines in the extra-curricular music

the students will play this instrument for a long

groups, takes some time and effort. However, once

period of time.


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Performing Arts

Sustainability in students' and teachers' energy levels

and performed for the Early Learning Centre

While “tradition” can be considered quite out-

their director’s notebook. This group of students

of-date, traditions can help us channel our energy

also devised an original play in their theatre

to ensure we do not deplete our energy levels

class and presented it to a wide audience during

too quickly. We alternate theatre shows with

“Cabaret”. The G10 celebration as well as the G12

musicals and we set our curricular performances

graduation received a festive touch with the help

at times, when there is less pressure from the

of the musical abilities of our students. The extra-

extra-curricular requirements. We stop our band

curricular groups performed in the Japanese

programme after the Summer Concert, giving

Mission and the Spring Concert marked the

our students the great feeling of finishing with a

musical highlight of the Spring season.

classes. The MYP Drama/Music Evening was a great success, as well as the IBDP Theater G12 collaborative performance followed by the IBDP Theatre G11 experimentation performance for

big event and then enjoying more of the warmer summer days. We also plan our units according

Our first performance in the new academic

to access to the faculties – always making sure

year was a combined Primary-Secondary School

that our students’ learning is disrupted as little as

Autumn Concert, breaking record numbers in the


audience, closely followed by the performance at the British Embassy and the celebrations for the

Since our last Annual Report, the students and

visit of the Austrian President at our School. Three

teachers in the Performing Arts Department

nights in a row, the students involved in “The 39

have been very productive – creating drama and

steps” entertained everybody with great comedy

music on a high level inside the classroom and

laughter and the traditional Winter Concert closed

outside. Our G9 drama classes created stories

the flow of events for this year.


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Creativity, Action & Service The Vienna International School has chosen to

school year was the VIS Business Club, set up

adopt all three IB programmes. Their focus on

by students. Their projects were extremely

Action and Service supports our belief that our

well planned and implemented including the

students should have a personal ethic of social

production of products such as candles and soaps,

justice and responsibility.

which were very professionally marketed showing both good business acumen and empathy for

In Secondary School, we have created a service

people in need, to whom the profits were donated.

continuum including the MYP Service & Action programme, preparing students for the Creativity,

Driven by the recent refugee crisis in Europe,

Activity & Service programme in the IBDP. Students

our students have become very engaged in

are encouraged to engage in responsible action in

humanitarian projects working at soup kitchens,

both the local and global communities. This action

setting up a pop-up clothes store with donated

allows our students to develop into responsible

items at a refugee home and regularly visiting

global citizens with the kinds of attributes

refugee homes to interact with refugee children

described in the IB Learner Profile. Throughout

to help them settle in Vienna.

the continuum, as students gain confidence and become more aware of their responsibilities, they

The highlight of last school year’s support for our

become empowered to make the right choices

School's charity, Maher, was the visit by a group

about positive action.

of DP students to Maher, which allowed them to return and inspire others to help. We marked the

During the school year 2016-2017, Secondary

20th anniversary of Maher with a fundraising

students were involved in many different service

month. Later that year, the whole VIS community

projects. Students worked with both local and

welcomed Sister Lucy of Maher to the School,

global organisations to help others and the

handing this year’s proceeds of ₏ 25k from charity

environment. They were involved in the Special

work. The change we made by supporting Maher

Olympics 2017, which were held in Austria. This

over the years is a striking example of effectiveness

was a real opportunity for students to help people

with regard to social sustainability.

with disabilities and was an excellent lesson in inclusion.

At the same time, VIS has become the 1st Eco-School in Austria, which has inspired us to

An interesting new project in the Creativity,

encourage more service activities connected to

Activity and Service programme during the last



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Gabi Popescu

PTA Chairperson


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International Family From the moment they arrive at VIS, all parents

We also organise Coffee Mornings, big Welcome

and teachers are automatically members of

Picnics, Winter Markets, “PTA Rocks” concerts,

the PTA. Everybody is welcome to participate,

Bingo, Family Days, Summer Bazaars, clubs and

express their ideas and generate new projects.

activities to create unforgettable memories and a

Our mission is to bring the community together,

sense of belonging.

as we are people on the move, coming from somewhere and often going somewhere else, so

Walkie Talkie and Running Talkie members

we try our best to connect and make the most of

exercise every week, the Cooking Club is teaching

being here together. The whole VIS community is

us new international dishes, just like the Hobby

a home away from home that has a wonderful

Club shares talents from our community. The

community spirit!

Culture Club is always on the move to a new place worth seeing, while the Language Clubs

Parents’ involvement is very visible at School.

are weekly sources of learning & fun. The Book

Every day you can see parents helping out in

Club is always providing some insightful tips for

the classroom, in the Library, at School outings

parents to reflect upon until the next session,

or sport events. PALL parents are assisting new

just as much as the seminars we are providing to

students with their learning in their mother

our community, to keep people informed about

tongue until their English improves. Buddy Family

relevant current topics.

parents are dedicated to meet new families and provide support upon getting here. Our social

The best is saved for last: It fills my heart with

network coordinators are very active and plan

joy to see that the Vienna International School’s

get-togethers for families, to give them the chance

students’ achievements in fighting climate change

to socially connect. The PTA Shop and The Booster

have been rewarded by President Dr. Alexander

Club are entirely run by PTA volunteers, with the

Van der Bellen. In a touching ceremony, the

purpose of serving the needs of our community.

President thanked the Green Team for their efforts

We organise big community events that create

and awarded the Vienna International School the

many beautiful memories, such as picnics,

1st Eco-School in Austria.

concerts, cultural events, and also on-going clubs and activities for everybody to connect and simply

This international family continues to achieve so


much by pulling together. Let’s walk this path of sustainability together!


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Where our students come from ...

USA 103 Canada 48

Mexico 7

Cuba 2

Guatemala 5 Costa Rica 2 Ecuador 14 Panama 2 Venezuela 2 Colombia 1 Peru 2 Brazil 13


Argentina 5

Japan 33 Bangladesh 6 Taiwan 2 Philippines 1 Vietnam 4 Thailand 2 Malaysia 4 Indonesia 9 Australia 17

New Zealand 11

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Diversity *Albania 2 *Austria 203 *Belgium 14 *Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 *Bulgaria 13 *Croatia 3 *Cyprus 3 Russia 60 *Czech Republic 4 Ireland 18 *Denmark 5 Belarus 7 *France 22 Finland 15 Iceland 1 Greece 24 *Germany 69 Ukraine 11 Lithuania 6 *Hungary 19 United Kingdom 98 *Italy 67 Kyrgyzstan 1 Sweden 21 Latvia 4 *Liechtenstein 7 Kazakhstan 9 Norway 3 *Macedonia 13 Spain 31 Georgia 4 *Montenegro 1 Turkey 20 Portugal 8 *Netherlands 21 Uzbekistan 3 *Poland 15 Algeria 2 *Romania 18 Azerbaijan 1 *Serbia 4 Armenia 2 *Slovakia 11 *Slovenia 13 *Switzerland 6


Syria 3

Libya 2 Jordan 3 Mali 1

Burkina Faso 5 Ghana 1

Oman 1

Palestine 3 Israel 29

Egypt 6 Sudan 9 Iraq 3 Kuwait 13 Iran 4 Saudi Arabia 11 Pakistan 10 Qatar 4

Cameroon 4

Mongolia 3

South Korea 19 China 18

Nigeria 8

Nepal 2 India 24

Sri Lanka 3 Ethiopia 4 Kenya 13

Angola 2 Namibia 1

Uganda 7

Rwanda 1

South Africa 6 Zambia 2 Zimbabwe 6 Mozambique 1

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Empowerment "Our mission is to empower all of our students to be successful and responsible in a nurturing and diverse learning community, so that they can achieve their individual potential in a changing world ... We aim for inquiring, inspired and involved lifelong learners." VIS Mission

Her campaign quickly gained steam, earning the support of Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, and eventually Apple announced the emoji was on its way.

“It’s something important to my identity,” she says.

One of our inquiring students got involved and thus inspired the lives of millions of women around the globe by making them visible and fighting for women empowerment and diversity.

Alhumedhi says it’s a step forward in celebrating

The Vienna International School is proud to

diversity and accepting the Muslim faith.

announce that this student, Rayouf Alhumedhi, received international acclaim by being listed among ‘The Most Influential Teens in 2017’ by

'I think this emoji will influence the world

Time’s Magazine.

indirectly,” she says, “once people who are against women wearing the headscarf, or against Islam

“This fall, millions of women around the world

in general, view such an emoji on their keyboard.' ”

will finally have an emoji they can identify with,

- Melissa Chan

thanks to this Vienna high school student who proposed Apple’s new emoji with a headscarf.

In harmomy with the spirit of the Universal

While messaging friends last year, Alhumedhi,

Declaration of Human Rights, we aim for our

who is Muslim and wears a headscarf, was

students to be inquiring, inspored and involved

baffled when she searched her phone for an

lifelong learners. Congratulations, Rayouf! May

emoji that looked like her but couldn’t find one.

your involvement be an inspiration for other

So Alhumedhi, who hails from Saudi Arabia,

inquiring girls and boys around the world to

appealed to Apple and then the Unicode

make a difference.

Consortium, which controls emoji standards.


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Mascot of the VIS Panthers Sports Team

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Campus facts Established Campus in m2 Students Nationalities Families

1978 46.000 1.417 116 986

Employees After-school activities Class outings/camps Sports teams Music and Art events

250 52 200 30 36

First languages spoken Mother tongue languages supported Student-Teacher Ratio Technology environment

69 30 7,5 rich

Imprint: StraĂ&#x;e der Menschenrechte 1, A-1220 Vienna +43 (1) 203-5595 Editing: Thomas Lammel, VIS Development Officer Photography: Design:


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inquiring | inspired | involved

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