Issue 277

Page 24

The relationship between students and the city


FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULING of “The Mighty Oak Dinner: An Evening with Sir Desmond Swayne”, BAME students at the University have been highly critical of the off-campus event, which has not currently been ap proved by YUSU and is under review.

MP Desmond Swayne has been accused of racial insensitivity through his defence of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of blackface in 2019, calling the usage an “entirely acceptable bit of fun” according to an MSN report. The Conservative MP also hinted that he had worn blackface himself, stating he “went

Vision Interviews Rohan Ashar, Zara Sharif and Emilia Chambers on Controversial Speaker WELCOME FROM YORK COUNCIL



FOLLOWING THE PASSING of the longest reigning British monarch Queen Elizabeth II, Vision looks back on her time in York, her contributions to our university, and the impact she made to our city.

Met by cheering crowds on a cold, autumnal day, her Majesty was notably impressed by Hes lington Hall but “did not like the new colleges”.

Occurring less than four years after the University’s opening, the Queen’s arrival at the University and opening of the colleges is still remembered today, with a plaque commemorating the event locat ed outside of the Derwent Dining Room.

ments, we now feel her loss very deeply.”

As a city, York has mourned the loss of the Queen in full force. From floral displays outside of York Minster to the lowering of the flag on York Mansion House to half-mast, the city has shown its love and respect for the Queen after her passing.

honoured her Majesty by remain ing closed, with people across the city joining the nationwide two minutes of silence.

The VUE cinema in York, however, remained open on the 19th to broadcast the State Fu neral live, allowing mourners to come together in remembrance for the much-loved monarch.

A paramount year for the Uni versity was when the monarchy and Head of State herself came to open two new colleges, Derwent and Langwith. Occurring on 22nd Octo ber 1965, the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip were joined by

Footage of the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip at tending the event can be seen on the University’s website history section, with videos courtesy of the Shepherd Group, the main contractor for most of Heslington West’s buildings.

Following the death of her Majesty, the Rt Hon. Lord May or of York, Councillor David Carr said: “because we have always been delighted to welcome The Queen to grace York’s great mo


On the day of the Queen’s fu neral, Monday 19th September, shops and businesses across York

During the service the Arch bishop of York, the Most Rev erend Stephen Cottrell, said a prayer at the service at Westmin ster Abbey, describing his prayer as “the most extraordinary hon our”.

The Archbishop remarked that the reign of Queen Elizabeth II was “extraordinary, perhaps never to be repeated [and] carries the story of our nation in no other way”.

H.M. Elizabeth II 19262022

IT’S THAT TIME of year again. The leaves are begin ning to change colour, Glimore Girls box sets are being dusted down, and awk ward first day conversations are happening in kitchens across campus.

The theme of this issue is Fresh: some

thing that our editors are feeling anything but.

As we lay this is sue up in the deserted Eric Milner, we begin to wonder if they’ll give us a chance to evacuate before the entire block is knocked down.

This issue, you can read about the challenges workingclass students face

over summer and the issue of transphobia at university in our Opinion section.

In Lifestyle, Ka tie Preston explores coming to uni as a so ber person, and later losing her sobriety in first year.

In Features, Vi sion interviews Char lie Jeffery on the cost of living crisis, as well as offering our own

tips to students.

Over in our Climate section, Kaitlyn shares how to get involved in York’s climate conversation, from reading York Vision, to sus tainable coffee shops.

Our Sport section features an exclusive interview with women’s football, as well as exploring niche sport clubs at the University.

Of course, we couldn’t write this editor’s note without paying homage to the late Queen Eliza beth II. Read about the impact Her Majesty had across campus and beyond in this special edition of York Vision.

Writing our Freshers’ issue over the summer made me reflect on my time as a first year on cam pus. Ah, to be 18 again…. In a year of Covid-19 restrictions, takeaways and late night walks were about as exciting as it got. If you are an in coming fresher, make the most of every activity (*wink*) that comes your way!

Upcoming, we have our wel come talk on the 5th October, and our elections on the 10th. Could you see yourself as the next lifestyle or books editor? Fancy yourself a bit of a relationship guru? There really is a section for everybody!

Unsure about putting yourself

forward for a role? Don’t fret! Our Welcome Talk will explain each and every section in detail, look at the role’s responsibilities, and include some of our previ ous editorial team to go through the makings of the paper.

There’s also chances to get involved with Vision throughout the term without having a for mal title either! Write both print and online content on any topic, anytime… anywhere? So if you want to get involved in ways big or small, come down to our Wel come Talk on the 5th of October in P/L/001 at 6pm.

If you’ve read this far, con gratulations, you are either my Gran or me reading this over once we’ve gone to print check ing for typos.

I’d like to give a few shout outs: to the maths department vending machine for supplying me with chocolate and crisps during layup, to The Lemon Press, for taking away the pres sure of being the first student publication to go to print this term, and to McDonalds Mo nopoly, for existing.

2 Thursday September 29, 2022 NEWS News 2 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Opinion 6 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Features 24 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Lifestyle 26 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Science & Tech 27 Editor Oliver Fisher Deputy Editor Vacant Climate 28 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Kaitlyn Beattie-Zarb Sport 30 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Stage S3 Editor Amber Handley Deputy Editor Kayleigh Wit tenbrink Screen S4 Editor Jed Wagman Deputy Editor Gena Clarke Games S6 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Vacant Food S7 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Navya Verma Relationships S8 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Otty Allum Travel S9 Editor Grace Swadling Deputy Editor Vacant Books S10 Editor Caitlin Hyland Deputy Editor Orla McAndrew Music S11 Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Ben Forsdick Editor Katie Preston Editor Marti Stelling Deputy Editor Dan Bennett SCENE Editor Emily Sinclair Chief Subeditor Megan Bartley Subeditor Philippa Salmon Subeditor Matt Davis Subeditor Miri Huntley Subeditor Jacob Bassford Subeditor Alexis Casas Illustrator Niall McGenity Managing Director Matt Davis Deputy Managing Director Vacant Social Media Director Orla McAndrew Technical Director Marks Polakovs Head of Multimedia Vacant Opinions expressed in York Vision are not necessarily those of the Editors, Editorial Team, membership, or advertisers.
Marti Stelling Katie Preston Co-Editor she/her The plaque is placed with pride outside Derwent din ing The Queen wasn’t im pressed by Derwent IMAGES: MARTI STELLING


IN RECOGNITION OF the work by our Uni versity’s E-Accessibility Working Group to nur ture the digital accessi bility of our institution, AdvanceHE - a charity that aims to ‘improve higher education for staff, students and so ciety’ - felt it warranted to award a Collabora tive Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) for their efforts.

Who are the E-Accessi bility Working Group?

The aim of the team, chaired by Dr Richard Walker, is to guide staff and students through the use of software and other tech nologies. Made up of repre sentatives from the different branches of the university cog: support services, teach ing staff and the student body, it functions as part of the Disability Inclusion Net work. Their insertion of dif ferent voices is a significant display that the team under stands the importance of in clusion and perspective. The working group ensures the technology within reach of the University is being used to its fullest potential and will openly admit in their ‘Accessibility Statements’ when it is not and how they are working to fix that.

After a period where online learning was una voidable, it has been para mount that our education remains equal even in the online sphere. The winning of this award acknowledges, nationally, the team’s com mitment to the promotion of the inclusiveness that technology can make capa ble. With constant projects and user research, the team are working tirelessly to im prove accessibility through out all streams of the Univer sity’s use of tech - whether it is their Captioning Policy that reminds lecturers that pre-recorded lecturers must be accurately captioned or their annual Digital Accessi bility Tutorial.

Their efforts to acquire software such as Mathtype, Xerte and Kortext since their conception in Novem ber 2018 have changed the learning environment of students. The smoothness of the transition from class room to zoom can be largely thanked to their determina tion and dedication.




AS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS flock to York to start an exciting new year, Vi sion spoke to Council Leader Keith As pden and Darryl Smalley on the rela tionship between the student body and York.

Council Leader Aspden began by welcom ing new freshers to the University of York:

“I’d like to extend a warm welcome and best wishes to all the students joining University of York and those returning to study in this world class university at the heart of one of the UK’s most unique and beautiful cities.

“Whilst York is a city steeped in history, we are also a forward-thinking and innovative place. York is big enough to feel lively but small enough to feel like home. We take pride in our vibrant culture and heritage, welcoming spirit and diverse communities. York’s Universities and students make an enormous contribution to our city.

“Their social and cultural influence places them at the heart of our community. We are proud of the long-standing and positive rela tionships the Council and city partners have forged with the University and its students, as we work to make York even more welcoming to all - whether that be through unique local events and safe nights out, or career and job opportunities and community involvement.

“Whilst it could be a daunting time as you take your first steps into this new stage in your life, know that you are now a part of our com munity, our city and its future. As a graduate of the university myself, I know just how special your time in this university and our city will be.

“It will be your contribution, talents and work that will continue to shape our city’s fu ture as we address the challenges that face York and take full advantage of the unique opportu nities that our wonderful city offers. Welcome to York!”

Vision also interviewed Councillor Darryl Smalley, who is responsible for culture, leisure and communities within the city, on the impor tance of community, the relationship between students and residents, and how students can make the most of York city centre.

“Firstly, York is a fantastic city to be part of and to live in, be that for three years as a stu dent or staying in York. I came to York as a stu dent in 2016 and fell in love with it like many people do, and made a conscious choice to do what I could to try and stay here!

The various communities across York and the student community are quite close knit. Al though York’s a city of just over 200,000 peo ple, in some ways it’s just a big village, really!

“What I noticed when I arrived was just how friendly everyone is, whether that be at the University or right across town. I’d try and expose yourself to as much of it as possible. We saw through COVID in particular how York re ally came together and how, unlike many oth er cities, York is blessed in that we don’t have a resident-student conflict because residents have a good understanding of just what the two universities have brought to the city in terms of investment, jobs, and a younger demographic.”

Vision asked Cllr. Smalley about the im pacts of the current cost-of-living crisis, and how students can access support:

“The council does offer support in the form of a Household Assistance Funding, which we always make sure students are eligible for and if there are any instances where students are unable to access this let us know and we will re move those barriers. The University and YUSU know what is on offer in that sense and will consolidate from the Government, the Univer sity itself and the City council.

“Know that you’re not alone, I knock on doors an awful lot and we are seeing people increasingly, especially as it’s getting colder, getting into more and more desperate situa tions. The council is facing exactly the same pressures: our energy bills, the street lighting is rocketing up too.

So just reach out, we try to make sure there’s no “wrong door”, so whether you’re speaking to Citizens Advice, directly ringing the Council, or speaking to the Student Union that everyone will be able to signpost where available support is”

Cllr. Smalley also discussed the mutual benefits between the city and the students:

“After a very busy summer with hundreds of thousands of people visiting York and everyone notices when it’s Freshers season: it breathes new life into the city at a time when

many businesses are winding down after the summer period.

“There’s so much to do in terms of socie ties, events and day to day things that are on in the city centre: York’s one of the host city’s for the Rugby League World Cup in Autumn, we’re home to the Aesthetica Short Film Festi val, we have probably one of the best Christmas markets in the UK so there’s so much to look forward to! Treat it like the amazing experience it is.”

“You speak to residents who were here be fore the University was founded and it’s trans formed York. York prior to the University was really struggling in terms of its transition from an engineering city with the garage works and as a confectionery city with Rowntrees and Ter rys as they were exiting the city. The University has arrived at the perfect time, and since then things have only got better in terms of the re lationship between the students and the com munity.

“Students make the city what it is: make it far younger, more vibrant, bringing energy and different experiences into the city. You look at how some of the cafe culture and independ ent shops have really thrived in York which is fantastic and is helped in part by students. Students really do benefit the city and you’d be hard pressed to find someone who swears there’s no positive impact!.

“The city is everyone’s, and I think some of the things that the University and the students do, such as the campaigns for bus services and Save the River, they impact everyone and make the city better for everyone. Students have a massive role in making York a better place.”

Vision also asked Cllr. Smalley about the ways in which students can most benefit from living in York:

“I’m biased but top of the list is the libraries in York. We have one of the best library servic es in the country and, aside from the Universi ty library, York Central Library and the other fifteen libraries are brilliant places to read and have quiet spaces to work, meet friends and catch up on things, and are increasingly be coming a more important role in supporting communities in the cost of living.

“Lots of things are happening in York at the moment from big infrastructure projects like York Central, revitalising the area around Clif ford’s Tower. There’s some great facilities on your doorstep, so don’t spend all your time on campus when there’s some fantastic buildings and aspects.

York has so many hidden treasures: we have an Edwardian swimming pool that used to be powered by steam made from chocolate - it’s incredible!”

NEWS 3Thursday September 29, 2022


PALATINATE REPORTS THAT columnist Rod Liddle is set to visit Durham University in November to speak at a Union event.

Julie Bindel, a controversial writer, has had events cancelled twice in Durham, but is scheduled for a debate at the Durham Union Society. Liddle will attend the campus in November, his speech at a South Col lege Christmas formal sparked protest less than a year ago.

A Durham spokesperson said: “This event will be advertised in ad vance so that students can make an informed decision regarding their participation”.


VARSITY REPORTS THAT Cambridge gained from the slave trade. Though there was no evidence the University owned enslaved people or slave plantations, Cambridge gained “significant benefits” from its financial and cultural involvement in the slave trade, a recently published report has found.

The report found that the University held direct financial invest ments in the South Sea Company, a company involved in trading en slaved people. Outgoing Vice-Chancellor Stephen Toope said:

“It is not in our gift to right historic wrongs, but we can begin by acknowledging them.”


FORGE PRESS REPORTS that the University of Sheffield has twinned with Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI) in a bid to support students and staff affected by the war in Ukraine.

KPI is one of Ukraine’s largest and oldest universities. Their staff, students, and day-to-day operations have been significantly affected by the war.

Sheffield is donating £20,000 to rebuild air raid shelters on KPI’s campus, providing access to essential equipment, and resources, and launching research collaborations and staff exchanges.

“The decision by the University of Sheffield to donate £20,000 for the reconstruction of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute air-raid shelters is not only humanitarian, but it also has a significant political dimension in the context of the incredible amount of Britain’s assistance to Ukraine in this war.”


SCAN REPORTS THAT Elizabeth Train-Brown, a previous editor of the paper, had a book published by London-based Renard Press this August.

Her deput collection of poetry “salmacis: becoming not quite a woman” explores gender identity through gods, monsters, and sambuca shots.


OFTEN FORGOTTEN WITHIN the cost of living crisis, students across the nation are struggling to af ford basic necessities during term time.

According to a 2022 survey by the National Union of Students, around a third of students believe their universities could be doing more to support them through financial help and more access to affordable food.

With students most affect ed including disabled, estranged and financially vulnerable, Vision spoke to the JCRC College Chairs to discuss the effects of student hunger, affordability and how they are making sure that their students are eating.

Vision first asked the College chairs about the pre-existing strategies to help students access food at the University, and wheth er or not these systems work.

The Vanbrugh Chair, Lex, em phasised that whilst bursaries can help, they often do not target the problem:

“While the Uni does try to pro vide some bursaries, those are not fixing the issue at hand and also aren’t always publicised enough for people to access them”

“During meetings with YUSU, the topic has come up but not much, if any, guidance has been offered except for sign-posting towards food banks. These of ten aren’t accessed by students for multiple reasons, including shame.”

Alcuin’s Chair, Chloe, reiter ated the same sentiment, stating that “it often feels like the univer sity’s response to the cost of living crisis is to hand out bursaries, which is obviously useful but once that runs out, then what?”

“It’s not prevention or a cure to a massive problem, it’s just temporary mitigation”

Lex further emphasised the University’s failings to support students during COVID-19:

“During lockdown, the uni versity was still charging for rooms until the following year, meaning costs for student rooms that weren’t being used were con tinuing and charged full fees for the courses.

“But the university did pro vide vouchers and food when iso lating which helped provide food for those with COVID-19, which should still be considered a min imum”

“Students need to choose be tween paying utilities and rent or food as the higher prices aren’t factored into the maintenance loan.”

To combat the impact of the cost of living crisis on students, Vision asked the college chairs about their plans for the next aca demic year and how they will sup port students to access food.

Planning to line up regular brunches and lunches to provide a meal for students in need each day, the College Chairs are cur rently devising plans to ensure that students are able to access a meal each day at every college, with students’ individual college allegiances ignored to allow ac cess.

The Goodricke College Chair, Seraphina, told Vision about their idea to “make a discrete food bank in Goodricke” using “some kind of Google form to send out to students, allowing them to select items they may need”.

“It’s only an idea right now, but I definitely want to do some thing through the college to help students this year”.

Seraphina highlighted the importance of anonymity for stu dents, emphasising that commu nication with students in need “only needed to be a university email as I worry students will feel embarrassed to access food banks”.

Vision then asked the College chairs to promote their own stu dent-friendly food schemes:

Kyle, Constantine’s JCR Chair, told Vision that “we do a breakfast every Wednesday morning dur ing term time that I’m fairly sure our college team would be happy to open up”, an event that is often very well attended by Constantine students.

Chloe, Alcuin’s Chair, promot ed their upcoming strategies also, stating that “I know my college team are now going to be doing a weekly food event (I think soup, we have a gigantic soup caul dron!) and we certainly won’t be asking questions about which col

lege people come from”

“Depending on when it ends up being, I will also attend myself”

Vanbrugh’s JCR Chair dis cussed their college’s previous steps towards ensuring students are able to access food throughout the term:

“We’ve been holding Wellness brunches on Fridays since last year and are hoping to continue them, to provide at least one meal a week to students and other Colleges are doing the same, not checking if people are from our College or not.

“We’ll also be hosting a Well ness and Wellbeing Wednesday during Freshers where we work with several societies providing resources to access food”

Finally, there was a strong commitment from the Vanbrugh College chair, who promised Vi sion that “if the University doesn’t feed the students, we will find a way”.

Vice Chancellor Charlie Jeff ery ensured Vision that students will be given access to food:

“We are going to be going back to something we did during COV ID which is make food vouchers accessible to students who are in need. Food is one of the things that really worries me because if students aren’t eating properly then they’re going to have all sorts of other consequences so we are working to make sure that we get these messages across.”

YUSU Community and Well being Officer Hannah Nimmo

“Student hunger is a problem - one that will become worse in the face of the cost of living crisis. YUSU is running a cost of living campaign which aims to not only lobby the university and local ser vices for more provision and sup port but also stay abreast of the real-time effects that this crisis is having on our members.

“We encourage all students to talk to us - tell us what you’re struggling with financially, where those pressure points are, and how you want services to support you.

“We can only tackle this to gether - so talk to us and cam paign with us, and in return, I and we will do all we can to make sure those who need the help get it.”

4 Thursday September 29, 2022 NEWS


FOLLOWING THE SCHEDULING of “The Mighty Oak Dinner: An Evening with Sir Desmond Swayne”, BAME stu dents at the University have been highly critical of the off-campus event, which has not currently been approved by YUSU and is under review.

MP Desmond Swayne has been accused of racial insensitivity through his defence of Ca nadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of blackface in 2019, calling the usage an “entirely acceptable bit of fun” according to an MSN re port. The Conservative MP also hinted that he had worn blackface himself, stating he “went to some trouble to be as authentic as possible” ac cording to the Telegraph.

A racially charged practice in which people of colour are charicatured, the media’s use of blackface was reviewed following the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

As the event is off-campus, the University and YUSU has limited jurisdiction, however still has responsibility and accountability over the society. The event is under review by YUSU, with Activities Officer Rohan Ashar explaining:

“The permittance of events like this hap pening ultimately comes down to a matter of law. It unfortunately goes way above YUSU’s head because we are bound by the government and, by extension, the University’s rules, so we must facilitate things unless the event itself is directly discriminatory.”

First speaking to Zara Sharif, Derwent JCRC Chair, Vision asked about her lack of confidence in the University:

“I never had any confidence that the Uni versity cared about BAME students or students from any marginalised communities. It’s in credibly disappointing to see such a speaker allowed at an [off campus] event, especially after the significant backlash after the recent Free Speech Society event. It’s also incredibly disheartening to see YUSU allow an event like this to take place, and have a constitution that allows this despite the risk to ethnic minority students.”

“In general at York there is a significant lack of support for BAME students, and very little is done when instances of racism occur.

“The University and YUSU need to take a very hard look at themselves and their sup posed intention of anti-racism, because when they allow events like this to happen it just proves that it is completely superficial surface level, and there is no genuine dedication to fighting racism and protecting students. They must stop virtue signalling without any genu ine change.”

YUSU BAME Officer Emilia also elaborat ed on the need for the University to actively support BAME students:

“The phrase ‘Anti-Racist’ must not be al lowed to become another meaningless, cor poratized buzz-word. Real anti racism saves minoritised lives. To be truly anti racist an or ganisation must be proactive in its approach to tackling claims and instances of racism. So far

we have yet to see this from the University, and this instance is a prime example. There is abso lutely NO room for racism on our campus. We acknowledge the importance of free speech, but this does not and cannot include hatred.”

A University of York spokesperson said: “Our approach to tackling racism is first and foremost based on listening to experiences. We will absolutely be following up on this feedback.

“We are working to educate and raise awareness across the University about the harm caused by many forms of racism, be it overt or hidden. Our Race Equality Coordina tion Group is here to take action and students can find out the latest on our race equality ac tion plan by searching online for York and ‘let’s talk about race and racism’.”

Vision then asked Emilia on the steps the BAME network have been taking to prevent the event from being approved, and the com munication with YUSU during the process:

“On 7th September, when the event was first announced, The YUSU BAME Network (run by elected student volunteers) brought it to YUSU’s attention. Since then, we have been in ongoing conversations with YUSU, gath ering information and discussing their plans moving forward.

“The BAME Network committee sent a letter to the Tory Society on 10th September, expressing our concern about the event and calling for his invitation to be revoked. They have yet to reply, which is obviously very dis appointing.

“Ultimately, someone who holds such ab horrent views should not be welcomed into our University’s community and space. We see no need for us to tolerate someone whose views are themselves so actively harmful and exclu sionary.”

A University of York spokesperson said: “When one of our Students’ Union societies organises events on University premises and requests external speakers to attend, there is a comprehensive process to follow - with YUSU, and if appropriate, the University - before any thing goes ahead.

“In general, there are legal limits to what the University could do to stop events happening, especially one being held off campus at a hotel.

“We know many of our students disagree with society invitations, and in this sense, we appreciate the limits placed on us legally - in cluding the duty to uphold lawful free speech - can create tensions with our ethos of being an inclusive and welcoming community.

“We recognise this particular event is caus ing upset, and having been alerted to these plans, we will work with YUSU and its societies to address the impact of any such event going ahead.”

As a student leader, Vision asked Zara about how she has been personally affected by the event despite it not yet being approved:

“It’s incredibly sad to see this event happen ing in general, but also right when all of the new freshers will be joining the University. I know as a person of colour I was terrified coming to York as the University is notorious for how

white it is, and in my first few weeks (and still sometimes now) I felt incredibly overwhelmed by the lack of diversity, and the lack of support for BAME students, and from the racism that myself and my peers experienced.

“I used to be BAME Rep for Derwent be fore I was Chair, and during Freshers Week the number one question I got asked was “Is it real ly as bad as they say?”.

“If you are a BAME student who also feels affected by this event, me and the rest of the BAME Network are always here to support you and advocate for you. If the Tory Society event is allowed to take place we will be holding our own wellbeing event alongside it for BAME stu dents to come together and be part of a com munity.”

Finally, Vision spoke to Emilia about the ongoing nature of the event and any security measures that may be put in place should the event be approved:

“Through communication with YUSU we know that as things stand the event has not yet received approval to go ahead.

“As we understand it, YUSU are limited in what they can do to prevent this event from taking place due to their by-laws which are shaped by governmental free-speech regula tions and national restrictions on the power of Student Unions.

“We have heard that YUSU are currently in conversation with the Tory Society about making the event more debate-like in style, as opposed to a one-sided argument. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, matters of basic human rights such as the right to live in a soci ety free of discrimination are not up for debate whatsoever, even if there is a central monitor and ‘both sides’ are represented.”

Rohan Ashar, YUSU Activities officer, also commented on the event:

“I am using my own right to free speech in being vocal that I do not think groups should want people like Desmond Swayne to partici pate within the student community, as it con stitutes a significant lack of care for inclusivity and our BAME cohort.

“A few weeks ago, I requested a meeting with the University about free speech and the applicable legislation, since it is an area in which I am very interested and would like to address, even if it is just to gain more clarity for everyone (which is necessary before we begin taking steps towards institutional change). I to tally agree that the University can do more to both be truly anti-racist and deal with racism better.

“From personal experience, I know that York has problems with racial ignorance and attitudes around ethnic diversity. I am there fore determined to work with many people (such as Emilia, Zara, the rest of the YUSU BAME committee, and staff) and bring mean ingful conversations about race and diversity to a higher level than probably previously ever achieved here.”

Vision has reached out to Tory Society for a comment on the event.


ACCORDING TO THE University, “the change is part of York’s vision to be a University for pub lic good”

Bringing together previ ously separate subjects and fields of study, the newly launched School for Busi ness and Society brings together the University of York Management School with Social Policy and So cial Work.

The School of Arts and Creative Technologies com bines Music, Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media. Meanwhile in STEM, the School of Physics, En gineering and Technology brings together Electronic Engineering and Physics

According to York’s Ex ecutive Board member Am brose Field:

“In blending our existing strengths, and developing new collaborative research and teaching activity, the schools will create a unique intellectual agenda at York - one that powerfully ech oes the heritage of the City of York and the ethos of the University of York’s found ers.”




THE UNIVERSITY OF York has secured the top spot of Northern universities in a na tional ranking, trump ing local competitors, Sheffield and Leeds.

The University sits in 17th place nationally in The Times Good Univer sity Guide rankings for 2023, and has a student satisfaction rate of 73.2 percent, up from 72.1 per cent the previous year.

The results show that 82 percent of graduates were in professional jobs or graduate level studies, as well as boasting a 93.9 percent completion rate for undergraduates.

The University of York has risen eight places to ninth place in the research quality index, which has helped to lift their overall ranking by two places since the previous year.

Thursday September 29, 2022NEWS 5

ısıonVYORK SAYS...


FOLLOWING YEARS OF COVID-19 impacting Freshers Week, 2022 now sees a full-steam ahead return of the week of drinking and socialising.

Very different from a lot of the Vision team’s Freshers experiences, which mostly was made up of isolating and perhaps a flat trip to Aldi, it’s great to see new students being able to fully enjoy the city of York.

With bus routes broken up to ensure freshers can get into town on a night out, campus is flooded with new stu dents wanting to spend their time in Revs or Salvos.

Whilst it’s great to see students having fun, the over crowding on buses is definitely something that needs get ting used to!


LOCATED ACROSS THE river next to James Col lege, Eric Milner A and B have become somewhat of a mystery over the last few months.

Originally announced during Summer term, Van brugh College informed its students that “Eric Milner White A and B blocks will be out of action for the academic year 2022/23 and will not be used for accommodation”. It is believed to be being knocked down, however the stu dent community seems unaware of what is happening to the building.

Quite a concern for us at Vision, given that our office is currently in Eric Milner, the building is being knocked down in favour of the new student centre, coming to cam pus in 2025. As of right now, Eric Milner is vacant with no freshers or returners utilising the space as accommoda tion, so our print week is a lot quieter for us here at Vision.


AS A NEW academic year starts, a new Sabbatical team has been elected to run all things student.

First is Pierrick Roger, our new YUSU President. In his manifesto, Pierrick promises to cut rent costs, lobby the University to end FirstBus contracts and “cut the BS” to better shape student representation.

Re-elected from last year, York Sport Union President Franki Riley wants to increase opportunites for all sport ing students and launch a consultation on the integration of gendered sports into central non-gendered clubs.

Our Community and Wellbeing Officer is Hannah Nimmo, who wants to focus on wellbeing training for all committees and improve student safety on and off cam pus.

Previously head of ComedySoc, Rohan Ashar is YUSU Activities Officer for 2022/2023. Aiming to increase “rep resentation, inclusivity and enjoyment”, Rohan wants to ensure societies are open to all.

Finally, our Academic Officer is Deb Dey who wants to “Disable the Label” by enhancing Open Door and provid ing internship opportunities.




WHILST SUMMER FOR some students consists of travelling abroad, relaxing from stud ies and going to festivals, my summer was predominantly characterised by working late nights over bank holiday week ends.

Wanting to stay in York over the summer rather than head home to my dull town in the Midlands, I had no choice but to continue to work over the holidays rather than take some much needed time off from my studies.

A sentiment I know lots of stu dents can relate to, especially since the ever-increasing cost-of-living cri sis, I sometimes get angry as I look at my fellow students’ Instagram posts of holidays abroad whilst I work a 13 hour shift.

Part of my need to work over the summer, however, is something that impacts all students of all finan cial backgrounds: the lack of main tenance loans across the summer months. With many students forced to head home whilst they pay rent for a student property in York as they

but it is the case for me that my rent instalment of over 2k to live in York over the summer took me months of saving and working long hours to be able to pay.

Don’t get me wrong, I did get to spend a few days at home with my family and spent two jam-packed days in Edinburgh with my flatmate, but all of those cost money and thus more shifts.

I’m currently more than a grand into my overdraft and, with limited financial support from my parents, I’ve spent the entire summer not only trying to save up for rent and buy train tickets, but also pull myself out of debt.

In the first year, I lived off the lim ited inheritance I had gotten from my Grandma, with a budget of around £20 to £30 a week from my parents for the entire academic year. For some, that’s more than enough and I’m incredibly grateful for the sup port I do get, but seeing my friends not have to work during term time or spend their holidays working late nights can be very annoying.

Now going into my third and fi nal year at university, I’ve learnt a lot about the value of money and what it means to earn it. I’ve never been es pecially poor or especially rich, and trust me I’ve had some great nights out, have been to concerts and am

paycheck slowly pulls me out of my overdraft.

But it’s still a fact that I had to apply for the COVID-19 emergency fund during my second year, and I was awarded the entire amount be cause of the state of my finances. I’ve had the luxury of never having to live from paycheck to paycheck, and looking back I was incredibly frugal in my first year.

Could I be more careful with my money now? Probably. But I want to make sure that I enjoy my life at uni versity and in York whilst I can, and

cannot afford to live in their universi ty city, the summer months hit hard for all students.

Now, that’s not to say I don’t like my job or enjoy being able to live in York as the weather turns warmer,

currently paying off a holiday.

I still struggle with my finances, and without my overdraft I simply wouldn’t survive. But I am lucky that my student finance covers my rent instalments and that my weekly

that is a very fine line.

Being frugal but also enjoying life at university can be incredibly diffi cult. I still vividly remember the first time I meaningfully went into my overdraft, and when I first noticed that I was negative £1000 and how upset I was at the thought of running out of money.

But at the end of the day, many people live in their overdrafts in their twenties and even early thirties. I love my life in York and wouldn’t change a thing, so if I’m scraping my self out of my overdraft for the next three years, so be it.

Bottom Line:

6 Thursday September 29, 2022 OPINION
KATIE PRESTON (she/her) @kxtieprxston KATIE PRESTON (she/her)
“Being frugal at universi ty can be incredibly diffi cult.”
I’d much rather have a brilliant last year with my friends than watch my bank account slow ly rise out of negative
“I sometimes get an gry as I look at my fellow students Insta gram posts of holidays abroad whilst I work a 13 hour shift. ”’
“I’ve learnt a lot about the value of money and what it means to earn it.”




AT 21, I should not be afraid of the dark, but I am. Hor ror lurking in the shadows should be reserved solely for scary Hollywood movies, not for our walk home.

Each corner turned and each stretch of road - day or nightshould not race my heart or make me clutch my keys in fear of need ing to weaponise them. Yet, they do. In 2019 a YouGov survey found that 46% of women felt unsafe walking at night - so I know I’m not alone.

Glaring, beaming streetlights won’t fix the problem of serious violence against women and girls, but it will be a temporary appease ment. Whilst my opinion is re buffed by a 2015 UCL study that found zero connection between an increase in crime and the dimming of street lights… I do not pretend

that I think them being alight with maximum intensity would auto matically mean no more rapes or murders. Instead, I think both me and many others see a streetlight above as a guardian angel that fol lows us.

I approach this topic with a personal sentiment, whilst I crude ly may suggest the researchers and academics behind that report approached it (perhaps rightly so) with an analytical, emotionally re moved perspective. The fact is that the average cost of a street light’s energy bill and maintenance is be tween £40 and £80 per annum. A

fear. A minimal monetary cost to the economic value of women feel ing safe enough to work late or go and spend their money on drinks at the local pub and return past dark.

Gone should be the protests that women can ‘protect’ them selves by staying at home, safe behind the drawn curtains and in stead there must be a call to arms that a miniskirt should be able to traverse the pavements of England at any time of day (or night). In an ideal world, no human would want to submit terror over another - or all women would be a black belt Sensei that could topple any threat. But whilst we live in the real, bleak world, let light be the first step to safety.

list was added on the 17th of Sep tember, meaning by the time you read this, it will likely be out of date.)

Karen Ingala Smith is a cam paigner who documents each femi cide victim in the UK on her Count ing Dead Women Blog, it exists to ensure that each victim is named and recorded so they “are never merely statistics” in the media or government reports.

Their precious lives ended in darkness. We cannot continue to let that happen to others. The cycle needs to end somehow and whilst there seems to be no immediate solution, street lights illuminating the murky hiding places lessen the immediate threat.


AH, WHAT IS nicer than leaving a gym session to be told by NHS that you’re obese.

The NHS online BMI calculator is dangerous.

Asking you to enter your ethnic group, height, weight and average activ ity level (bearing in mind the highest is only 60 minutes a week) within a click of a button we are told whether we are fat.

As someone who has used weights as part of their gym routine for the last 4 years, based on data I am overweight. The NHS website tells me I need to start cutting my calories and exercising more yet realistically, and ironical ly, doing that would be extremely unhealthy.

With the Gym Life™ becoming ever more pop ular, this one of the many reasons why the BMI is an outdated scale.

minimal monetary cost in compar ison to the social cost of a woman’s

Zara Aleena, Sabina Nessa, Geetiya Goyal, Sarah Everard, Bibaa Henry, Nicole Smallman, Julia James, Valerie Freer, Sherry Bruce, Ania Jedrkowiak, Jill Bar clay. That list could go on.

(Jill Barclay, last on the above

Bottom Line: Light is our blanket of security, to the de praved, darkness is theirs.




“YOU CAN’T BE this personal about it, that won’t go down well. You need to approach this as a [College] President, not a personal issue,” is what I was told when I was advo cating for not an event cen tering around the works of a transphobic author.

I as a trans person don’t feel comfortable showcasing art made by someone who is cited in an ti-trans legislature and openly vic timises themselves when people don’t agree with them on Twitter.

We have trans students and many, myself included, would not feel comfortable in a college that ‘distances itself’ from transpho bia but still platforms transphobic

I was told that distancing it self from transphobia would be enough, and I understand that viewpoint. I can’t do that though.

Transphobia affects me and many other students. I get mis gendered because I don’t pass sometimes. People who have only known me after I’ve transitioned, misgender me every time they address me, including people on committees. I was misgendered on stage at my College’s Winterball by staff.

But misgendering is not the worst of it. Of course it isn’t.

Pride is where everyone is ac cepting, the one day of the year where you can be yourself to the fullest with no judgement. You’re safe. Until you’re not.

I was sexually assaulted at Pride, because I’m trans. The staff misgendered me despite correc

tions and the police didn’t show up. They didn’t show up after march ing with us, because that’s what cops do.

It wasn’t bad enough, I told myself, they were just busy, after waiting for two hours. But there was no excuse. They had been at Pride despite many people from the community disagreeing with their presence, myself included.

But I had them called, because they had been at Pride, so they were better here, in York.

They weren’t. Yet I was used as a reason why Police should be at Pride.

I’m not here to comment on that. But to be dismissed and have the police not show up was trau matic enough on top of what hap pened: I had my identity invalidat ed at the only place I should feel safe at all times.

Transphobia is ingrained in

my everyday life. And as a student leader, as they call it, I can actually make the university safer for other trans students.

I can’t make my identity go away when it can be so impactful. When I was younger, I didn’t even believe I would be able to go to uni versity because I’m queer, but now I can show up for my community, and I will.

I make myself a target, because transphobia to committees, in their words, can be “very little rea son” to cancel an event.

Some people would rather make a whole group of students feel excluded than acknowledge that their event should be altered.


EMILY BRONTE PUB LISHED Wuthering Heights under a male pseudonym because surely, no woman could write something full of such “mascu line” wickedness.

I think that when most people meet me, they have preconceived notions of how I’ll act.

I’m femme presenting, I love “girly” things, and I’m not particularly loud. That doesn’t mean, how ever, I won’t call you out if you say something that I don’t agree with. Being feminine doesn’t mean be ing submissive.

Femininity is a big part of my identity, but some days I don’t feel like get ting dressed up or wearing makeup. I love being out doors, but I also love a lazy Sunday and staying in my pyjamas until noon.

Being an aunty, a sister, and a friend are some of the most important things to me. I can be a feminist, an ally, a writer, as well as listening to Taylor Swift and reading trashy ro mance novels.

We are becoming an open society, and labels are holding less weight. However, stereotypes still bear a lot of weight, and it takes a conscious decision to shake them off.

OPINION 7Thursday September 29, 2022
Bottom Line: I can’t make my iden tity go away when it can be so impactful.
“Glaring, beaming streetlights won’t fix the problem of serious violence against wom en and girls.”




IT’S NEARLY OCTOBER: the air is chilly, the leaves are turning brown and students are flocking back to York for another year of universi ty. All the while, three bold words mark my calendarBlack History Month.

I love Black History Month. It’s a time for us to expand our knowl edge of the vast history of the Black diaspora, both in the UK and be yond.

Black History Month is now celebrated throughout the country at schools, universities and local events. Its UK origins can be traced back to Ghanaian activist Akyaaba Addai-Sebo who, in 1987, planned a series of events honouring the legacies of Britain’s Black, and more specifically African, commu nities.

Addai-Seddo did this after no ticing that, due to the crude depic tions Africa’s peoples and cultures which shaped popular thought, young Black Brits were ashamed, or even unaware, of their heritage.

October was chosen for the celebration as it is a time when stu dents (supposedly) feel refreshed after the summer break and are ready to absorb new knowledge. Having the celebrations at the start of the academic year also has the

effect of uplifting new Black stu dents who may be experiencing imposter syndrome and feel out of place at universities - institutions which, in this country, are almost always predominantly white.

The beauty of Black History Month is that it isn’t owned by a corporation; it’s an idea, which, though it can be traced back to one individual, now transcends own ership. It’s a grassroots outlet for communities to come together and explore themes such as empire, racism, privilege, visibility and lo cal history, and the unique ways these manifest in lived experiences throughout the country.

In recent years, Black History Month has received increased at tention in popular culture and na tional media. This major exposure has been brilliant in many ways: helping people to easily access information about lesser-known movements and figures pertaining to Black history; and leading to the commissioning of research pro jects and television shows about important individuals and events, things that would not have hap pened without it. Still, the celebra tion hasn’t been able to escape the steely grasp of capitalism.

When I saw ‘Black History Month’ themed bunting at my lo

cal Sainsbury’s last October, I was left wondering how that meaning fully linked to Addai-Sebo’s origi nal vision of liberatory education.

I’m reminded of the discus sions in recent years surrounding the phenomenon termed ‘rain bow-washing’. This refers to cor porations editing their logos on so cial media to include the colours of the Pride flag during Pride Month (June) but reversing this as soon as July begins.

This performative, vapid, and ultimately insubstantial form of activism signals the corporatiza tion of Pride celebrations. I can easily envisage a similar corporate appropriation of Black History Month, perhaps with red, gold, and green ‘Afro-washing’.

What does it actually mean when multi-billion-pound cor porations, such as a national su permarket chain, market their endorsement or approval of some thing like Black History Month?

Who is making these decisions and who benefits? Is it their Black staff? Is it their Black customers?

The fact that I’m left asking these questions at all perhaps makes the answers obvious. It all leaves me feeling rather uneasy.

At school, the only parts of Black History taught to me (and


LIKE MANY ACROSS the world, I have been reflecting on the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II, her cultural prominence, and her legacy.

I’ve noticed a contrast in the ways that different generations of Black and South-East Asian Brits have reacted to the news. I’ve found that those who are my age, although perhaps sad at her pass ing given she was a constant figure in our lives, are also more likely to have negative views on the institu tion of monarchy, being more re ceptive to the idea of its abolition.

For me, this is due primarily to the Royal Family’s part in colonial rule, being the symbolic face of the Brit ish Empire for centuries.

On the other hand, older gen erations, many of whom are first or second generation migrants from Commonwealth countries such as Jamaica, India or Pakistan, may be extremely affected by the death of the Queen, who was to them a symbol of perceived ‘British Excel lence’.

Alongside the legacy of phys ical violence, we often forget the mental toll colonialism and subju

gation had, and continues to have, on migrants and citizens of the British Commonwealth, notably in the Windrush generation who began arriving in Britain in the late 1940s. After the Queen’s corona tion in 1953, school children in the Caribbean and Southeast Asia were taught, more so even than most children within Britain, that they were valued citizens of the greatest allegiance in the world - the Com monwealth. A key part of this was that, above all else, they served Queen and Country.

For many in the Common

most other children in the UK), were the transatlantic slave trade and the Civil Rights movement.

Although these are both ex tremely important topics, they are only specific windows, framing Black lives through white subju gation and, much later, salvation. We were taught that racism was a thing of the past, vanishing into thin air just as Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous ‘I have a dream’ sermon in 1963.

I shouldn’t have to explain why this reductive untruth is an ex tremely ridiculous and damaging thing to teach young people.

Black History Month is a time to highlight the lesser-known com plex histories of Black people living in Britain. For example, did you know that King Henry VIII had a Black trumpeter at his 1509 coro nation?

At the same time, it’s a chance to reflect on the devastating co lonial impact Western countries like Britain have had on Black lives throughout history, from France’s systematic financial underdevel opment of Haiti to Britain’s war crimes against the Mau Mau Up rising in Kenya.

I encourage you all to find your own way to celebrate Black History Month.

You can take a book out of the library, who offer curated ‘Black Lives Matter’ reading lists. Or you could watch a documentary or film - make sure it’s historically accu rate and has Black people working behind the camera too, though! Or go to an in-person event such as a Black History walking tour or one of the many events put on by student societies.

wealth, Queen Elizabeth staunchly embodied the much-desired ‘Great British values’: professionalism, modesty, devotion to religion and respect for tradition. It would not be out of place to see a framed por trait of the Queen on a Jamaican family’s mantlepiece during the 1960s and ‘70s. Despite decades of colonial subjugation in their home countries, followed by torrents of racist abuse and alienation upon migrating to Britain, many of these citizens still looked to the Queen as a pillar of respectable society. To them, her death will obviously

be felt. However, issues of racism and empire are still things Britain must grapple with, regardless of who wears the crown; the recent murder of Chris Kaba, an unarmed Black man shot by police in Lon don, is a visceral reminder of this.

The complicated relationship between the monarchy and its con tinually eroding Commonwealth will remain a hot topic in the com ing years, with Republicanism increasing in popularity across Britain’s former Empire. I’ll be lis tening eagerly to how this conver sation unfolds.

COLUMNS 9Thursday September 29, 2022


FRESH. INSIDE: 10 Movies To Watch Before Starting Uni An Aussie Tries British Crisps Life As A Vegan Student Advice On Balancing A Relationship at Uni


Editor’s Note

HelloEveryone! How are we all doing?

We’re back! I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer and that the thought of sticky Salvos nights straight into 9 am lectures is exciting you all!.

As Freshers’ Week truly gets under way, I hope that not too many of you are suffering from the dreaded ‘freshers flu’, no matter what anyone says, it is awful! Don’t be fooled, it can completely knock you out! Writing this on the Monday of Freshers’ Week, I already feel like I’m getting ill… I guess my drunken choice to gatecrash York St John’s Freshers club night last week was in fact a mistake. But, then again, I guess it serves me right for even deciding to go to a YSJ club night. What was I thinking?

The fact it has been a year since I moved into uni is crazy for me. I almost feel nos talgic, although I’m not sure that’s strictly allowed if it’s only been a year. To the day, it has been a year since me and my best friend got threatened by a bouncer for dancing on the tables. Ah, what great mem ories! At risk of sounding like a middle-aged mum, truly make the most of every weird and wonderful experience you get during the first few weeks of Freshers. If nothing else, it is bound to make a good story one day!

Anyway, this issue is all centred around the new academic year. Whether returning to York or starting at the University, I want this issue to serve as a sort of handy guide to some of the key, and more niche, things to know when returning to uni life. Equally, I want this to be a chance for a few of you to stop for a second. You know, take a bit of time out of what is, quite frankly, always a hectic time in the year. We have some


Emily Sinclair

tie describes her journey to Edinburgh on the hunt for Masters degree programmes.


great articles for you to get lost in, focusing on some really interesting topics.

First up in Stage, CHMS are promoting their fabulous February musical, Sunshine on Leith, and we have all the information that you could need about how to get involved.

Moving on to Screen, Jed gives you the lowdown of which ten films are a must see before starting university. The fact that Le gally Blonde made the cut just shows what a great list it is! Unfortunately, the murky ginger hair and English degree means I can’t quite fulfil my dreams of being Elle Woods, but I’d like to think I carry some of her with me! Gena also sets out all the drama behind latest blockbuster hit, Don’t Worry Darling. It’s a juicy one!

In Music, Ben reveals the best places to get your live music fix whilst studying here, and Katie tells her story of how she became a Vinyl collector. Games this time takes a large focus on cards. Marti gives you five drinking games which aren’t Ring of Fire because let’s face it, it does get a little repetitive. In fact, I would bet that 95% of students on their first night of Freshers’ Week play this game. Am I wrong? Pip in troduces one of her favourite games, Shit head, whilst also discussing how essential a pack of cards has become as a uni student.

In Relationships, Katie talks about ex ploring her sexuality as a student and I give some advice on how to balance a relation ship with all these new commitments.

Our double-page spread is Travel. Seeing as though we all wish we could be back in the sun right now, I thought: why not take a little bit of summer with us into Autumn. Grace and Megan make us jealous with tales of their summer travels whilst Ka

Veganism and Crisps are the focus of Food. Miri discusses what life is like as a Vegan student whilst Kaitlyn, our resident Aussie, rates popular British crisps. Final ly, in Books, Orla gives a literary tour of Yorkshire whilst I raise the question: are auto-biographies an underrated literary genre?

So, whether you’re reading this curled up in bed with Freshers’ Flu, or straight out of your first lecture, I hope it’s entertaining.

You’re stuck with me as Scene Editor for at least the next few months, and so I’d love to meet some of you. It always inter ests me who decides to pick up one of our papers. If this is you, feel free to reach out with any thoughts, comments, or just for a chat at We are always looking for FRESH (see what I did there!) faces, whether you want to write, edit, manage, or just meet some new peo ple, please do get in contact.

Now, grab a cup of tea (or coffee if you’re weird like me and don’t drink tea) and relax just for a few moments.

in Images







Bassford Stage

Editor Amber Handley

Kayleigh Wit


Editor Jed Wagman


Music Editor Vacant

Vacant Games

Editor Vacant





Editor Grace Swadling

Editor Vacant Books

Deputy Editor
Deputy Editor
Deputy Editor
Deputy Editor
Food & Drink Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Navya
Editor Vacant Deputy Editor Otty Allum
Deputy Editor Orla
Our Edition
3 5 7 8

CHMS Invites You to Audition for ‘Sunshine on Leith: The Musical’

Thestudent led University of York production by the Central Hall Musical Society will be performed at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York from the 23rd to the 25th of Febru ary 2023.

The show promises to be a feel good, heart-warming tale of love. Following a tight-knit family and the three couples bound to it, the show follows their joy and heartache which ensues from love and punctuates all relationships. Fea turing the music of The Proclaimers, of ‘I Would Walk (500 Miles)’ fame, the show is a stage version of the 2013 smash hit film of the same name. The Central Hall Mu sical Society (CHMS), describes the show as a “powerful tale of secrets revealed, relationships made and lost and broken hearts mended once more.”

Auditions are set to take place during the first week of October from the 2nd to the 6th, commencing after Freshers’ Fair. CHMS prides themselves on an inclusive casting process and are keen for every one to get involved, needing no prior the atrical experience. Their ‘audition pack’ has all the finer details regarding the au dition process and delves deeper into the upcoming show. So, if you’re looking for a new hobby, the chance to harness fresh skills and make new friends, audition for CHMS’s upcoming show! It is the perfect way to start a new term!


Auditions will take place on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of October. The auditions will be split into; Acting & Singing, Dance, and Music & Acting. As an auditionee, you have to book two audi tions- one for music and acting and one for dance. These should be booked via Google Forms which you can find in the official ‘Sunshine on Leith’ audition pack. When it comes to the audition, you have to prepare a short extract to act depending on the character you are wishing to go for. Ideally, the society would love you to learn it off by heart and you should at least be familiar with it. Everyone is required to read an extract from one of the principal (that’s main) characters, yet there will be a final cast of 26, so it is important to stress that there are other roles available. This is solely for you to show off your acting ability!

For Singing, CHMS are asking audi tionees to sing a Musical Theatre song of their choice for no longer than four minutes.

“Make sure you choose a song that you are comfortable and confident with and try to enjoy your moment!”

Dance-wise, there will be dance-led auditions led by the show’s choreogra pher, Nathan, to assess dance ability. This is to see what your dancing skills are already like, but also importantly to see how quickly you can pick up choreogra phy. Choreographer Natahan reminds auditionees to “wear something you feel comfortable moving around in, and bring water!”.

“Try your best, be yourself and bring bundles of enthusiasm”

In terms of commitment, once suc cessfully through auditions and part of the cast, CHMS are clear that “the show is a big time commitment”. They are planning to rehearse on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and the week end, although this is flexible depending on cast availability and not every cast member will be required every day.

Despite being a big commitment, the show promises to be an enjoyable expe rience for all who are involved. Wheth er an old hand at musical theatre or someone who wants to give it a go CHMS are encouraging you to come along to auditions. They will be rooting for you!

Economic Crisis for Theatres

In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, many businesses and productions were seen to suffer across the globe with the main issue concerning the economic impact upon theatres through the isolation period. In a recent report, in which numerous individuals involved in theatre pro duction were interviewed, views on the crisis of the economic status of theatres during the pandemic were revealed. The report expressed that the individuals all indicated the same concern, stating that financially, ‘the consequences are catastrophic’. The article also identified that during the

pandemic, the isolation period result ed in performances being unable to take place, creating substantial costs for the theatres. Another 2020 report discussed results from a survey which distinguished that theatres were faced with a loss of £200 million pounds during the pandemic, forcing some businesses to apply for loans to avoid closures. In more recent studies, many businesses and theatres are still repay ing any remaining loans. with increas ing energy prices for their businesses becoming a problem in the nearby future.

We’re All Doomed: Review

As a huge Dan and Phil fan, going to see Dan Howell’s “We’re All Doomed” stage show in London almost felt like a rite of passage.

Heading down to London with my flatmate on the 23rd of September, we bought seemingly cheap tickets for the Palladium-held show. Despite this, our seats still had a brilliant view- even though they were in the royal circle.

Having never been to the London Palladium, I was very impressed by the theatre itself. After buying an overpriced Vodka and lemonade, we found our seats amongst the other, mostly mature, exDan and Phil fans.

The show itself started at 7.30pm and I was instantly surprised by how theatri cal it was. Any Dan and Phil fan will know that Dan Howell is, whilst existential and depressed, quite theatrical at times, so when the show opened with a song about masking happiness in an other wise destructing world I was pleasantly entertained.

Having known Dan from his being part of the duo of “Dan and Phil” for most of my teenage years, I was intrigued to see Dan performing solo, especially since I

was lucky enough to attend the “Interac tive Introverts” tour many years ago.

“We’re All Doomed” was hilarious from start to finish. Featuring a twenty minute intermission half way through the show, during which my friend and I bought some, yet again overpriced, strawberry ice-cream and white chocolate Smart ies, Dan was brilliant at captivating his audience.

The titular nihilist show featured anecdotes from Dan’s peak time on Youtube, but the main focus of the show was the dystopian future that all awaits us: discussing the ever-increasing rise of technology, the impacts of climate change, and the threat of capitalism, Dan discussed all the ways in which ‘we’re all doomed’ with humour and satire.

The show wasn’t all existential laughs, however, with the poignant, inspirational ending exploring the joy that it is to exist in the world, and how even though times can be hard, having the “courage to exist” is enough, a sentiment that made a nos talgic fourteen year old me emotional.


@YorkVisionStage STAGE 3
“Be creative with the dialogue and don’t be afraid to do some thing different”
Romilly Swinger- Director
Vicky Painter- Musical Director
My overall


10 Movies You Need to See Before Starting University Jed Wagman

You’ve made it to York- congratulations! Whether this is your first year, third year or if you’ve been here far longer than you’d like to admit, I think we all know that sitting in your room alone reading this lovely issue of Vision probably isn’t what you should be doing right now. Some people might suggest going out, meeting new people, seeing friends but no - as the Screen Editor here at Vision, I’m here to talk you through the ten films that you should watch right now to prepare you for university life. Each film below will give you important life lessons that will help you along your way at uni versity, and they’re (mostly) pretty good films.

1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (TW: sexual assualt, mental health prob lems)

I know, I know, The Perks of Being a Wallflower isn’t set at uni, and it’s all at high school, but it has some really valuable lessons. The whole film is all about meeting new people and finding your people. Percy Jackson’s Logan Lerman stars as the film’s lead Charlie. Char lie’s a shy boy worried about not making any friends as he starts at his new school. One day he meets older students Emma Watson and Ezra Miller who take him under their wing and completely change his life. If you’re a shy fresh er in a new city worrying about making friends, then this is the film for you. It goes through the highs and lows of friendship and ultimately reminds you that even if it’s not straight away, you will find those people that will make your life better and you will have those moments that leave you feeling infinite.

2. The Breakfast Club

Two films into the list and we still haven’t

reached one that’s set at a university yet, but trust me, these films are still relevant! After spending detention together, five people all realise they’ve got a lot more in common with each other than they originally thought. As you encounter new people, whether they’re new flatmates, course mates or just someone from a society, you might get on with them much more than you’d originally thought despite your differences. Yes, first impressions are important, but when you meet someoneand you’ll meet a lot of people at university, they might just become your new best friend, despite what you first think, so give everyone a chance.

3. Monsters University

Finally, a film on this list actually set at university! Everyone loves Pixar and even if you’re not in York studying how to scare kids (I don’t think York offers that one yet), round up your flat for a movie night and you can all learn the power of teamwork.

4. The Social Network

Here to remind you that if you haven’t created a multibillion-dollar social media platform by the time you graduate, you have completely failed. Seriously though, just enjoy yourself here at York. You don’t need to create Facebook whilst at university - just watch The Social Network and you’ll see how much of a dick Mark Zuckerberg is. No one wants that guy in their life.

5. Freshman Year

Originally titled Shithouse in America and then renamed for the UK, Freshman Year is a fantastic, touching film about a lonely teenager struggling to settle in to university life. If you too are a fresher - I can’t bring myself to say

freshman - this is the film to watch for comfort, and to help you settle in. Packed with emotion and charm, you’ll realise that everyone feels a little lonely and homesick at times, so you’re definitely not alone.

6. Pitch Perfect

York has a wealth of incredible societies for you to join, whatever interests you. The University has its own Sing Song Society, Music Society, Central Hall Music Society and Concert Band Society, among so many other solely mu sic and performance-related societies. If you can belt out all the high notes, why not join one of these and live your own Pitch Perfect But, if singing’s not your thing, there are so many other societies to get involved with and opportunities to make new friends that you should definitely sign up for a few. Just watch Pitch Perfect as proof of how much fun you can have if you join a society.

7. Whiplash

Hopefully your univeristy life won’t be quite as intense as Miles Teller’s drummer Andrew, who gets bullied by his drumming teacher. It’s a fantastic film that probably won’t convince you to take up playing the drums, and it’s a riveting watch but, if anything, it’ll re mind you that you do need to take some time out from your studies to devote to yourself. Maybe join one of the societies mentioned above rather than pushing yourself too far.

8. Superbad

Now that you’re at university, you’ve got no need for that fake ID where you changed your name to something stupid like McLovin, so what’s the point in watching Superbad? Well, firstly, it’s a really funny movie, so you might as well watch it, but the reason it’s on

Don’t Worry Darling: A Timeline of Drama!

Following the success of Olivia Wilde’s direc torial debut Booksmart (2019), many have been eagerly anticipating her newest project Don’t Worry Darling. However, it seems that from day one of the project, the film has been plagued with controversy after controver sy, brewing up a messy PR storm. Here’s a broken down timeline of all the events and off camera drama that have led up to its world premiere at the 79th Venice Film Festival.

April 2020: Florence Pugh and Shia LaBeouf are set to lead Wilde’s Don’t Worry Darling.

September 2020: Harry Styles replaces LaBeouf due to scheduling conflicts, and filming begins in the following month. Many criticise the move to cast the already incred ibly successful artist, and people suspect the star casting will overshadow the talent of other cast members.

November 2020: Wilde announces that she and her fiance Jason Sudeikis had decided to split up near the beginning of the year. (Yes, this will be relevant to the film later down the timeline).

December 2020: Singer-songwriter FKA Twigs comes out with allegations of “relent less abuse” during her relationship with ex, LaBeouf.

It is reported that the reason LaBeouf left the project was due to his behaviour on set, and his difference in acting style clashing with Wilde.

January 2021: It is rumoured that di rector Olivia Wilde is dating lead Harry Styles after getting to know each other on the set of Don’t Worry Darling, which stirs up cheating allegations between Wilde and Sudeikis, as well as people branding the relationship as “unprofessional”.

April 2022: Wilde gives a presentation about the film at CinemaCon in Las Vegas.

During this presentation, Wilde is interrupted and handed custody papers from ex Sudeikis. Basically all reports on the presentation revolve around that incident, rather than the film itself.

August 2022: Wilde reveals some of the mood boards she had created to inspire the look of the film. These are criticised as being

very basic and not to the standard many ex pected for a film as big as Don’t Worry Darling

As the press tour for the film begins, many notice Florence Pugh’s absence and representatives of hers say that she is busy filming Dune 2. In her later article with Harp er’s Bazaar she says “When it’s reduced to your sex scenes, or to watch the most famous man in the world go down on someone, it’s not why we do it. It’s not why I’m in this indus try… Obviously, the nature of hiring the most famous pop star in the world, you’re going to have conversations like that. That’s just not what I’m going to be discussing because (this movie is) bigger and better than that. And the people who made it are bigger and better than that.”. All of this fuels rumours of a feud between Wilde and Pugh.

A few days later Wilde talks to Variety dismissing feud rumours, and also says that the departure of LeBeouf was due to his “combative energy.”

It’s not long before LaBeouf adds himself back into the picture, claiming that he and Wilde spoke of his decision to quit together.

this list is to serve as a reminder to keep in touch with all your friends from back home. Maybe you and your mates had a crazy night of fun before going your separate ways to different univeristies like in Superbad, but keep in touch, keep messaging them, make plans to see them during the holidays so that you remain friends and don’t forget about them when you’re out making new ones at univer isty.

9. Legally Blonde (TW: sexual harassment)

I guess Harvard Law must be hard to get into if you’re reading this while in York, but the York Law School is pretty good nonetheless. You’re almost finally ready to start university, but first you need to watch Legally Blonde Whether you watch it for fashion advice and to decide what outfit to wear to your first lecture or just to brush up on your legal jargon, that’s totally fine. But something else that Legally Blonde will teach you is to believe in yourself.

When you’re sitting in your room at some ungodly hour during Spring term trying to desperately finish off that summative essay, think of Elle Woods and remember that if you put your mind to it, you can do anything.

10. Howard the Duck

Okay, I’m not actually telling anyone to subject themselves to 1986’s Howard the Duck film, but as you might have noticed, York has a lot of ducks, so you might want to familiarise yourself with some of the more famous ones like Howard before checking out Long Boi’s Instagram page.

And just like that you’re all ready to start university!

He released texts and a video that Wilde had sent to him, showing her disappointment that he would be leaving the project, and her asking him not to quit.

September 2022: Venice Film Festival has begun, and Pugh is absent from the press conference. She does however attend the premier, alongside all other cast mem bers and director Wilde, though they avoid each other through the whole event.

And as if the drama couldn’t get any worse, videos circulate online seeming to show Styles spitting on co-star Chris Pine as he takes a seat at the premier, though both parties denied this.

If all this behind the scenes drama has you eager to see how the final film turned out, York Student Cinema will be showing the film in week 10 of this term.

4 @YVScreen

Live Music In York

Ben ForsdickFRESH.

Despitebeing a modestly sized city, York holds a great deal of musical pedigree. Recently, I sat down to interview Rick Witter, the vocalist of ‘90s band Shed Seven. The band heralds from York and make it clear that this city is one of music. This article will attempt to showcase the wonderful venues that York has to offer. But don’t let what you’re reading be perceived as exhaustive, There’s plenty happening in York!

The Fulford Arms

The Fulford Arms is a good start. A short walk from campus, this 150-capacity music venue and pub hosts grassroots music and Battle of the Bands. Recent performances from rising UK bands like Sorry and Courting make this a venue that is great for seeing exciting newcomers. Pigs X7 played in 2018 - the band are now a festival staple; and Idles head lined a night at the venue in 2017 - going on to be one of modern punk’s most important players.

The York Vaults

Another grassroots venue, The York Vaults is only five minutes from York city centre. It has become a regular space to find York bands like The Serotones and Everything After Midnight, while additionally hosting a selection of DJ nights and tribute bands. The venue is also located directly opposite the city walls, making a walk along these walls to the venue a preshow must.

The Crescent

Located within the city centre, The Crescent is advertised online as ‘York’s independent DIY venue’. Modestly sized but musically clued-in, the roster of artists performing is hugely impressive. Earlier this year, punk rockers Trash Boat played; a month earlier Japanese noisemakers Melt Banana performed - it’s a seriously good set of bands that The Crescent attracts. This academic year will see northern shoegazers bdrmm will per form as well as folk legend and Glastonbury regular Beans on Toast. It’s also next door to the Everyman cinema so you could combine a gig and film for an afternoon/evening out.

The York Barbican York’s largest venue is a varied one. One night hosting comedy, the next a scientific talk and the next an orchestral concert. Most shows are all seated but there is scope for standing concerts too. This is the venue where the biggest names play in York.


If it’s the most well-known shows you’re after, Leeds is only a 25-minute train away. There, you’ll find the First Direct arena, this year hosting Bon Iver, Kendrick Lamar, Florence and the Machine, The Cure and Elton John amongst others. Leeds Academy will also be hosting similarly big names, but Leeds also lays claim to smaller venues including The Brudenell Social Club and The Belgrave Music Hall and Canteen.

There’s something for everyone in York (and Leeds). It’s a thriving music scene and one that is well worth investigating.

Collecting Vinyls

Aslong as I can remember, two things about me have been true: I love music, and I have an inhuman need to collect things.

I started collecting vinyls in around 2016 after my Dad lent me his record player (which, despite one of the hinges falling off, I’m proud to say still works today) and his David Bowie vinyls he had collected as a teenager.

It was at this moment that I became obsessed with collecting vinyls. They were all I spent my mon ey on, all I got on my birthday and at Christmas, and needing to own the entire discography of my favourite artists became a must.

My first few vinyls were standard versions, sim ple black discs with the basic artwork and gatefolds. But the more I collected, the more I realised that I had fallen in love with colour discs.

Since 2016, I now possess a lot of colour, splatter and, my least favourite, picture discs that I semi-regularly highlight on my Instagram, and scour my favourite artists’ websites for limited edition drops upon album announcements.

But since the start of 2022, I’ve been feeling less inclined to splurge all my limited money on my favourite collecting passtime.

Is it me? Has my urge for hoarding things sud denly disappeared? I don’t think so, I simply believe it’s a coincidental mix of a lack of funds and a lack of albums I’m actually interested in.

Whilst collecting Taylor Swift, The 1975 and Lana Del Rey’s, to name a few, entire discographies was fun a few years ago, now I’ve done it I don’t have any up and coming albums to look forward to and pre order. Apart from Midnights, obviously.

But now that my vinyl craze has stagnated, I can fondy look back at some of my favourite pieces in my collection, recall my purchasing experiences, and truly review whether or not vinyl is worth its comeback.

To begin my very self-centred collection review, I can’t help but start with listing some of my favourite records I have the joy to own.

A staple piece of mine is my limited edition Troye Sivan In a Dream EP blue splatter disc. What a joy to purchase that was! Coming with signed album art, not only is this one of my favourite pieces of music, but the intricate designs and bold colours are just incredible to see.

Another interesting disc, a shoutout has to go to my Paramore After Laughter limited edition black and white marbled disc. A brilliant album by one of my favourite bands during my emo phase, the extra money I spent simply to ship the vinyl to the UK was definitely worth it.

One of my most anticipated records, however, was Kacey Musgraves Starcrossed. A vinyl that I

Katie Preston

also spent more money on to have UK delivery, I opted to go for the secret “mystery vinyl”, meaning that I would have no idea what colour it was until I opened it. After seeing various images on Twitter of the four different colours it could be, I had my heart set on the turquoise variant, and I was overjoyed when I opened the gatefold to see the vibrant blue.

During my vinyl collecting, I have gained quite an affinity for blue vinyls. I’m not sure what it is, blue isn’t even my favourite colour, but every time I have the ability to purchase a blue variant of a vinyl I will take it. My favourites in my collection include Halsey’s Room 93 EP and Badlands album and Taylor Swift’s Lover second disc.

On the subject of colour, throughout my collect ing days I’ve been able to create a vinyl rainbow within my collection. Going from red to green to brown and to white, every now and then I will take out my chosen coloured vinyls and arrange them in order to see the rainbow I can make out of my music.

My highlights out of my “vinyl rainbow” have to be my red HMV exclusive Lana Del Rey Chemtrails Over the Country Club, my purple “Betty’s garden” edition Folklore and my orange Father of the Bride record by Vampire Weekend.

The latter vinyl was a horrific purchasing experi ence. After the vinyl was taken off the HMV website, I panicked and diverted to EBay at 2am and bought the vinyl for £20 more, only for it to be relisted on HMV the next day. After frantically checking if the vinyl was a dupe, my slightly damaged, overly expensive Vampire Weekend record is one of my favourites despite the album being lacklustre.

Purchasing my Lana Del Rey Born to Die: Par adise Edition was also unnecessarily expensive. Spending £30 on the Paradise Edition, I assumed the huge vinyl came with the original album as well as the edition’s bonus content. I was wrong: the original vinyl came as a separate £23 purchase.

Every other vinyl experience I’ve had has been great, especially my shipping experience from Discogs for my exclusive signed Trixie Mattel Two Birds, One Stone collection.

In all, vinyls are incredibly important to me. My Dad collects them, my best friend collects them, and they are something that, whilst expensive, bring me lots of joy. My advice for budding collec tors? Use Discogs, don’t panic buy from EBay, and go for colour every time.



Portable Joy: Playing Cards Post-Card Philippa Salmon

Everyonehas the essentials that can always be found in their bag. Wallet, phone, house keys. Hand sanitiser, in this post-COVID age. And since coming to uni, I’ve added a new item to my ruck sack’s front pocket: a pack of playing cards. In the last year, those cards have seen a lot. They’re sticky from spilled cider on the tables of VBar, ripped from late-night games in an Irish youth hostel, layered with the prints of many fingertips. To keep such a tactile item directly alongside the little squeezy bottle that accompanied me through lockdown and social distancing seems almost paradoxical, a strange contrast of cautious and careless. It’s a powerful symbol of how far we’ve come in the last two years, how much things have changed, and per sonally I couldn’t be happier that Among Us has been banished to the recesses of my phone and replaced by messy card games that no one can really remember the rules to.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m by no means against online gaming; it was a lifesaver for me and my friends over lockdown and it brought us so much joy. But it also hurt my eyes after a while, and left no physical imprints. My pack of cards – my battered, stained, thankfully still complete pack of cards – has collected memories along with fingerprints, people along with game rules. When I dealt them out on a picnic table in France this summer, preparing to teach my family the infamous uni game Shithead, I also dealt out the memories that went along with them.

The card with the ripped corner from a messy game of

Irish Snap in a youth hostel in Galway. The suspiciously tooth-like marks in the seven of diamonds. Dark stains where cards were used as beer mats, had drinks spilled on them, or fell on the floor of VBar after concert band rehearsals, a few hours a week where pool and card games proliferated and our phones were mostly in our pockets.

Even the rules to the dubiously-named game I for some reason decided to share with my parents were taught to me by a fifth-year mate over many hours in VBar. And then I, 892 miles away from York, taught that same game to my family, people totally disconnected from my life at university, yet they handled the same cards, learned the same rules, adding more memories to the store already laid up between the spades and the clubs. Those cards have travelled several hundred miles, nestled safely in the pocket of my rucksack, a little porta ble packet of joy.

How to Play Shithead (up to five players):

The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards. The last player to do so is the Shithead. Aces are high. Magic cards are as follows: two resets the deck; three is an invisible card, and the next player has to match the card previously played; and ten burns the deck, meaning any cards played beforehand are removed from the game. Magic cards can be played at any point, irrespective of sequence.

Deal out three cards to each player to be laid facedown in a row in front of them.

Deal everyone another three cards to be placed faceup on top of the previous three. The face-down cards

Five Drinking Games Which Aren’t Ring of Fire Marti Stelling

It’sthat time of year again… A brand new set of house mates brings about many challenges- for example, who will take the bins out, who will buy the toilet roll, and most importantly, how the hell do you break the slippery ice that everybody is tiptoeing on?

Never fear eager fresher, in the wise words of Pitbull, “been there, done that”. As a first year in 2020, I spent al most all of my time in my flat with my housemates. We had almost nothing in common but bonded over Monopoly and the deck of cards that the University gave us. Of course, throwing alcohol into the mix led to some eventful nightsmany of which I don’t fully remember.


Boozy Bingo is a great way to bring together flatmates.

Pick a TV show you all know, then create your boards with words or phrases you expect to crop up the most. Pick a random episode, then take a shot every time you call bingo. The Great British Bake Off is a personal favourite of mine to play this with.


Ah, UNO- will the sticky cards ever recover? UNO can already be played with tons of different rules, so why not incorporate a couple of drinking rules as well? For example, shot every time somebody plays an UNO reverse card, or make the player finish their drink if they forget to call out when they have one card left.


Cheat is a great game to separate the fibbers from the downright deceitful. Some people can lie so well that you

cannot be played until all three face-up cards have been played, and cannot be revealed before you play them.

Deal the last three cards. These become your hand.

Each player now has the opportunity to switch cards between their hand and their face-up cards. Face-up cards cannot be played until your hand has been played, and cards cannot be switched between the hand and the face-up cards once play has commenced.

Beginning on the left of the dealer, players now play one card at a time, picking up a card to maintain a hand of three cards until all spare cards are in circulation. The aim is to play a card higher than that played by the per son before you; if you cannot, you must pick up the pile and incorporate it into your hand.

Even when your hand is empty and you begin to play the cards laid out in front of you, you are still liable to pick up the pile if you cannot play in sequence. The pile then becomes your hand, and you must get rid of all those cards before you play any more cards from the face-up or face-down rows.

Face-down cards can only be played when all your face-up cards have been played, and are played blind; you cannot reveal a face-down card before you play it.

The last person to get rid of all their cards earns the infinitely desirable title of Shithead!

start to doubt your own moves. To make this a drinking game, the player who gets caught cheating must take a for feit. This could be mystery shot, or something even worse!

This can also be adapted to Go Fish:

Every time the player you ask for a card from says “go fish”, take a forfeit or a shot.


I have fond memories of sitting on my flatmate’s floor and decorating the blocks with different drinking rules. Once a block falls, you must do what it says or forfeit with a shot!


This one speaks entirely for itself. Twister is always guar anteed to break the ice and adding alcohol into the mix can only add to the fun. Bonus points for getting extra close to that flat mate.

6GAMES @YorkVisionBooks @YorkVisionScene@YorkVisionGames GAMES EDITOR Position Vacant DEPUTY GAMES EDITOR POSITION VACANT

Exploring Sexuality at Uni

Coming to University, I already knew and identified with the bisexual label. I’d had my “sexuality panics” throughout my teen years, flitting between lesbian and some sort of middle ground for most of my sixth form experience.

However, I didn’t have a partner at school because of the intense conservative, middle-class atmosphere of my underfunded Midlands school, so university was when I could quantitatively assess my sexuality.

I’d always chosen to use the queer label because of my uncertainty and my opinion that the term bisexual still clings on to the sexuality binary: I’m probably attracted to more than two genders, but explaining the term bisexual to my straight family and friends is a lot easier than pansexual or other.

But still, I tend to use the term queer as it just sounds better to me. That and it escapes the negative stereotypes that can come along with being bisexual.

There’s a very common trend of queer people “finding themselves” at university for one reason or another. A lot of times it’s due to being unable to come out at home or at school, not having found your “found family” or being in an unsafe environment.

For me it was simply a lack of desire to come out. There were definitely homophobic members of my family, don’t get me wrong, but I was brought up somewhat gender-neu tral for 2002 and my parents were never ridiculously heter onormative. But still, it took coming to university to be fully comfortable with my sexuality.

A big help at university was actually being surrounded by queer people. Whilst 90% of my friendship group at school were queer, I only really knew about six people in my year (including my friends,) who weren’t straight.

Cut to coming to York and there’s an entire LGBTQ+ Net work, bi-monthly queer club nights and most of my close friends are queer.

Importantly, I was also introduced to straight people who weren’t homophobic. Attending a very conservative school meant that homophobia, amongst other discrimi natory practices, were commonplace in the school corri dors. But coming to university allowed me to make proper friends who, whilst not sharing the same sexuality as me, were open, respectful and accepting of my orientation.

Despite mine being a success story, there are still queer students who come to university and aren’t accepted. According to an NUS study, 42% of LGBTQ+ students reported having experienced depression or anxiety, com pared to 29% of non-LGBTQ+ respondents. I urge LGBTQ+ students who are feeling this way to seek help, whether this be through friends and family, through your College or the LGBTQ+ Network or through professional counselling.

Something that was stressful for me when coming to university was actually having to “come-out”. With most of my school friends being queer, we lived in an unspoken LGBTQ+ bubble: we were queer, and everyone knew it.

But coming to university meant I was surrounded by people I didn’t grow up with, whose opinions and allyship I couldn’t be sure of. So, my first true coming out experienc es were at university, and mostly with men.

Katie Preston

“You’re bi, right?” was a question I was asked on a date with a straight man, who then proceeded to tell me about his own, limited, experiences with sexuality as if he thought it would impress me. He then asked me, genuinely, why I had “struggled with my sexuality” at school, and I knew that this heterosexual man was not for me.

Apart from that, all of my coming out experiences at university have been positive. I happened to live in a very queer flat in first year, met a lot of queer people through societies and even in my place of employment - the queer community in York is much more present than in my home town, that’s for sure!

But it wasn’t until I went to Salvos one night with friends that I truly explored my sexuality. And, with relief, I was correct with my attraction to women. My attraction to men is to be confirmed, but at the moment I have no desire to be in a relationship so I’m not too concerned with exploring my sexuality further.

So, years later, was my hypothesis about my sexual orientation correct? Yes, and I’m much more comfortable within it. I’m now pleased to tell people that I’m bisexual, and don’t hide behind the statements of being unlabelled anymore. And whilst it took coming to university to reach this point, I still have much more progress to make.

The Struggle of Balancing A Relationship and Uni Life

Ah the thrills of balancing a relationship as a young adult! It really is the time of your life when you are being pulled a million directions, all sorts of contortions needed. Not literally, I hope, but then again I don’t know what you’re all into! Being plummeted into living by yourself, navigating the over whelming workload and trying to socialise whilst having the time of your life is a lot all on one plate. On top of that, however, we are expected to date (and sometimes even keep!!) a stable, healthy relationship! How is it all possible?

Personally, I don’t think anyone can answer that. Sor ry, I know that’s probably not what you were reading on to find out about. So I guess I won’t blame you if you stop reading now. Realistically, it is something that we are all just trying to figure out as we go along and quite frankly regularly we do just get it wrong. Just take a look at your university house… over a term how many of your house mates dabble in an out of the dating and sex scene. It’s a maze where the ending just keeps on moving.

If you do find yourself lucky (I will say lucky) enough to be in a relationship then working around commitments and finding time for one another is tricky. Now, I am in

no means an expert on this topic, despite the long-suf fering boyfriend that I’m fortunate enough to have, but here is some general advice that I try to stick to mixed in with some advice from a few of my nearest and dearest.

After the classic one liners of ‘don’t do it’ and ‘make sure you remember her name’, the main thing that peo ple tended to say to me when I broached the topic was try and not let pressure ruin things. This is an interesting one. What does everyone mean by pressure? I think the main gist is to ensure that you try and focus on your re lationship and you as a couple without the pressures of the outside world. Rather than getting caught up in what is expected to be the dynamic or how your best friend and their partner are, try to stay present and focused on your dynamic. What works for you? At university time is limited as it is and doesn’t need to be filled with unneces sary comparisons and worries.

The next big recurring themes were communication and time-management. I am aware I am making this sound like a dull business plan but stick with me. Com munication is essential to ensuring relationships remain positive. Spend a little bit of time discussing what your partner wants. Is a weekly date night something that is essential to you and are you able to accommodate their

wishes? Relationships sometimes are all about compro mises and re-adjusting. Don’t be afraid of that.

Time wise it’s important to make quality time for your partner but also ensure you don’t lose your friends around you. University is a time where you are meet ing new people, trying new things and you don’t want your relationship to hinder this. Many of the people you meet at university will be at your wedding. Weird one to get your head around and something I recom mend not thinking too much. Anyway, my point is your friends are vital. They’re people that are there for you no matter what and you shouldn’t let your relationship change these friendships. Your own health, wellbeing, interests and social life should still be at the forefront of your mind. Your relationship sits alongside these other aspects. That being said, your degree should probably also be given some thought, especially given how much you’re paying for it!

Don’t worry if juggling a relationship/ dating life at university is something you feel like you’re failing at. Truth is, you probably are. But so is everyone. Just keep on re-calibrating the dynamic and with a bit of hope it’ll all feel like it’s under control (even if it isn’t!)



Travelling to Edinburgh for my Masters

Afterreceiving a few days off from work, me and my flatmate Beth decided to make the train journey up to Edinburgh to seek out our mas ters dreams.

A city I have been to before with family, simply because my relatives are Scottish, I was excited to revisit the scottish capital for two days of tourism, shopping and evaluating the university in the UNESCO City of Literature.

We started off with an unfortu nately early train journey. Having to wake up at 7am off of less than five hours sleep, we headed to the train station and caught our 9am train.

Arriving at Edinburgh Waverley station at just after 12pm, I was very excited to be back in the city I had visited in 2018.

Typical of scottish weather, I was very glad that I’d decided to bring a long sleeved jumper to change into because we were immediately exposed to the wind upon leaving the station.

After checking into a Travelodge in central Edinburgh, we decided to head to a local tapas place for some lunch - a cuisine often chosen by my friend and I during city visits.

Beth and I chose to dine at Cafe Andaluz and had our usual patatas bravas, tomato meatballs, prawns and some garlic bruschetta - a meal that, whilst wasn’t the best tapas we’d ever had, was a great start to the two days we spent in Edin burgh.

We then walked down Princ es street, one of the more major streets in the city, and took some photos of Edinburgh castle along side some selfies with the giraffes that are dotted around the city.

Then it was time to head to what would be Beth’s highlight of the trip: the bookstores.

Having wanted to go to some of Edinburgh’s iconic bookshops for a long time, we headed to topping and co., a world renowned book store towards the edge of Edin burgh’s new town.

Beth was in her absolute ele ment. Both being literature stu dents, I read a lot less often than Beth does (confusing, i know) however I was in the need of some primary texts for my third year courses.

Picking up one of the recom mended books for my history of the Russian Revolution module, Topping and Co. is definitely one of the best bookshops I’ve ever been to. multiple floors of books that just seem to go on and on in a beautiful building, our hours in the book stores was definitely a highlight of the day.

We also headed to Typewrong er books, a bookstore that had become popular on tiktok, and got to see the shop’s collection of typewriters. After having a lovely conversation with the shop’s owner, getting to know more about the printing scene in Edinburgh, and heading back towards new town, we stopped off to get a bubble tea.

A staple of our trips, of which we rate on Instagram (@the_boba_tea), we went to Bubbleology, a chain we don’t have in York, and I ordered a rose milk tea with strawberry pop ping balls. A pleasant expecience, if not slightly unusual. Before long we were headed back to our hotel to get ready for dinner.

After a failed attempt to go to yet another Chinese hotpot restaurant Beth had seen on tiktok, we headed into Edinburgh’s old town and end ed up in Byron burger, a recurring yet brilliant staple restaurant for me and beth.

We then abandoned our night out after a drink in the alchemist and headed home, preparing for the next day of tourism and visit ing the internationally renowned university.

Once we’d checked out of the hotel and given our bags to a lug gage store, we decided to head to the National Museum of Scotland, which soon became the most enjoy able part of the trip for me.

As a History student, it’s no won der I’m a lover of museums, so we spent a few hours looking around the exhibits before we had to head towards the royal mile for our ghost tour.

The national museum was excel lent. Having exhibits on everything from dinosaurs to typewriters to extinct animals to traditional cultur al dress, I could’ve easily spent an entire day walking around.

We got to see Tyrannosaurus Rex skeletons, mummified remains and the progression of religious statues, exhibits that were made even bet ter due to Beth’s insistence to take selfies with all the animals.

At around 2:30pm, we head ed towards mercat cross on the Edinburgh Royal Mile to get ready for our ghost tour with Mercat Tours. Shown the dark history of Edinburgh and taken down to the Southbridge Tunnels, we were told exciting ghost stories by an eccen tric tour guide, rounding off our day of tourism wonderfully.

We then headed to the entire reason we’d come to Edinburgh: the University.

Situated in old town nearing George Square Gardens, many open air university spaces were decommissioned following the end of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, but we still managed to pick up a postgraduate prospectus from the visitor’s centre.

Content with the University’s location and excited to start apply ing, we got one final bubble tea at Edinburgh station and made the three-hour long train journey home.

Arriving back in York at 10pm, we thoroughly enjoyed the two jam-packed days of tourism, were segmented in our choice of mas ter’s university, and grateful for the days off work during what was a very busy summer holiday.

@YV_Travel 8

Stayations: Exploring all that England has to Offer

Megan Bartley

There’s something in Britain for us all.

Whilst this year saw lots of people going abroad for the first time since COVID-19, this was not the case for my family. We have always been lovers of our camp ervan and due to the extortionate price of the Eurotunnel, decided to take an English getaway tour ing some of the UK’s most fa mous areas.

The main hotspots for our visits were The Lake District and Black pool, perhaps the greatest juxta position of the British holidaying experience imaginable.

The Lake District was serene; rolling hills and lush greenery dominated the landscape. The campsite was quiet and minimal, the views and walks enough to keep most visitors content, it felt restorative like the air is crisper and the water fresher.

We took the bus to Keswick, which took about 20 minutes, and I was pleasantly surprised with the scenery – it really does live up to expectations. It was a hot day so Derwent Water was busy, but it didn’t detract from the beauty of the scene. It was utterly idyllic the still water reflecting the loom ing trees, sheep mingling with tourists relaxing on the grass, and of course the many ducks and geese reminding me of York.

Exploring the mountains was another highlight, and my family went on a few hikes but there were so many places to look around. The bus system is easy to use, so it is possible to visit multiple towns including Keswick, Ambleside, Borrowdale, and many more using the bus lines.

After finishing our adven tures in the mountains, we head

ed to the coast towards Black pool. Knowing it has developed a bit of a rough reputation, I was interested to see whether it was as negative as people can make it out to be.

The town itself made an in teresting comparison to Keswick; the many different mountain warehouse spinoffs had been replaced by endless B&Bs, some of which were quite sadly derelict. There was lots of life to Blackpool, with three piers, a beach, and fish and chips for £2.99 – but it was clearly past it’s prime.

The amusements were en tertaining, and the night life was great for a stag I am sure, but sadly it was evident the place was struggling. Moreover, the atmos phere was an acquired taste.

Whilst bingo every night was certainly fun, the cheesy shows felt slightly like being trapped in a Benidorm nightmare.

Both areas have lots of offer; with children Blackpool would have been a hit – the fair rides, donkeys and arcades were cer tainly enjoyable and entertaining. But for me the Lake District was the better spot, the hikes and water activities kept me amused, and the natural beauty of the place really won me over.

There is plenty of great spots to visit in England and it is worth trying to get away at home. It has lots of environmental benefits, and with prices hiking to try and get abroad it is worth exploring all England has to offer. Plus, with the scorching temperatures we had this year, you don’t need to fly away to experience some heat.

Whether you like karaoke and rollercoasters or reading by a lake, there is something in the UK for everyone.

My Summer Travels

Grace Swadling

The summer of 2022 was a good one for me.

I had been saving to go interrailing with my childhood friend since we first had the idea waiting for the bus in secondary school. However, the Pandemic obviously had other plans!

Our route was ever-chang ing however, we decided on London- Paris- Annecy- MilanVerona- Rome- Ancona- SplitLjubljana- Lake Bled- BudapestPrague- Berlin- and an extra night in Brussels due to missing the Eurostar home (never trust ing Deutsche Bahn ever again!)

We did all this in just 25 days, meaning it was very much a whistlestop tour, however I had the time of my life.

We met the loveliest people and I found that everyone you met in hostels had shared inter ests and even mutual friends!

I already have plans to interrail Italy next summer. I would recommend it to anyone, and it is definitely plausible on a uni budget.

After my travels around Europe, I stayed closer to home to work and do daytrips to nearby cities/towns such as Bir mingham, Shrewsbury and the Cotswolds.

However, in early Septem ber I took on the five hour road trip to Falmouth for a few days of birthday celebrations and sea air!

Finally, just before I headed back to uni for my second year, I hopped on a plane to Denia in southern Spain for my fam ily holiday. It was lovely to laze around the pool, climb some of Mount Montgo and bob around in the sea before the stress of university life kicks in again!

All in all, it was a fabulous summer of travels and I hope to continue it next year!

Life as a Vegan Student

Miri Huntley

An Australian Rates British Crisps Kaitlyn Beattie-Zarb

Iwas born with a genetic egg aller gy, if I have eggs under any circum stances (raw, cooked, in mediction etc), I will be dangerously short of breath or hospitalised. Growing up in the early 2000s, there were close to zero options of alternatives to eggs- my childhood vaccines were delayed so I could have them with out eggs, I wasn’t able to just eat food that was given to me without serious consequences or worry. The first things I learnt in most languages is ‘I am allergic to eggs, please don’t give them to me!”

My relationship with eggs has been very tumultuous- I had a period of about four years where it felt like the allergy was wearing off. I could stomach an omlette without needing to find an emergency first aider- a real change to the way I lived. This joy wore off very quickly- I was hospi talised for anaphalactic shock in one of my food tech lessons and was told to avoid eggs at all costs. That was six years ago. This means I know ex actly what Yorkshire puddings, pan cakes, scrambled eggs, and brownies taste like, I just can’t eat them.

This wasn’t that big of a deal until I turned around 16. I started respond ing negatively to cheese products- a real staple of my diet. I had already been a vegetarian for several years at this point and was getting used to explaining myself as a ‘vegetarian who can’t eat eggs’ to everyone. I was not sure who I was when I didn’t have to go into a lengthy explaina tion of how I couldn’t have the food at the school canteen or to people’s parents when I RSVP-ed to their child’s birthday party. I found out I was also lactose intolerant and learnt the word ‘vegan’ for the first time.

Vegan is a relatively new word in general society, and whilst this is an easy word to explain to people who live in metropolitan areas, it doesn’t come without added baggage. Many think of the stereotypes: ‘hippies’ who only eat grass, or performative students who hypocritically refuse to use local honey whilst supporting child-slave farmed quinoa. I don’t want to be attacking of my fellow vegans, but it is often the case that

I am tarred with the same brush of optional inconvenience and, on a few dangerous occasions, ignored com pletely- spending a day in hospital when someone decided I was faking it for attention. This is also not really accessible in less populated areasmy grandparent’s friends still think that it’s something to do with flour!

On top of dealing with the stereo types and accusations of faking ‘un necerssary’ dietary requirements, the vegan diet can often be expensive. Food is relatively easy- I have had a lifetime’s experience of getting the right nutrients and there have been exponential improvements over the last five years- ( I was even able to have vegan mayo for the first time in my life!) which have made a huge difference to my quality of life. Some of these luxuries are more expensive than their standard predecesors, but are a fun splurge every now and then.

The main issue is TIME- it takes a long time to make everything from scratch and read through long lists of ingredients to make sure I won’t be sick for hours after eat ing something. It’s also just slightly tedious- despite the fact that there are massive leaps forward for the ve gans- it doesn’t exactly feel good to have only one option on pretty much every menu.

All in all, it would be a lie to say that I am not inconvenienced at almost every turn by being an obliga tory vegan. From medical issues due to eggs in vaccines and medication, to the expense of trying to eat out with friends, the world seems to have it out for my diet.

As the world becomes more environmentally friendly and recog nises the benefits of the vegan diet, I hope we will see more things move towards less expensive luxury items and more widespread understanding of what veganism actually entailsa way of life for whetever reason and as something to be respected regardless.

Tonew arrivals, Britain can appear a country of busy trains, decadent royalty, historic cas tles, and confusing accents - all wacky and wonderful in equal measure. However, nothing is more weird and iconic than the wide world of British crisps; where an immense variety of odd flavours, fanciful names, and col ourful packets line the shelves of Tesco just waiting to be devoured.

Recently, this Australian tucked into an array of Britain’s best and brightest, trialling eight packets of crisps (or chips, as we say down under) for a mere five pounds! Deli cious, disgusting, and downright odd: here is my ranking of England’s most iconic crisps (or at least the ones that never made the long journey to Australia).


Good flavour… but I’m an absolute fangirl for salt and vinegar. Pretty boring texture - sort of like a pringle but not…

The shape was weird too.. I’m not used to square shaped snacks.

Honestly the whole experience just made me want pringles. Not bad, but not interesting enough to ever spend money on again.

Very empty bag.

2/5 stars


A bit of a crunch, a bit of melt and some great cheesy flavour. However I am very used to the Australia version of these (Twisters), which have a much stronger flavour and crunchier texture so I cannot get used to these!

Bag about half full.

3/5 stars

Monster Munch:

Nothing about this was enjoya ble. The flavour is weird (I tried both Beef and Pickled Onion and neither worked), there was an unfortunate after-taste and the texture seems to have no idea what to do. Is it crunchy? Is it light and puffy? No one knows. And no one should ever be forced to eat these foul, barely even food items again.

The bag was pretty full - unfortu nately.

1/5 stars


The best parts of prawn crackers in one singular, luxurious bite. The crunch, the melt, the taste - all pretty wonderful! However they do remind me too much of a Thai restaurant and therefore don’t really seem like crisps to me.

Very full bag

4/5 stars

Nik Naks:

Nik Naks are vibrant, crunchy, and filling. The spicier flavour was very in triguing and quite delicious, although it does get a bit overwhelming after a while.

Very full bag - could last me a few days.

4/5 stars

Honourable Mentions:

Hula Hoops, which I have tried many a time before and quite enjoy, were not on offer at my local Tesco today. Therefore, they are unable to enter the competition.

So, which crisp would I buy again? Skips or Nik Naks- for sure.

The crisps that should be eradi cated from the planet forever? The ungodly concoction that is Monster Munch.

What I primarily discovered through this process is that despite your immense variety of snacks, most Brits will never have the immense pleasure of trying an Australian pack et of potato chips… and well- that is the saddest realisation of all.

@FoodDrinkYork 10 FRESH.


Literary Tour of Yorkshire


York is a book-lover’s dream, from the Minister to The Shambles, and all the streets in between. It often feels as though you are walking through the pages of an ancient text. A recent survey by the Knowl edge Academy has revealed that York is the second best city for book-lovers, and it is easy to see why.

The Bookshops of York:

The first thing to do when you get to York is visit one (or all) of its many book shops. Tucked in a corner by the Minster, you’ll find the TARDIS-like Minster Gate Bookshop. With four floors packed (and I mean packed) with almost every book, you can think of. Plus they have some really great tote bags!

Down a side street you’ll find The Lit tle Apple Bookshop, a space I’ve known to have a lot of signed copies and limited edi tions of books, so it’s always a good idea to have a good look through all the shelves.

You’ll never know what you might find!

There are just a couple of my favour ite spots in York that brought me a lot of joy during my first year - something is comforting about the peaceful quiet of a bookshop. However, the more time spent exploring York, the more you’ll discover hidden gems that will become your favour ite spot. Just take the time to get to know York, and you’ll certainly be rewarded for it.

The Literary History of Yorkshire:

Although York itself is a dream place for all bookworms, Yorkshire is at the centre of so many incredible pieces of literature. I grew up just a stone's throw away from Oakwell Hall and Red House in Leeds. Both of which inspired and feature in Charlotte Brontë’s novel Shirley, and are a short train ride away from York!

To learn more about the Brontës, a trip to Haworth is a must. You can visit the Parsonage where they grew up, or just soak in the cobblestone streets and quirky

Are Auto-Biographies An Underrated Genre?

Autobiographies are my favourite genre of literature.

Perhaps it’s the nosy quality that I possess but there is something about getting lost in someone else’s life story that fascinates me. I just think there are so many incredible people out there and when reading an autobi ography, for a brief period of time I feel a connection with somebody who is most likely a million miles away. Some one I will probably never meet and yet a chunk of my time has been invested in them.

I believe that everyone should write an autobiography. For me, anyway, a good autobiography doesn’t have to be focused on some life-changing event or rise to fame. Granted, most of those out there are written by people in the public eye yet what makes an autobi ography such a compelling read is the personal aspect. The raw emotion and the insight into life for other people.

All of us get lost within out own world and an autobiography often serves as a snap back to earth for me. Whether reading a story of joy or a tale of sad ness, an autobiography puts my own life into perspective. There are so many people in this world all living in so many

different ways and ultimately I am so naive to the life of so many people out there. I feel ashamed to admit just how narrow my own life sometimes be comes. An autobiography is often a way for me to widen my knowledge.

One of the recent autobiographies that I found so moving and compelling was broadcaster Kate Garraway’s book “The Power of Hope”. The book nar rates her heart-wrenching story of how her life completely changed when her husband Derek Draper fell seriously ill with COVID-19. Kate perfectly conveys the raw feelings her and her family went/ are still going through. Interlaced with the practical process of fighting for Derek’s life, Kate gave me an insight into how COVID-19, and any debilitating illness effects one’s life. How it effects the family, how it effects the friends, how it effects you.

It’s an area I hadn’t ever properly thought about. Okay, the media did a great job at conveying the horrifc death statistics, but this autobiography made me think about all the victims of this pandemic as so much more than numbers on a screen. It is something that we’d said whilst watching the news throughout the pandemic: “oh imagine the families”. Yet, nearly three-years on, I properly stopped to think about

vintage shops. Of course, there are loads of bookshops.

Another short train journey will take you to Whitby, home of the famous Abbey which features in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Plus it’s always nice to take time away and visit the beach - especially after climbing all those stairs to the Abbey!

Something that I think is key for Eng lish Literature students is a trip to Hepton stall in West Yorkshire. The quaint village is home to Sylvia Plath’s grave, where you can pay your respects by leaving a pen there. The act of leaving a pen is also believed to bring good luck to budding authors.

York Mystery Plays:

If you’re lucky, your time at York will overlap with a performance of the York Mystery Plays. The Mystery Plays are a collection of 48 plays that tell the story of Creation and The Last Judgement. Whilst

there is no known date of the first perfor mance, they are recorded as having been performed at the Corpus Christi festival in York.

They are only performed every four years, but the years they are performed involve actors moving across the city in pe riod dress with moving props. They move across the city stopping at key locations to perform a play (only eight out of the 48 are performed). It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience!

York and Yorkshire, are overflowing with literary history, and iconic landmarks. I may be a little biased as I have lived in Yorkshire my whole life, but it is incredible the amount of history there is here, and how easy it is to travel around the region. Make the most of your time at York and immerse yourself in the world of books.

it. When I gave the personal impacts of Covid- 19 some time, I think it was really important that I did that. Through Kate’s voice, I was able to empathise with the nightmare that so many had to live through.

What’s weird about autobiographies as a genre of literature is that they are classed as non-fiction yet I’m not sure this is an appropriate categorisation. I understand it due to the fact that they focus on the reality of the author’s life. Even still, I always find myself way more invested in an autobiography than a piece of fictional literature. I find them way more emotional and way more thought-provoking. Yet, I guess non-fic tion isn’t a categorisation that stereo typically evokes feeling.

For me, autobiographies are an en tirely different and emerging category with no real literary set of rules. This is is what makes them so enjoyable. Each one is different. It is a free way of read ing and writing.

The next autobiography on my list to read is the Deborah James’ book “How to Live When You Could Be dead”.

Following her experiences living with bowel cancer, Deborah explores life knowing that the end is near. I followed her personal story through her social media and her time as a podcast host

of BBC’s “You, Me and the Big C” all the way through to her final interview in May before her death. I hope this autobiography will be as motivational, inspirational and personal as all her other work was.

Whether used as a coping mecha nism for authors or as a mode to raise awareness, autobiographical literature is a genre that I think is majorly under rated. It is often featured in the book charts yet I think many people fail to see quite how rewarding and motiva tional an autobiography can be.


IZZY’S INSIGHTS @yusuwnb IZZY ANDREWS (they/them)


WOMEN AND NON-BINA RY: it’s a term we’re all fa miliar with which aims to encapsulate anyone who falls outside of the “cisgen der male” label.

This refers to people who identify as a woman, non-binary, or otherwise. However, this term gets a lot of criticism as a reduc tionist and exclusionary way to identify various different groups of people, and rightly so. Where

LGBTQ+ community and aim to form an acronym of as many gender labels as possible? There is still a high chance that some body’s label may be excluded in the ever-evolving spectrum of gender identity, which defeats the object entirely, so this approach is ruled out.

convenient about feeling out of place in the gendered sphere you were often unwillingly placed in, only for the major convenience to be for others to be able to say “men, women and non-binary”, instead of “cis women and men, trans women and men, non-bina ry, gender fluid people, and oth ers.” For the sake of a few words, it’s really not worth belittling and disrespecting someone’s gender identity, no matter how impor tant it is to you.

work, I don’t feel as though I can comfortably represent everyone who is supposed to be represent ed by this network. As a cis-pass ing non-binary student, I haven’t experienced any major disrespect on the basis of my label, but I am aware that others do not have this privilege. That’s why I’m aiming to change the name and forma tion of the network, adding roles such as ‘Trans Officer’, ‘Non-Bi nary Officer’, and hoping to ex

The non-binary flag

do trans people fit into that label? What about those who are gen derfluid, or people who regularly alter the way in which they iden tify? It’s a complicated issue, but has consistently been viewed as overly simplistic and in need of a major revamp.

So what replaces it? Do we take the same approach as the

Do we move towards remov ing labels from people in society? In an ideal world, yes, and many, including myself, are working towards this lifestyle. But this requires a widespread, major upheaval of hundreds of years of social norms, which cannot occur overnight, and therefore doesn’t help the case of those who cur rently feel major discomfort in relation to being involved in the “women and non-binary” label.

Do we simply separate the groups out, removing the element of socially convenient phrasing?

I think so - there is nothing


THE FRESHERS’ CONSENT class was a specific part of my “freshers experience” that I remember very vividly for some reason.

I was sat in my room at home two weeks before moving into my York halls and I was completing the course on the VLE because it was the last mandatory thing I had to do, alongside the fire safe ty training. I don’t remember it because it was amazingly revolu tionary or anything like that, actu ally it was more the contrary, but I remember completing it for sure.

Overall, it was very similar to the types of consent education we

would get in my secondary school ethics lessons: consent needs to be established before any kind of anything takes place; consent can be revoked at any time and that needs to be respected; and, most importantly, “unconscious people do not want tea.”. The Tea Vid eo™ is ingrained into the minds of many British people and is now regularly ridiculed. You would as sume that a university level con sent class might be more in-depth but, in the opinion of many, in cluding myself, it did not; it bare ly touched on homosexual rela tions, nor did it mention spiking, stealthing, or anything other than

So how does this link to the University of York? The Women and Non-Binary Network, pre viously the Women’s Network but updated in 2018 to include the non-binary tag, aims to “rep resent and advocate for all gen der minorities studying at Uni of York”. However, there are still

“As a cis-passing non-binary student, I haven’t experienced major disrespect on the basis of my label, but I am aware that others do not have this privilege.”

The various YUSU Liberation Networks, including the Disabled Students’ Network, BAME Net work (name also soon to change), and LGBTQ+ Network, are en couraged to have a specific focus, with the focus of the Women and Non-Binary Network to be gen der-based issues such as sexual violence, sexual health education and breast cancer awareness, among other things. Therefore, I am posing that the name is changed to the “Gender Libera tion Network”, or the GLN, to en sure that the gender based focus is the same, but the direct label of “women” and “non-binary” is removed, hopefully encourag ing more people to engage with the network as a safe space for them, no matter how they iden tify. Please have your say on this change!

The current name and logo for the Network

concerns that this network isn’t cutting it for everyone, and I mir ror those concerns among others. As the current officer of the net

pand further in the future based on direct student feedback we are currently collecting. These expan sions will hopefully put more rele vant people in the position of rep resenting their groups, i.e. trans women having a trans women’s officer, non-binary people having a non-binary students’ officer, all under the same network umbrel la.

The @yusuwnbn Instagram (shameless self promo) has the feedback form linked in its bio in order to gain as many direct student views about this topic as possible.

sexual violence in an extremely traditional sense.

I remember talking to people in my first year, quite flippant ly and insanely naïvely, saying things along the lines of, “Oh, we’d be better off without it!”; myself and my friends agreed, we all knew this stuff from a young age and the class itself taught us nothing of value. However, I now look back on myself a year and a bit ago and wish I had checked my privilege in that sense - my family were very open about discussing these things and answering my questions as a grew up, I’d had a good education and I had many tools at my disposal to ensure that I remained educated.

Those were definitely some (semi-) famous last words, and I was reminded of them recently when I found out that the same consent class that I remember slating so heavily was no longer mandatory for incoming students. To be fair to my younger self, that is NOT what I meant when I said we’d be better off without it, I more meant it should be updated to actually teach people some thing they may not have known prior to coming to university.

Now freshers are kind of left adrift. Many of them, I’m sure (or I would hope) would be aware of these sorts of things, but what about those who don’t? Those who may need this class the most

will no longer be required to com plete it. What does this mean? We can’t be sure of specifics, but it does mean that there are some people banding together to pro vide a class to replace the old one, fronted by Sam Kloos (Speak Free Societies Events Sec, and the Campaigns Officer in the Women and Non-Binary Network, among other things) who will be leading various voluntary classes in Octo ber to put sexual education back on the University of York map.

COLUMNS 23Thursday September 29, 2022
“There is still a high chance that somebody’s level may be excluded in the ever-evolving spec trum of gender identity.”


DAN BENNETT speaks to students and student groups to explore financial concerns for the upcoming year.

IF YOU HAVE been paying close attention to the news in recent months, you may have noticed that the Unit ed Kingdom is in somewhat of a bad time.

Numerous factors have led to energy prices skyrocket ing, with the energy price cap in October being raised 80% to £3,549. Some analysts predicting this will rise again to £5,386 in January (although Ofgem have advised that predictions be treated with “extreme caution”).

This means that homes and businesses will be faced with their energy bills rising by more than they can afford, at a time when many are already struggling financially, and, as winter approaches, the choice between staying warm and affording other essentials will be faced by millions.

The current cost-of-living crisis is one of the severest pe riods of economic hardship many of us will have faced, and students are a particularly vulnerable group. Already facing a shortage of money due to being at university, the sudden in crease in bills and other essentials will affect every student ei ther directly or indirectly.

Such difficulties have in spired numerous student groups to start projects that help those who need it most.

ernment’s ‘levelling-up’ agenda, as well as the active growth of the Social Mobility Commission. At this age, there are still many students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who face the culture shock that outdated Bullington’s clubs and Old Boy’s Network’s still exist.”

“The cost-of-living crisis is unequivocally having a more severe impact on those from state-educated backgrounds. For many who do not have the capital available, they find them selves working part-time jobs to cover the shortfall in their maintenance loan grants but, with the added pressures of the continuing increases in goods and rent, not only are there now mounting financial concerns but also concerns about finding a viable work/study balance.”

All Should Eat added that “it would be great to see discounts for affected students on campus food to reduce the burden on their weekly food shopping bills, and continued improvement in the accessibility of student-staff jobs so students can earn an income without affecting their studies. Otherwise, the Uni versity’s response on raising awareness is improving, but we would like to see more about the University’s response to food poverty and the cost of living crisis on social media alongside their content on student stories and accessibility.”

The challenging circumstances have caused both groups to grow. “Something we’ve noticed is it’s pretty difficult to meas ure our impact in numbers,” All Should Eat said. “Our volun teering numbers have grown over the past couple of years and - as long as we can get the word out - more donations in our collection boxes around campus and at our events.”

“With the cost-of-living crisis being such headline news and an understandable concern for most of the UK, more and more people are noticing that this crisis also involves food.”

The 93% Club has seen exponential growth since 2020, however, they believe there is more work to do. “As inspiring as it is to see the conversations taking place within the University and consultations on a university level being conducted, there needs to be further interoperability to continue making York a more inclusive campus irrespective of background.”

The cost-of-living crisis has changed how both groups are approaching the upcoming year. All Should Eat said that “we’re working on adapting our approach to best help those living with food insecurity during the cost-of-living crisis - especially since the crisis itself is still evolv ing and has the potential to send an unprecedented number of families below the poverty line.”

KATIE PRESTON interviews

JEFFERY about the financial

As the cost of living crisis worsens across the coun try, Vision interviewed Vice Chancellor Charlie Jef fery on what the University is doing to help students. Vision first asked Charlie how the University is supporting students who are concerned about their finances:

93% CLUB

“All Should Eat began after a few of us came up with the concept during York Lead ers to address an issue more pressing than many of us real ise - food poverty,” members of their committee told York Vision. ‘The project formed and was ratified amid the pan demic, which made progress quite difficult, but living through COVID-19 and seeing the effects on food insecurity definitely gave the committee the drive to hit the ground running when it came to starting up again in person in 2021.’” The 93% Club was another society to start during lockdown. “I was one of the few students who progressed to a Russell Group university on Result’s Day, and the feeling of stepping foot into a university that would be my second home for the next three years felt in credibly daunting,” said Caroline Manakit, Founder of The 93% Club, who spoke to York Vision alongside their President, Lewis Njie.

“At the time I believed that my merits alone would allow me to rise above my circumstances; but to my dismay, university wasn’t about ‘getting in’, it was about ‘fitting in.’ It prompted me to start a branch of The 93% Club York during lockdown, the eighth university branch of The 93% Foundation, the UK’s first and largest network of state-educated students.”

Despite covering different areas of hardship, both groups have seen issues for students get worse in recent years. All Should Eat said that the COVID-19 pandemic “really devastat ed communities already struggling with food poverty. Now, as we see the aftereffects of the pandemic on the economy with the Cost of Living Crisis, it is once again underprivileged people suffering the most, so we want to help however we can.”

The 93% Club also noted that “over the past year, we have seen social mobility as a hot topic that has landed on the gov

“We’re hoping to achieve this by communicating with the City of York Council. There’s an opportunity for us to open a conversation and hopefully work with them to see where to best concentrate our efforts and how to help as many people as possible.”

“We know from a survey we did earlier this year that about 60% of students already were concerned about financ es, so you can presume that is going to worsen in due course. I think that we’ve got a really big job to do in making sure that students are aware of all of the support that’s available to them.”


Similarly, The 93% Club promised to continue to “promote [their] core ethos while also seeking to work with the university and partners to help alleviate cost of living challenges where we can, and signposting support and advice services for more tar geted and comprehensive support.”

“Throughout the coming year, our social media channels will be sharing advice and support regarding the cost of living crisis and our initiatives to help where possible.”

Full interviews with All Should Eat and The 93% Club are avaliable on our website.

Rent is also a big issue facing students, and the Vice Chan cellor is aware of the increasing hardship:

“I think, in about a three or four year timescale, we’ve got to work hard to make sure that there’s more accommodation off campus that we can work with, and crucially, making sure it’s not that very high end accommodation: not everyone needs a fancy room with a double bed and en-suite and a cinema in the basement of their block.”

There is also anxiety amongst students who are living off campus about accessing support:

“All support services are available to all students. Some times it’s difficult to get the message across to students who live across the city, whose timetable might mean that they are only on campus a few days a week.”

FEATURES 24 Thursday September 29, 2022 FEATURES


interviews Vice Chancellor CHARLIE financial issue affecting students.

“I think working really hard from our own channels, working with the Students’ Union and with the Student Media to make sure that people know that support is available.”

Charlie Jeffery reiterated the accessibility of the University’s schemes, and how students shouldn’t be embarrassed to access support:

“There’s no shame. We came through COVID-19, which is a once in a century challenge. We’ve not seen a cost of living crisis quite like this for fifty years so it’s almost an apocalyptic challenge and I don’t think anybody should feel like they’ll be judged for getting support.

“There’s different areas, which assuming we get it right, should connect to provide a pretty much seamless package of support.”

Finally, the Vice Chancellor promised to fight for students not only on campus, but on a government level:

“The issue for the moment is that it is the start of term and bank accounts are as full as they are going to be, so the second half of term is where we will see some of these issues really bite, so we are going to have to keep pushing with the government to get that recognition. I’m going to keep nagging them. I’m going to keep working through the Russell Group and University’s UK.

“I’ve written with the YUSU colleagues and Pierrick and Hannah to the Education Secretary and Higher Education Minister making precisely that point and we’ll see what they say. I think if enough people say it and keep saying it we might get them to move.”


Bursaries and Hardship Funding: The University can offer financial support to those who need it, both in terms of criteria-based bursaries and emergency funding. A short-term Emergency Loan can be given (depending on other conditions being met) to pay for food, utility bills, or travel to your site of study in the face of unexpected & unforeseen short-term financial hardship. Alternatively, the University offers bursa ries to students depending on their personal circumstances. Information on all of this can be found at

Student Discount Sites: To help with the general cost of living as a student, many shops and sites offer discounts to those studying at university. Many of these will be heavily advertised to you as soon as you go to buy something, but some will only be available by signing up to different student discount sites, so make sure to have a look around!

College Support Networks: Your college support team is one of your first points of contact when you are facing an issue at university, such as money difficulties, even if you don’t live on campus. Their teams can signpost you to resources that can specifically help you, as well as providing support if you’re struggling with any aspect of university life. Check your colleges’ page on the university website for contact details.

Activities Access Grant: If you are struggling to participate in societies or sports clubs due to financial issues, YUSU can help! The Ac tivities Access Grant gives students who face certain barriers funding to take part in sports clubs, societies, media groups, college sports teams or volunteering projects. Students can receive up to £160 to help with memberships and participation costs.

Period Products: The University has provisions in place to help with period poverty. Pads and tampons are available across campus through an initiative funded by YUSU, the GSA, and the University. Col leges can also provide period products to their members (whether they are living on or off campus!)

Nightline: If financial issues are affecting your mental health and you need someone to talk to, the University offers several services to help. Nightline is a confidential listening service run by students who will let you talk about what is on your mind. You can phone them on 01904 323735 between 8pm-8am, email 24/7 at listening@york.night, or chat to someone between 8pm-8am on their website at

Part-Time Work: If you ARE able to fit a part-time job into your student life, there are plenty of great opportunities for students! You can apply to be a Student Ambassador to earn money whilst promoting the University to potential students, or get a job working in one of the eight campus venues (this year 92% of venue employees were students). Al ternatively there are many places in York that recruit students for parttime retail, hospitality and other jobs, so make sure to look around if you’re able to healthily have a job alongside your other commitments!



TY IN September 2020, the height of the COVID-19 pan demic, I was completely so ber and always had been.

I’d worked part time in a local Conservative club since finishing sixth form, but my personal expe riences with alcohol were non-ex istent. Having been to the local pub every Sunday since birth, I’ve seen my fair share of pub brawls and drunken rages and had nev er felt any need to start drinking myself.

Cut to the start of third year, with many drunken walks home and chaotic nights out with friends, and my sobriety has changed, alongside my frugality and bank account.

I never used to drink, even at home with my parents, and, de spite going to the pub next door to my grandma’s house every week, I never drank alcohol be fore university. I wasn’t the type at school to be invited to parties either, so I wasn’t really exposed to alcohol outside of a family pub setting.

I have vivid memories of tell ing flatmates that I didn’t drink. The reason I usually used was due to a sensory issue with car

HAIRCARE IS IN, and so are high-end dupes.

If you are anything like me, a working student who spends an unhealthy amount of time on Tik Tok with access to multiple Look Fantastic discount codes, you’ve heard every haircare tip under the sun.

Use an old t-shirt to dry your hair, only wash once a week, use a claw grip, get regular trims, don’t brush when it’s wet, yada yada yada….

One of the most difficult parts of perfecting your haircare rou tine is knowing which products will work for you. Despite what the packaging says, one size does not fit all.

In market research *ahem, spending money I don’t have* I




bonated drinks which, to be fair to myself, is still something I suffer with.

But then I found a bottle of vodka, drank 3/4 of it straight by myself during a flat Marvel mov ie marathon, and got very angry when my flatmate didn’t like Ant man.

The next day I didn’t have a hangover, something that I’m pleased to say I’ve never suffered with, but did get to experience my first throwing-up fit and a very confusing, still-drunk possible hallucination of a giant spider. Not my proudest moment.

My most drunk moment, how ever, came later. And, strangely, was nothing to do with the al cohol. If you know me well, you

know that I cannot stomach or ange juice, but this didn’t stop me downing two Sex on the Beach cocktails at the former Forest ven ue.

Cut to ten minutes later, I’m dramatically throwing up whilst my two flatmates binge-watched The Purge in the same room: a very confusing evening.

Coming to university as a sober person and leaving it as a social drinker is something that I’ve observed to be very common. However, I’ve also observed lots of people keeping their sobriety at university. Despite the many drinking events, it wasn’t the “drinking culture” of university that encouraged me to drink, it was being comfortable around

my flatmates and friends. I didn’t go on pub crawls during Freshers’ Week and become engulfed in the atmosphere of drinking, I drank whilst in the comfort of my own room with people I knew.

And, whilst I’m happy that I did, I don’t drink very often today. I don’t have the money to go out and, during term time, I work a part-time job, so drinking hasn’t overtaken my life in any way. I might have a drink after a shift at work, or a can of Rekorderlig with my flatmate whilst we watch a movie, but I haven’t been out clubbing much or been drunk this entire summer.

This isn’t to encourage those who are sober to break their sobri ety, rather than to do it in the right

way. Have your first drink with someone you’re comfortable with and can trust, and do it in moder ation at the start: drunken nights out can come later.

There is a drinking culture at university, that’s undeniable, but there’s also sobriety too. Many so cieties and student media outlets will do sober events, colleges will put on sober or drinking-option al events during Freshers’ Week, and many people I know have re mained sober during their studies.

And trust me, whilst it’s not the same experience as being drunk, you CAN go clubbing sober. Be lieve me, I’ve done it.


tested a number of TikTok-viral haircare products, letting you know whether I think it’s worth saving or splurging.

Splurge: The INKEY List Salicylic Acid Exfoliating Scalp Treatment (£15, 150ml)

If your pre-wash routine is in need of a pick-me-up, this treat ment is an excellent investment. At the retail price of £15, it is defi nitely an investment, but is also totally worth it. As a chemical ex foliant, it gently removes product build up and flakes of skin.

Save: The Body Shop Ginger

Shampoo (£12, 400ml)

Whilst this is still on the pric ier side, you can save money by using The Body Shop’s refill sta tion. I have used this shampoo for years and still haven’t found one that I liked more. Certified by the Vegan Society, this product is gentle enough to not irritate the scalp whilst still being effective enough to make your hair feel clean and fresh.

Save: Garnier Hair Food (£3.50, 390ml)

This little tub works threefold: it’s a hair mask, conditioner, and

leave-in treatment. It comes in lots of different scents for vari ous hair types and, at £3.50 for 390ml, this is a steal!

Splurge: Olaplex No.6 and 7 (No.6 £28, 100ml, No.7 £28, 30ml))

This wouldn’t be a ‘TikTok made me buy it’ post without mentioning Olaplex. I’ve tried the full range at the salon and at home and can honestly say that No.6 and No.7 are worth the money. Before purchasing, I had to take a deep breath, but I prom ise you, they are brilliant. While

No.6 didn’t last as long, I have had No.7 for over two years and it is only just running out now!

Save: Elvive Dreamlengths Conditioner (£3.50, 400ml)

Say what you will about Elvive but, at £3.50, this conditioner is a huge win in my opinion! It smells amazing, leaves you hair silky soft, and you can pick it up anywhere.

To conclude, let Marti test these products first so you don’t have to!





LIKE STUDENTS, TREES are incredibly sensitive to changes in their environ ment.

Deciduous is a fancy name for trees which stay green dur ing spring and summer and lat er change colour in the autumn. Change of colour in the leaves of deciduous trees during the sum mer months is a warning sign.

Each leaf is made up of four pigments. These are: chlorophyll (green), xanthophylls (yellow), carotenoids (orange) and antho cyanins (red).

The periods of intense heat and dry weather that Britain ex perienced during August caused a “false autumn”, stressing the trees and causing them to shed their leaves prematurely.

This could be compared to the return to university that students

across the country are having to adapt to. Long days in the library, cramming three months’ worth of reading into a week, and turning up to 9am lectures in last night’s clothes.

Long periods of hot weather

and lack of water forced the trees into survival mode, making their leaves change hue and drop to the ground, creating autumn silhou ettes. While you may be imagining a picturesque New England scene, the reality is a little darker.

Younger trees, as well as those planted in less healthy soil such as by roadsides, are particularly at risk, with many likely to die away completely. Larger trees with

During late August and early September, the days are too long for the natural autumn processes

and brown.

Draught is one of the most common causes of stress in trees as, for plants, draught is a hydrau lic failure. Lack of water within a tree leads to chlorosis (the scien tific name for loss of colour) of the foliage, as well as wilting, prema ture leaf drop, and self-pruning. This can result in the tree shed ding an entire branch!

Larger trees are more resilient than trees which are comparatively newer

strong roots will be less impacted due to their ability to source nu trients from deeper in the soil. If water supply does not return, the tree is likely to die.

to begin. Autumn days are shorter and contain less sunlight, giving the trees a signal to stop produc ing chlorophyll. This means that the green colour starts to fade and makes way for hues of red, orange,

While I will never be one to resent the evenings drawing in earlier and wool jumpers creeping back into my wardrobe; the trees are an obvious warning sign of a much bigger issue.

Climate change is causing ir reparable damage to nature and, until we tackle the issue of global warming, we will keep seeing pre mature changes to our environ ment.

THE EARTH CAN be a pretty divisive place. War, politics and Twitter arguments all tend to make the human race feel constantly divided and al ienated. However, it’s important to remember that humans have also done some pretty incredible things, particularly when they work together.

So, here are 4 times when global scientific collaboration has made the world a better place.

The Ozone Layer

As human actions began to impact the atmosphere’s ozone layer in the 1980s, government regulation was enacted globally to limit ozone depletion, choos ing to protect human health and the environment over harm ful manufacturing processes.

Signed in 1987, the Montreal Protocol was an agreement be tween over 197 countries, all aiming to phase out harmful aerosols such as the chlorofluor ocarbons and hydrochlorofluor ocarbons found in hairspray.

After a peak in 1990, the levels of such chemicals have dropped significantly, with the ozone now verifiable and reas


suringly on the mend.

The James Webb Tele scope

Space has always been a col laborative activity for humanity, with space races, shuttle programs and the International Space Sta tion providing necessary chances for international team work.

This recent successful collabo ration between the United States, Canadian, European Union Space Agencies, presents the unique chance to survey the furthest depths of space in the creation of Earth’s largest optical telescope.

The James Webb telescope, which was launched last December after decades in development, offers in frared sensitivity to glimpse space objects that were previously too

faint for the Hubble Telescope.

Able to observe over 13.4 billion light years away, it has since pho tographed the formation of galax ies at the beginning of the universe and can capture awe-inspiring high-resolution images of space and the enormity of the universe previously unwitnessed.

Child Mortality

One long, continuing goodnews story is the global fall of child mortality across the last century. Despite slower progress through out the 20th century, in recent years widespread education, vac cination programmes, healthcare and nutrition awareness, and the governmental funding of global health initiatives has led to a huge drop in child mortality rates across

the planet. Before 1800, child mor tality was at 43% worldwide. How ever, by 2015 that had decreased to a mere 4.3%. Even Earth’s poorest regions have seen progress, with sub-saharan Africa’s mortality rate falling from 32% in 1950 to 8% in recent years. Whilst not yet finished, the global cooperation to promote healthcare and lessen the poverty gap is hugely beneficial in saving the lives of millions of chil dren, and ensuring a healthy and long life for all.

Coronavirus Vaccine

The most topical of scientific collaborations in recent years is the creation of coronavirus vac cines in 2020. When the COV ID-19 pandemic took over the world and caused mass lockdowns

across the planet, scientists of many countries set to work ana lysing the disease in order to cre ate quick and effective vaccines. Building off previous research into the SARS and MERS diseases and a cemented understanding of the structure of mRNA vaccines, sci entists were able to share research and create a vast range of worka ble vaccines in an unprecedented ly short timeframe. And it wasn’t just scientists teaming up. World governments, institutions, non profits and private companies all worked together to fund and sup port the research, manufacture and distribution of life-saving vac cines in the face of a monumental public health crisis.

27Thursday September 29, 2022
“Draught is one of the most common causes of stress in trees, as for plants, draught is hydraulic failure.”
Red, yellow, orange, and brown: the colours that de fine the season




IF YOU’RE INTERESTED in learning more about climate change and what we can do to combat it, you’ve come to the right place.

Literally! The Climate section of York Vision is a great resource to stay up to date in all of the global, national and York climate news… and believe me, York has a number of ways for all you green freshers out there to stay involved.

One of the biggest events of the University of York calendar year is One Planet Week, an an nual event run in Spring term to celebrate and share sustainability knowledge across campus. Pre viously offered both on campus

and online, the week consists of a range of events, gatherings and seminars exploring a particular environmental theme. It’s always an interesting week so be sure to put it in your calendars!

The University of York offers a wide range of societies to dip your toes into… so many in fact that you may never have time to study! From hobbies to academic groups, there is something for everyone, including a range of environmen tal focuses. There’s Environment Society, Outdoor Society, Garden ing Society, Green Party Society, Sustainability Strategy Society, Vegetarian and Vegan Society and a range of wider volunteering opportunities as well. But don’t just take my

word for it, head on down to the campus wide Freshers Fair on 1st October to see them all in action.

The climate conversation in York is not just within the con fines of campus… the city of York itself has a variety of ways to get involved. York City Council offers a number of volunteering oppor tunities to keep the city’s park areas clean and healthy. Local parks such as Rowntree Park and Acomb Wood also have their own volunteering groups. The city as a whole has a thriving climate con versation, particularly throughout periods of global climate confer ences. Last year a range of march es and gatherings were organised in the run up to COP26 by groups such as Extinction Rebellion and

School Strike for Climate, offering a chance to get involved and have your say. Extinction Rebellion holds weekly meetings in the city centre starting on the 4th October.

And if a quieter climate con vo is more your style, check out the array of sustainable local businesses scattered throughout the city centre. York, a city with a pub for every day of the year, also has a vast variety of options for sustainable meal times. Al ligator Wholefoods sells an array of organic and vegetarian prod ucts for your weekly food shop, and the iconic Shambles Market offers the chance to buy from lo cal farms and businesses. Some favourites of the city’s vegetarian scene include Goji Cafe, Source,


THE YEAR SINCE the world’s last COP climate convention has seen a range of developments, both pos itive and negative, as the human race continues to debate the impacts of our ac tions upon the planet.

Three seasons have passed since world leaders last met to discuss the planet’s future… let’s take a look back on the biggest moments of 2022’s ever-evolving climate.

While England’s winter period was marked by crisp tempera tures and the surge of Omicron, down under there was a different story unravelling. The occurrence of the second consecutive La Niña summer in Australia is a notable one, as this rare but destructive weather pattern hit the southern nation. A complex process which sees intense heat moving across the Pacific ocean, such summers can cause widespread flooding and cyclones across Austral ia’s east coast. Typically occur ring less regularly (every 8 or so years), the recurrence of La Niña

puts more pressure on Australia’s already struggling climate, where bushfires too have become more prominent. And even now, head ing into the 2022 Christmas pe riod, a third summer of La Niña appears on the horizon.

The long anticipated breaking of Spring saw a rush of sun filled cel ebration … from everyone except the United Nations climate body.

They were too busy releasing the 6th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, an inves tigation into our scientific knowl edge of climate change and their analysis of the future threats. And the news was not so good.

Two Working Group assessments were released on 28th February and 4th April respectively, and described the impacts, vulnera bilities and mitigation of climate change. Particularly notable was the evidence of greenhouse gas emissions continual increase, and the worrying warning that cur rent climate plans are unlikely to limit warming to the necessary 1.5 degree threshold. They also

highlighted that while wealthi er countries contribute more to emissions, developing countries experience more severe impacts, with only 24 countries currently successful in reducing emissions.

Of course it’s not all bad news, as the report did offer solutions that world leaders have already begun to discuss… however it certainly was a necessary wakeup call as the planet cycled into spring.

The most beloved of seasons, summer is accompanied by long holidays, European travels and lazy days soaking in what little heat manages to reach England. This year however, the heat was much more prominent. Whilst Europe battled wildfires, the United Kingdom recorded its hottest ever summer, with one day reaching 40.3 degrees. Even before the summer heat was re corded, 2022 was on track to be the 5th hottest year on record, with the June period reaching a 1.8 degree increase since pre-in dustrial levels.

Climate related natural disas

ters raced across the planet with wildfires in Spain, Portugal and France; monsoon floods in Pa kistan and parts of the United States; drought in Spain, Germa ny, The United States and even green England; and heatwaves and floods across China.

While England was certainly glad to have a more consistently hot summer, such extended periods of heat, drought and natural dis asters are not normal and largely result from our friend the La Niña climate pattern, a sign that this climate disruption is just the be ginning.

Across the pond, wildfires, droughts and floods also raged, both in California and more met aphorically in the US congress.

California, in fact, has seen a continuation of wildfires all year, regardless of the season, leading CalFire to symbolically rename fire season to fire year.

Alongside this, an fiery debate simmered away in government, as congress debated, reworked and eventually approved the In

Doe Bakehouse and the beloved Portal Bookshop. Closer to home, campus catering offers vegan and vegetarian options and all coffee is Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certified. Also, be sure to pick up a sustainable YorCup from one of the many campus cafes, as these reusable coffee cups have already saved over 1 million cups from landfill.

Whatever your climate focus, there are a range of ways to con tinue living in sustainable and environmentally friendly ways in York… so get out there and get involved! Be sure to save a vegan brownie for me!

flation Reduction Act of 2022, the largest ever climate investment in US history. Promising over $370b (US Dollars) in the next decade to support renewable energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas, the legislation offers a huge range of climate focused solutions with the goal of redefining its economy around climate. Although not yet perfected, this is a huge step for ward for a country which until re cently had pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement, and as an economic world leader, provides a necessary role model for more global climate efforts.

From La Niña winters to heat wave summers, UN reports to individual governmental efforts, it’s been a big year in climate. And with COP27 fast approaching let’s hope the next few seasons can of fer a less chaotic and more prom ising climate conclusion.

28 Thursday September 29, 2022 CLIMATE



top level competitions such as BUCS (British University College Sport). Equally, every year you’ll have the chance to

A BIG PART of student life for many is sport and fitness, something York doesn’t lack. But, if you’re like me when I was a fresher, it can all seem quite daunting and overwhelming. Here is a short, handy guide to the key things you need to know as a fresher looking to get involved this year.

‘At York, Sport is all about having fun, being social and giving everyone the opportunity to get involved’

University Sports Clubs

The University has more than 60 sports clubs to choose from with many of the Uni versity Teams having the opportunity to compete in

“At York, sport is all about having fun, be ing social, and giving everyone the opportni ty to get involved.”

compete in the Roses tourna ment - the largest university sports competition in Europe - against Lancaster Universi ty. If you’re interested in the ‘big leagues’ (as such!!), these are the teams for you. On the University Team, training tends to reflect the level of sport you’re at. This means that often you are expected to

train three to four times a week, with BUCS matches usually on Wednesdays. However, this isn’t completely set in stone and it is worth getting in contact with the particular team you are interested in. All teams also offer trial ‘club sessions’ open to everyone if you don’t want to commit to team level.

College Sports College sport is open to everyone and is a great way to get active at university whilst not taking up too much time. Competing at inter-college tournaments (such as Varisty with Durham University), it is a way to get involved in a com munity (with regular socials and events) as well as exercise. College matches/events tend to be on weekends, so whilst it’s theoretically possible to play for both college and uni sides, that

does take a substantial amount of time in a week. Finding the right balance between enjoy ing sport without it negatively affecting your study is key.

The best way to find out more about college sports is on their Facebook pages or to have a chat with your college team or Sport’s representative.

PREPARE, TRAIN, WIN: Sport at York Sports Club Member ship

In order to join any of the sports clubs on campus you must pay an AU fee which goes directly to the York Sports Un ion. You can pay this through the YUSU website and there are different types of membership available. Which membership you need depends on the club/ society you are looking to join and can be found on the YUSU


The Gold Tier= £10- for any club who train off campus

The Black Tier= £20- for any club who train on campus at the York Sport facilities

Working Out

There are two main gyms at the University of York. One on Campus West, the Sports Centre, and one on Campus East, the Sports Village. The University of York has recently invested £9m into their sports facilities meaning they now have a 25m swimming pool, 3G football pitches and an Olym pic-sized velodrome. For more information google ‘York Sport’ to find out about pricing and what each location has to offer.


ONE OF THE exciting things about coming to uni versity is the chance to join a huge variety of clubs and societies. There is everything from Animal Crossing Society to Pole Dancing, the University of York has an amazing number of sports clubs and groups for freshers, and returners, to join.

With Fresher’s Week up and coming, Vision interviewed the Octopush Team at the Universi ty, asking them the importance of joining a team and what drew them to join a less “mainstream” activity.

Also known as underwater hockey, Octopush is played at

the bottom of a swimming pool. Players wear masks, snorkels and flippers and attempt to hit the puck into the opposing teams’ goal. It is a team sport, with six players in each team.

Speaking to Ellie, Vision was informed of the importance of community within the underwa ter sport:

“Teamwork is of vital impor tance as individual players can only remain in possession of the puck for as long as they can hold their breath, before they have to pass the puck to someone else and come to the surface.”

Ellie then explained how she got into the sport at university, and the benefits of joining a

niche sport:

“I enjoy swimming and most other watersports so I decided to give it a try. However, some other members of the club have been playing Octopush for years and are always happy to advise new players.”

“Octopush training sessions are a great way to keep fit with out swimming competitively. The emphasis is also on team work rather than individual performance. Personally, I enjoy the fact we play games each training session, allowing us to practice our tackling, defence and passing.”

Vision also asked the Octopush team about upcom

ing competitions in the next academic year:

“Although Octopush is a less known sport we still have lots of competitions over the year. This includes Student Nationals, which was held in Leeds last year, The Winter Tournament (usually held in Oxford Univer sity) and we even compete in Roses!

“Despite not being a main stream sport there are many Octopush teams both nationally and internationally. Saying you play Octopush is always a good conversation starter in inter views or with family / friends and I have explained many times what the sport is and how

it is played. Over the course of the year, we run socials, includ ing glove making (as gloves are an essential part of the kit), we also have pub socials”.

“I would recommend any freshers who enjoy swimming and other watersports to come and give Octopush a try. We’re a friendly team who are happy to teach you everything and make you feel welcome from your first session. We train Mondays and Tuesdays 9-10pm at York Sport Village, there is also the oppor tunity to train on Fridays and Saturdays too!”

SPORT30 Thursday September 29, 2022
(she/her) @EmilySinclair_
(she/her) @kxtieprxston




FOLLOWING THE HISTOR IC match between England and Germany at the Wom en’s Euros 2022 this sum mer, Vision spoke to the Uni versity’s own female football team, asking them the im portance of visibility in the sport, the impact of the win on women’s football, and the influence of gender in the game.

Speaking to Amy and Emi ly, the team’s President and Vice President respectively, Vision asked about the team’s initial reac tions to the historic win:

“One thing that we can all agree on is that the English love winning, and as this doesn’t happen as often as it should, it means when we do it makes the occasion even more special.

“On the way back home from Wembley I overheard a conversa tion with two teenage boys talking about the match just in the way they would speak about men’s football. This included discussing who played well, formations and how they wished Sarina Wiegman would be their manager. For me, this small conversation meant so much.

they felt males were being treated differently to themselves within sport. For me, the first that came to mind was during PE in school - girls would play predominantly netball and boys played football. Rather than it being the same cur ricula for both groups of children, which would have been preferred.

proud of just like we’d refer to our age/ nationality of a club.”

Vision then asked the team about the influence of the Lioness es’ win in local communities, and the uptake during Freshers’ Week:


EVER FANCIED GETTING involved in a sport you’ve never played before? Do you love the social side of sports, but don’t enjoy playing competitively?

Following the suc cess of “Turn up and Play” sessions at many other universities, in cluding Sheffield Hal lam and Leeds Beckett, York has embarked on a new programme which aims to encour age more people to play sports for fun.

“However, it is also important to recognise how much the ine quality has reduced overtime. This is not something that will be solved overnight, but by increasing the funding and discussions, future generations wouldn’t think twice about depicting football as a “male sport”.

“The Euros has highlighted women’s football, bringing it to people’s attention, hopefully en couraging more fresher’s to give it a go with its increasing popularity. I think the Euros will exponen tially increase uptake in women’s football at youth levels and will filter and grow through the succes sive years. Maybe not with such a dramatic impact on the freshers due to the age demographic, but some nonetheless.


“Having followed the whole tournament from the start, we were over the moon with the result from the final. Some of the girls celebrated in the grounds of Wem bley and the rest celebrated from their hometowns with friends and family.

“Regardless, we can all say that despite how much of an emotion al rollercoaster the match was, we haven’t smiled as much as we did that day in a while. 31st July 2022 will always be one to remember.”

With the final match having an unprecedented amount of viewers, Vision asked Amy and Emily what they believe the impact will be on women’s football:

“Speaking about the game in a respectful manner is starting to be normalised, therefore will inevita bly have a positive impact on those wanting to partake in Women’s Football.”

Vision then asked the Wom en’s Football team about the im pact of the Lionesses’ win on their own perception of the game:

“Within days of the final we received multiple emails from women of all ages asking whether we know of any opportunities for them to get involved locally. For many of our girls, those 90 min utes can be an escape from the challenges of the real world, and as a result most aim to carry on play ing football, even after Uni.

“Many players within the Women’s Super League have shown that it is possible to carry on playing football despite having children, running businesses etc. The Lionesses’ win has further progressed the opportunities to get involved with the game, reducing accessibility being a barrier.”

Aa a sport that is usually male-dominated, Vision asked Amy and Emily about the gender stereotyping within football:

“Most female footballers will have some sort of story where

Something that is reflected in the University, with the teams la belled as “football” and “women’s football”, Vision asked about the influence of the popularisation since the Women’s Euros on seg regation within football:

“I can’t speak for the whole club but my personal opinion is that some sort of segregation is actually still needed. Just like we refer to different forms of football such as futsal. So that a team gets true recognition for their success.

“However, I believe we should be referring to this as ‘Men’s Eu ros’ and ‘Women’s Euros’. With this being based on sex and not gender. Being a woman in football is something I think we should be

“Naturally, even without the Euros success, expansion in the accessibility for youth wanting to partake in the sport has massive ly increased since we were of that age and hopefully it continues to progress to become equal with the men’s game, eventually filtering through to the uni set up and in creasing demand for opportunities in women’s football.”

Finally, Vision asked Amy and Emily about the club’s future and what they are looking forward to in 2023:

“Having maintained our place in the Northern 1A league, we are looking for more students to get involved with the team and carry on the success. This years train ing will be on Mondays from six till eight in the evening with both matches and themed socials be ing on a Wednesday afternoon/ evening.

“Please feel free to message our Instagram (@uywafc). If you, like many others, have felt inspired to give football a go, get down to training we’d love to see you there! We look forward to seeing you on the football pitch”

Turn Up and Play sessions are run by student volunteers who run sessions with “no commitment, no pressure, [and] no ex perience needed”. The programme promises to give students the op portunity to take part in a range of activities, without the commit ment of playing for a club. The programme will initially begin with futsal, touch rugby, net ball, and volleyball this term.

The sessions are completely free of charge and are run weekly by other stu dents who are there to help out with learning the sport and encour aging participation. The student volunteers can also advise about other playing opportunities, should you discov er your new favourite hobby!

Anyone who wants to get more active is welcome to turn up for what promises to be “fun and free” activities.

Alongside these sessions, occasional sport leagues are run as semi-competitive op portunities for groups of friends, housemates, or student groups to get together and play sports against other groups.

SPORT 31Thursday Septmber 29, 2022



FOLLOWING THE HISTORIC match between England and Ger many at the Women’s Euros 2022 this summer, Vision spoke to the university’s own female football team, asking them the importance of visibility in the sport, the impact of the win on women’s football, and the influence of gender in the game.

Speaking to Amy and Emily, the team’s President and Vice President re spectively, Vision asked about the team’s initial reactions to the historic win:

“Having followed the whole tourna ment from the start, we were over the moon with the result from the final. Some of the girls celebrated in the grounds of Wembley and the rest celebrated from their hometowns with friends and family.

Speaks to UYWAFC on the Legacy of the Euros 2022 VISION INTERVIEWS NICHE SPORTS Vısıon YORK Sport A GUIDE TO SPORT AT THE UNIVERSITY PAGE 30 Thursday September 29, 2022 FULL STORY ON PAGE 31

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