2 minute read
from Issue 278
by York Vision
WITH WINTER HOLIDAYS looming ever so closer, this time of year has a special way of reminding those who are single, just how single you really are.
The thought of not being able to walk down the street without seeing smug couples kissing under festive lights, kissing on ice skating rings and well, just performing any sort of public affection, can fuel an infuriatingly nauseous feeling in any solo on-looker. If you are however, quite content with remaining single this holiday season, it being a conscious choice - one which you don’t feel the need to remind yourself of (or your family members who continually drop not so subtle hints about how you never bring anyone home for the holidays) well, good for you. But if in fact you have exhausted the tangled web of dating apps, been traumatised by blind dates and just come to the conclusion that a life of solitary with many, many cats may be for you, I offer one last hope which might just find you the love of your life. Or at least someone to warm you for the winter months.
As TikTok has gained such control and influence over our lives with its never-ending ideas, beauty hacks and general life advice, one of its latest and spiralling trends comes in the form of red nails.
First capturing the attention of over a million people, the trend began back in January, but didn’t gain much momentum until it resurfaced and catapulted this October. For those of you unfamiliar with the Red Nails Theory, let me fill you in. The theory elucidates that whenever women wear red nails, they will receive an increased number of compliments from both men and women, but especially from men. This is apparently due to the fact that growing up, men were familiar with seeing red nails on female figures, such as their first celebrity crushes and teachers, but especially on their mothers. Therefore, men associate red nails with being comforted and cared for. While this sentiment may indicate a questionable mother complex, the Red Nails Theory took off, with those con tributing to it remarking on how powerful red nails made them feel.
In addition to an influx of compliments, TikTok users testing out the Red Nails Theory claimed they got asked out on more dates; praising the power of the red nails.
What happened on those dates they never say. I, however, am an optimist and believe they went wonderfully. They are all now happily in love.
The TikTok accounts praising the Red Nails Theory are endless. Whether those reports are true is known to make people more attracted to you: it is the colour of passion and sexual desire. The possibilities which could arise from wearing red nails have left me curious. The hope that somewhere out there a kind, respectable man who is decent enough looking, over 6ft, of an athletic build, and will approach red nails like a moth to a flame, has me pondering whether I myself should give in to the trend.
Instead of trusting some sketchy algorithm to find love, why not just trust your nail tech?