Armada Oct 2012 Compendium - Light Armoured Vehicles

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Compendium by armada

Light Armoured Vehicles

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Although Iveco DV does not comment, the company has clearly clenched a deal with Russia as some Lince have been displayed on parade in Moscow. (Iveco)


When the venerable Jeep (or rather its Ford-made Mutt evolution) had to be replaced in the mid- 1980s, the US Army opted for the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle developed by AM General. While it was larger, more capable and more powerful it remained just that: a general (or multiple) purpose four-wheel driven vehicle. However, come the ex-Yugoslavia war with its mines and snipers, and all sorts of protections, notably from O’Gara-Hess and Eisenhardt at the time, had to be added. Then came the second Iraq conflict and the Afghan War with their roadside bombs – and more armour had to be added to enable the vehicle to perform missions for which it was originally not designed. Nearly 30 years on, something different is needed.

Paolo Valpolini, inputs from Eric H. Biass


he HMMWV (usually called Hummer or Humvee) replacement programme remains at the top of the light armoured vehicle programmes in terms of numbers involved. The programme is continuously evolving, the three competing teams that won the contract

for the Technology Development phase (BAE Systems with Navistar, Lockheed Martin with BAE Systems Mobility and Protection Systems, and General Tactical Vehicles formed by General Dynamics Land Systems and AM General) having submitted their prototypes in mid-2011.

When the JLTV Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase (EMD) was announced, and by the time the request for proposals deadline was reached on 27 March 2012 (extended from the original 26 January), a number


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles



How much the recapitalisation of the HMMWV fleet might still be an option against the JLTV programme remains to be seen, although the trend seems towards the acquisition of a new brand of vehicles.

of companies had announced their participation to the bid. All this worked in favour of the Army and US Marine Corps who wanted to see the average price tag of the basic vehicle drop by 10 to 20 per cent from an initial cost of about $300,000 a throw. Coming to the rescue of this cost-reduction plan is a review of services’ requirements: following the threat of programme termination proposed by the Senate Appropriations Committee in September 2011 the US Army and the US Marine Corps relaxed their transportability requirements enabling to both reset the goal unit cost between $220,000 and $270,000 (with an add-on armour B-kit priced at $50,000 maximum) and cut the EMD phase down from 48 to 32 months. The Army stated that it intends to procure “at least” 20,000 JLTVs, with options for more, starting in 2015, while the Marine Corps might defer acquisition until the late 2020s. The Corps plans to acquire some 5,500 vehicles, split between 4,650 CTVs and 850 CSVs. The Navy as well as US Special Operations Command might join the meal, the Navy having a potential requirement for 400-500 CTVs and 150200 CSVs, although Special Ops have not specified any numbers. This might affect the cost reduction process and again pose a threat to the JLTV programme’s future. The JLTV’s competing programme has long been the recapitalisation of the Humvee fleet itself, although a number of studies indicated that a recapped Humvee (as the HMMWV is better known) might not be cost effective. The chances that the Modernization Expanded Capability Vehicle (MECV) programme – the HMMWV recap in official language – will ever see the light of day now seems nil following the announcement of its termination by the Department of Defense on 26 January 2012 as it was determined to exceed existing requirements. Major requirement changes included the Army’s decision to have the same protection level as the M-ATV. Moreover the cancellation of Category B boiled down the number of JLTV variants to two, namely the Combat Tactical



Vehicle (CTV) that can transport four passengers and carry 3,500 pounds (1,587 kg) and the Combat Support Vehicle able to transport two passengers and 5,100 pounds (2,313 kg) of payload. In mid-March 2012 six competitors lined up for the bid: these were AM General, BAE Systems, General Tactical Vehicles, Lockheed Martin, Navistar and Oshkosh. A decision on the shortlist was expected by late June 2012, but this slipped to the right until 23 August (see box herewith).

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


In the fall of 2011, AM General exhibited a new version of Otokar’s Cobra based on components developed by the company for the US JLTV programme. Otokar




Following the Army requirements review the General Tactical Vehicles team (which comprises AM General and General Dynamics Land Systems) discussed the range of possibilities in order to ensure maximum flexibility and preserve the GTV team; a decision was taken to allow

August 23rd marked a major milestone in the JLTV programme with the announcement of the three shortlisted teams for the Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) phase. As we were about to go to press, the three selected teams are those each led by AM General, Lockheed Martin and Oshkosh. The three teams were awarded respectively $64.5, 66.3 and 56.4 million. The value of these awards include both the base contract effort (capped at $65M) and an evaluated, unexercised Level of Effort (LOE) option price. These awards are incrementally funded, firmfixed price contracts for the 27 month EMD effort. The balance of the funding, up to full base contract amount, will be provided in FY 13 and FY 14. No number of vehicles finally needed were indicated at the time, but initially the teams were each to deliver 22 sets of wheels for testing and evaluation.


each company to compete with individual bids as well as to maintain a common GTV proposal. AM General decided to run on its own leveraging work carried out on automotive components such as engines, suspensions and transmissions for the Humvee recapitalisation programme and the JLTV EMD phase programme, as well as on armour solutions related to both such programmes. The right mix of developmental and existing items gave birth to the BlastResistant Vehicle-Off-road, BRV-O in short, but colloquially known as “Bravo”.

As with the others, not much has been unveiled about the BRV-O. While AM General naturally says that the prototypes built and tested meet 100 per cent of the JLTV requirement, the only detail that emerged concerned the powerhouse which is a 3.2-litre turbocharged diesel Optimizer with 300 hp on tap – in other words the same used on the prototypes of the previous JLTV phase. AM General, which based the vehicle on the crewcapsule concept, is co-operating with some of the best armour specialists, while automotive components such as self-

The AM General BRV-O during mobility tests – the company decided to run on its own for the next phase of the JLTV programme. The Blast-Resistant VehicleOff-road or “Bravo” uses numerous well proven components developed by AM General in the last years. (AM General)

levelling suspensions and transmission are well-proven devices already in production, which lowers both risks and costs. GDLS, for its part, decided not to bid on its own but to take part in the competition within the GTV team, proposing together with AM General the Eagle of Swiss origin, thus bringing a military off-the-shelf product in the run. Although modified to cope with some of the US requirements the vehicle, which should be based on the latest Eagle versions (themselves based not on the Humvee but on the Duro chassis – originally a Swiss design from Bucher-Guyer). lOckHEEd MARTIN TEAM: The team remained unchanged following the end of the TD phase, the other members being BAE Systems Mobility and Protection Systems (responsible for the V-hull can and blast mitigation devices), A version of GDELS Eagle is proposed by General Dynamics for the US JLTV contract, although not many details are available. GDELS


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles



Lockheed Martin is proposing its JLTV solution also for the British MRV-P programme. In the US the LM team remained unchanged although the vehicle has been considerably revised. (Lockheed Martin)

Alcoa Defense (weight-saving aluminium components) and JWF Defense. As we know, the original JLTV proposal had to be readjusted due to requirement changes, but it had acquired quite a bit of experience, including over 257,000 km of on-road testing. Improvements over the previous models regarded reliability, endurance, and weight saving especially, something that Lockheed Martin places amongst the most important features. Actually, for the firm the JLTV is not a mere truck, but a complete system that includes training, simulation and life cycle maintenance. The company regards this experience as a plus in the proposal phase. Lockheed Martin is also offering its solution to the British Army MRV-P (Multi Role Vehicle – Protected) currently in the concept phase. Although some roles might be fulfilled by vehicles already in service or on order under UORs, Lockheed Martin considers that there is still a requirement for further protected utility vehicles. The company is convinced that the new JLTV price would fit the British programme scheme to the extent of actually taking an Americanstandard JLTV to Britain. BAE ANd NORTHROp GRUMMAN:

BAE Systems maintained its Valanx proposal, although the vehicle was the subject of major modifications to enable it to cope with the new requirements. Another major change was the addition of

Northrop Grumman to the team, which initially included only Meritor Defense, responsible for the suspensions. Northrop Grumman will be responsible for the integration of command and control hardware and software, computers and communications equipment. The first major change took place in the propulsion system, the earlier 340 hp Cummins 6.0L V8 diesel having been replaced by a Ford 6.7-litre turbocharged Power Stroke diesel kicking an estimated 400 hp. BAE Systems carried out a comprehensive redesign work to lower the weight to the new limits imposed by the services, keeping a margin to allow for various equipment additions. As for mobility, the new Valanx should retain the ProTec Series 30 High Mobility independent suspensions developed by Meritor Defense, which feature a double control arm with airbag semi-active

dampers providing adjustable 178 to 610mm ground clearance. NAVISTAR: This company proposed a variant of its Saratoga. The base vehicle has a gross vehicle weight slightly lower than 10 tonnes with a payload capacity that exceeds JLTV requirements as it can carry 7,200 pounds (3,265 kg) with a crew of four plus the gunner. The vehicle is powered by a MaxxForce D6.0 V8 turbo inter-cooler squashing 325 hp out to a six-speed automatic transmission endowed with a two-speed transfer case. The vehicle has fully independent air spring suspensions with variable ride height control to allow overall height to be reduced from the operational 2.97 metres to 1.93 for air transport (the vehicle is 10.36 metres long and 2.59 metres wide). According to company sources the baseline Saratoga fulfils 85 per cent of the JLTV requirements. The remaining 15 per cent are obtained through minor design changes that alter the weight, and the adoption of a digital architecture meeting the American programme requirements. OSHkOSH: This is one of the companies that did not receive a JLTV Technology and Development contract in 2008. The L-ATV (for Light combat tactical All Terrain Vehicle) developed at the time to meet American requirement, leverages Selected for the first phase of the JLTV bid, BAE Systems has further developed its Valanx to cope with the new requirements set by the US military. BAE systems



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


The Navistar proposal for the JLTV competition is heavily based on the company’s Saratoga, which according to Navistar fulfils 85 per cent of the JLYV requirements. (Navistar)

experience garnered by the company with its M-ATV (the Mrap-All Terrain vehicle that represented the evolution of the Mrap concept when mobility concerns started to emerge). The Oshkosh solution is based on a lighter vehicle equipped with the TAK-4 independent suspensions. That solution is further enhanced on the latest evolution of the L-ATV (which makes it Generation Six) thanks to the adoption

of the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system that provides a 508 mm wheel travel and thereby improved off-road mobility. The underbelly is free of major components such as transmission or transfer case that might become a threat in case of explosion and makes much use of the evolving protection kits adopted on M-ATVs to provide Mrap-

level protection to the crew. Although current requirements do not include a hybrid propulsion system, Oshkosh developed the ProPulse diesel-electric powertrain that allows it to churn out 70 kW of “exportable power”. The L-ATV was developed in six phases with first prototypes dealing with advanced independent suspensions and crew capsule development, a secondgeneration adding TAK-4i suspensions and a third-generation (taking part in the 2010 edition of the Baja 1000 and completing it) putting the ProPulse system to test. The 4th generation prototype featured an advanced crew protection system and was used in resistance tests. The fifth adopted a modular design for easy adoption of emerging technologies and threat mitigation systems while the sixth generation is the one currently proposed for the JLTV programme with over 40,000 km of experience in the wheels.

RAM MK3: geared up for every mission IAI-RAMTA’s RAM MK3. All-in-one light armored vehicle for combat, reconnaissance and patrol missions.

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Oshkosh was not selected for the first phase of the JLTV bid but is now taking part in the new bid with its Light combat tactical All Terrain Vehicle. (Oshkosh) An Oshkosh L-ATV being unloaded from a C130 Hercules. The vehicle has been developed in successive phases and has now logged over 40,000 km. (Oshkosh)

As part of the Phase 2 of the Scorpion programme (Synergie du Contact Renforcé par la Polyvalence et l’Infovalorisation) that will bring the French Armée de Terre into a new era, is a light vehicle with peculiar mobility and firepower characteristics known as the VBAE (for Véhicule Blindé d’Aide à l’Engagement). This will not only cover the scout mission needs of heavier vehicles such as the Leclerc main battle tank, but also provide means for cavalrytype missions such as screening, flanking and so on, missions that require both a high level of mobility and sufficient firepower. The role of this new vehicle thus well exceeds that of the VBL (Véhicule Blindé Léger) introduced by Panhard over 25 years ago and which currently provides the “eyes” to French Army armoured formations. Based in Marolles (south of Paris), the firm which incidentally became Panhard General Defense in 2006, unveiled its proposal for the VBAE programme at the last Eurosatory exhibition and named it

the Crab (Combat Reconnaissance Armoured Buggy). pANHARd cRAB: In its initial version the Crab will have a three-man crew, the same as the VBL, but similarities end here. First of all its combat weight is nearly thrice that of the original VBL’s, which was set at three tonnes for air-transportability purposes. In the configuration shown at Eurosatory the Crab tipped the scales at 8.5 tonnes, but the automotive components could cope with an inflation to 10 tonnes without impairing mobility (that is a lesson learned from the VBL where the increased combat weight had reduced the original vehicle’s mobility). Mobility is an integral part of the Crab global survivability, which also combines

Featured on our cover, the Crab unveiled at Eurosatory 2012 carries a number of very special features and, apart from its 25mm CTI turret which makes it one of the most heavily armed light armoured vehicles, can move sideways like a crab. (Armada/PV)



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


protection and stealthiness. One of the key elements of mobility is power-to-weight ratio. Currently Panhard is considering two different engines for its Crab, both ensuring a minimum of 35 hp/t for an 8.5 tonne combat weight, which means an output of about 300 hp. Horses can be increased when needed thanks to a 400-Amp starter-alternator that can not only provide an additional shove when needed, but also enable the Crab to silently creep over short distances using the electric energy stored in its batteries (two solar cell panels are installed on the two sides on the rear of the vehicle to assist recharging the batteries in daylight). The Crab’s stealthiness is further increased by the reduced shape of the vehicle, its

A pictorial of Panhard Crab in an urban scenario. Light, well protected and heavily armed, the new Panhard vehicle is the company answer to the needs of the near future. (Panhard)

This picture shows the three crew members positions in the Panhard Crab and the Thales Vsys-net vetronic system. (Armada/Paolo Valpolini)

height being a mere 1.8 metres over the roof. The cabin shape has also been engineered to minimise radar reflection, with angled surfaces contributing to both a lower RCS and a higher protection against ballistic threat. Turning back to mobility, the Crab has a permanent 4x4 drive, but while both its axles steer they can do so either in opposition to generate a turning circle of less than 10 metres, or in unison, hence heading in the lateral same direction

(albeit at a limited angle), to enable the vehicle to “drift” sideways like a crab! Moreover a rear-looking camera and a two-ratio reverse gearbox enable the Panhard vehicle to quickly back away in yet another configuration where only the rear wheels are allowed to steer. As for suspensions, these are derived from those adopted by the Panhard VBR 4x4, which features independent oleo-pneumatic suspensions and adjustable ground clearance (standard ground clearance being set at 450 mm). A noteworthy point is that the Crab adopts tyres of similar dimensions as those of the VBR. The Crab is built around a citadel

hosting the three-man crew, with access through two vertical clamshell doors – the lower clam embedding a step to facilitate ingress and egress given the Crab floor height. Panhard proposes its new vehicle with ballistic protection of between Level 2 and Level 4 to meet customer needs. As for mine protection the company has tested underbelly armour solutions up to Level 3a, although the vehicle has some growth potential also in that field. It is to note that the underbelly does not have the typical deep “V” shape: in the middle the bottom is flat while only the sides are rising, maximum protection being obtained thanks to a triple floor that absorbs most of the energy. Wings (fenders in American) are made of light material, which in the event of a mine detonation will vent out most of the energy and thereby reduce the height at which the Crab would be heaved by the explosion and conversely reduce the subsequent “landing thump”. Energy absorption seats further reduce injury risk for the crew, but nevertheless ensure maximum ergonomics when the Crab moves at high speed over rough terrain. The driver faces three multifunction colour screens, while commander and gunner have two. To ensure maximum situational awareness the Crab is equipped with a six-camera 360° vision system. The front windscreen is made of three elements and is angled to ensure optimal upward direct visibility, a vital necessity in urban terrain. Thales purposely developed for the Crab an innovative vetronic system (systronic) known as the Vsys-net that improves the overall system performance in terms of mobility, observation, protection and firepower. Based on an open and modular non-proprietary architecture it allows easy interfacing with electronic systems of various origins. The Crab systronic includes a battlefield management system and a radio system that allows its integration into the Scorpion digitised scenario. The Vsys-net allows full rerolling of the three combat positions in order to optimise the workload in the various moments of the mission. Although the commander maintains his prerogative, the hunter-killer function


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles



Two sets of solar cells are installed over the Crab in order to increase the onboard available power and the batteries endurance when the engine is not running. (Armada/PV)

can be redistributed to all three positions. The intercom can also be used by a dismounted crew-member (standard range is around 300 metres but a onekilometre option can be installed on customer demand). The Vsys-net allows to distribute all imagery produced by weapons, on-board sensors and local situational awareness systems to each crew station, while image processing for alert and analysis is also integrated. An ultra-compact inertial and GPS location system provides high accurate geolocation as well as the link to a target designation system, while the availability of terrain profiles increases mobility. Turning now to its armament, the Crab can host a variety of remotely controlled turrets equipped with weapons up to 30 mm in calibre. The version shown at Eurosatory was equipped with a Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie turret armed with a 25mm Bushmaster M242, the overall mount weighing around 800 kg. Although lighter than most Mrap-type vehicles currently in service, the Crab can withstand such a 40 kN recoil level weapon because of its very low centre of gravity, wheras Mraps are limited by their top-heavy configuration that makes

them rather unstable. The CMI weapon station has been purposely adapted to the Crab to optimise turret/chassis coupling and has been equipped with a hatch that allows the vehicle commander to have a direct view of the surroundings, which is a French Army requirement. The turret features a stabilised panoramic sight with a 60° elevation (the cannon’s elevation range is –10°/+45°). A dual feed system allows to use two types of ammunition, the overall number being 150 rounds.

The Mk2 is the current standard of Panhard VBL in production. French Army vehicles operating in Afghanistan have been considerably upgraded to cope with the increasing roadside bomb threat. (Armada/PV)



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


An open bottom allows reloading and maintenance operation to be carried out from under armour for maximum crew safety. Guided missiles are another armament choice for the Crab, as well as lighter turrets that include smaller calibre weapons and target designation systems. Due to its low shape and limited dimensions, precise figures were not provided but by rule of thumb the Crab is 5 metres long and 2.5 metres wide. It can be loaded onto a C-130H, a C-130J will take two and a A-400M three, meaning that the latter is able to land a ready-tooperate platoon. According to company sources the Crab positively impressed the French Army Staff as well as the General Armaments Direction when the vehicle was illustrated to the officials. Its dimensions perfectly match the Army’s requirements, although these are still in the definition stage, a beyond line-ofsight role being envisaged for the VBAE. When developing the Crab Panhard General Defense did not exclusively eye the domestic market; according to the company there is a market for light vehicles equipped with medium armament since that niche is currently devoid of competitors. Systems such as the Panhard AML and Sagaie or

Over 150 Sherpa 4x4 have been sold in recent years, the vehicle being fitted in many different versions such as ISTAR, signals, and even light artillery. Armada/PV

company being well aware that Western armies budgets are shrinking while in the rest of the world it often has to compete against wares coming from less developed countries, thus with lower prices. Obviously Panhard is not revealing its figures (the Crab is not yet industrialised anyhow), but it is clear that its aim is to maintain it at more than competitive levels. When the Crab will be available depends very much on when the first customer will materialise, the French Army VBAE programme being still quite away although things might change in relatively short time. the Engesa Cascavel, as well as light tracked vehicles like the Scorpion do not have successors, therefore their missions could well be taken over by the Crab equipped with adequate weapon systems. Africa, Latin America and the Middle East are the geographical areas where such systems are still currently

in service and where the new Panhard vehicle might find its new customers. Besides the technical aspects that make it a considerably flexible system, the Crab features another important marketing plus - its price. A price-oriented rather than a capability-oriented design was followed by Panhard engineers, the

VBl: Panhard, nevertheless, is still

actively marketing its VBL which has now entered Mark2 status. To improve the protection and firepower of its VBL, the French Army adopted add-on armour and a remotely controlled weapon station that sent the scale tipping close to the vehicle’s five-tonne limit. The Mark 2, with its 130 hp Steyr engine, has been

The logo of Battlenet Inside indicates that this vehicle is equipped with the vetronic architecture developed by Renault Trucks Defense. (Armada/PV)

The Acmat Bastion APC is being constantly evolved and the latest version is equipped with independent suspensions. (RTD)

adopted by Kuwait and is the current production standard vehicle. As for the Petit Véhicule Protégé (PVP), the French DGA delivered the 993rd production vehicle out of the 1,133 ordered by the services, meaning that the total number of delivered PVP Mk3 has now well exceeded the 1,000 mark. RENAUlT SHERpA: The other major French producer of light armoured vehicles is Renault Truck Defence, whose Sherpa chalked up orders for



over 150 units, with deliveries now well underway. The vehicle has been sold in several configurations. The Sherpa APC, the personnel carrier version that can accommodate up to 10, was acquired by Qatar, India and by an undisclosed centralEuropean nation, while the carrier version has been delivered to Namsa as well as to France, which is using it as the platform for its Syracuse Satcom mobile station. Egypt is also a Sherpa user and operates both the Station Wagon and the Sherpa Light Scout versions, the latter equipped with a remotely controlled weapon station from Pro Optica of Rumania. This stabilised system can be armed with machine guns

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


from 5.56 to 12.7 mm and was shown for the first time on board an Egyptian vehicle last June at Eurosatory. Renault Trucks Defense worked on the protection of its Sherpas which can now be up-armoured to Level 3 ballistic protection and Level 2a/b anti-mine protection. In addition, the Scout version underbelly protection can be raised to Level 3a/2b. A relatively new challenge with current armoured vehicles is their capacity to integrate new electronic systems with minimal effort; to this end Renault Trucks Defense leveraged the experience acquired by the Volvo Group on the civilian market. Its new “Battlenet Inside” vetronic solution is a derivative of a cots system available at Volvo that is hardened and militarised according to customers needs. The open architecture vetronic system proposed to customers allows vehicles like the Sherpa to be easily equipped with weapon stations, jammers, shot detection systems, battle management systems, etc. Another possible option is the adoption of active protection systems: the company exhibited in Paris a Sherpa Light Scout equipped with the Bright Arrow combined soft- and hard-kill system developed and produced by the Israeli Military Industries, that includes both an electro-optical directional jammer that “dazzles” antitank missile guidance systems as well as blast-interceptor rounds able to neutralise RPGs and missiles. Renault anticipates a steady increase in Sherpa sales in the military and paramilitary world and believes it can score enough sales by the end of 2012. A programme that might have a considerable impact on the Sherpa is the French Army VLTP (Véhicule Léger Tactique Polyvalent or Light Tactical Multirole Vehicle). This include the P4 replacement with unarmoured utility vehicles, a five tonner with ballistic protection Level 2 and antimine protection Level 2a/1b, a 7.5 tonner with Level 2 ballistic and Level 2a/2b antimine protection, and a 10-tonne gross weight light truck with a 3-tonne payload, but low protection. A discussion is currently underway amongst users to merge their 5 and 7.5 tonner requirements in favour of the latter to yield a family of vehicles

with a much higher payload. In terms of numbers, the current split is estimated at over 2,000 five-tonners and 300 to 500 7.5 tonners with 100 of these earmarked as ambulances. For both categories the bid should take place in 2014 with deliveries between 2016 and 2025, but the programme may slip to the right to give priority to combat vehicles that are part of the Scorpion programme. Renault Trucks Defence believes that its Sherpa is very well positioned for the VLTP requirement in the protected 7.5-tonne segment. AcMAT

VlRA2: Renault’s sistercompany Acmat Defense developed a protected vehicle based on the VLRA2 high mobility truck chassis, the Bastion. Recently the company launched the latest version of this vehicle called Bastion Extreme Mobility. While the standard version was based on live axles the new one features independent suspensions while a 320 hp engine replaced the original 215 hp set of pistons. Ballistic protection varies from Level 1 to Level 3, payload being reduced accordingly from three tonnes to 2.5 tonnes (Level 2) to 1.5 tonnes, while anti-mine protection can reach Level 2a/2b. The Bastion EM has a crew of two and carries eight dismounts who can use their individual weapons from inside the vehicle and can be equipped with an open cupola armed with a machine gun. The Bastion is transportable by aircraft as small as the C.160 Transall.

While all questions about Russia are turned down by Iveco DV, which only confirms the delivery of around 50 LMV derivatives (see introductory picture on opening page), the company leaves all other speculations to open sources that get their information from Moscow, since apparently the development of a local joint venture and production plant are still under discussion. The LMV production however, is in full swing at the Bolzano Iveco DV plant (Bolzano and Vittorio Veneto production sites rolling out around 500 vehicles per year). IVEcO lMV/lINcE: Although the LMV has been widely exported to Belgium, Britain, Spain, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and recently Austria and Russia, at least four of these nations

are using the vehicle in Afghanistan, including the main customer - the Italian Army to whom it is known as the Lince (lynx in Italian). Iveco delivered all 1,400 vehicles originally ordered, these being the basic LMV version and the Lince-1 improved version. The Italian Army has signed a follow-on contract for 478 units to improve Lince 1A standard. To make the structure lighter, but tough enough to withstand a remotely controlled weapon station, the lateral structure has been reinforced and now bears a monolithic roof, which enables the car to withstand a 7 g acceleration when falling on its roof sans the roll-over bar installed in previous models. All vehicles are outfitted for the Hitrole light turret, (81 of these were acquired by the Italian Army and installed on adapted Lince 1 vehicles). The first Lince 1 equipped with the Oto Melara turret were delivered in late June 2012 and the first 20 were deployed to Afghanistan in early August. The lack of roll-over bar, coupled to roughly 40mm extra headroom increases the available space inside the cabin. A beefed up suspension was adopted, to with the higher centre of gravity resulting from the increased height and the weapon station, while onboard power generation has been doped to produce 240 Ah. Also included is an emergency exit hatch over the vehicle commander’s seat, to allow the driver and commander to exit in case doors are blocked, but the back of the front seats can now be reclined to allow passage between the front and rear sections of the crew compartment. Protection against roadside

LMV Lince of the Italian Navy “San Marco” Amphibious Regiment on exercise, Italy has in service over 1,500 Lince, hundreds of them in Afghanistan. (Armada/PV)

bombs has been further enhanced, with side doors now featuring three hinges instead of two. Deliveries of the 7.1-tonne gross weight Lince 1A started in 2012. A further evolution of the LMV is anticipated though no details have been disclosed by Iveco DV to date. While the intention is not to stretch the LMV to MRAP levels, protection and payload would be areas for improvement while preserving high mobility and stateof-the-art automotive technologies. Modularity will be maintained, the LMV being already developed in different configurations such as Special Forces, 81 mm mortar carrier, patrol, and ambulance, the latter on a long wheelbase chassis. That chassis might also be used for a recce car using the current standard protected crew cell, though a long cabin vehicle, trading volume for payload, could be envisaged. Iveco is developing an Istar version of the vehicle for the Italian Army: a first batch of eight such vehicles is planned, the ideal solution would involve the short wheelbase chassis, although volume considerations might require a long wheelbase with standard crew cell. The vehicle should be customised according to the mission with missionoriented modules, with a major effort on electromagnetic shielding given that electronic warfare will be one of the vehicle’s major roles. The Czech


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles



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Length: Length: metres 4.95 Length: 4.71 4.95 metres metres Length: 4.95 Length: Length: 4.79 metres metres 4.79 metres Width: Width: 2.33 metres 2.35 Width: 2.35 2.35 metres metres Width: Width: Width: 2.20 metres metres 2.20 metres Height: Height: metres 2.30 Height: 2.3 2.30 metres metres Height: 2.30 Height: Height: 2.05 metres metres 2.05 metres Combat weight: 6.10 tonnes Combat 9.60 Combat weight: 9.60 tonnes tonnes Combat 9.60 Combatweight: Combat weight: weight: weight: 7.00 tonnes tonnes 7.00 tonnes Maximum speed: 140 km/h Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 120 km/h km/h Maximum speed: km/h Maximum Maximum speed:120 130 speed: km/h 130 km/h Payload:Payload: 1.3 tonnes 2.10 Payload:2.10 2.10 tonnes tonnes Payload: Payload:Payload: 2.30 tonnes tonnes 2.30 tonnes Passengers: 44-7 Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: 4-5 4-5 Drive: Drive: x4 Drive: 4 4xxx44 4 Drive: 44xx44 44 Drive: Drive: Engine: Engine: Mercedes 181 hp 245 Engine: Cummins 245hp hp Engine: Cummins 245 hp Engine: Engine: IvecoCummins 190 Iveco hp 190 hp

Known as the Lince in Italy and the Panther in Britain. Like the In earlier LAPVform 5.4,the the company's G-Wagen-based new of LAPV6.1 standard Hurricane accommodates aafive team Like earlier LAPV 5.4, the company's G-Wagen-based new LAPV6.1 W Inthe standard form the Hurricane accommodates team offive fivesoldiers, soldiers, Like the earlier LAPV 5.4, the company's G-Wagen-based G-Wa Wa gen-based new LAPV6.1 In standard form thethe Hurricane accommodates a team soldiers, Like theon earlier LAPV the company's G-Wagen-based newmarket LAPV6.1 Known as Known Lince as in Italy Lince and in Italy the Panther and the in Panther Britain. in of Britain. Based Based thethe Toyota on the5.4, Land Toyota Cruiser, Land the Cruiser, Musketeer the Musketeer entered the entered the inmarket in boasts better protection and higher payload but receive two seats. boasts better and higher t . butcan can receive extra two seats. capacity. capacity. boasts betterprotection protection and higherpayload payloadcapacity. capacity ty 2009. better 2009. tanoextra but can receive tw an extra an two seats. boasts protection and higher payload capacity.

Length: Length: 4.60 metres 5.32 5.32 metres Length: Length: 5.32 ~5.00metres metres ~5.00 metres Length: Width: Width: 2.28 metres 2.10 2.10 metres metres Width: Width: 2.10 ~2.50metres metres ~2.50 Width: Height: Height: 2.17 metres 2.35 2.35 metres Height: Height: 2.35 1.80 metres metres 1.80 metres Height: Combat weight: 5.45 tonnes Combat 7.50 7.50 tonnes Combatweight: Combat weight: weight: weight: 8.5 tonnes tonnes 8.5 tonnes Combat 7.50 Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 110 Maximum speed: km/h Maximum Maximum speed:110 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h km/h Payload:Payload: 1.00 tonnes 1.50 1.50 tonnes tonnes Payload:Payload:1.50 n/a tonnes n/a Payload: Passengers: 2-7 Passengers: 63 Passengers: 6 Passengers: 63 Passengers: Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 44xx44 4 x 4 Drive: Engine: Engine: Iveco 160 hp 193hp Steyr Engine: Engine: Steyr ~300193 hpSteyr ~300 hp hp Engine: hp 193

x4 44 eyr 193hp hp ns ns 300 hp p 300

of the dervehivehi-

PVP MK3 Ocelot Ocelot O cellot t CRAB CRAB Ocelot

r, UK USA t,t, UK

nd military acat pacat

98 metres

CRAB Panhard, France Panhard, France US PVP PV P VPOutrider M MK3 K3BAE Systems Panhard, France Force Protection-GD, US PVP MK3 Panhard, France t Protection-GD, ForceForce Prote te ction-GD, Panhard, Panhard, France RG Outrider RG BAE Systems OMC, OMC, South South Africa Africa Force Protection-GD, USFrance PVP MK3 Panhard, France

TTigr igr A ASPV SP PV V6x6M Tiger Tiger TMV TMV 6x6M Tiger

Length: Length: 5.70 metres 5.60 5.60 metres Length: Length: 5.60 5.70 metres metres 5.70 metres Length: Width: 2.20 metres 2.42 2.42 metres Width: Width: Width: Width: 2.42 2.36 metres metres 2.36 metres Height: Height: 2.40 metres 2.39 2.39 metres Height: Height: 2.39 2.23 metres metres 2.23 metres Height: Combat weight: tonnes 8.40 8.85 Combat weight: 8.85 tonnes tonnes Combat weight: 8.85 CombatCombat weight: weight: 7.50 tonnes tonnes 7.50 MaximumMaximum speed: 140 km/h speed: n/a n/a km/h Maximum Maximum speed:n/a 137 speed: km/h 137 km/h Maximum speed: km/h Payload: tonnes 1.50 Payload:1.20 1.50 tonnes tonnes Payload: 1.50 Payload:Payload: 4.00 tonnes tonnes 4.00 Passengers: 2+4 Passengers: 6-9 6-9 Passengers: Passengers: 10 10 Passengers: 6-9 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 44x 44 Drive: Drive: 46xx46 6 x 6 Drive: Engine: Engine: CumminsCummins 205 hp 350 hp Cummins hp Engine: Engine: Cummins Cummins 200 200 Engine: Cummins 350 hp 350 hp hp

TTMV M MV VASPV 6 6x6M x6 6M Arzamas, Russia MDT Armor, Tigr MDTTMV, Armor, USA Tigr ASPV TMV, UK USA UK DOZOR-B DOZOR-B MDT Armor, USA Tigr ASPV

Length: 5.70 metres 5.70 Length: 5.70 5.70 metres metres Length: Length: 5.40 metres metres 5.40 Length: Width: 2.36 metres 2.20 Width: 2.20 2.20 metres Width: Width: Width: 2.40 metres metres 2.40 metres Height: 2.23 metres 2.40 Height: 2.40 2.40 metres Height: Height: 7.80 metres metres 7.80 metres Height: Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes 8.40 Combat weight: 8.40 tonnes Combat weight: 8.40 CombatCombat weight: weight: 7.8 tonnes tonnes 7.8 tonnes Maximum speed: 137 km/h Maximum speed: 140 Maximum speed: 140 km/h Maximum speed:140 100-110 100-110 km/hkm/h km/h Maximum speed: km/h Payload: 4.00 tonnes Payload: 1.20 Payload:1.20 1.20 tonnes Payload: Payload: n/a tonnes n/a tonnes Passengers: 10 Passengers: Passengers: 2+4 Passengers: 3+8 2+4 3+8 Passengers: 2+4 Drive: 6x6 Drive: 4 x Drive: Drive: 44xx44 4 x44 Drive: Engine: Cummins 200 Cummins Engine: Cummins 205hp hp Engine: Engine: 122-197 122-197 Engine: Cummins 205 hp 205 hp

TMV, TMV MV, MV V, UK Arzamas, Russia Arzamas, Russia KMDB, KMDB, Ukraine Ukraine Arzamas, Russia

developed with a twin t in V-hull tw V V-hull structure using Plasan Sasa Smart Strike Manufactured in numerous versions; Armoured Special Purpose Ve V Vehicle hicle Based on the Dodge Ram 5500HD chassis for and military Manufactured in Armoured Special Purpose Based on the Dodge Ram 5500HD chassis forparamilitary paramilitary and military Manufactured innumerous numerous versions; Armoured Special Purpose Vehicle Based ondeveloped the Dodge Ram chassis paramilitary andStrike military Manufactured in numerous versions; Armoured Special Purpose Vehicle developed with a twin with V-hull a 5500HD twin structure V-hull structure using for Plasan using Sasa Plasan Smart Sasa Smart Strike The Ukrainian The Ukrainian Dozor-B Dozor-B has increased has versions; increased its GVW its and GVW is proposed and is proposed with dif- Vehicle with difmaterial. here. shown Available forces. Available with different protection levels. shown here. forces. Available with different protection levels. shown here. forces. with different protection levels. shown here. ferent types ferent of types engine. of engine. material.material.

armada Length:

ARejected co-develRa Boxer-deriv suspensios

Muske MXT-M M

Based onpAt Armour 2009. cles of thic

Length: ~5.00 metres 4.60 Length: 4.60 4.60 metres Length: Length: 6.00 metres metres 6.00 metres Length: Width: ~2.50 metres Width: 2.28 Width: 2.28 metres Width: 2.20 metres metres 2.20 metres Width: 2.28 Height: 1.80 metres 2.17 Height: 2.17 2.17 metres Height: Height: 2.19 metres metres 2.19 metres Height: Combat weight: 8.5 tonnes Combat 5.45 Combat weight: 5.45 tonnes Combatweight: weight: weight: 9.50 tonnes tonnes 9.50 tonnes Combat 5.45 Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 120 km/h km/h Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed:120 120 km/h Payload: n/a Payload: 1.00 Payload:1.00 1.00 tonnes Payload: 1.90 tonnes tonnes 1.90 tonnes Payload: Passengers: 3 Passengers: 2-7 Passengers: 2-7 Passengers: 2-7 Passengers: 4 4 Drive: 4x4 Drive: 44xx44 44xx44 Drive: Drive: Drive: Engine: ~300 hp Engine: Iveco Engine: Iveco 160hp hp Engine: Steyr160 272 Steyr hp 160 272 Engine: Iveco hp

Capable to carry a medium calibre gun the CRAB development will conDeveloped for the French Army, the PVPinin isEurope an affordable protected vehi- ofthe yweight/payload Developed Protection with Ricardo. Winner Developed for the French Army, y, PVP isisan protected vehiDeveloped byForce Force Protection Europe with Ricardo. Winner Developed for the French Army, the PVP anaffordable affordable protected vehiCapableCapable toby carry to a by medium carry a medium calibre gun calibre the CRAB gun the development CRAB development will willthe conDerivative Derivative of RG32; of the optimises RG32; optimises curb curb weight/payload ratio. ratio. Developed Force Protection in Europe with Ricardo. Winner of thecon-of Developed forthe the French Army, the PVPof isthe an affordable protected vehitinue even after the takeover Panhard by Renault Trucks Defence. cle for units not equipped with the VBL. British LPPV requirement. for cle with British LPPV requirement. clenot forunits unitsnot notequipped equipped withthe theVBL. VBL. tinue even tinue after even the after takeover the takeover of Panhard of Panhard by Renault by Trucks RenaultDefence. Trucks Defence. cle for units British LPPV requirement. equipped with the VBL.

metres 160metres metres metres 642metres metres metres 739metres metres tonnes 085tonnes tonnes /akm/h km/h km/h tonnes 050tonnes tonnes 9 x4 44 p mins 350 s 183 hp 183 hphp pns


Length: 4.79metres metres 4.71 Length: 4.71 Length: Length: Length: Length: 4.71 5.08 metres metres 5.08 metres metres Width: 2.20 metres Width: 2.33 metres 2.33 Width: Width: Width: Width: 2.33 1.85 metres metres 1.85 metres metres Height: 2.05metres metres 2.3 Height: 2.3 Height: Height: Height: Height: 2.3 2.00 metres metres 2.00 metres metres Combat weight: 7.00 tonnes Combat 6.10 Combat weight: tonnes 6.10 Combat 6.10 Combatweight: Combat weight: weight: weight: 4.90 tonnes tonnes 4.90 tonnes tonnes Maximum speed: 130km/h km/h Maximum speed: 140 Maximum speed: km/h 140 Maximum speed: 140 km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 120 speed: km/h 120 km/h Payload: 2.30tonnes tonnes Payload: 1.3 Payload: 1.3 Payload: Payload: Payload:1.3 1.60 tonnes tonnes 1.60 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 4-5 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 4 Passengers: Passengers: 6 6 Drive: 4x4 Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: 44xx44 44 4xxx44 4 Engine: Iveco181 190 hp hp Engine: Mercedes Mercedes Engine: Mercedes 181129/168 hphp181hp Engine: Engine: Engine: Toyota 129/168 Toyota hp

LMV Iveco DV,Israel Italy LAPV 6.1 Mercedes-Benz, Germany Hurricane Hatehof, LAPV Mercedes-Benz, Germany Hurricane Hatehof, Israel LAPV LLA AP PV V 6.1 6 6.1 .1 1 Mercedes-Benz, M Mercedes-Benz, erced dSaymar, es-Benz, Germany t hof, Hurricane H urriiLMV cane Hate Hatehof, te LAPV 6.1 Germany LMV Iveco Iveco DV,Israel Italy DV,Israel Italy Musketeer Musketeer Saymar, Israel

metres 032metres metres metres 010metres metres metres 035metres metres 50 tonnes 5 tonnes tonnes 10km/h km/h km/h tonnes 550tonnes tonnes


Length: 4.34 metres Length: Length: 5.36 metres 5.36 metres Width: 2.39 metres Width: Width: 2.27 metres 2.27 metres Height: 2.02 metres Height: Height: 2.19 metres 2.19 metres Combat weight: 9.80 tonnes Combat Combat weight: weight: 9.30 tonnes 9.30 tonnes Maximum speed: 125 km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h Payload: 2.80 tonnes Payload:Payload: 2.00 tonnes 2.00 tonnes Passengers: 8 Passengers: Passengers: 4 4 Drive: 4x4 Drive: Drive: 4x4 4x4 Engine: n/a Engine: Engine: 272 hp 272 hp

Aligator Master Kerametal, Slovakia tor M teMaster t l, Slovakia ova vaSlovakia t ll, Germany Aligator A ligatAligator to Master astte r Kerametal, Kerameta Kerametal, ta Slov ov kia AMPV AMPV A M 2P PV V 2 KMW-Rheinmetall, KMW-Rheinmetall, KM K MW M W-R Rheinmeta Germany ta

metres 095metres metres 35 metres metres 6 metres metres 530metres metres 60 tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 20km/h km/h km/h tonnes 010tonnes tonnes 7 x4 44 mins 245 /300 hp /300 hp hp

,tralia Israel ralia

metres metres metres tonnes km/h tonnes


Derivative ProducedP has variou h

DOZO Vamta V

The Ukrain In service In ferent typeT Thailand,

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012

5.08 metres

Armada Compendium Light Armou

1 1:21 2012_Spec_Ops_Comp_Content_.qxp:Layout AM Page 1

34metres metres 4 metres 39metres metres metres 9 metres 02metres metres 2 metres metres 80metres tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 5tonnes km/h km/h 5 km/h 80km/h tonnes tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 444 ahp


11:21 AM

Page 1

A Compendium of Light

A Compendium Compendium offor Light Armou A A Compendium of Light Armoured Vehicles 2011 A of Armoured Vehicles for 2011 A Co A of Light Armou A Compendium Compendium of Light Light Armoured Vehicles for 2011 A Compendium of Light Armoured Vehicles for 2011 Length: 5.51 metres 5.51 metres Length: Length: 5.36 metres 4.34 metres Length: Length:5.36 4.34 metres Length: Length: 5.51metres metres Width: 2.52 2.52 metres metres Length: 5.51 Width: metres Width: 2.27 metres Width: 2.39 metres Width: 2.39 metres Width: Width: Width: 2.52metres metres Height: 2.27 2.46 metres metres 2.52 Height: 2.46 metres Height: 2.19 metres 2.02 metres Height: Height:2.19 2.02 metres Height: Height: 2.46metres metres Combat weight: 10.43metres tonnes Height: 2.46 Combat weight: 10.43 tonnes Combat weight: 9.30 tonnes Combat weight: 9.80 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 9.80 tonnes Combat 9.30 tonnes Combat weight: 10.43 tonnes Maximum speed: 124 tonnes km/h Combat weight: 10.43 Maximum speed: 124 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 125 km/h Maximum speed: 125 km/h Maximum speed: Maximum speed:110 124km/h km/h Payload: 1.00 km/h tonnes Maximum speed: 124 Payload: 1.00 tonnes Payload: 2.00 tonnes 2.80 tonnes Payload: Payload: 2.80 tonnes Payload: 2.00 tonnes Payload: 1.00 tonnes Passengers: 5 Payload: 1.00 tonnes Passengers: Passengers: 45 Passengers: 8 Passengers: 8 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 45x 4 54 x 4 Passengers: Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: x4x44 Drive: 4 4x4 Drive: Engine: Cummins hp Drive: 4 275/300 xhp 4 Engine: Cummins 275/300 Engine: hp Engine:272 n/a Engine: Cummins n/a Engine: hp 275/300 hp Engine: Engine: 272 Cummins 275/300 hp

5.51 metres Length: 5.23 metres 5.23 Length: Length: 5.51 metres Length: 5.36 5.36 metres Length: Length: Length: 5.23metres metres Width: 2.24 2.52 metres metres 2.24 5.23 Width: metres Width: 2.52 metres metres Width: 2.27 Width: 2.27 metres Width: Width: 2.24 metres metres 2.46 metres Height: 2.10 metres 2.24 Height: 2.10 Height: 2.46 metres metres Height: 2.19 2.19 Height: Height: weight: 2.10metres metres 10.43metres Combat weight: weight: 6.30 tonnes Height: 2.10 Combat 6.30 tonnes Combat 10.43 tonnes Combat weight: 9.30 tonnes Combat weight: 9.30 tonnes CombatCombat weight: 6.30 tonnes 124 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h 6.30 Maximum speed: weight: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 124 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed:110 110 km/h 1.00 km/h Payload: 1.10 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 Payload: 1.10 tonnes Payload: 1.00 tonnes tonnes Payload:2.00 2.00 Payload: tonnes Payload:Payload: Passengers: 5 1.10 tonnes Passengers: 51.10 tonnes Passengers: 5 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 4 Passengers: Drive: Passengers: Drive: 45x 4 54 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x4 4x 4 44xx44 Drive: Drive: Drive: Engine: Motors Cummins 275/300 hp General 4 190hp 4Motors xhp Engine: General 190 Engine: Cummins 275/300 Engine: 272 hp Engine: hp 190 Engine: Engine: General272 Motors hp General Motors 190 hp

hp Cheetah ForceOtokar, Protection-GD Cobra Cheetah Force Protection-GD Cobra Turkey Cheeta Protection-GD CobraCheetah Otokar, Turkey Force Protection-GD Cobra vakia Cheetah AMPV 2h Master KMW-Rheinmetall, Germany Aligator MasterForce Kerametal, Slovakia AMPV KMW-Rheinmetall, Germany many Aligator Kerametal, Slovakia AMPV 2bra 2KMW-Rheinmetall, Germany Eag Eagle IV vakia AMPV 2 KMW-Rheinmetall, Germany t Cheetah C h eet t ta a Force F orce Protection-GD Prote te ction-GD Cobra Otokar, Turkey t r T e Cheetah Force Protection-GD Cobra C ob Oto Otokar, to kar, r, Turkey Tu rkey ey Rejected as a JLTV contender, it features a V-hull and height-adjustable Develope Rejected as a JLTV contender, features a V-hull and height-adjustableDeveloped Developed the late 1990s, the Cobraaon isV-hull based onheight-adjustable the Humvee Rejected as a JLTV contender, it featuresita V-hull and height-adjustable in the late the Cobra is based the Humvee Eagle IVa Rejected many Eag Rejected as ain1990s, JLTV contender, itand features and Developed erate a AShown co-development between Rheinmetall and KMW, the AMPVoperate rests ona operateA aco-development Shown here in NBC reconnaissance guise. Slovakian forces A co-development between Rheinmetall and KMW, the AMPV rests on sts on here in NBC reconnaissance guise. Slovakian forces between Rheinmetall KMW, the AMPV rests on Based Based on Duro suspension. chassis. suspension. chassis. erate a ARejected co-development Rheinmetall theheight-adjustable AMPV rests on L Vbetween VKMW, as a JLTV JLT LT contender, it featuresand a V-hull Vhull and heightt-tadjustable Developed in the late 1990s, the Cobra is based on the Humvee suspension. chassis.

ts on

79metres metres 9 metres 20metres metres metres 0 metres 05metres metres 5 metres metres 00metres tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 0 km/h km/h 0 tonnes km/h 30km/h tonnes tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 444 co 190 hp 9/168 p co 190 hp hp /168 hp

Rejected as a JLTV contender, it features a V-hull and height-adjustable Developed in the late 1990s, the Cobra is based on the Humvee suspension. Boxer-derived suspensions. Boxer-derived suspensions. of versions. Boxer-derived suspensions. number suspension. ofnumber versions. Boxer-derived suspensions. suspension. chassis. chassis.

Length: 5.97 metres 5.97 metres Length: Length: 5.08 metres 4.79 metres Length: Length:5.08 metres 4.79 Length: Length: 5.97metres metres Width: 2.44 2.44 metres metres Length: 5.97 Width: metres Width: 1.85 metres Width: 2.20 metres Width: metres 2.20 Width: Width: Width: 2.44metres metres Height: 1.85 2.31 metres metres 2.44 Height: 2.31 metres Height: 2.00 metres 2.05 metres Height: Height: metres 2.05 Height: Height: 2.31metres metres 8.62 metres tonnes Combat2.00 weight: Height: 2.31 8.62 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 4.90 tonnes Combat weight: 7.00 tonnes Combat weight: tonnes 7.00 Combat 4.90 tonnes weight: 8.62 tonnes Combatweight: Maximum speed: n/a tonnes Combat weight: 8.62 Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 130 km/h Maximumspeed: speed:120 km/h 130 Maximum km/h Maximum speed: n/a Payload: 1.68 tonnes Maximum speed: n/a Payload: 1.68 tonnes Payload: 1.60 tonnes 2.30 tonnes Payload: Payload: tonnes 2.30 Payload: 1.60 tonnes Payload: 1.68 tonnes Passengers: 5-6 tonnes Payload: 1.68 Passengers: Passengers: 65-6 Passengers: 4-5 Passengers: 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 6 45-6 4x4 Passengers: 5-6 Drive: Drive: xxx44 Drive: 444x4 4x4 Drive: Drive: 4x4Maxxforce Drive: 4300 Engine: Drive: 4 xhp4 300 hp Engine: Maxxforce Engine: Toyota Iveco 129/168 hp 190 hp Engine: Engine: 190 hp Engine: Toyota 129/168 hp Engine: Engine: Maxxforce 300Iveco hp 300 hp Maxxforce

suspension chassis. where Based Duro where iton won th Based where itwhere won t

5.97 metres Length: 6.40 metres 6.40 Length: Length: 5.97 metres Length: 5.08 metres 5.08 Length: Length: Length: 6.40metres metres Width: 2.44 2.44 metres metres 6.40 Width: metres Width: 2.44 metres Width: metres 1.85 Width: 1.85 metres Width: Width: 2.44 metres metres Height: 2.31 metres 2.44 metres Height: 2.31 Height: 2.31 metres metres Height: 2.00 2.00 Height: Height: weight: 2.31metres metres Combat weight: 8.62 metres tonnes 7.19 2.31 Height: Combat 7.19 tonnes 8.62 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: tonnes 4.90 Combat weight: 4.90 tonnes CombatCombat weight: 7.19 tonnes Maximum speed: n/a weight: 7.19 tonnes Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: n/a km/h Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed:120 n/a 1.68 tonnes Payload: 2.43 Maximum speed: n/a Payload: 2.43 tonnes Payload: 1.68 tonnes Payload: tonnes 1.60 Payload: 1.60 tonnes Payload:Payload: 2.43 tonnes Passengers: 5-6 tonnes 2.43 Passengers: 5-6 Passengers: 5-6 Passengers: 6 Passengers: 6 Passengers: Drive: 4x4 Passengers: Drive: 45-6 x 4 5-6 Drive: Drive: 4 x4 4x 4 44xx44 Drive: Drive: Drive: Engine: Maxxforce 300 hp 4 xhp4 300 Engine: Maxxforce 300 Engine: Maxxforce hp TToyota Engine: To yota Engine: Toyota 129/168 hp Engine: Engine: Maxxforce 300129/168 hp 300 hphp Maxxforce

MXT-MVA Navistar Defense, USA MXT-M MXT-MVA Navistar Defense, USA MXT-MVU Navistar Defense, USA MXT-M Navistar Defense, USA MXT-MVU Defense, USA MXT-MVA Navistar Defense, USA MXT-M V,Israel Italy MXT-MVA Musketeer Saymar, Israel t er Navistar r Israel LMV Iveco Italy Musketeer M usk kete te Saymar, r, M v coDefense, VIsrael t DV, LLMV MV VMXT-MVA Iveco Ive ve DV, V, Italy Ita ta lyUSA Musketeer Saymar, Israel Ne New Eag , Italy Musketeer Saymar, MXT-MVA Navistar Defense, USA MXT-MVU Navistar Defense, USA Navistar MXT-MVU Navistar Defense, USA Armour package developed with Plasan Sasa; compared to other vehiLonger ve Armour developed package developed with Plasan Sasa; compared to other vehiLonger version ofdeveloped the MXT, has a smaller cabin and thus trades weight Armour package with Plasan Sasa; compared to vehiLonger version ofpackage the MXT, has a smaller cabin and thuscompared trades weight New Eag Armour pa srael New with Plasan Sasa; to other vehiLonger ve Based Land Cruiser, the Musketeer entered theother market in T Known asin the Lince Italy and the in Britain. Based on the Toyota To yota Land Cruiser, the Musketeer entered the market in rket in Knownonasthe theToyota Lince Italy andinthe Panther in Panther Britain. Based onArmour the Toyota Land Cruiser, the Musketeer entered the market in The N The New Eagle cles of this kind it lacks a V-shaped hull. for extra

ket in

00 metres 00metres metres 50 metres metres metres 50 metres 80metres metres metres 0 metres 5 metres tonnes tonnes tonnes 0tonnes km/h km/h 0 km/h akm/h tonnes tonnes 444 00 hp 272 00 hp hp 272 hp

cles ofitthis kind itdeveloped lacks V-shaped hull. for extra payload. Based the Toyota Land Cruiser, the Musketeer entered the in Armour package developed withaPlasan Sasa; compared to market other to vehiLonger of the MXT, has a thusand trades cles of on this kind lacks a V-shaped hull. extraversion payload. Armour package with Plasan Sasa; compared other vehi-for Longer version ofit the MXT, has a cabin smaller cabin thusweight trades weight cles of this kind lacks a smaller V-shaped hull.and 2009. 2009. 2009. 2009. cles of this it lacks hull. for extrafor payload. cleskind of this kind ait V-shaped lacks a V-shaped hull. extra payload.

Length: 5.30 metres 5.30 metres Length: Length: metres 6.00 ~5.00 metres Length: Length:6.00 ~5.00 metres Length: Length: 5.30metres metres Width: 2.14 2.14 metres metres Length: 5.30 Width: metres Width: metres 2.20 Width: ~2.50 metres Width: ~2.50 metres Width: 2.20 metres Width: Width: 2.14 metres metres Height: 2.18 2.18 metres metres 2.14 Height: Height: metres 2.19 1.80 metres Height: Height:2.19 1.80 metres Height: metres Height: 2.18 metres Combat weight: 9.50 tonnes Height: 9.50 tonnes 2.18 metres Combat weight: Combat weight: tonnes 9.50 Combat weight: 8.5 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 8.5 tonnes Combat 9.50 tonnes Combat weight: 9.50 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 tonnes km/h Combat weight: 9.50 Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: km/h 120 Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximumspeed: speed:120 110 km/h Maximum km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Payload: 3.00 3.00 km/h tonnes Maximum speed:tonnes 110 Payload: Payload: tonnes 1.90 n/a Payload: Payload: n/a Payload: 1.90 Payload: 3.00tonnes tonnes Passengers: 5-7 tonnes Payload: 3.00 Passengers: 5-7 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 3 Passengers: 3 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 45-7 4x4 Passengers: 5-7 Drive: Drive: xxx44 Drive: 44x4 4x4 Drive: Drive: 4x441814Steyr Drive: Engine: 4 Steyr Drive: x 4 181 hp Engine: hp Engine: Steyr 272 hp ~300 hp Engine: Engine: ~300 hp Engine: Steyr 272 hp Engine: Steyr 181 hp 181 Engine: Steyr hp

cles of thisp for extra 2010 The New Eagl 2010. The N 2010. 2010.

5.30 metres Length: 5.05 metres 5.05 Length: Length: 5.30 metres Length: 6.00 6.00 metres Length: Length: Length: 5.05metres metres 2.14 metres Width: 2.16 metres 5.05 Width: 2.16 metres Width: 2.14 metres metres Width: 2.20 Width: 2.20 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres metres 2.18 metres Height: 2.25 metres 2.16 Height: 2.25 Height: 2.18 metres metres Height: 2.19 2.19 Height: Height: weight: 2.25metres metres 9.50 metres Combat weight: weight: 8.85 tonnes Height: 2.25 Combat 8.85 tonnes Combat 9.50 tonnes Combat9.50 weight: 9.50 tonnes Combat tonnes Combatweight: weight: 8.85 tonnes 110 tonnes Maximum speed: 120 km/h Combat 8.85 Maximum speed: weight: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 120 km/h Payload: 3.00 km/h tonnes 2.10 speed:tonnes 120 Payload:Maximum 2.10 Payload: 3.00 tonnes Payload:1.90 1.90 tonnes Payload: Payload:Payload: 2.10tonnes tonnes 5-7 tonnes Passengers: 4-8 2.10 Passengers: 4-8 Passengers: Passengers: 45-7 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 44-8 4x4 Passengers: Drive: x 4 4-8 Drive: Drive: 44xx44 Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4x4 Steyr 181 hp Engine: 325 4 x 4 hp Engine: 325 hp Steyr 181hp hp Engine: Engine: Steyr 272 Engine: hp Engine: Engine: 325272 hp Steyr 325 hp

RG32M BAE Systems OMC, South Africa Sandc RG32M BAE Systems South Africa Sandcat OMC, South Africa Sandcat Oshkosh, USA RG32M RG32M R G3Outrider 2M BAE Systems BA B BAE AEE Sy A S Systems yst ys sOMC, tems te OM O OMC, MOshkosh, MC C, So S South uth th t Africa A Af fr fUSA rica ri c Sherpa Sandc rance RG32M RG R G Outrider Outrider ORG32M utr tCRAB tr rider BAE ri BAE BA B AEESystems A Systems SSystems Sy y ys ste st tems OMC, OM O MC MCOMC, ,OMC, South SSouth So uth th t France Africa Af A fr fri rica c Africa Panhard, France RG BAE Systems OMC, South Africa Africa CRAB Panhard, RG Outrider South Africa She Lig rance RG BAE Systems OMC, South Africa RG32M BAE OMC, Africa Sandcat Oshkosh, USA BAE Systems South Sandcat Oshkosh, USA Produced inupgraded SouthFAfrica, theneatly lightest member of Humvee the RGthe family and Sherpa BuiltSher onLi a Produced in South it is the lightestofmember of the RG Built on an FordititFisitischassis, it fits neatly the between Humvee Produced inofSouth Africa, it isAfrica, the lightest member the RG family andfamily and Built on an upgraded Ford chassis, fits between Produced Africa Produced in South Africa, the lightest member of the RG family and Built on an t will conDerivative the RG32; optimises curb weight/payload ratio. carry acalibre medium calibre gun the CRAB development conDerivative oflevels the RG32; optimises curb weight/payload ratio. Capable toCapable carry a to medium gun the CRAB development will con- willDerivative of the RG32; optimises curb weight/payload ratio. Footn Footnote rea has various of protection. andto the J

will connce. nce.

70metres metres 0 metres 36metres metres metres 6 metres 23metres metres metres 3 metres 50metres tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes 7 km/h 110 km/h tonnes h 7 km/h /h tonnes 00 110 km/h 0 tonnes

466 mins 200 7 200 mins 7

has various levels ofisprotection. and thean JLTV series. Derivative of the RG32; optimises weight/payload Produced inlevels South itAfrica, thecurb lightest member of theratio. RG Builtthe onJLTV an upgraded FordofF protection. chassis, it fits neatly the Humvee has various of protection. and series. Produced inAfrica, South it is the lightest member of family the RGand family and Built on upgraded Ford F chassis, it fitsbetween neatly between the Humvee has various levels even after the Panhard Renault Trucks Defence. tinuevarious eventinue after theoftakeover oftakeover Panhardofby Renaultby Trucks Defence. has levels protection. and the and JLTV the series. has various levels of protection. JLTV series.

Length: 4.85 metres 4.85 metres Length: Length: 5.40 metres 5.70 metres Length: Length: 5.70 metres Length: Length: 4.85metres metres Width: 5.40 2.18 metres metres Length: 4.85 Width: 2.18 metres Width: 2.40 metres 2.36 metres Width: Width:2.40 2.36 metres Width: metres Width: 2.18 metres Height: 1.90 metres 1.90 metres metres Width: 2.18 Height: Height: 7.80 metres 2.23 metres Height: Height:7.80 2.23 metres Height: Height: 1.90metres metres Combat weight: 5.30 metres tonnes 1.90 Height: Combat weight: 5.30 tonnes Combat weight: 7.8 tonnes Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 7.8 7.50 tonnes Combat tonnes Combat weight: 5.30 tonnes Maximum speed: 135 tonnes km/h Combat weight: 5.30 Maximum speed: 135 km/h speed: 100-110 km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 137 km/h Maximum speed: 137 km/h Maximum speed: 100-110 km/h Maximum speed: 135 tonnes km/h Payload: 1.5-2.5 tonnes Maximum speed: 135 km/h Payload: 1.5-2.5 Payload: n/a 4.00 tonnes Payload: Payload: 4.00 tonnes Payload: n/a Payload: 1.5-2.5 tonnes Passengers: 5 Payload: 1.5-2.5 tonnes Passengers: 5 Passengers: 3+8 Passengers: Passengers: 10 Passengers: Passengers: 5x 4 5410 Drive: 3+8 x4 Passengers: Drive: Drive: 44 x4 Drive: 6x6 Drive: 6 Drive: x4x4x641884Steyr Drive: Drive: Engine: 4 Steyr x 4 188 hp hp Engine: Engine: 122-197 Cummins Engine: Engine: Cummins 200 Engine: 122-197 Engine: Steyr 188 hp 188200 Engine: Steyr hp hp hp

has variou and the JL base. Footnote to alr rea base. It has Footno base. It base. has al

4.85 metres Length: 3.96 metres 3.96 Length: Length: 4.85 metres Length: 5.40 5.40 metres Length: Length: Length: 3.96metres metres 2.18 metres Width: 2.02 metres 3.96 Width: 2.02 metres Width: 2.18 metres Width: 2.40 metres Width: Width: Width: 2.02metres metres Height: 2.40 1.90 metres metres 1.74 2.02 Height: 1.74 metres Height: 1.90 metres Height: 7.80 7.80 metres Height: Height: weight: 1.74metres metres 5.30 metres Combat weight: 5.00 tonnes Height: 1.74 Combat 5.00 tonnes Combat weight: 5.30 tonnes tonnes Combat7.8 weight: 7.8 Combat tonnes Combatweight: weight: 5.00 tonnes Maximum speed: 135 tonnes km/h 110 Combat 5.00 Maximum speed: weight: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 135 km/h Maximum speed: 100-110 km/h Maximum speed: 100-110 km/h Maximum speed: 0.90 110 tonnes km/h 1.5-2.5 Payload: 0.90 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Payload: Payload: 1.5-2.5 Payload:n/a n/a tonnes Payload: Payload: 0.90 tonnes 5 Passengers: Payload: 0.90 tonnes Passengers: 3 Passengers: 53 Passengers: 3+8 Passengers: 3+8 Passengers: Drive: Passengers: Drive: 43x 4 344 xx 44 Drive: Drive: 4 x4 4x 4 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: Drive: 188 hp 125 Engine: Steyr Steyr x 4 188 Engine: 1254Steyr hp Engine: hp Engine: 122-197 Engine: Engine: Engine: Steyr122-197 125 hp 125 hp Steyr

Vamtac S3 4PC Uro, Spain Vamta VBL M M Uro, Spain VBL V B2 LM Mk kS3 2 4PC Panhard, France Vamtac V amtta taVamtac cTMV S3 S3 4PC 46x6M PS3 C 4PC Uro, Spain VBL Mk Panhard, France Vamtac Uro, Spain VBL MV, UK Va DOZOR-B KMDB, Ukraine TMV, UK DOZOR-B KMDB, Ukraine raine TMV 6x6M TMV, UK DOZOR-B KMDB, Ukraine VBR VBR V, UK DOZOR-B KMDB, Ukraine Vamtac S3 4PC Uro, Spain VBL Mk 2 Panhard, France Vamtac S3 4PC Uro, Spain VBL Mk 2 Panhard, France In service with the Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Morocco, Romania, VBL with In service with the Dominican Malaysia, Morocco, Romania, VBL with upgraded suspension and armouring, hence gross Romania, weight In service with the Dominican Republic,itsRepublic, Malaysia, Morocco, Romania, VBL with In upgraded suspension and armouring, hence gross weight VBR In service raine VBR service with the Dominican Malaysia, Morocco, VBL with StrikedifThe Ukrainian Dozor-B has increased GVW and is proposed with dif- Strike developed with a twin V-hull structure using Plasan Sasa The Ukrainian Dozor-B has increased its GVW and is than proposed dif- Very upper with developed with a twin V-hull structure Plasan Sasa Smart Strike The has itsRepublic, GVW iswith proposed with 1200 dif- with Very limiu increased Spain (mainand user more units). increased from 4 increased to 5and tonnes. Strike The Ukrainian Dozor-B has increased itsusing GVW and is proposed withSmart difIn service with the Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Morocco, Romania, VBLUkrainian withThailand, upgraded and armouring, hence gross weight increased fromDozor-B 4 toVenezuela 5suspension tonnes.

with dif-

Venezuela and Spain (main user with than 1200 units). Thailand, Venezuela Vservice Ve nezuela and (main user with more thanmore 1200 units). InThailand, with theSpain Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Morocco, Romania, VBL with upgraded suspension armouring, gross1200 weight Thailand, Venezuela and Spainand (main user with hence more than units). ferent types of engine. ferent types engine. material. ferent types of engine. material. ferent types of engine. from 4 to 5oftonnes. Thailand, Venezuela and Spain withuser more than 1200 increased from 4 to 5 tonnes. Thailand, Venezuela and(main Spainuser (main with more thanunits). 1200 units).increased


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012

Thailand, highly Veryincreased upper lim highly-armed re Very u highly-armed highlyr

Armada Compendium Compendium Light Light Armou Armou Armada Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles Armada Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012 2012 Armada dium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012 Armada Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012


Iveco DV, Italy Musketeer Panhard, France RG Outrider

Saymar, IsraelAfrica BAE Systems OMC, South

Armoured Vehicles for 2012/13

11 Armoured Vehicles for 2011 2011 ght Armoured Vehicles of forLight 2011 A Compendium of Light Armoured Vehicles 2011 A Compendium Armoured Vehicles for for 2011 Known as the Lince Italyaand the Panther Britain. Based onDerivative the ToyotaofLand Cruiser,optimises the Musketeer entered the market in Capable to in carry medium calibreingun the CRAB development will conthe RG32; curb weight/payload ratio. tinue even after the takeover of Panhard by Renault Trucks Defence. 2009.

metres 5.23 metres 5.51 metres metres metres 2.24 metres 2.52 metres metresmetres metres metres 2.10 2.46 metres metrestonnes onnes metres 6.30 10.43 tonnes metres m/h onnes 110 : 124km/h km/h tonnestonnes onnes m/h 1.10 1.00 tonnes onnes 5km/h 5 4tonnes x44x 4 190275/300 hp190 hp hp Motors mins 00 hp p

Length: 5.23 metres Length: metres Length:5.23 5.36 5.36 metres Length: metres Width: 2.24 metres Length: 5.51 metres Length: metres ~5.00 Length: 5.51 metres Length: 5.70 metres Width: 2.16 metres Width: 2.24 metres2.16 metres Width: Height: 2.10 metres Width: 2.52 metres Width: metres ~2.50 Width: 2.52 metres Width: 2.36 metres metres Height:Height: 2.30 metres 2.30 Height: 2.10 metres Combat weight: 6.30 Height: 2.46 metres Height: metres 1.80 Height: 2.46 Height: 2.23tonnes metres Combat weight: 8.50metres tonnes Combat weight: 8.50 tonnes Combat weight: 6.30 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Combat weight: 10.43 tonnes Combat tonnes weight: 8.5 Combat weight: 10.43 tonnes Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110124 km/h Payload: 1.10 Maximum speed: 124 km/h Maximum km/h speed: 110 Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed: 137 tonnes km/h Payload: 2.30 tonnes Payload: 2.30 tonnes Payload: 1.10n/a tonnes Passengers: 5 1.00 Payload: Payload: Payload: Payload:1.00 4.00 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 4-5 tonnes Passengers: 4-5 Passengers: 5 53 Drive: 4 x4 Passengers: 5 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 410 x 4 Drive: 4 x 44 hp Drive: 4 4 Drive:Engine: 4xx44 Motors Drive: Drive: General 6 xx hp 6190 Engine: Cummins 250 Engine: Cummins 250 hp Engine: General Motors 190 hp275/300 Engine: Engine: ~300 hp Engine: Cummins 275/300 hp 200hp Engine: Cummins Cummins hp


Armour cles of th

Length:Length: 5.50 metres Length: 5.50 metres 5.36 metres Length: 6.00 5.23metres metres Length: 5.23 metres Length: 5.40 Width: Width: 2.36metres metres Length: metres 2.36 metres Width: 5.36 2.16 metres Width: 2.20 2.24metres metres Width: 2.24 metres Width: 2.40 Height:Height: 2.25metres metres Width: metres 2.25 metres Height: 2.16 2.30 metres Height: 2.10metres metres 2.19 Height: 2.10 metres Height: 7.80 CombatCombat weight: 10.0metres tonnes Height: 2.30 metres weight: 10.0 tonnes Combat weight: 8.50 tonnes Combat weight: 6.30 tonnes 9.50 tonnes Combat weight: 6.30 tonnes Combat weight: tonnes 7.8 Maximum speed: 110 km/h Combat weight: 8.50 tonnes Maximum speed: 110110 km/h Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 120 110 km/h Maximum speed: 100-110 km/h Payload: 3.10km/h tonnes Maximum speed: km/h Payload: 3.10 tonnes Payload:110 2.30 tonnes Payload: 1.10 tonnes Payload: 1.10 tonnes Payload: 1.90 n/a Passengers: 6 tonnes Payload: 2.30 tonnes Passengers: 6 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: 5 45 4 x 4 3+8 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: Drive: Passengers: 4-5 4 x44x 4 Drive: Drive: 44x268/300 4 Drive: x44 4 4x x4hp Drive: Engine: Drive: Engine: 268/300250 hp hp Engine: 4 x 4 Cummins Engine: General Motors 272 hphp 190 hp Engine: Engine: General Steyr Motors 190 122-197 Engine: Cummins 250 hp

key Turkey Eagle ction-GD Cobra Otokar, TurkeyHawkei IV IV Mowag, Switzerland Thales, Australia Hu Eagle Mowag, Switzerland Hawkei Thales, Australia RG32 Eagle IV Mowag, Switzerland Haw GD Cobra Otokar, Turkey Cheetah Force Protection-GD Cobra Otokar, Turkey CRAB C RA R A B Panhard, France RG Outrider BAE Systems OMC, South Africa Cheetah Force Protection-GD Cobra Otokar, Turkey TMV 6x6M TMV, UK DOZOR-B D O Z O R -B B KMDB, K KM DB, Ukraine mvee t-adjustable BasedDeveloped in the late 1990s, the Cobra is based on the Humvee Eagle IV Mowag, Switzerland Hawkei many IV on Duro, bagged numerous orders,orders, including Germany ArmourArmour developed Sasa, Ocelor in Australia’s LandGermany 121 InEa sta Based onhas Duro, has bagged numerous including Germany withbagged Plasabeat Sasa, beat Ocelor in Australia’s Land 121 Eagle Produce Baseddeveloped on with Duro,Plasa has numerous orders, including Armo

e s on

chassis. Developed in the late 1990s, theitcalibre Cobra based onand Humvee Rejected as JLTV itstructure athe V-hull andSasa height-adjustable Developed in1990s, the late 1990s, the is based onis the Humveewith dif-f-f Capable toa carry a awith medium gun the CRAB development will con-StrikeDeveloped Derivative of the RG32; optimises curb weight/payload ratio. Rejected as JLTV contender, features afeatures V-hull height-adjustable inUkrainian the late the Cobra isofCobra based on the Humvee where itwhere won the first batches of the is GFF2 programme. Phaseon 4Phase programme in December 2011. but c developed a contender, twin V-hull using Plasan Smart The Dozor-B Dozorr in rB has increased GVW and proposed it won the first batches of the GFF2 programme. 4 has programme December 2011. has vari where it won the first batches theitsGFF2 programme. Phase Based Duro, bagged numerous orders, including Germany Armour Base chassis. Baseddevelop on Dur suspension. chassis. tinue even after the takeover of Panhard by Renault Trucks Defence. suspension. chassis. ferent types of engine. ty t pes material. where it won the first batches of the GFF2 programme. Phase 4 program whe where it won

metres 6.40 metres 5.97 metres metres metres 2.44 metres 2.44 metres metresmetres metres metres 2.31 2.31 metres metrestonnes onnes metres 7.19 8.62 tonnes metres onnes n/a : n/a tonnestonnes onnes 2.43 1.68 tonnes km/h onnes 5-65-6 4tonnes x44x 4 00 hp300300 force hp hp axxforce 00 hp /168 hp

Length: 6.40 metres Length: metres Length:6.40 5.36 5.36 metres Length: metres Armada Compendium Light Length: 5.70 metres Width: 2.44 metres Length: 5.97 metres Length: 5.97 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres 2.16 metres Width: metres Width: 2.36 metres Height: 2.31 Width:2.44 2.44metres metres Width: 2.44 metres Height: 2.30 metres Height:2.31 metres2.30 metres Height: Height: 2.23 metres Combat weight: 7.19 Height: 2.31tonnes metres Height: 2.31 Combat weight: 10.0metres tonnes Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes Combat weight: 7.19 tonnes Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes Maximum speed: n/a Combat weight: 8.62 tonnes Combat weight: 8.62 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: n/an/a Maximum speed: 137 km/h Payload: Maximum speed: n/a tonnes Maximum speed: Payload: 3.30 2.43 tonnes Payload: 3.30 tonnes Payload: 2.43 tonnes Payload: 4.00 tonnes Passengers: 5-6 Payload: 1.68 tonnes Payload: 1.68 tonnes Passengers: 4-6 Passengers: 4-6 Passengers: 5-6 5-6 Passengers: 10 Drive: 4 5-6 x4 Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: 4 x 4 4x4 Drive: Drive: 6 x 6 Engine: Maxxforce 300 hp Drive: 4 x4 Drive: 4 x 4 Engine:Engine: 250 hp250 hp Engine: Maxxforce 300 hp Engine:Engine: Cummins 200 Maxxforce Engine: Maxxforce 300 hp 300 hp hp


5.50 metres

Length: 5.50 metres Length: 5.36 metres Armoured Vehicles 2012 6.40 metres Length: 6.40 metres Width: Length: 5.40 2.20metres metres Length: 5.36 metres Width: 2.20 metres Width: 2.16 metres Width: Width: 2.40 2.44 metres 2.44 metres Height:Height: 2.50metres metres Width: 2.16 metres 2.50 metres Height:7.80 2.30 metres Height: 2.31 metres Height: 2.31 metres CombatCombat weight: 9.25metres tonnes Height: 2.30 metres weight: 9.25 tonnes Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes 7.8 tonnes Combat 7.19 tonnes Combat weight: 7.19 tonnes Maximum speed:weight: 135 km/h Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes Maximum speed: 135110km/h Maximum speed: km/h 100-110 km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: n/a Payload: 1.25 km/h tonnes Maximum speed: 110 Payload: 1.25 tonnes Payload: 3.30 tonnes Payload: n/a 2.43 tonnes Payload: 2.43 tonnes Passengers: 4 Payload: 3.30 tonnes Passengers: 4 4-6 Passengers: Passengers: 3+8 Passengers: 5-6 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 45-6 Passengers: x44x 4 Drive: 4 4-6 Drive: Cummins 4x4 Drive: 4xx44 300 Engine:Engine: hp300 Drive: 4 x 4Cummins Engine: 250 hp hp 122-197 Maxxforce Engine: Engine: Maxxforce 300 hp 300 hp Engine: 250 hp

SAUSA e, nse, USANew MXT-MVU Navistar Defense, USANimrNimr Eagle Mowag, Switzerland II IIEagle Bin Jabr Group, UAEUAE Oc Vam New Eagle Navistar Mowag, Switzerland Bin Jabr Group, New Mowag, Switzerland Nim SA MXT-MVU Defense, USA TMV 6x6M TMV, UK DOZOR-B KMDB, Ukraine MXT-MVA Navistar Defense, USA MXT-MVU M XT X T TMV M V U Navistar N avista ta t r Defense, USA MXT-MVA M XT X T TMV M VA V A Navistar N avista ta t r Defense, USA MXT-MVU Navistar Defense, USA ght es weight o other vehiLonger version of the MXT, has a smaller cabin and thus trades weight New Eagle Mowag, Switzerland Nimr II srael Ne Eat The New public the Eurosatory exhibition in Sold toSold theThe United Arab to and Libya, latter vehi- vehiDeve In Sold servic TheEagle Newmade Eagleits made its début publicat début at the Eurosatory exhibition in toNew the United Arab to the Libya, thereceived latter received EagleEmirates madeEmirates itsand public début at the Eurosatory exhibition in New

hiket in

for extra Longer version of thepayload. awith smaller cabin and thus trades weight developed with aMXT, twin has V-hull structure using Plasan Sasa Smart The Dozor-B has increased its aanti-mine GVW andcabin is proposed with dif- weight T has Armour package developed with Plasan Sasa; compared to other vehi-Longer Longer version the MXT, T, smaller and thus trades Armour package developed Plasan Sasa; compared to otherStrike vehiversion of3 the MXT, has a smaller cabin thus trades weight 2010. clesUkrainian with Level ballistic and Level 3A protection. Britis 2010. cles with Level 3ofballistic and Level anti-mine protection. Thailand 2010. cles w The New Eagle made its public début at the3A Eurosatory exhibition in Sold to New the Unite The for cles extra The Eag ferent types engine. cles of itthis kinda itV-shaped a V-shaped hull. for of extra payload. material. Vlacks this kind lacks hull. for extra payload. ofpayload. Vshaped 2010. cles2010. with Level 3 201

metres 5.05 metres 5.30 metres metres metres 2.16 metres 2.14 metres metresmetres metres metres 2.25 2.18 metres metrestonnes onnes metres 8.85 9.50 tonnes metres m/h onnes 120 : 110km/h km/h tonnestonnes onnes m/h 2.10 3.00 tonnes km/h onnes 4-8 5-7 4tonnes x44x 4 325Steyr hp 181 hp 81 hp 272 hp


5.05 metres

Length:Length: 5.43 metres 5.43Light metresArmoured Vehicles 2012 Armada Compendium Length: metres 2.16 Length:5.05 5.30metres metres Length: 5.30 Width: Width: 2.35 metres metres Width: 2.16 metres 2.35 metres Width: Height: 2.25 Width: 2.14 2.14metres metres Width: Height:Height: 2.10 metres metres 2.10 metres Height: metres Combat weight: 8.85 Height:2.25 2.18tonnes metres Height: 2.18 metres CombatCombat weight: 10.5 tonnes weight:tonnes 10.5 tonnes Combat weight: 8.85 Maximum speed: 120 km/h Combat weight: 9.50 tonnes Combat weight: 9.50 tonnes Maximum speed: speed: 110 km/h Maximum 110 km/h Maximum speed: 120110 km/h Payload: 2.10 Maximum speed: 110 tonnes km/h Maximum speed: km/h Payload: 1.50 tonnes Payload:2.10 tonnes 1.50 tonnes Payload: Passengers: 4-8 Payload: 3.00 3.00 tonnes Payload: Passengers: 4-5 tonnes Passengers: 4-5 Passengers: 4-8 Drive: 4 x4 Passengers: 5-7 Passengers: 5-7 Drive: Drive: 4x4 x4 Drive: x 44 x 4 4 Engine: 325 Drive: 4 Renault 4 hp xhp 4 Drive: Engine:Engine: 215 215 hp Engine: hp Renault Engine: Engine:325Steyr 181Steyr hp 181 hp

Length:Length: 5.31 Length: 5.31 metres 5.43metres metres Length: 5.05 5.05 metres Length: metres Width: Width: 2.06metres metres Length: 2.06 Width: 5.43 2.35metres metres Width: 2.16 2.16 metres Width: metres Height:Height: 2.47metres metres Width: 2.47 Height: 2.35 2.10metres metres Height: 2.25 metres Height: 2.25 metres CombatCombat weight:weight: 7.50metres tonnes Height: 2.10 7.50 Combat weight: 10.5tonnes tonnes Combat 8.85 tonnes Combat weight: 8.85 tonnes Maximum speed:weight: 120 km/h Combat weight: 10.5 tonnes Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 110 km/h km/h Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum speed: 120 km/h Payload: 2.00km/h tonnes Maximum speed: Payload: 2.00 Payload:110 1.50tonnes tonnes Payload: 2.10 2.10 tonnes Payload: tonnes Passengers: 6 tonnes Payload: 1.50 Passengers: 6 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: 4-8 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 44-8 Passengers: Drive: 4-5 4x x4 4 Drive: Cummins 4 x hp 4 Drive: 4 x 4 183 Engine:Engine: Drive: 4 183 Engine: x 4Cummins Renault 215hphp Engine: Engine: 325 hp 325 hp Engine: Renault 215 hp

SAUSA h, uth AfricaSherpa Sandcat Oshkosh, USASPV400 LightLight HI HI Renault TD,USA France Supacat, Tig Sherpa Renault TD, France SPV400 Supacat, rpa pa Light LLiigh ROshkosh, TUK D, France rUK c Sherpa S herp rp ht HI HI Renault Re nault TD, TD D, Fra ra nce ce SPV ica Sandcat S and dcat Oshkosh, RG32M BAE Systems OMC, South Africa Sandcat USA RG32M BAE Systems OMC, South Africa Sandcat Oshkosh, USA eeHumvee e G family and Built on an upgraded Ford F chassis, it fits neatly between the Humvee Sherpa Light HI Renault TD, France SPV400 Africa She Sherpa L Footnote to read : Numerous other versions are offered on the Sherpa 3 Composite cell developed by NP Aerospace mounted on the Supacat Base Footnote toFord read Numerous versions arethe offered on the Sherpa 3 Composite developed by NPother Aerospace on the Footnote cell to read : Numerous versionsmounted are offered on Supacat the Sherpa 3 Comp the JLTV series. t een nd Built on anand upgraded F :chassis, it fitsother neatly between betw tw Humvee

Produced inalready South it is lightest member the RG family and Built on an upgraded Ford Fitchassis, it fits neatly between the Humvee Produced in South Africa, it Africa, ischalked the lightest member of the RGoffamily and Built on an upgraded F chassis, fits between the Humvee base. Itbase. has already chalked up many export orders. chassis. force It has upthe many export orders. chassis. hasFord already chalked upneatly many export on orders. Footnote tobase. read It: Numerous other versions are offered the Sherpa 3 Composite cell d Foot L Vhas andhas thevarious JLTV series. JLT LT Footnotechass to re various levels of protection. andseries. the JLTV series. levels of protection. and the JLTV base. It has already chalked up many export orders. chassis. base base. It has a

metres 3.96 metres 4.85 metres metres metres 2.02 metres 2.18 metres metresmetres metres metres 1.74 1.90 metres metrestonnes onnes metres 5.00 5.30 tonnes metres m/h onnes 110 : 135km/h km/h tonnestonnes onnes m/h 0.90 1.5-2.5 tonnes onnes 3105km/h 4 x44x 4 25 Steyr hp125188 Steyr hp hp 88 hp

Length: 3.96 metres Length: metres Length:3.96 5.45 5.45 metres Length: metres Width: 2.02 Length: 4.85 4.85metres metres Length: metres Width: 2.50 metres Width: 2.02 metres2.50 metres Width: Height: 1.74 metres Width: 2.18 metres Width: 2.18 metres Height:Height: 1.99 metres 1.99 metres Height: 1.74 metres Combat weight: 5.00 Height: 1.90tonnes metres Height: 1.90 metres Combat weight: 11.5 tonnes Combat5.00 weight: 11.5 tonnes Combat weight: tonnes Maximum speed: 110 Combat weight: 5.30km/h tonnes Combat weight: 5.30 tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110135 km/h Payload: 0.90 tonnes Maximum speed: 135 km/h Maximum speed: km/h Payload: 2.50 tonnes Payload: 2.50 tonnes Payload: 0.90 tonnes Passengers: 3 Payload: tonnes Payload: 1.5-2.5 tonnes Passengers: 4-9 1.5-2.5 Passengers: 4-9 Passengers: 3 5 Drive: 4 x 4 Passengers: 5 Passengers: Drive: Drive: 4x4 4x4 Drive: Engine: Steyr 125 Drive: 4 x 44MTU 4 xhp 4 hp Drive: x 4 325 Engine: Engine: 325 hp Engine: 125188 hpMTU Steyr Engine: Engine:Steyr Steyr hp 188 hp

Length:Length: 5.90 metres Length: 5.90 metres 5.45 metres Length: 3.96 3.96 metres Length: Width: Width: 2.39metres metres Length: metres 2.39 metres Width: 5.45 2.50 metres Width: 2.02 2.02 metres Width: Height:Height: 2.59metres metres Width: metres 2.59 metres Height: 2.50 1.99 metres Height: 1.74 metres Height: 1.74 CombatCombat weight: 8.70metres tonnes Height: 1.99 metres weight: 8.70 tonnes Combat weight: 11.5 tonnes Combat weight: 5.00 tonnes Combat weight: 5.00 tonnes Maximum speed: speed: 130 km/h Combat weight: 11.5 tonnes Maximum 130110km/h Maximum speed: km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 110 Payload: 1.30km/h tonnes Maximum speed: km/h Payload: 1.30 tonnes Payload:110 2.50 tonnes Payload: 0.90 tonnes Payload: 0.90 tonnes Passengers: 9 Payload: 2.50 tonnes Passengers: 9 4-9 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: 34 x 4 3 Drive: Drive: Passengers: 4 x44x 4 Drive: 4-9 Drive: 4 xhp 4 Drive: 4 x 4 300 Engine: Drive: Engine: x 4 Ford 300325 hp hp Engine: 4Ford MTU Engine: Engine: Steyr 125Steyr hp 125 hp Engine: MTU 325 hp

nce France o, SpainV Mk 2 Panhard, France VBR BMk RVBL Panhard, France WolfWo Hatehof, Israel Xtr VBR Panhard, France Wolf W o2 lfMk 2 Hatehof, Hate te tFrance hof, Israel VBR Panhard, France Wo ain VBL 2 Panhard, France Vamtac S3 4PC Uro, Spain VBL Panhard, France Vamtac S3 4PC Uro, Spain VBL Mk Panhard, weight o, Romania, Ve VBL with upgraded suspension and armouring, hence gross weight VBR Panhard, France Wolf aine VB Very V ry upper of limit light vehicles; not onlynot foronly patrol duties, but alsobut a also a In service with upper thewith Israel Force, by numerous countries andalsoand At th Very limit upper vehicles; patrol duties, In service theDefense Israel Defense Force, by numerous other countries Very limit of light vehicles; not only forother patrol duties, but a VBR In ser increased from 4 of to light 5 tonnes. a, VBL with upgraded suspension and armouring, hence for gross weight

1200 units). Inhighly-armed Inwith service with the Dominican Republic, Malaysia, VBL with upgraded suspension and armouring, hence gross weight servicehighly-armed the Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Morocco, Romania,Romania,VBL upgraded suspension and armouring, hence gross weight gun. thewith United Nations as avehicles; troop carrier. recce car with a medium-calibre recce car with a medium-calibre gun. Morocco, United as a troop carrier. the highly-armed recce car with a medium-calibre gun. Very upper limit of Nations light not only for patrol duties, but also a with from 4 to 5 Venezuela tonnes. s). dif- increased 4 to 5 tonnes. increasedincreased from 4 tofrom 5 tonnes. Thailand, and Spain (main than 1200 units). Thailand, Venezuela and Spain (main user with user morewith thanmore 1200 units). highly-armed recce car with a medium-calibre gun.


level the U In service with th Very Very upper lim thehighly-armed United Natio high

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012

endium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012 Armada Compendium LightLight Armoured Vehicles 20122012 Armada Compendium Armoured Vehicles

Armada Compendium Light Arm

2011 11 11 2011

23 tres metres metres 5.23 res metres 36 metres tres 24 tres metres metres 2.24 res metres 16 metres tres 10 tres metres metres 2.10 res metres 30 metres tres 30 nes tonnes tonnes 6.30 nes tonnes 50 tonnes nes 10 /h km/h 110 /h km/h 0 km/h km/h /h 10 nes tonnes tonnes 1.10 nes tonnes 30 tonnes nes 5 4x4 x44 otors 0hp hp 190 Motors 0ns 190 hp 250 hphp 300 0 hphp

Hurricane ey Turkey yd Turkey rland Hawkei alia Hurricane Hawkei Eagle EEagle agl leEagle Eagle IV IIV V IV IV

vee ny dee 121

Length: Length:Length: 4.95 5.50metres metresmetres 4.95 Length: 5.50 metres Length: Length: 5.36 metres 5.36 Length: Length: 5.36 metres 5.36 metres metres Width: Width: Width: 2.35 2.36metres metresmetres 2.35 Width: 2.36 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres 2.16 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres 2.16 metres Height: Height:Height: 2.30 2.25metres metresmetres 2.30 Height: 2.25 metres Height: Height: 2.30 metres 2.30 Height: Height: 2.30 metres 2.30 metres metres Combat 9.60 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 10.0 tonnes Combat weight: 9.60 tonnes Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes Combat Combat weight: weight: 8.50 tonnes 8.50 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 8.50 tonnes 8.50 tonnes Maximum speed: Maximum speed:120 110km/h km/h km/h Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 110speed: km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 110 km/h 110 Maximum Maximum speed: 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h km/h Payload: 2.10 tonnes Payload: 3.10 2.10 tonnestonnes Payload: Payload: 3.10 tonnes Payload: Payload: 2.30 tonnes 2.30 Payload: Payload: 2.30 tonnes 2.30 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: 6 Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: 6 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: 4-5 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: 4-5 Drive: Drive: Drive: 4 x44x 4 4 x 4 Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 4 Drive: Drive: Cummins 4 x 4 245 4x hp x44 Engine: Engine:Engine: 268/300 hp245 hp Cummins Engine: 268/300 hp Engine:Engine: Cummins Cummins 250hp hp250 Engine: Engine: Cummins Cummins 250 250hp hp

Length: Length: 4.71 metres Length: 4.95 4.71 metres metresmetres Length:Length: Length: 5.504.95 metres 5.50 Length: 2.33 Length: 5.50 metres 5.50 metres metres Width: Width: metres 2.35 metres Width: 2.33 metres Width: 2.35 metres Width: Width: 2.36 metres 2.36 metres Width: Width: 2.36 metres 2.36 metres Height: Height: 2.3 metres Height: 2.30 metres 2.3 metres Height: 2.30 metres Height: Height: 2.25tonnes metres 2.25 metres Height: 6.10 Height: 2.25 metres 2.25 metres Combat weight: Combat weight: 9.60 Combat weight: 6.10 tonnes tonnestonnes Combat weight: 9.60 CombatCombat weight: weight: 10.0km/h tonnes 10.0 Combat weight: Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes 10.0 tonnes tonnes Maximum speed: 140 Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 140 km/h km/h km/h Maximum speed: 120 Maximum Maximum speed:1.3 speed: 110 km/h 110 Maximum speed: Maximum speed: 110 km/h 110 km/h km/h Payload: tonnes Payload: 2.10 Payload: 1.3 tonnes tonnestonnes Payload: Payload: Payload: 3.102.10 tonnes 3.10 Payload:4 3.10 Payload: tonnes 3.10 tonnes tonnes Passengers: Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 4-7 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 6x64 46x64 4 x 4 Drive:Drive: Drive: 4 x444x x44 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4181 Engine: Mercedes hp 181 245 Engine: Cummins Engine: Mercedes hp hp Engine: Cummins 245 hp Engine: Engine: 268/300 268/300 hp hp Engine: 268/300 Engine: 268/300 hp hp

Hatehof, IsraelIsrael LAPV 6.1 Mercedes-Benz, Germany Thales, Australia Hurricane Hatehof, IsraelLAPV LA Hatehof, LAPV Mercedes-Benz, Germany Australia Hurricane Hatehof, Israel Mowag, Switzerland Hawkei Hawkei Thales, Thales, Australia Australia Hu Mowag, M ow oThales, wa wMowag, aMowag, g, Switzerland Switz tz t Switzerland erland Switzerland Hawkei Hawkei H awk k6.1 eii Thales, Thales, Australia Australia Hur

InArmour standard form the form Hurricane accommodates a team ofa five Like the earlier 5.4, the company's G-Wagen-based new LAPV6.1 with Plasa Sasa, beat Ocelor in Australia’s InLAPV standard form the Hurricane accommodates a team of five soldiers, Like Indeveloped standard the Hurricane accommodates teamsoldiers, ofLand five 121 soldiers, Like the earlier LAPV 5.4, the accommodates company's G-Wagen-based LAPV6.1 Armour developed with Plasa Sasa, beatnumerous Ocelor inincluding Australia’s Land 121 InArmour standard form the Hurricane a team ofLand fivenew soldiers, ea Based on Based Duro, on has Duro, bagged has bagged numerous orders, orders, including Germany Germany Armour developed developed with Plasa with Sasa, Plasa beat Sasa, Ocelor beat Ocelor inOcelor Australia’s ininAustralia’s Land 121 Land sta Based on Based Duro, on has Duro, bagged has numerous bagged numerous orders, orders,including including Germany Germany Armour developed Armour developed with Plasa with Sasa, Plasa beat Sasa, Ocelor beatin Australia’s Australia’s 121 Land121 121 Like the InInboa sta Phase 4 programme in December 2011. but can receive an extra two seats. boasts better protection and higher payload capacity. butbetter can receive an extra two seats. but can receive an extra two seats. boasts protection and higher payload capacity. Phase 4 programme in December 2011. but can receive an extra two seats. boasts bet whereititwhere wonthe the it itwon firstbatches the batches theGFF2 GFF2 ofofthe programme. GFF2 Phase44Phase programme 44programme December ininDecember 2011. 2011. won where first won thefirst firstbatches ofof batches the the programme. GFF2programme. programme. Phase programme programme ininDecember December 2011. 2011. where Phase but c but ca

40 tres metres metres 6.40 res metres 36 metres tres 44 tres metres metres 2.44 res metres 16 metres tres 31 tres metres metres 2.31 res metres 30 metres tres 19 nes tonnes tonnes 7.19 nes tonnes .0 tonnes nes a /a km/h 0 km/h /h 43 nes tonnes tonnes 2.43 nes tonnes 30 tonnes nes 6 5-6 4x4 x44 00 rce hp orce hp 300hp hp hp300 300 hp

Length: Length:Length: 5.32 5.50metres metresmetres 5.32 Length: 5.50 metres Length: Length: 5.36 metres 5.36 Length: Length: 5.36 metres 5.36 metres metres Width: Width: Width: 2.10 2.20metres metresmetres 2.10 Width: 2.20 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres 2.16 metres Width: Width: 2.16 metres 2.16 metres Height: Height:Height: 2.35 2.50metres metresmetres 2.35 Height: 2.50 metres Height: Height: 2.30 metres 2.30 Height: Height: 2.30 metres 2.30 metres metres Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes CombatCombat weight:weight: 9.25 7.50 tonnestonnes Combat weight: 9.25 tonnes Combat Combat weight: weight: 10.0 tonnes 10.0 Combat weight: Combat weight: 10.0 tonnes 10.0 tonnes tonnes Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 135 km/h Maximum speed: 110 km/h Maximum speed: 135speed: km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 110 km/h 110 km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h Payload: 1.50 Payload: 1.25tonnes tonnestonnes Payload: 1.50 Payload: 1.25 tonnes Payload: Payload: 3.30 tonnes 3.30 Payload: Payload: 3.30 tonnes 3.30 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 6 Passengers: 4 Passengers: 6 Passengers: 4 4-6 Passengers: Passengers: 4-6 4-6 Passengers: Passengers: 4-6 Drive: Drive: Drive: 4 x44x 4 4 x 4 Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 4xhp x44 Engine: Steyr 193 Engine:Engine: Cummins 300 193 hp hp Steyr Engine: Cummins 300 Engine:Engine: 250 hphp 250 Engine: Engine: 250 hp 250hp hp

Ocelot ForceBin Protection-GD, US US PVPOcelot MK3 e, AUSA A e, USA rland Nimr II lEagle Group, UAE Ocelot UAE Force Protection-GD, PVP MK3 d Nimr Group, UAE New N ew e IINew Eagle EOcelot agl eEagle Bin Mowag, MJabr ow owa wMowag, aJabr g, Switzerland Switz tz tSwitzerland erland NimrN Nimr IIIIII New Eagle New Mowag, Mowag, Switzerland Switzerland Nimr Nimr IIIIimr

Length: Length: 4.60 metres Length: 5.32 4.60 metres metresmetres 5.32 Length: Length:Length: 5.50metres metres 5.50 Length: Length: 2.28 5.50 metres 5.50 metres metres Width: Width: 2.10 Width: 2.28 metres metresmetres Width: 2.10 Width: Width: 2.20 metres 2.20 metres Width: Width: 2.20 metres 2.20 metres Height: Height: 2.17 metres Height: 2.35 2.17 metres metresmetres Height: 2.35 Height: Height: 2.50tonnes metres 2.50 Height: Height: 5.45 2.50 metres 2.50 metres metres Combat weight: Combat weight: 7.50 Combat weight: 5.45 tonnes tonnestonnes Combat weight: 7.50 Combat weight: Combat weight: 9.25km/h tonnes 9.25 Combat weight: Combat weight: 9.25 tonnes 9.25 tonnes tonnes Maximum speed: 120 Maximum speed: 110 Maximumspeed: speed:110 120 km/h km/h km/h Maximum Maximum speed: Maximum speed:1.00 135 km/h 135 Maximum Maximum speed: 135 speed:km/h 135 km/h km/h Payload: Payload: tonnes 1.50 Payload: 1.00 tonnestonnes Payload: tonnes Payload: Payload: 1.251.50 tonnes 1.25 tonnes Payload: Payload:2-7 1.25 tonnes 1.25 tonnes Passengers: Passengers: 6 Passengers: Passengers: 62-7 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 4x44 44x44 4 x 4 Drive:Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: Iveco 44xx444 x4hp 44x x44 Engine: Engine: 160 Steyr 193 hp Engine: Iveco193 160hp hp Engine: Steyr Engine: Cummins Engine: Cummins 300hp hp300 Engine: Engine:Cummins Cummins 300 300hp hp

Panhard, France Force Protection-GD, PV Panhard, France Force Protection-GD, US M Bin Jabr Jabr Bin BBin in Jabr Group, Group, UAE UAE Oc Bin Group, Jabr Group, UAE UAEUSPVPOce

Developed Forceby Protection in Europe Ricardo. Winner of the forDeveloped the French Army, theProtection PVP isthe anPVP protected vehiweight es weight on in Sold to Developed thebyUnited Arab Emirates and to Libya, the latter received vehi- of theDeveloped by Force inaffordable Europe with Ricardo. Winnervehiof the Dev ehiForce Protection inwith Europe with Ricardo. Winner Developed for the French Army, is anRicardo. affordable protected Sold to New the United Arab Emirates and to Libya, the received vehiby Force Protection in Europe with Winner Developed The New The Eagle New made Eagle its made public itsits début public atdébut the Eurosatory atlatter Eurosatory exhibition exhibition inin Sold Sold Sold the United to the Arab United Emirates Arab Emirates and toLibya, Libya, and toto the Libya, latter the received latter received vehi-of the vehiDeve The The Eagle New made its public made début public at the début Eurosatory atthe the Eurosatory exhibition exhibition inin totoDeveloped the Sold United tounits the Arab United Arab and Emirates and Libya, latter received the latter vehireceived vehiDeve British LPPV requirement. cle for units not equipped with the VBL. cles with Level 3Eagle ballistic and Level 3A anti-mine protection. British LPPV requirement. cle British LPPV requirement. cle for not Emirates equipped withtothe VBL.the cles2010. with Level 3 ballistic and Level 3A anti-mine protection. British LPPV requirement. cle for uni cleswith with Level with Level ballistic and Level and 3A Level anti-mine 3A protection. protection. Britis 2010. 2010. cles 2010. cles Level cles with 33ballistic Level33ballistic and ballistic Level and 3A anti-mine Level 3Aanti-mine anti-mine protection. protection. British

05 tres metres 5.05 res metres 3 metres metres es 16 tres metres 2.16 res metres 5 metres metres es 25 tres metres 2.25 res metres 0 metres metres es 85 nes tonnes 8.85 nes tonnes 5 tonnes tonnes es 20 /hkm/h km/h 120 /h km/h hkm/h 10 nes tonnes 2.10 nes tonnes 0 tonnes tonnes es 8 4-8 44x x44 25 hp 325 hphp t 215 183 hp hp

Tiger h, A USA A h, USA France SPV400 UK Tiger ce SPV400 S PV P V4 V 40Sherpa 0Sherpa Sherpa LightHI Light HI Sherpa Light LightHI HI

Length: Length:Length: 5.60 5.31metres metresmetres 5.60 Length: metres Length: Length: 5.43 metres 5.43 Length: Length: 5.31 5.43 metres 5.43 metres metres Width: Width: Width: 2.42 2.06metres metresmetres 2.42 Width: 2.06 metres Width: Width: 2.35 metres 2.35 metres Width: Width: 2.35 metres 2.35 metres Height: Height:Height: 2.39 2.47metres metresmetres 2.39 Height: metres Height: Height: 2.10 metres 2.10 Height: Height: 2.47 2.10 metres 2.10 metres metres Combat 8.85 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 7.50 tonnes Combat weight: 8.85 tonnes Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes Combat Combat weight: weight: 10.5 tonnes 10.5 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 10.5 tonnes 10.5 tonnes Maximum speed: Maximum speed:n/a 120km/h km/h km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: 120 km/h Maximum Maximum speed: speed: 110 km/h 110 Maximum Maximum speed: 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h km/h Payload: 1.50 Payload: 2.00tonnes tonnestonnes Payload: 1.50 Payload: 2.00 tonnes Payload: Payload: 1.50 tonnes 1.50 Payload: Payload: 1.50 tonnes 1.50 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 6-9 Passengers: 6 Passengers: 6-9 Passengers: 6 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: 4-5 4-5 Passengers: Passengers: 4-5 Drive: Drive: Drive: 4 x44x 4 4 x 4 Drive: x444xx44 44x x44 Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: 4Cummins Engine: 350 hphp350 hp Engine:Engine: Cummins 183 Cummins Engine: Cummins 183 hphp Engine:Engine: Renault Renault 215 hp215 Engine: Engine: Renault 215 Renault 215hp hp

MDT Armor, USA Tigr Tiger ASPV Supacat, UK TTiger iger MDT USA Tigr ASPV Supacat, UK Renault Renault TD,Armor, France TD, SPV400 SPV400 Renault Renault TD, France TD,France France SPV400 SPV400

Length: Length: 5.70 metres Length: 5.60 5.70 metres metresmetres Length:Length: Length: 5.315.60 metres 5.31 Length: Length: 2.20 5.31 metres 5.31 metres metres Width: Width: metres 2.42 Width: 2.20 metres metresmetres Width: 2.42 Width: Width: 2.06 metres 2.06 metres Width: Width: 2.06 metres 2.06 metres Height: Height: 2.40 metres Height: 2.39 2.40 metres metresmetres Height: 2.39 Height: Height: 2.47tonnes metres 2.47 Height: Height: 8.40 2.47 metres 2.47 metres metres Combat weight: Combat weight: 8.85 Combatweight: weight: 8.85 8.40 tonnes tonnestonnes Combat Combat Combat weight: weight: 7.50 tonnes 7.50 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 7.50 tonnes 7.50 tonnes Maximum speed: 140 km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: 140 km/h km/h km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum Maximum speed:1.20 speed: 120 km/h 120 Maximum Maximum speed: 120 speed: km/h 120 km/h km/h Payload: Payload: tonnes 1.50 Payload: 1.20 tonnestonnes Payload: tonnes Payload: Payload: 2.001.50 tonnes 2.00 tonnes Payload: Payload:2+4 2.00 tonnes 2.00 tonnes Passengers: Passengers: 6-9 Passengers: 2+4 Passengers: 6-9 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 6x64 46x64 4 x 4 Drive:Drive: Drive: 4 4x x44 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4205x44 Engine: Cummins hp Engine: Cummins 350 hp Engine: Cummins 205hp hp Engine: Cummins 350 Engine: Engine: Cummins Cummins 183hp hp 183 Engine: Engine: Cummins Cummins 183 183hp hp

Arzamas, Russia MDT Armor, r, rUK USATigrTig Tig Arzamas, Russia MDT Armor, USA A Supacat, Supacat, UK Tig Supacat, Supacat, UK UK

Based onBased thecell Dodge 5500HD chassis for paramilitary andSupacat military Manufactured in numerous versions; Armoured Special Vehicle Humvee Humvee herpa 3 Composite byRam NP 5500HD Aerospace mounted on the Based on in thenumerous Dodge Ram 5500HD chassisPurpose for paramilitary and military Ma ondeveloped theRam Dodge chassis for paramilitary and military Manufactured versions; Armoured Special Purpose Vehicle 3at Composite cell developed by Aerospace mounted on the Supacat Based ondeveloped thecell Dodge Ram 5500HD chassis formounted paramilitary and military Manufactu Footnote Footnote toread readto :Numerous Numerous read : NP other versions other versions areoffered offered are offered on theSherpa Sherpa on Sherpa 3Sherpa3Composite Composite Composite cell developed by NP Aerospace by mounted on theSupacat Supacat on Base Footnote to Footnote to read :Numerous Numerous other versions other are versions are on offered the onthe the3 3 Composite cell developed by NP Aerospace byNP NPAerospace Aerospace mounted on mounted the onthe theSupacat Supacat Based forces. Available with different protection levels. shown here. chassis. forces. Available Av A developed ailable with different protection levels. sho forces.:Available with different protection levels. shown here.cell forces. Available with different protection levels. shown her chassis. base.ItIthas base. has already It Ithas chalked up many up export many orders. export chassis.chassis. force base. base. already hasalready chalked alreadychalked up chalked many export up many orders. exportorders. orders. chassis. chassis. force

96 tres metres metres 3.96 res metres 45 metres tres 02 tres metres metres 2.02 res metres 50 metres tres 74 tres metres metres 1.74 res metres 99 metres tres 00 nes tonnes tonnes 5.00 nes tonnes .5 tonnes nes 10 /h km/h 110 /h km/h 0 km/h km/h /h 90 nes tonnes tonnes 0.90 nes tonnes 50 tonnes nes 3 4x4 x44 5eyr hp 125 hp hp teyr 125 hp U 325 hp 00 hp hp

Xtream X tream Light Ligh ht Light France ce France e rance Wolf rael Xtream ce Wolf VBR VBR VBR VBR

ight weight a slso and

Length: Length:Length: 4.98 5.90metres metresmetres 4.98 Length: 5.90 metres Length: Length: 5.45 metres 5.45 Length: Length: 5.45 metres 5.45 metres metres Width: Width: Width: 2.51 2.39metres metresmetres 2.51 Width: metres Width: Width: 2.50 metres 2.50 Width: Width:2.39 2.50 metres 2.50 metres metres Height: 2.49 metres Height:Height: 2.59 2.49 metresmetres Height: 2.59 metres Height: Height: 1.99 metres 1.99 Height: Height: 1.99 metres 1.99 metres metres Combat 9.20 tonnes Combatweight: weight: 8.70 tonnes Combat weight: 9.20 tonnes Combat weight: 8.70 tonnes Combat Combat weight: weight: 11.5 tonnes 11.5 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 11.5 tonnes 11.5 tonnes Maximum speed: Maximum speed:n/a 130km/h km/h km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: 130speed: km/h Maximum Maximum speed: 110 km/h 110 Maximum Maximum speed: 110 speed: km/h 110 km/h km/h Payload: 2.75 tonnes Payload: 1.30 2.75 tonnestonnes Payload: Payload: 1.30 tonnes Payload: Payload: 2.50 tonnes 2.50 Payload: Payload: 2.50 tonnes 2.50 tonnes tonnes Passengers: 7-9 Passengers: 9 Passengers: 7-9 Passengers: 9 4-9 Passengers: Passengers: 4-9 4-9 Passengers: Passengers: 4-9 Drive: Drive: Drive: 4 x44x 4 4 x 4 Drive: 4 x4 44xx44 44x x44 Drive: Drive: Drive: Drive: Engine: Cummins 245 Engine:Engine: Ford 300hphp245 hp Engine: FordMTU 300Cummins hpMTU Engine:Engine: MTU 325 hp325 Engine: Engine: 325 MTU hp 325hp hp

Length: Length: 5.08 metres Length: 4.98 metresmetres 5.08 metres Length:Length: Length: 5.904.98 metres 5.90 Length: Length: 2.00 5.90 metres 5.90 metres metres Width: Width: metres 2.51 Width: metresmetres 2.00 2.51 metres Width:Width: Width: 2.39metres metres 2.39 metres Width: Width: 2.38 2.39 metres 2.39 metres Height: Height: 2.49 Height: metresmetres 2.38 metres Height: 2.49 Height: Height: 2.59tonnes metres 2.59 Height: Height: 7.50 2.59 metres 2.59 metres metres Combat weight: Combat weight: 9.20 Combatweight: weight: 9.20 tonnestonnes 7.50 tonnes Combat Combat Combat weight: weight: 8.70 tonnes 8.70 tonnes Combat weight: Combat weight: 8.70 tonnes 8.70 tonnes Maximum speed: 130 km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum speed: km/h km/h 130 km/h Maximum speed: n/a Maximum Maximum speed:2.50 speed: 130 km/h 130 Maximum Maximum speed: 130 speed: km/h 130 km/h km/h Payload: Payload: tonnes 2.75 Payload: tonnestonnes 2.50 Payload: tonnes Payload: Payload: 1.302.75 tonnes 1.30 tonnes Payload: Payload:8 1.30 tonnes 1.30 tonnes Passengers: Passengers: 7-9 Passengers: 8 Passengers: 7-9 Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Passengers: Drive: 4 9x94 49x94 4 x 4 Drive:Drive: Drive: 4 x444x x44 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 Drive: Drive: 4 x 4 Engine: Engine: MAN 180 hp 180 hp Engine: Cummins 245 hp MAN Engine: Cummins 245 hp Engine: Engine: Ford 300 Ford hp 300 hp Engine: Engine: Ford 300 Ford hp 300 hp

Hate Hatehof, te t hof, Israel zx2SRV Creation-Babcock, UKIsrael Hatehof, Israel Hatehof, Israelzx2SR zx Hatehof, Israel zx2SRV zx zWolf 2Xtream SR RV VLightLight Creation-Babcock, Creation-Babcock, UK Hatehof, Israel Hatehof, Panhard, Panhard, France France WolfXtream Wolf Hatehof, Hatehof, Israel Israel Xtr Panhard, Panhard, France France Wolf Hatehof, Hatehof, Israel Israel Xtr

AtInthe upper limit of Israel Light Vehicles, Ve V hicles, it can have a protection known asknown the Zephyr, SRV stand forstand Specific service with the Defense Force, by numerous countries and FormerlyFormerly At the upper Light Armoured Vehicles, it can have a protection Form Atthe the upper limitArmoured ofForce, Light Armoured Vehicles, itother can have a protection aslimit the of Zephyr, SRV forit Requirements Specific Requirements In service with Israel Defense by numerous other countries and AtInIn the upper limitthe of Light Armoured Vehicles, can have a protection k Very upper Very limit limit light of vehicles; vehicles; not only not foronly patrol for duties, patrol but duties, also but Inservice service service with thewith Israel Defense Israel Force, by Force, numerous bybynumerous other countries other countries and and At th Very Very limit upper ofofto light limit vehicles; light not vehicles; only for not patrol onlythreats. for duties, patrol but duties, also aa butalso alsoaa In service the Israel with Defense IsraelDefense Force, Defense by Force, numerous numerous other countries other countries and and Formerly At the up to 3upper against ballistic and mine threats. Vehicle. level theupper United Nations aoflight troop carrier. level up to the 3 against ballistic and mine threats. Veh level up 3as against ballistic and mine Vehicle. Ve Vwith hicle. the highly-armed United Nations as a troop carrier. level up to 3 against ballistic and mine threats. Vehicle. highly-armed highly-armed reccecar car recce withcar amedium-calibre medium-calibre with gun. gun. theUnited United the Nations United as troop asascarrier. acarrier. level highly-armed recce recce with acar withaamedium-calibre medium-calibre gun. gun. the the Nations UnitedNations as Nations aatroop atroop troopcarrier. carrier. level


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012

Iveco DV and Oto Melara recently delivered to the Italian Army the first Lince equiped with the Hitrole Light RCWS. These vehicles are currently being deployed to Afghanistan. (Oto Melara)

Army CBRN vehicle will adopt the long wheelbase; it will feature a short cabin, seating two-plus-one, the flatbed being used to install a specific CBRN module developed in the Czech Republic. The current Special Forces version was developed on a short wheelbase chassis; however a further development could lead to a long wheelbase vehicle with a short cab and a flatbed. The LMV/Lince remains one of the European best-sellers in its category. In addition to the Italian Army, Norway is still showing interest in new versions, as do many other customers, by the way. In the Netherlands, for instance, there is a light utility vehicles replacement programme. The original requirement called for some 1,000 to 1,200 vehicles, but it is not clear if the type of vehicle needed might change, evolving from a non-protected vehicle plus armour kit to a vehicle with some protection plus add-on armour. Iveco DV is also keen to enlarge its product line by developing other variants for specific applications and export markets.

MERcEdES-BENz lApV 6.1: At Eurosatory In 2010 Mercedes Benz exhibited two prototypes of its Light Armoured Patrol Vehicle (LAPV), the LAPV 6.X and the LAPV 7.X in addition to the LAPV 5.4 that has been acquired by the German Bundeswehr (where it is known as Enok) to fulfil the GFF1Gesch체tzte F체hrungs und Funktionsfahrzeuge or Armoured Command-and-Control

Leveraging experience acquired with the LAPV series, Mercedes Benz is now proposing the LAPV 6.1, with better protection and higher payload. (Mercedes Benz)



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


Vehicles) requirement. The first order involved 45 LAPV 5.4 of which a number have been deployed to Afghanistan since February 2011. Following the initial assessment by the troops in July 2011 a further order for 76 more, all in Military Police guise, was placed, with completion of deliveries by late 2013. With such experience behind its belt, Mercedes Benz introduced the LAPV 6.1 boasting better protection and higher payload capacity. It maintains the same dimensions as the 5.4 with the exception of the height, which is higher due the ground clearance that was increased from 223 to 412 mm. This improves protection against mines, the Enok having a floor concept designed to withstand Level 1 threats with optional upgrade to near Level 2a, while the floor of the 6.1 is designed for a Level 2a protection. Improved energy absorbing seats and harness also contribute to a greater crew safety of explosion. As a side boon, the increased clearance gives a deeper fording capacity (from 600 to 800 mm) while ramp attack angle increases from 24째 to 40째. Ballistic protection remains at Level 2 and an optional Level 1 bonnet is available to protect the engine. The drivetrain is based on that of 300 CDI model, with a reinforced chassis and stronger portal axles, to bear the higher 1.3-tonne payload limit (instead of 1.07 tonnes). NEW EAGlE: A Bundeswehr progamme that still has to be completed is the GFF2, namely the 7.5 tonne class and more


At Eurosatory 2012 IBD Deisenroth, the well known German armour solutions company unveiled a new member of its ceramic products based on nanotechnologies that might well have a considerable impact on light armoured vehicles protection levels. The Bonn-based company has been displaying its nanotech-based armour solutions that halve weights for any given protection level for at least a year. The new family member, however, makes a genuine breakthrough in the light armoured vehicle world as it is transparent and thus appears as perfect lightweight replacement for armoured glass as the author’s picture herewith shows. The transparent surface is made of a series of tiles of about 50x50 mm made of synthetic ceramics; the crystal structure is in the low nanorange as a very fine grain is needed to ensure transparency. The tile size depends very much on the threat to be countered, a special bonding process being used to joint the tiles together. Boundaries are invisible, producing a large transparent surface. Those tiles are then sandwiched with a front glass side to bar abrasion, and a plastic back carrier that absorbs the residual kinetic energy. The key point here is again weight: the Level 3 transparent ceramic protection shown by IBD Deisenroth boasts a weight of 56 kg/ m2, which is nearly a quarter of the 200 kg/m2 of standard armoured glass rated at the same protection level. According to potential users sources the price is still considerably higher than the armoured glass, but industrialisation combined with the increasing use of transparent nanoceramics should eventually make costs drop to challenging levels. protected command and control vehicle (and which still falls in the light armoured vehicles category examined here). Some initial batches of General Dynamics Eagle IVs were acquired through urgent operation requirement procedures, but for new acquisitions the New Eagle has to run against the KMW/Rheinmetall Armoured Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV). Both vehicles were qualified by the BWB in late 2011 and a decision should have already been made. However, European law obliged Germany to issue

a European-wide tender. Downselection is expected in the near future, which will prelude to a further round of testing before selection, which will then lead to a contract negotiation, for final approval by Parliament. AMpV: The available time was used

by the KMW/Rheinmetall consortium to further hone the vehicle’s payload capacity and protection, especially against mines and roadside bombs. In the build process KMW is responsible for the

armour plates while Rheinmetall handles the monocoque construction. The gross weight increase from 9.3 to 10 tonnes results from a 700 kg increase evenly split between protection and payload capacity. Four AMPVs have been produced, one having been sold to the German Army for internal tests while three have been used for company testing. Latest internal improvements include new seats that have been specifically designed with removable cushions on the higher part of the backrest to offer optimal seating for personnel wearing the Gladius (the name adopted last June for the IdZ-2 soldier system). A screen has been added to the dashboard to give the driver a view from the rear-facing camera. With KMW and Rheinmetall focussing on the GFF2 version, other versions of the AMPV are on the backburner for the time being. At Eurosatory 2012 the vehicle was exhibited with a Rheinmetall Istar system. Rheinmetall of course eyes the export market, but is well aware that the very high protection level of the AMPV (namely Level 3A/2B against mines) has a cost and that this might be a problem for certain countries. European armies are awaiting the German decision, but given the fact that the KMW/Rheinmetall consortium has already developed the industrialisation process, first production items could roll out of the assembly line in late 2013.

MRV-p: With the MRV-P moving ahead the Ministry of Defence having started contract award procedures for the first phase of the programme (covering pre-concept demonstration), numerous companies are already standing in line. The MRV-P succeeds to the defunct Operational Utility Vehicle System programme and should include vehicles aimed at support roles. A tentative date for entry into service is given as around 2018 and the two companies that met the LLPV requirements are of course among the current contenders. OcElOT-FOxHOUNd: Deployed to Afghanistan in early June 2012 the Ocelot, developed by Force Protection Europe (now part of General Dynamics Land Systems) and known in the British Army as Foxhound, was delivered in 18 months


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles



The Eagle 4x4 here used in the weapon carrier role. Based on the Duro III chassis, the patrol vehicle saw its gross weight increased to 10 tonnes. (GDELS).

rather than the originally scheduled three years as it was purchased under a hybrid UOR programme. Over 60 Foxhounds have already been produced. Those already sent to Afghanistan are at the so-called TES (Theatre Entry Standard) and are equipped with air conditioning, C-IED jammers, GS navigation, Thales UK Ilsa 360° situational awareness system with cameras located in front right and rear left corners, Saab Barracuda thermal cover, Bowman radios and 7.62 mm machine guns. Following the arrival of the vehicle, an intensive training course was organised at Camp Bastion before using it in operation. Initially the Foxhound will be used for force protection on the ground replacing more vulnerable vehicles and those that were removed from Helmand province, its compact size and high protection level making it ideal for urban operations. The Ministry of Defence placed an initial order for 200 Foxhounds in November 2010 and 100 more were requested in June last year. Final deliveries are expected in mid-2013. A further boost came in late August when Minister of Defence Peter

Luff announced that Britain would be ordering 25 more foxhounds to the tune of £30 million ($47.6 million). In the meantime GDLS/FPE is working on improvements to address new requirements, while numerous markets are opening up for the 7.5 t vehicle currently available in three variants, namely command/patrol with two plus four seats, reconnaissance (two plus two) and utility (two). In addition to further British requirements, the company is busy answering requests in various regions, mostly in the Far East and Middle East but also in Northern Africa and South America. The roadside bomb problem is getting worse in several places and no longer rests solely with the armed forces but now also falls to paramilitary and homeland security organisations as well. SpV400: The second survivor of the LPPV testing phase, the Supacat SPV400, has been fully developed and is currently a wholly different vehicle from the one that was assessed by the United Kingdom. The seventh prototype, very close to production configuration, is currently being used for reliability and maintenance trials, the vehicle having shown a 96 per cent reliability according to Supacat. The development phase, which involved over 21,000 km trials, led Supacat to adopt numerous design alterations. The main one was the adoption of a different suspension geometry, a lot of time having been KMW and Rheinmetall are teamed on the AMPV programme, this vehicle promising to be Germany’s next generation of light armoured vehicles. Production might start in 2013. (KMW)



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


The Eagle 6x6 can be supplied in various specialised configurations, completing the range of vehicles for light infantry proposed by GDELS in its portfolio. (GDELS)

invested to fine-tune air springs to obtain the right ride. The locking differential system now allows a limited slip on the front axle while rear axle differentials are locked, as this combination proved to yield the best mobility. The braking and cooling systems have also been improved, while the central tire inflation system is now fully developed. Supacat also worked on the interior, which is now much cleaner than in the original prototypes. The on-board electronic has been reviewed, and a glass cockpit based on colour displays shows not only the typical data needed for operating the vehicle, but also technical data. The SVP400 is attracting interest from Middle East, Far East and European nations. Supacat is developing modularity to meet for both British and foreign programmes.

VAMTAc: In the late 1990s Spanish

URO Vehículos Especiales S.A. developed a Humvee-like set of wheels known as the Vamtac (Vehículo de Alta Movilidad Táctico). It soon became evident that an armoured version of that utility vehicle had to be produced for the Spanish forces who were increasingly being involved in operations. This led URO to first improve the chassis and automotive components (such as the engine), then to develop a series of add-on armour kits with increasing protection levels. Currently the Vamtac S3 is available in three different

In April 2011, Penman acquired Creation, a design and prototyping firm based in Hampshire. The company entered the latest iteration of its MRV-P in the DVD 2012 mobility demonstrations, where it is here seen kicking dust. The vehicle was the ready-for-production development of what was known as Zephyr, which did not run for the British LPPV programme following the withdrawal of Babcock. (Penman-Creation)

armoured versions, known as BN 1.6, BN 2 and BN 3. All three have different gross weights of, respectively, 6.3, 8 and 8.5 tonnes, with corresponding payloads of 1.2, 1.9 and 1.4 tonnes. The BN 3 can

be armoured at Level 3+ ballistic while its protection against mines is up to Level 3a/2b, while the BN 2 is protected respectively at Level 2 and Level 2a, the BN 1.6 being at Level 1. The BN 1.6, incidentally, has a 188 hp engine while the other two have 218 hp under the loud pedal. Since June 2012 the BN 2 and BN 3 can also be had with 274 hp on tap. A new suspension was recently developed to bear a nine-tonne gross weight. While the main customer of the Vamtac is Spain, the vehicle has been widely exported to other countries, the second largest customer being Morocco

A British Army Foxhound in Afghanistan; this is the name adopted by the service for the Ocelot developed by Force Protection Europe, now part of GDLS, and adopted by Britain as a result of the LPPV bid. (GDLS)

with over 1,000 vehicles. Other nations that have acquired the Spanish vehicle are Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Malaysia, Portugal and Rumania.

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This exploded drawing shows the modular concept adopted by Supacat for its SPV400. The vehicle has been constantly improved and is now ready for production. (Supacat)

This rear view of the SPV400 shows the protection given to personnel leaving the vehicle through the rear door. The cockpit adopted by Supacat for the SPV400 is based on colour displays that not only shows the usual vehicle instrument data, but also maintenance pages and situational awareness images. (Armada/Paolo Valpolini)

EAGlE: Although now part of General

Dynamics European Land Systems portfolio, it is difficult not to consider the Eagle a Swiss product. The early models developed by Mowag in Kreutzlingen on the shores of lake Constance were based on the Humvee chassis and had a gross weight of 5.1 tonnes. Various improvement ensued, notably in the engine department to cope with additional armoured protection weights. A major change occurred with the Eagle IV, which in fact had radically different underpinnings and was even “Swisser” since it was based on the Swiss 4 x 4 Duro troop transport designed by Bucher-Guyer for the Swiss Army. This change of chassis was required because of the escalating weight imposed on the scout vehicle that finally emerged as one of the most highly protected vehicles in the light category. EAGlE IV 6x6: The latest addition to the family, announced two years ago and unveiled at Eurosatory 2012, is the 6x6 version of the GDELS vehicle. In spite of a gross weight of 15 tonnes it is among those

systems that still find their place in this Compendium mostly because they are derivatives of a lighter version. Comparing the 4x4 and 6x6 versions in the crew cab configuration, which provides a 6 m3 protected volume hosting up to six people, curb weight increases from 7 to only 7.8 tonnes while the payload allowance is more than doubled, from 3 to 7.2 tonnes. Both configurations are proposed with two powerpack options, the standard one being the 245hp Cummins ISB6.7 E3 245 Common Rail diesel engine, which gives the Eagle 4x4 a power to weight ratio of nearly 25 hp/t; however to provide the Eagle 6x6 with sufficient mobility the adoption of the ISB6.7 E3 285 with a 285 to 300 hp output is recommended (the latter engine’s varying outputs result from different electronic settings). While the

turning circle diameter wall to wall is 18 metres, the third axle steering option reduces this to 16 metres. The two versions maintain a 70 per cent commonality that reduces the logistic footprint should a service adopt both. The De Dion axles allow to keep all wheels on the ground ensuring maximum off-road mobility. The stretched version of the Eagle sees its overall length increased from 5.4 to 6.99 metres compared to the 4x4, has a wheelbase of 3.83 metres between the first and second axle while 1.3 metres separate the hub centres of the second and third axles. It is proposed in four different versions, namely the abovementioned crew cab, the armoured personnel carrier, the ambulance and the utility car. All have the same grow weight of 15 tonnes, though payload, protected volume and height vary according to the type. Width remains the same as The latest version of the Spanish Vamtac developed by URO Vehículos Especiales S.A., has a gross weight of 8.5 tonnes. More than 1,000 Vamtacs have been sold, but not all in the armoured version. Its main customer obviously is Spain. (Urovesa).



Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


Due to its weight the 6x6 version of the Eagle might not really fit in the “light” armoured vehicles category, however being a direct derivative of the 4x4 it can be considered a patrol vehicle on steroids that can provide support to its 4x4 forebears. (GDELS)

the Eagle 4x4’s at 2.28 metres. The APC can transport a twoman crew plus 10 dismounts in the protected 11 m3 rear cabin the roof of which is raised by 20 centimetres compared to the crew cabin. This of course increases the curb weight to 10 tonnes which in turn reduces payload allowance to 5 tonnes. The ambulance version has a similar layout but the rear roof height is raised by a further 20 centimetres giving a protected volume of 12.5 m3. Curb weight likewise increases to 10.5 t for a payload capacity of 4.5 tonnes. The vehicle can carry two stretched casualties and two medical assistants, plus the twoman crew in the front cab. The greater payload is obtained with the utility vehicle, which features a two-man crew cabin and a flatbed able to receive 7.5 tonnes of cargo. In its presentation at Eurosatory GDELS showed a recovery variant based on the utility vehicle. Protection levels were not announced, although these might be in the high tier of the weight category, payload margins allowing for further amenities such as bar-armour. In June 2012 a single prototype had been thoroughly tested and was available for customers demonstration, while a second one was under construction. The company looked at Germany Otokar is offering its support for setting up assembly or production lines in those countries that might be interested in buying the Cobra light armoured vehicle in substantial numbers. (Otokar)



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Following the success of its Wolf Israeli Hatehof is currently developing its successor, the Wolf 2; these vehicles will be marketed together by the company. (Hatehof)

The Cobra, introduced over 10 years ago by Otokar in Turkey, has evolved and now rests on automotive components taken from AM General’s Humvee Expanded Capacity Vehicle. (Otokar)

and France as first potential customers, though marketing efforts were obviously also aimed at other parts of the world.

In Turkey Otokar is still expanding its range of Hummer chassis’d Cobra. The latest iteration is the Cobra 2.5, which aims at improving both protection and payload capacity. As is the case with many other light armoured vehicles, its continuous development drove it over the 10-tonne limit, the gross weight of the 2.5 version being estimated at anything between 6.3 and 11.3 tonnes depending on protection levels required by the customer. cOBRA 2.5: The new variant can be

immediately identified as it has two The Hawkei embeds capabilities from several companies, Thales of course for the Vea vectronic system, but also from experts in various fields, such as Plasan Sasa for its armour kits. (Thales)



side doors compared to the standard vehicle that features only one, though both variants have a rear door. Another distinguishing feature results from the need to protect the vehicle against mines and roadside bombs: the wheels have thus been moved well outside the crew cell while the front section is allowed to be shorn off by a blast to reduce the energy absorbed by the cell. The prototype exhibited at AUSA 2011 showed a considerable armour package and was equipped with what looked like an Objective Gunner Protection Kit (O-GPK) turret. The increased gross weight required the adoption of a more muscular 6.5-litre diesel engine. The prototype shown also acted as a demonstrator, as AM General and Otokar would tailor the vehicle to customers’ needs. Depending on the customer the Cobra 2.5 could be produced either in Turkey or in America. Otokar has recently signed an MoU with Kazakhstan Engineering for the production of an undisclosed number of Cobras under license. Kazakhstan is one of the export customers of the Cobra along with Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Georgia, Maldives, Nigeria, Philippines, Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates.

Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


WOlF: Able to accommodate a crew of

three plus six dismounts, the Hatehof Wolf is a well proven vehicle and is based on one of the latest Ford chassis with a weight limit of 8.7 tonnes. In addition to the Israel Defence Forces it is in service with around ten other customers, including the United Nations, Romania, Turkey, Bolivia and possibly Peru. Its design is frozen and no upgrades are forecast for this combat-proven vehicle. Hatehof, however, is looking well beyond the current model and is developing the Wolf 2. In spite of the vehicle being its late development phase, Hatehof does not air out many details, except that its aim is to improve protection while maintaining a weight close to that of the current Wolf and maintain a competitive price by using the same automotive components. Hatehof intends to continue marketing the Wolf alongside the Wolf 2.

HAWkEI: The perspectives of the innovative Thales Australia Hawkei 4x4 Light Protected Mobility Vehicle brightened in December 2011 when the Australian Defence Minister announced its downselection for the Land 121 Phase 4 programme, favouring the type against the (then) Force Protection Europe Ocelot. According to the company the winning factor of the Hawkei is that the latter manages to squeeze in the same survivability capacity as the 15-tonne Bushmaster, but in a 10-tonne package (the Bushmaster was adopted by Australia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom). The Hawkei is based on a steel hull with a front subframe carrying

In early June 2012 Thales Australia received a contract by the Australian Ministry of Defence to further develop its Hawkei light protected vehicle. (Thales)

the engine and gearbox and a rear subframe, a configuration that allows a rapid evolution of the vehicle. The add-on ceramic armour kit developed by Plasan Sasa can be quickly installed – in less than 30 minutes with a workforce of only two. The Hawkei can be easily transported under a sling by a CH-47,

its under 7-tonne curb weight (sans appliqué armour) being well within the limits of that helicopter. First exhibited in Europe at Eurosatory 2012 (the one exhibited in 2010 was a mock-up), the Hawkei incorporates a Thales Vehicle Electronic Architecture (VEA). This allows plug-and-play installation of

BMS, situational awareness and other systems such as sensors for quick customisation, upgrading or re-rolling. The Hawkei was also equipped with Thales’s Sotas vehicle communications system, Sophie optronics, MBITR radios, as well as Rockwell Collins’ Polaris GPS. All information was consolidated on a single screen, each crew member having one screen. Prototypes built thus far have been used in the development phase, have covered over 40,000 km and been submitted to more than 10 blast tests to prove the crew cell protection level against mines and roadside bombs, although these levels remain classified. In early June 2012 the Australian Ministry of Defence awarded a US$37 million contract to Thales to cover Stage 2 of the programme which includes assembly of six prototypes to be used for further testing. The first vehicle should be delivered by year end. Following the successful completion of these trials a

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Light Armoured Vehicles

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28/09/12 2:25 PM

ON THE COVER: Tomorrow is (almost) today: very much the star of Eurosatory in June 2012, the Panhard Crab was shown with a CTI turret, which undoubtedly makes it the most heavily armed light armoured vehicle. It also is packed with mechanical and electronic features that hitherto belonged to fiction. (Armada/EHB)

The BAE Systems OMC RG32M has become a best seller in Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Finland being the major customers. (BAE Systems)

final acquisition approval is expected in 2015 followed by initial production in 2016. Current requirement stands at 1,300 Hawkeis, 700 in patrol vehicle guise with a four-door cab and six seats, and 600 utility vehicles with a two-door cab, three seats and a greater payload capacity. The contract value should be about US$1.5 billion. Due to its decision to adopt the Hawkei, Australia is not funding the programme engineering and manufacturing development phase of the American JLTV, although it is still monitoring its progress, as it could be used as a back-up solution in the unlikely event of a Hawkei programme meltdown. Thales Australia is promoting its vehicle abroad and is ready to tailor it to customer desires. Other variants of the vehicle might be designed beyond the planned command, reconnaissance, liaison and utility variants. The vehicle’s power and electronic architecture give it the flexibility to be used as a weapon or missile carrier, for example. An electronic warfare variant might also be envisaged.

The South African branch of BAE Systems, Land Systems OMC, is still

working on its RG32M to give it increased payload capacity and protection level. Currently the main customer for the 4x4 light armoured vehicle is Sweden, which ordered 200 in two batches in 2005 and 2007, adding a third batch of 60 Series 3 vehicles in 2008 and yet a further order for 110 Series 4 in early 2012. The Swedish Army needs the vehicle for a wide spectrum of roles such as command, liaison, scout and patrol. The Scandinavian success of the RG32M has definitely not reached the bump stops. Finland has ordered 25 further vehicles in June 2012 as a follow-on order for 22 in January 2011, 10 in June 2010, 16 in May 2010 and six in February 2006. The first Series 3 appeared as part of the last of the May 2010 orders and all subsequent vehicles are to that standard. Currently BAE Systems LS OMC has delivered ten of the 2011 order. The last vehicles should be handed over to Finland by mid-2013. Compared to the standard vehicle, the RG32M Series 3 has new suspensions to bear a payload increase from one to three tonnes over a curb weight of 6.5, meaning that gross weight jumps from 7.5 to 9.5 tonnes. The third nation to have opted for the RG32, in Light Tactical Vehicle guise, is Ireland, which has received all its vehicles.

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Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles


Compendium Light Armoured Vehicles 2012 Supplement to armada Issue 5/2012 Volume 36, Issue No. 5, October/November 2012 armada international is published bi-monthly by Media Transasia Ltd. Copyright 2012 by Media Transasia Ltd. Publishing Office: Media Transasia Ltd, Room No. 1205-1206, Hollywood Centre 233, Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2815 9111, Fax: (852) 2815 1933 Editor-in-Chief: Eric H. Biass Regular Contributors: Roy Braybrook, Paolo Valpolini, Thomas Withington Chairman: J.S. Uberoi President: Xavier Collaco Sr. Manager International Marketing: Vishal Mehta Manager Ad Sales: Yusuf Azim Deputy Manager Marketing: Tarun Malviya Sales & Marketing Coordinator: Atul Bali Designer: Amal Mourya Production Manager: Kanda Thanakornwongskul Group Circulation Manager: Porames Chinwongs Chief Financial Officer: Gaurav Kumar Advertising Sales Offices  AUSTRIA, BENELUX, SWITzERLAND Cornelius W. Bontje Ph: +41 55 216 17 81,  FRANCE Promotion et Motivation, Odile Orbec Ph: +33 1 41 43 83 00,  GERMANY Sam Baird Ph: +44 1883 715 697,  ITALY, NORDIC COUNTRIES Emanuela Castagnetti-Gillberg Ph: +46 31 799 9028,  SPAIN Vía Exclusivas, Macarena Fdez. de Grado Ph: +34 91 448 76 22,  UNITED KINGDOM zena Coupé Ph: +44 1923 852537,  RUSSIA Alla Butova, NOVO-Media Ltd, Ph: (7 3832) 180 885 Mobile : (7 960) 783 6653 Email  EASTERN USA – EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Margie Brown, Ph: (540) 341 7581,  WESTERN USA – WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Diane Obright, Ph: (858) 759 3557,  ALL OTHER COUNTRIES Vishal Mehta, Tel: (91) 124 4759625, Mobile: (91) 99 999 85425, (44) 11 5885 4423, E-Mail: Annual subscription rates: Europe: CHF 186. + 36. (postage) Overseas: USD 186. + 36. (postage) Controlled circulation: 22,739, certified by ABC/WEMF, valid from autumn 2011. Printed by Media Transasia Thailand Ltd. 75/8, 14th Floor, Ocean Tower II, Soi Sukhumvit 19, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoeynue, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Tel: 66 (0)-2204 2370, Fax: 66 (0)-2204 2390 -1 Subscription Information: Readers should contact the following address: Subscription Department, Media Transasia Ltd. Room No. 1205-1206, Hollywood Centre 233, Holywood Road, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2815 9111, Fax: (852) 2851 1933

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