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As the People’s Republic of China keeps piling the pressure on the Republic of China (Taiwan), particularly in terms of penetrating its air defence identification zone and watching the reaction times and tactics of the Taiwan Air Force (RoCAF), half way around the world Russia continues to build and organise its forces which appear to have been strategically placed around the eastern borders of Ukraine. Both events are alarming for Western-style democratic nations and commentators are seriously concerned about the intensions of both China and Russia. Both countries have continually demonstrated that they would like to assimilate both Taiwan and Ukraine into their nations and/ or close sphere of influence. Strategically, Taiwan is important as it would extend China’s geographical boundaries in both the South and East China Seas, while giving clearer access to the western Pacific. It would also quickly become home to a wide variety of military bases, putting it in a position to increase its powerful stance against Japan and the Philippines, while bringing the navy closer to operations off northern Australia. Should it ever restrict commercial shipping in the South China Sea, forcing it to take a much longer route around the east of the Philippines, it would also be closer to interdicting the extended route to commercial traffic heading to Japan and South Korea. In much the same way, Ukraine used to be one of the Soviet Union’s satellite states, not only providing domination over the northern Black Sea but also acting as a buffer state for Russia, with its territory bordering Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania (all of which have become NATO members over the last 20 years). This recruitment by NATO of members in eastern Europe has certainly been a concern to President Putin, who would view the absorption of Ukraine back into Russia’s sphere of influence as a counter - and warning - to any other states who have changed allegiance including the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. If both China and Russia were to coordinate any serious military action or incursions towards Taiwan and Ukraine, the western alliance and its allies would be seriously challenged to confront both at the same time. Direct military intervention in either or both would be hugely dangerous at best, and would send the global economy into a crash that could well dwarf any since the Second World War. Let us hope - from all sides - that cool heads prevail.
Andrew Drwiega, Editor-in-Chief
Editor-in-Chief: Andrew Drwiega Tel: +44 1494 765245, E-mail: andrew@mediatransasia.com Publishing Office: Chairman: J.S. Uberoi Media Transasia Limited,1603, 16/F, Island Place Tower, 510 King’s Road, Hong Kong Operations Office: President: Egasith Chotpakditrakul Chief Financial Officer: Gaurav Kumar General Manager: Jakhongir Djalmetov International Marketing Manager: Roman Durksen Digital Manager: David Siriphonphutakun Art Director: Rachata Sharma Media Transasia Ltd. 75/8, 14th Floor, Ocean Tower II, Soi Sukhumvit 19, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Tel: 66 (0)-2204 2370, Fax: 66 (0)-2204 2390 -1
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