Mobility in the City of Short Distances

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Research: existing modes

Sha Haker

Public trams system is convenient for those who are walking but for those with a wheelchair, bicycle or that need to carry around stuff, like moving big objects, for these people it is often more convenient to jump in the car and drive to the place that they need. A system that is still not accessible by everyone My idea and inspiration comes from an existing transport mode, the tram. I would like to take it to the future by creating a system that will be more efficient. On a bigger scale capable of carrying more people including wheelchairs and bicycles. Working on a system that will benefit the local to distance travelling.

Imagine a place where everyone is equal ... Imagine a place that everyone can be part of... Imagine a transport that everyone can share...


Equal to everyone. 2009

2032 The tram design is based on Ground-Level power supply, also known as surface collection and Alimentation par Sol (APS), is a modern method of third-rail electrical pick-up for street trams that does not pose a danger to people or animals and can be used in pedestrian areas and city streets. It also means no more wires in the air polluting the city scape.

Sha Haker s3126012

Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09


Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1








Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1















Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1















Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1








Bicycle racks will be on the edges at the rear of the tram. That will create space and no chaos. The bicycles will be locked standing vertically as shown on the image on the right, this will create more space for prams, trailer, etc.

A maximum of 15 bicycles can be put on the racks, but if required more bicycle can fit between the racks on the ground. The same applies with trailers. After putting their bicycle on the rack the owner can go and take a seat.

Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1










20040 mm 40090mm

Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1










Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1








The tram design is based on Ground-Level power supply, also known as surface collection and Alimentation par Sol (APS), is a modern method of third-rail electrical pick-up for street trams that does not pose a danger to people or animals and can be used in pedestrian areas and city streets. It also means no more wires in the air polluting the city scape.

Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1








In each tram will be two ticket machines, one in the front and the other in the back. Most of the public transport system willi be working with a MyKi, but you still have the option to buy a normal ticket on the tram. Near each machine are instructions, in three different languish English, Arabic and French, on how to use it.




Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09



Research: existing modes

Sha Haker 1









Energy and Mobility Studio, Industrial Design, Semester 1 09


Sol arSt at i ons : :

mobi l i t y

: :i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Concept :over vi ew


J essi caBi r d Mobi l i t yandVi si oni ngEl ect i ve,I ndust r i alDesi gn,Semest er1,2009

Solar Stations Location Scenario

Within a neighbourhood, the main Solar Station is located at a transport interchange point such as a train station, with smaller hubs being placed near important places such as schools, shopping centres, and community centres.

Decentralised Hub: disused petrol station

Decentralised Hub: high school

Central Hub: major transport interchange & shopping centre Decentralised Hub: train station/local shops

Decentralised Hub: recreation centre/park

Decentralised Hub: community centre


Solar Stations Solar Stations benefit both individuals and entire communities. They act as top-up stations, and are strategically placed within the local neighbourhood. Users must become members, allowing for a credit system to develop for energy contribution and consumption. To become a premium member, you pay an annual maintenance fee. As you contribute energy to the grid from your solar panels at home, you can collect credits accordingly that can be used when filling up at the Solar Stations. If you do not have solar panels at home, you can become a partial member, paying a higher annual fee to have access to the Solar stations.

Membership is required to use the Solar Stations, to ensure a fair-play policy.

Solar Stations are for quick power-ups, not complete refills.

A Solar Neighbourhood

To top-up at a Solar Station, an individual swipes their membership card, and plugs into one of the four sockets at a station. As it is a quick charge hub, just a few minutes is all it takes before you are on the road again.

Solar Stations operate on a give and take basis, you can also benefit by contributing to the solar energy reserves.

Sustainable Vacation Visioning Mobility


Immersion the sub.


Anna Bunkowski

the sub. call your personal sub - in future green city My project requires that there will be no private car travel in the city of Melbourne in 2032. Sustainable living will gain one of the most important topics in the normal life. The basic idea of the City of Short Distances in my project is that there will be a green city. So in the year 2032 there will be no cars allowed in the inner city. Additional to the tramsystem there will be a sytem of Subs. Subs are small trams for max 4 people, which can be ordered by calling points at the tram stops every day, every time. Using the tram rails and electrical power, they allow individuals but also diasable people and other personas who need more space then a tram can offer comfortable traveling. With the possibility of realisation in some stages, the system can fit for the very beginning to support the normal tram system in the night. Sub-Stop


2032 Green City

Sub-Station, Subpark - Subs waiting for call - Sub vehicle workshop - Subwash

City Centre

Sublines Carpark area

The Subs are using the old tramway - lots of place for bikes and skates because no more cars on the way

Base station (charger) Call point

the sub.


in the City of Short Distances

Sustainable Vacation Visioning Mobility



Immersion the sub.

Anna Bunkowski

the sub. call your personal sub - in future green city 2032

& &



Overtaking sub, faster then tram Subs


Branche for overtaking

Sublines, used by trams and subs Sub-Station, Subpark - Subs waiting for call - Sub vehicle workshop - Subwash

Subs collecting a person


in the City of Short Distances

Sustainable Vacation Visioning Mobility


Immersion the sub.


Anna Bunkowski

the sub. call your personal sub - in future green city

implementation stage 1

implementation stage 2

implementation stage 3

Wireless Power


in the City of Short Distances

Sustainable Vacation Visioning Mobility



Immersion the sub.

Anna Bunkowski

the sub. call your personal sub - in future green city

call sub

get number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


in the City of Short Distances

t r ans f r ei ght


6 5 4 3 3 : : PaddyRyanS31

U n l i k et r a d i t i o n a l mo d e so f p u b l i ct r a n s p o r t , “ T r a n s f r e i g h t ”i sas y s t e md e v e l o p e dt oa l l o wc a r g o t ob et r a n s p o r t e dt h r o u g h o u t t h el o c a l t od i s t a n c e n e i g h b o r h o o dn e t wo r k . Wi t hr e s t r i c t i o n so nc a ru s ea n dt h ee v e rg r o wi n g p o p u l a t i o nMe l b o u r n ea n ds u r r o u n d i n gs u b u r b swi l l f a c e i nt h ey e a r2 0 3 2 , “ T r a n s f r e i g h t ”h a sb e e np r o p o s e da sa f u t u r ea l t e r n a t i v et omo v i n gg e n e r a l a n df r e i g h t g o o d s f r o mt o wnt oh o meo rc o mme r c i a l d e s t i a t i o n swi t h o u t t h en e e dt ot a k et h ec a r . F r o mg r o c e r i e sa n dc o mmo n wa r e st oma i l a n dc o mme r c i a l c a r g o , “ T r a n s f r e i g h t ”wi l l d e l i v e rt oa n yd e s t i a t i o nwi t h o u t h a s s l e .

B yh a r n e s s i n gd r i v e r l e s st e c h n o l o g yt h eT r a n s f r e i g h t s y s t e mc a nb ed i a l e d , s mso r d e r e do r b o o k e do n l i n e .

T h ev e h i c l er u n swi t hmi n i ma l c a r b o n e mi s s i o nr e l y i n go ni t ’ sd u a l c o r eb a t t e r yp o we r e dt r a n s mi s s i o ns y s t e mt h a t c h a r g e sa t i t ’ sh u bu p o ni t sr e t u r na f t e r e a c h8h o u rs h i f t .

p i c ku p/d r o po f f p o i n t T r a n s f r e i g h t wo u l dr u ne f f e c t i v e l yt h r o u g hawe l l d e v e l o p e dc o mmu n i c a t i o n t r a v e l l i n gwi t hf r e i g h t s y s t e m. T h ev e h i c l ewo u l dt r a v e l f r o mAt oBe f f e c t i v e l ys c a n n i n gf o rj o b s t r a v e l l i n gwi t h o u t i nt h es a mea r e as i mi l a rt ot a x i s e r v i c e s . I t wo u l dc a l c u l a t et h ef r e es p a c e

wi t h i ni t s e l f a n dt a k ej o b sa c c o r d i n g l yt omi n i mi s ee mp t yv e s s l e so nt h e r o a d

mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

t r ans f r ei ght

6 5 4 3 3 : : PaddyRyanS31


T h e“ T r a n s f r e i g h t ”s y s t e ma l l o wsf o rt h eg e n e r a l p u b l i ct o g oa b o u t t h e i rd a i l yme s s a g e swi t h o u t t h en e e df o raf u e l g u z z l i n gc a r , a n dwi t h o u t t h ewo r r yo f n o t b e i n ga b l et o c a r r yp u r c h a s e da n do r d e r e dme r c h a n d i c eb e c a u s eo f l i mi t a t i o n swi t ht r a ms , t r a i n s . a n db i c y c l e s . T h ep r o c e d u r ei sv e r ys i mp l ea n dr e wa r d i n gi nk n o wi n g y o ua r ema k i n gal e s sn e g a t i v ei mp a c t o nt h el o c a l e n v i r o n me n t a n di sar e l i a b l es e r v i c et oe v e r y o n e .


mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Tr anspor tPod: :

Ext er i ordesi gn

: :

J ohn Bof 1 2 3 4

mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Tr anspor tPod: :

Feat ur es

: :

J ohn Bof 1 2 3 4

mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Tr anspor tPod: :

Tr avel l i ng/ st or age

: :

J ohn Bof 1 2 3 4

mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Tr anspor tPod: :

Addi t i onalext r as

: :

J ohn Bof 1 2 3 4

mobi l i t y

i nt heCi t yofShor tDi st ances

Paul Trembath 3135615

Melbourne 2032 Outer Suburb Transit Hub The proposal for melbourne 2032 is one of no private car use in the city as well as a more reliable and wide spread public transport system. This is all worked into the city of short distances where all travel can be shown and categorised into one of the communication areas my project fits into the local to distance category and focuses on long distance travel using public transport

My plan for a transit hub would consist of not only the public transport system but would also provide services to the local community and those who use the space. These services would consist of spaces like ,meeting rooms for traveling business people gyms, grocerie stors and a car and bike storage and loan system for people getting to and from the hub. With the train and bus acess all on the bottom level of the hub acess to connecting services will be seamless and easy for all users.

With people living further out of the city it will be unrealistic for melbourne to not have outer suburbs conected without going into the city to then go out again. My proposal is that there will be transit hubs in major outer suburbs that will be able to cope with the extra load placed on them by having extra services and people using the space.

Paul Trembath 3135615

Melbourne 2032 Outer Suburb Transit Hub

Services provided within the hub Ground Level: Train and Bus services car hire and taxi services Level 1: Daily Services including Supermarket where you can order what you want and pick it up on the way home Meeting Rooms Coffee Shops Newsagent local travel information Level 2: Gym Showers Change Rooms Bike Storage center Hub Control and Managment

my plan for the transit hub involves a single level transport system where all of the transport services are able to be accesed from the ground level this is to create an ease of movement between connecting services and also create a more orginised and flowing space. Buses and trains will all be accessable from inside the ground level of the hub providing a dry contained space.

Rear Section: Undercover Parking Car Hire Storage Bike Share Storage

VEI LVi si oni ngMobi l i t y: Sol arVehi cl e

wheni t sr echar gei ng

wheni t sont her oad

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howi tr ec har ge

r es i dent s v ehi c l epl at f or m

Kev i nHo31 13581

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