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'Blue dwarfs' and 'Red giants' refer respectively to (a) Pygmies and the Caucasians (b) Young stars and old stars (c) Old stars and young stars (d) Short term and long term crops of wheat Who has been chosen for the Dada Saheb Phalke award 2009 ? (a) D Ramanaidu (b) Asha Bhosle (c). Javed Aakbtar (d) ShabanaAzmi Rosa Otunbayeva has recently been sworn in the president of (a) Kyrgyzstan (b) Singapore (c) Uzbekistan (d) Mongolia Nelson Mandela marries for the third time with Graca Machel, 52, what according to you is his age(a) 62 (b) 75 (c) 70 (d) 80 In the 13th Asian games held in Bangkok on December 6th 1998, who among the following won two gold medals for India (a) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar (b) Sunita Rani (c) Karnam Malleswari (d) None of the above Who is the new NSG Chief? (a) R.K. Despandey (b) R.K. Singh (c) R.K. Medhckar (d) R.K. Dabas India has signed an agreement on the nuclear fuel reprocessing arrangements with (a) USA (b) UK (c) Brazil (d) France Which of the following two countries have signed MoU to develop technical and professional cooperation in agriculture ? (a) India and Argentina (b) India and USA (c) India and Nepal (d) India and Myanmar Miss World 1998, Linor Abasgil is how many years old ? (a) 19 (b) 20 (c) 21 (d) 22 Which one of the following Indian dailies is having the largest number of editions ? (a) The Hindu (b) The Indian Express (c) The Times of India (d) National Herald PMEAC's Economic outlook 2010 11 forecasts 9% growth rate for Indian economy for the year . (a) 2010-11 (b) 2011-12 (c) 2012-13 (d) 2013-14 Amartya Sen, the recipient of the Noble Prize for Economics 1998, is the Indian to receive the Noble Prize (a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 4th (d) 6th

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Name the Iranian teenager who won World Snooker title recently. Hossein Vafaei Ayouri Which Noble Laureate’s book containing poems and other works fetched $170,500 at a Sotheby’s auction? Rabindranath Tagore Against whom did Vishwanthan Anand loose in recently held London Chess Classic? Hikaru Nakamura Expand SAR. Specific Absorption Rate Name the award that was conferred to Bharti Airtel recently. Telecom Centre of Excellence Award Who won the World Squash Federation under-21 world cup? Egypt against India 2-1 For what purpose India and Russia recently signed a deal? To produce 42 Sukhoi fighters Which guidelines have SEBI notified allowing companies to reduce promoter shareholding through private placement? Institutional Placement Programme (IPP)

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