VISION - Spring 2011

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Welcome As VISION enters into its second year, so we take a rather dramatic twist with our style. With a slightly more design-led dynamic, this ‘Profile’ edition is a great way to introduce you all to our new face. And new faces are apparent not only throughout the overall design of the magazine, but in the shape of the newest member of the Tutor team, Michelle Cree. Michelle joined the NDA Tutor team at the beginning of January 2011 and is quickly establishing herself as another dynamic member with great ideas and a passion for the subject. Find out a little bit more from Michelle at the bottom of the page. The regular readers of VISION amongst you, will be familiar with the inclusion of a design brief in each edition, where the Tutor team individually responds to the topic on offer. This month, the theme of VISION (as directed by it’s subtitle) is ‘profiles’. Every designer (whether you realise it or not) will have their own individual designer profile that highlights their intentions, design style and outlook within the design world. The individual photographs of ourselves contained within this edition, highlight our own distinct outlook on the design world, whilst combining these approaches with personal and insightful items. We hope you enjoy reading the content, and also revel in our new style! Until next time. NDA Tutor Team.

A word from Michelle, the newest Tutor recruit. Hi, I’m the newest member of the tutor team. I graduated from Derby University with a BA Honours in Architectural Venue Design & Innovation, which incorporates interior and exterior design of venues. After working in various sectors and attempting a bit of travelling I started working in the field. I’m currently working for a client renovating a grade II listed building within a conservation area, within a world heritage site so quite a challenge! I enjoy seeing the latest designs in architecture, products and interiors from graduates to established designers. 02 Welcome

James Pilling - NDA Private Clients Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

“Beauty is the promise of happiness�. - Henri B. Stendhal

03 James Pilling

04 Jonathan Ive





1.4 billion iPods. 175 million iMacs. 100 million iPhones. 7.5 million iPads. One decade. It has been estimated that nearly a third of the world’s population have purchased a product designed by this man. Jonathan Ive has had such a profound effect upon the way in which we view and interact with technology, that it seems odd to not be more acquainted with the man who holds one of the highest positions at a phenomenal global brand. The Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple is notorious for keeping a low profile; his products have become his voice. So what do we know of one of the most influential product designers of our time? As you can probably gather, not an awful lot. However the precision, design quality and innovation that has now become synonymous with the juggernaut that is the Apple brand, can also be applied to that of the almost stealth-like man from Chingford.

The path of Ive’s career starts off in Newcastle Polytechnic, where his talents didn’t go unnoticed by his peers. Being described as “almost frightened by his own talent” firmly cements the diffident nature that Ive possesses. Instead of basking in the lime light which seems to be part and parcel of an Apple product release, Ive continues his quest to be at the forefront of innovation in an industry that progresses like no other. His seventy-hour working week underpins the severe, almost obsessive dedication to his job, which in return endorses Ive’s position as one of the most influential and celebrated designers in recent decades.

“It’s very easy to be different, but very difficult to be better”.

bears the hallmark of his motto “sorry, no beige”. In an age where the fashion conscious population now seamlessly blends in with the techsavvy, Ive’s designs have the appeal to not only cross generations, but engage those who‘s idea of “cutting edge technology” hit the heights of a teasmade.

“Sorry, no beige”. We have a lot to thank Jony Ive for over the past decade. Not only for his tireless efforts and continuing determination to make our lives more design-led and inspiring, but also to showcase that British design really is a leading light across many disciplines.

However, with the news that Ive is contemplating a move back to these fair isles in order for his new family to be British educated, could this signal the end of an era for Apple whose dominance in a worldwide market is overwhelming? So what makes Ive stand out in an Silicon Valley or Chingford, Ive will industry that measures success in no doubt still command the respect of the number of gigabytes and industry peers and fans alike. the speed of a chip? Firstly, it is important The highly anticipated UK release of the iPad 2 has not only to Apple now been confirmed for 25th March 2011. With two but to Ive himself, cameras, HD video recording, a thinner, lighter design and longer battery life, the iPad 2 will further enhance the that every quality and innovation expected from the computing giant. product Rumours also surface for the release of the iPhone 5,

05 Jonathan Ive






06 Kelly Hoppen

In a career spanning nearly thirty-five years, Britain’s first lady of Interior Design has firmly established herself amongst the most sought after designers in the industry. An evolution of design trends, technology and cultures hasn’t stopped Kelly’s distinctive style transcending all of these, yet still being faithful to her signature style of opulent East-meets-West. A successful designer can be defined as one who embraces shifts in style and direction, yet still whose work is distinct enough to be recognisable and pioneering. Kelly Hoppen, amazingly enough, has been able to sustain such a simple style for a number of years by ensuring that her designs stick to the three criteria that make her work so recognisable; simplicity, elegance and opulence. However, being in the industry for so long and at such a sustained level, can bring around a few problems. It is fine to have a signature style that is recognisable to the masses, but as a designer, how do you keep your profile fresh? One way in which Hoppen has managed to do this is with her online presence. Embracing technologies and social networking tools such as Facebook, Twitter and having her own iPod/iPad app has pushed Kelly’s profile into a more mainstream format. Her distinctive sharp and elegant style are still highly influential across the various media, with a personal presentation that is often classic, but casual.

07 Kelly Hoppen

On launching her app, Kelly states that the intention was “to give...insights into quick, easy and inspiring ways to design elements for your home”. In a generation where information is gathered and supplied on a fast-paced and continual basis, the app is perfect for those who want quick solutions to their home dilemmas. Making Interior Design accessible to the masses seems to have been another success for Hoppen, whose position as a leading light in the British interiors industry continues to go from strength to strength. So I suppose the moral of this short yarn is to never rest on your laurels. No matter how satisfied you are with your own achievements, a constant effort to improve your skills as a designer, the manner in which you market yourself, or even how you embrace new technologies can only help to keep you at the top of your game. And for one, Kelly Hoppen is certainly someone who doesn’t take their success and skill for granted.

Kelly’s App, ‘Home Style by Kelly Hoppen’, can be downloaded for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users now. The app continually features in the “New & Noteworthy” section of the App store in 72 countries.

- Suleiman Leadbitter

08 Vicky Arbuthnot

09 Vicky Arbuthnot

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan


10 Liam Kerrigan

11 Liam Kerrigan

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

12 Kimberley Moore

People ignore design that ignores people Frank Chimero 13 Kimberley Moore

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

14 Sarah Lockett

“The space within becomes the reality of the building�. - Frank Lloyd Wright

15 Sarah Lockett

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

“Creativity takes courage” - Henri Matisse 16 Natasha Wymer

17 Natasha Wymer

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

18 Sarah Watts

“A design isn’t finished until somebody is using it”. - Brenda Laurel

19 Sarah Watts

20 Michelle Cree

““The details are not the details. They make the design.” - Charles Eames

21 Michelle Cree

Photographer - Liam Kerrigan

22 Ann Hoare

“If you want a golden rule that will fit everything, this is it: Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful� . William Morris

23 Ann Hoare


As a new business, being able to attract customers to buy into your product or service is paramount in order to get yourself noticed. Creating a strong relationship between your business and the public can have a profound effect upon the success you have in relation to your target market. The NDA’s PR Executive, Kellie Hill, shares her top ten simple solutions to boost the profile of your business. 24 PR Pointers


Start blogging; it’s free, quick and can widen your target audience dramatically. You can get your creative juices flowing and plug your business with maximum results. Blogging is a popular PR tool because the practice is less corporate than a website. Blogs have a softer tone and more personal feel which viewers are attracted to. Blogging can be time consuming and requires dedication, but if you stick to your goals you will see the benefits.

2. Attend every event possible, whether you’re an

exhibitor or visitor. Events like Interiors Birmingham, Decorex, and Ideal Home Show are crammed with industry insiders. It’s networking heaven and the perfect opportunity to sell your business. When meeting and greeting, start with “Hello my name is ....” then pull out your business card. The idea is by the time you’ve told them what your business is about, your card is already in their hands. But don’t steal their customers, word will get out and taint your nusiness reputation.

3. You don’t only have to aim for the biggest shows,

look out for local charity events, exhibitions or school fairs. You could give away a free mini makeover in the village raffle - be generous and smart to reap the rewards.


Prepare yourself for the unexpected! You never know who you might meet on the 4 o’clock train to Kings Cross, so keep spare leaflets and business cards at the ready. You never know, you may have a Kate Moss moment and get scouted!


Get yourself actively involved in relevant organisations such as your local Rotary Club, Art and Design museums, government bodies, or institutions like the British Institute of Interior Design. Making sure your finger is in every pie and that you’re in the thick of what’s happening. This will improve your chances of keeping your business up to date and in the loop.

6.” It’s who you know not what you know” is a very true statement. Do you have any friends or acquaintances who work in the press, local radio or television that can give you a cheeky plug in their article or show? This will give you bigger media coverage and cost you zilch.

7. Competitions are another way to give your business

a good kick-start. You could celebrate the opening or your business with a prize giveaway like store vouchers, a free design consultation, room makeover or design master-class. This will definitely get the public interested because everyone loves a freebie.


Become a freelancer as well as a business person. Write articles about subjects within your expertise and demonstrate your professional stature. This will build your professional reputation and people will link this with your business. You can contact local magazines, papers or niche publications like Wallpaper and Also, many educational bodies commission writers to help develop course material for their students. This is a great opportunity to educate others and offer your industry expertise.


Offer your services and volunteer to speak at various events. You will be highly regarded by your peers and portray yourself as a respected professional with a respected business.


Learn from the best. Get yourself in with businesses which have already become successful and shadow them for a week. It’s amazing how much you can learn on the job and you may build strong links and continue to work with them in the future.

Good Luck business newbie’s!

Kellie NDA PR

25 PR Pointers

Illustration by Abs Mckenzie

Blogging Blogging is a fantastic tool which can help you in a variety of ways. You can use a blog to promote your business, new products, share life experiences and stories or to just get your name out there. Setting a blog up is easy, the most common software people tend to use is Wordpress and Blogger. Both are free but stylistically different, and have individual tools bloggers can use to personalise their site. I recommend you try both to see which one fits your need the best.


Wordpress (a separate site to The great feature about Wordpress is that a site can be created without a user having any knowledge of HTML. There are lots of styles to choose from, so whatever the nature of your blog you will find an appropriate template which is already formatted so you can start straight away. You can also upload videos and images which is a great way to add depth to your blog and give your readers variety.

26 Blogging

Blogger is apart of the Google family and like Wordpress, is extremely user friendly. Users have access to the HTML so if you’re a little more savvy with coding you have complete control over the personalisation of your blog. If you’re not, Blogger provide you with a basic template which you can change in any way you like - its very versatile. You can also upload images and videos. The statistic page on Blogger is fantastic for keeping up to date with who’s viewed your blog, from which country and what source. If you find yourself catching the blog bug you will see the rewards fairly quickly. It does take time and you need to stay dedicated but the benefits are huge - you can attract viewers, suppliers and buyers from around the world for free! If you’re stuck visit or search Google and get inspiration from similar blogs.

By Kellie Hill

“Spread the news”

27 Blogging

Setting up in Australia

28 Setting up in Australia

29 Setting up in Australia

We recently found out that one of our students (Joanna Ford) had spread her wings and set up a business in Australia. Here she discusses this transition and we ask her how a designer profile can be built in Oz.. Coming home to Australia, after living abroad in London for the last four and a half years, and pursuing my passion in interior design has really opened my eyes as to how we as people are impacted by our surroundings. Australia is a somewhat isolated country, yet we are very fortunate to have many fantastic fabric and furniture designers on our shores. Sure, we are influenced and inspired by trends from overseas, through colours, materials and architecture, but we are able to take this knowledge and make it our own, by creating our own unique style for our Australian homes and lifestyle. I am just starting up my own interior design consultancy business in Melbourne, Australia after completing my Diploma in Interior Design through the National Design Academy in the UK. It was while undertaking the course that I gained confidence in my ability to design. By developing my own, individual style, I instantly had a credible and personal piece of intellectual property, a very valuable asset which I could sell.

“I gained confidence in my ability to design�

Joanna Ford 30 Setting up in Australia

Setting up a business in any country requires one to embark on a great deal of local market research. Gaining knowledge about competitors, fees, business structures/tax regimes, wholesalers and retailers (fabric, furniture, paint etc.), flooring specialists and types, insurances, trades people, etc. all takes time to obtain. But, by building up these lists of contacts initially I have quickly forged very valuable relationships with these key business stakeholders. Incredibly useful when one is trying to set up trade accounts and references are required. Many International interior firms have stockists in Australia who distribute their products. There is a high European influence in the design of furniture and furnishings, and many Interior/Home style magazines feature these products prominently. Being able to therefore, source them locally is an advantage. It allows me to offer a large variety of choice to my clients. Knowing a number of international brands personally, due to having lived, studied and visited a number of top designer showrooms in the UK, I am able to offer up this in-depth knowledge and showcase these products to my clients giving me a distinct advantage over local interior designers. Having spent some time over the last few weeks visiting a number of top furniture houses and textile showrooms around Melbourne, it is clear to me we “down-under” prefer our neutral shades to adorn our walls, floors and furniture upholstery. Not surprisingly, our love of the outdoors, open plan living, and a strong desire for our homes to feel spacious and airy influences our preference for a neutral colour palette to make the most of our abundant natural light. Environmentally sustainable design features heavily in Australia, both in how our homes are built to how they are furnished. Many people are seeking “organic/green” alternatives to build and furnish their homes. Many new local designers are popping up in this market and it is definitely an area of growth. The way we conduct business in Australia is not too dissimilar to that in the UK. Registering of a business name is done according to the State in which you operate, and usually involves registering a unique name and the type of business e.g.. sole trader, partnership, company etc. The tax regime is a little different, in that, we have a Goods and Services Tax, this works in a similar way to the UK’s VAT scheme. The Internet and social media (e.g.. Facebook, Twitter etc.) are highly effective sources for information and also provide a useful medium in which to advertise a business. There are also a number of “free” local advertising business sites. I have utilised a number of them to build up my own business’s profile, not only on the Internet, but also more importantly locally.

Joanna Ford Principal of Joanna Ford Interior Design 31 Setting up in Australia

Interior Design in Australia is well and truly alive. We have an abundance of natural resources at our disposal, enabling our designers to create high quality and fresh materials, furniture and finishes for our homes.

VISION - March 2011

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