1 minute read
from Issue 278
by York Vision
AS THIRD YEAR students are approaching the end of term one, dissertation deadlines are fast approaching and very anxiety inducing.
As a joint honours English and History student, I get to experience the woes of having a higher word count, more research yet less time than my English only counterparts.
I didn’t get to do any work on my dreaded dissertation over the summer due to a demanding part time job and family commitments, with the term-time workload piling up meaning it’s now Week Nine and I have barely started my intense year long project.
My advice to any second years who are yet to do their dissertation is simple: if you can, start early, but if you can’t then that’s completely fine. Whilst my dissertation supervisor shouting at me for not starting over the summer almost made me cry, listening to fellow Eng/His students lament about a lack of help and guidance made me realise that no one starts the dissertation early. And if they do, they’re a liar.
I have found that, whilst the dissertation is important, enjoying what may be your final summer in York is way more crucial, so don’t worry too much.