2 minute read
from Issue 279
by York Vision
THE ANNUAL VARSITY Intercollegiate Tournament will be back as the University of Durham hosts on Sunday 12th March.


York’s colleges look to go back-to-back after winning the competition overall last year. In the table below, the teams who will be representing the University have been listed by Sport, with ‘A’ seeds in the left-hand column, and ‘B’ seeds in the right-hand.
Qualifier Matches took place on the weekend of 3rd February. This year, there will be 14 sports that will be competed in, with men’s, women’s and non-gendered sports all to play for.
The format of the competition goes as follows. All the matches take place on a single day. The top-seeded sides from both universities face off, the winner of simply decided by who gains the most points. University of York won the 2022 edition last-year by 85-43. that match recieves 5 points. The runner-up (or ‘B’ seeds) also face off, with the winner of that match recieving three points. Thus, the winner of the Trophy is
The nature of York’s collegiate sport system is that some sports are represented by campus, rather than college sides. So for example, this year Heslington East WRFC are the B-seeded women’s rugby side, whilst in lacrosse the University is being represented by Heslington West.
Tickets are available to purchase from the YUSU website. Tickets are £20 which includes the cost of the bus journey to Durham, an optional T-shirt and a discounted entry to the Official York Parties

Afterparty at Revs on the 12th.
Full information is on the YUSU website. Go team York!
Nongendered Football
JAMES COLLEGE, AT the University of York, are combining their men’s and women’s football teams in order to be more gender inclusive.

On January 24, 2023, they made the announcement on their Instagram page, @jcfc_official, saying “As of today, James College Men’s Football Club and James College Women’s Football Club have become one.”
They say that their goal is to “progress the game further, providing equal opportunities for all genders” and to “provide a base for anyone of any ability to play football.”
Authors of the post, Alex and George, said “We are so excited about this new era for James Football, and are proud to be the first College Football Club to be non-gendered at the University of York.”
Speaking to The York Tab, team representatives said that it is “an important step towards equality” in the sport.
The York Tab also found that Constantine College, could be the next of the Universities’ 11 colleges to have ‘non-gendered’ teams.
Speaking to Constantine President, Tim Woodford, he said they have similar plans to try to combine their men’s and women’s teams by the end of the academic year, stating that it was “an important action to take” and that he is “so proud of James College for their efforts.”
Are you part of a College Football team? Or do you take part in other College sports?
Let us know what you think of this decision by sending us a DM on Twitter @YorkVision or on Instagram @york_vision