From the Editor Hello Vision Made Readers, It is a pleasure to welcome you to Vision Made Magazine in our second year of publication. During 2022, our vision clarified. While the core of Vision Made is the same- you may see Vision Made change a bit. We will be centering each issue around a theme. Thank you for your loyal readership as we welcome the changes to come. We are so thankful you are here reading now. Our mission is to bring empowering and impactful stories that will help you define your "What’s Next" along with supporting your Vision Board. From "Mindset in the Boardroom” to "Week in Review," along with a regular column pointing you to interesting reads across the web, our magazine will feature all three sections you have gotten used to in the past two years in addition to allowing submissions in other languages as well. We welcome any comments you may have as a reader. Letters to the editor are highly encouraged and will be considered for publication in print. I hope this issue helps you celebrate your "What’s Next".
In this Issue
Pamela Stone 4
How to Make a Vision Board
5 Best Business Tools
Solo Parenting
Mental Health in the Boardroom
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Power Words
The Currency of Kindness
Decision Permission
Mindset Holds the Power
Celebrate Neurodiversity
EDITOR IN CHIEF Pamela Stone | ART & DESIGN Rhian Tomassetti | CONTENT EDITORS Katie Browder-Person | CONTACT
Project Management Trello, Asana and many more. Using this tool keeps all project in order
Evernote. Who doesn’t need a good note taking system. Especially for those braindumping moments. Again this tool is free
Canva. There are various plans but this tool allows you to create presentations, videos, company letterhead
Jotform. How many times you to created a form to collect data. This app is nice because you can load it on your phone.
Constant Contact or Mail Chimp for email marketing.
Solo Parenting, Holiday Style By Laura Moseley One of the hardest things about the holidays is when you have to celebrate them as a single parent. Whether it is through divorce or death, single-parenting itself is never an easy task. Being a single parent myself, you overcompensate so much so that you wear yourself down to nothingness, not getting to personally enjoy the holidays at all. Single parents get so lost in making the holidays per-fect for their children, that they forget the true joy of the holidays. There is a way to enjoy the holidays, without losing yourself and, at the same time, making things magical for your child[ren]. Establish New Traditions / Revive Old Ones Upheaval does not have to be traumatic. It can be a time for positive change, so start new transi-tions or revive ones that went by the wayside. These traditions do not have to be super intricate or expensive, either. Activities such as a certain meal, music, activities, festivities, etc., can help establish new traditions. As a single mother, I continued to set up my Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, while listening to Christmas music with my children. We fixed frozen pizza and had the best time deciding which decorations would go on the tree. Of course, I had to acquire plastic ornaments because we had a new rescue cat, as well as secure the tree safely to keep the pets out of it! It was a brand new adventure becoming “zoo keepers” of sorts. We also started taking donations to the animal shelter, to share the holidays with the pets who had no families. We made treat bag-gies to share with the animals, as well as donations of different dry/wet foods with coupons that I had. These were simple things that made my kids happy and that I didn’t have to come out of pocket for, being newly divorced. Reviving old traditions or deciding which ones to keep can be comforting, especially if you are a single parent due to your partner passing away. There is comfort in remembrance and healing. Al-low the children to have input into what traditions stay. Find New Festivities Finding new and low-cost activities for the children can be a challenge, but not impossible. Consult community calendars and/or social media. Look in the local newspaper for upcoming events. Check out the library’s bulletin board or website for activities. I had to make a rule of one to two activities per week, so we all did not get overstimulated and/or burnt out on the holidays. I was also a part-time college student, so my community college had great family activities planned around the holidays! Our favorite was the free holiday “Veggie Tales” movie, with free popcorn and drinks, then a visit from Santa Claus afterward. It did not cost me anything but time and my kids LOVED it. They still talk about it! Volunteer Your Time Volunteering with your children (and even without) can really put the holidays into perspective. Help with a food or toy drive. Visit the elderly and make cards. Shovel snow off of all of the walks in your neighborhood. Help in a soup kitchen or food bank. Participate in
a local Wreaths Across America movement. Take toiletries and
clean. Sickness, es-pecially with children, can be stressful
socks to a local women’s shelter. It helps others and you get
and can spread throughout the house like wildfire. Illness
to feel the glow of service -- but let’s not forget the lesson that
can put a real damper on the holidays!
you’re instilling in your children to help others selflessly and without expecting anything in return. Out With the Old, In With the New
Do Not Isolate Yourself So, in the divorced or separated scenario, the children may be going to the other parent’s for the holidays or for extended
Another way to connect with your kids during the holidays is
periods, as outlined in custody agreements. Please be kind
by cleaning out and organizing your household and space. I
to yourself while they are not with you. Self-care is crucial
started a tradition with my children to clean out their toys and
here! Go do an activity that you’ve always wanted to try,
possessions, donate to the local thrift store as well as make way
but couldn’t because it was for adults. I previously tried a
for new items. To be honest, it continued and would build into
bungee aerobics class where you are suspended from the
the new year, with [me] taking items to the local Goodwill on
ceiling. The workout was so upbeat you felt as though you
December 31st for the last tax receipt of the year. It really is a
were flying! It was a blast! Go on a brisk hike. Give yourself
nice way to ring in the new year, with a clean and orga-nized
a mani-pedi. Go drive around looking at holiday lights,
house. Plus, orderliness is very soothing and can help take the
while your dog rides along shotgun. Whatever you do,
stress out of the holidays.
approach child-free time as an ad-venture and a privilege;
Reconnect Spiritually You and your children can always revive with your church or temple or spiritual sanctuary. Attend services. Get involved with the holiday choir. Assist with activities like visiting with shut-ins or other acts of service. This is also something that may be of assistance to you when you are without the children. It can be tremendously healing and uplifting! Receive Help Without Worry Sometimes, the single-parenting adventure is stressful because of a lack of money and/or resources. If you need assistance with gifts, do not be ashamed to let the child’s school know. Check with the Salvation Army about adding your children to
just do not isolate yourself and sleep the entire time they are away. There is also healing in solace and silence. This is your time to recharge! The holidays can be as stressful or stress-free as you make them. In all honesty, with children, less is more. Keeping things calm and consistent and low-key is the best solution for a happy holiday. Also, please remember that as a single parent, you do NOT have to be both parents or even be per-fect. Just be you...that’s all your kids want! Your time and attention are all they desire and need! Peace and blessings! -------------------------------------AUTHOR BIO:
their Angel Tree program. Check out the local Shop With a Cop
A single mother of three and
or Shop With Firefighter programs. Please, do not be ashamed.
grandmother of one, as well
Everyone needs help from time to time and it’s not about you,
as a Domestic Violence/Sexual
it’s about them. The same goes for food pantries. Your children
Violence survivor of over 23+ years
have to eat, so you may have to sign-up for extra help with
of abuse. She works for a federal
food this time of year. Re-member, if you are very bothered by
social services organization by day
it, you can always help with a food drive the following year in
and is a certified DV advocate in the rest
order to give back!
of her spare time. She is a writer, blogger, future podcast-
Make Health a Priority
er, activist, and public speaker. She loves getting her story out there, to help show victims and sur-vivors that there
With the days seeming shorter, tempers can flare and sickness
is hope and that it is SO much better than ever imagined
can take precedence. Take a walk with your children, as soon
while in active abuse.
as you get home from work. Make more healthful meals. Make sure you and your kiddos have gotten your flu shots. Make sure that you and your children are well-hydrated, but provide flavorings for water instead of sodas or sugary drinks. Have a weekend evening “dance party.” Read holiday stories to your kids to relax them before bedtime. Keep regu-lar bedtimes, even for yourself. Use lots of disinfectant spray and keep things
ello Dear Readers,
also for other offices within the department, just trying to keep
I’m Marcella Santana, your new Mental Health in The
things running. It’s kind of like your job is on the line so you step
Boardroom writer.
up trying not to be too stressed out, but you have the feeling in the back of your mind that it's just too much...”.
To our women of industry, I salute you. With your bare backs you carry the weight of humanity.
When asked about the response of executive chiefs to the concerns
You are the glue which binds
of management and staff, V.F. says, “...pretty much when I’ve voiced
The one to provide sustenance and light
my concerns and offered solutions to higher management, no
The shelter from the storm
changes are made. Then you also have responsibilities to your
A soft place to land
staff. Everybody is coping with their own emotional challenges.
A beacon of hope and joy, even in times of your own sadness and
Management to a higher degree because, even though you're
going through your own motions of trying to stay grounded and keep a source of light to keep you going, you also need to be that
But unlike some, you also must be the warrior
light for your staff members too. It can be hard because, by the
An innovator
time you get home with all your emotions and energy sucked out
The creator
of you by your job, sometimes you don't have the energy to give
The helping hand and the strategic enforcer to uphold the mission
to your family. I mean, I don't know if it's that way for everybody,
with laser-like focus.
but for me it can be at times.”
You play roles from leader to the follower and everything in between. I’m sure many of you can understand exactly what V.F. is trying You are the path to a brighter future for your loved ones and your
so artfully to juggle. She, like most women in management, are
chosen industry.
caught between levels. By levels, I am referring to what I call the levels between requirements and desires. Like Maslow’s Hierarchy
Recently I interviewed V.F. who is an administrator for a large institution
of Needs, it follows the same pattern. Think of a triangle, and then
in Pennsylvania. She immediately recognizes the role COVID and the
section that triangle into Thirds, with a line at each one-third.
ever-increasing demands of the industry, have played in the downward
On the bottom, which is the foundation, you would have the
spiral some women have battled in recent years. In reference to
components you need the most. Without these, you would wither
staffing shortages, V.F. says, “...because you're short staffed the
away physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yes, we are putting
managers have done extra work, not only for their own offices, but
all of these in the same section. Typically, you would place your
health, food, shelter, family, church, or independent prayer/
artisan of handcrafted body and hair products, and Co-
meditation, and so on, here. In the next level we would place
owner for RomSant Utopian LLC, a podcast host for Utopian
the other factors which we feel make us a complete person
Dream: The Myth, and we also own a nonprofit called Back
(friends, dog, exercise, education, etc..). The third level would
to Basic Corporation with an associated Facebook group
be the remaining components which fulfill your sense of
called Back to Basics: A Self-Care Movement which primarily
identity and/or purpose (job, volunteer work, and so on). We
focuses on equality in healthcare.
will get back to this triangle later, so place it aside. So again... We cannot sacrifice our health to the alter of In this interview with V.F. I mention my plan to interview
women in leadership roles who have health issues because there are numerous women entrepreneurs and managers
Look at your triangle and prioritize those issues at the
who work while managing their own health issues. This adds
bottom. Just like a tree, you must have healthy roots to
an extra layer, besides all the levels we touched on earlier. I
thrive. For married couples with children, please keep in
mention this because V.F. struggles with her own autoimmune
mind, your marriage and your children are branches of
disease which causes mild to moderate chronic fatigue, mild
your tree and they depend on your strong roots as well.
neurologic symptoms, Chiari malformation of the brain with headaches and dizziness, skin issues, and hyperhidrosis.
As women, and as warriors in the battlefield of industry, we
This contributes immensely to compound the factors she
must continue to strive for balance, keeping in mind our
spoke on earlier. V.F. continues by describing her difficulty
triangle of levels between requirements and desires. Think
in simply making necessary appointments, stating “...I mean
of the categories under each and the sub-categories which
it gets harder and harder because you’re trying to figure out
would fall under them. For example, the health (mental and
how to set and keep appointments. Sometimes you set the
physical) subcategories include proper nutrition, adequate
appointment and then you can't leave the office because
sleep, at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week (or
something comes up which requires your attention.”
as directed by a physician for specific disorders), and so on.
Now let’s revisit that triangle you completed. Where does the
Making a detailed calendar of events for each day will go
medical appointments fall? It is a subcategory of health. We
a long way in holding you accountable. Accountability is
cannot sacrifice our health to the alter of industry.
important and is necessary for you to achieve your goals. Making your activities fun and social whenever possible is
I understand this can be a loaded and complex premise to
a nice way to increase the likelihood of long-term success
stand on, but it must be that simple. We must make it that
as well.
simple because our well-being, and for some of us, our lives, depend on that one simple statement.
I would love to hear from you!
This is a good time to expand on who I am and what I do
What are your thoughts on the article topic this month?
before I offer more advice.
Do you have any questions or concerns regarding your triangle? Any questions on how to obtain balance?
I'm a R.N. with over 25 years of mental health, oncology,
Are you coping with health issues while keeping your boat
chronic illness, family services, management experience and
afloat? Any other questions or concerns?
additional pieces of a multifaceted nursing background. I was medically retired from working as a R.N. outside of my home in
Write to me via Vision Made
2017 secondary to undifferentiated connective tissue disease,
Magazine and I will personally
autonomic nervous system disease, Small Fiber Neuropathy,
address each letter.
and generalized arthritis. I have also conquered anxiety and depression associated with my disorders. I'm not only surviving
Peace & Love today, tomorrow,
but thriving amid the storm. I understand the obstacles and
and always.
the tools needed to overcome them from a personal and
Marcie R.N
professional standpoint. I'm an R.N. Personal and Professional Consultant and Co-owner for RomSant Utopian Wellness, an
I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH: OVERCOMING IMPOSTER SYNDROME How often have you heard that little voice saying to you I’m not good enough, I can’t do that, they will find out I am a fraud, no-one will read my book, listen to me speak, watch my video? Those negative voices that can stop you from starting your business, saying yes to opportunities, stepping up and speaking, writing your book! Maya Angelou admitted that at times, she often felt like a fraud, once saying: “I have written 11 books, but each time I think,
How do you know you are letting Imposter Syndrome
‘uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on
dictate your choices, your business, your life? When you
everybody, and they’re going to find me out.”
experience any one or more of the following – you know
It has a name – Imposter Syndrome: doubting your abilities, feeling like a fraud. What really makes Imposter Syndrome scary is that it negates everyone of your achievements, accomplishments as though they never happened.
When you overcome Imposter Syndrome and Believe in Yourself – awesome things happen.
it is time to change your thinking, your mindset. •
Not able to see your achievements
A tendency to sabotage yourself
Constantly chasing perfection
Feeling like you don’t deserve what you have
Worry that someone will ‘find out the truth’ about you and expose you to the world as a ‘fake.’
Why does Imposter Syndrome occur? In most cases it will be past experiences, peer group pressure, fear of success, wanting to not stand out. So, what can you do to overcome Imposter Syndrome?
We are so ready to listen to the negative and believe that we can’t achieve, can’t succeed, are not good enough. Currently it is thought at least 70% of people experience Imposter Syndrome at some time in their life. Actually, informal polls put this at 87% or even higher!
Remember you are not alone. As mentioned earlier, at least 70% have experienced what you are experiencing. From my experience the biggest change you can make is to Believe in Yourself. When you believe in yourself wholly and completely it is so empowering. Believing in yourself
gives you a solid foundation to build on. It is not easy, I know, it took many years and working on my mindset to believe in myself. When I understood that I had a message, had stories to share, that’s when I started to believe in myself. When you take the time to know yourself, acknowledging your strengths and your weaknesses it gives you the power to move forward. It gives you the power to say no to those negative voices. When you first start in business you can often fall into the trap of letting you competitors dictate your business decisions. It is so easy to compare your self and your business to those in the same or similar business to you. You see others doing similar things to you and having success and you find yourself thinking why can’t I have the same success. I can do what they are doing, I’m better. Then the spiral starts to come in – if I am not succeeding like they then I can’t be better, I can’t be good, until you are in Imposter Syndrome! That’s when you acknowledge that you are unique. Every person on this planet is unique. Each of us have our own life experiences and our expertise. Own your uniqueness – it is what makes you stand out from your competitors. Your unique approach to your business, to the solutions you share with your clients is what will attract those who resonate with you and want to work with you. Take 60 seconds of insane courage: 20 seconds to acknowledge the negative voices; 20 seconds to say no and replace with positive statements – I am good enough, I can do this, I am an expert, I am awesome; and 20 seconds to smile and say yes to opportunities, yes to starting your business, yes to writing that book. I am often asked what happens if that Imposter Syndrome starts to creep in again. And yes, it may. Your business will not be smooth. There will be ups and downs and often if you are not well, if challenges happen it can be easy to let the negative voices impact. I have had it happen to me. My answer is to look at third party credibility. I turn to testimonials I have received and read them. I look at awards I have received and acknowledge receipt of those awards. Testimonials express the viewpoint of my clients and how I have helped them. I can’t be a fraud if they have taken the time to write how I have supported them, changed their lives. Awards have come from unbiased, impartial judges who have looked at my business, my vision, my mission and have seen the value and the authenticity in what I do. I can’t be a fraud if they have acknowledged my success, my expertise. When you overcome Imposter Syndrome and Believe in Yourself – awesome things happen. Opportunities come, you move forward on your journey and into your success. I know because that is what has happened to me and for my business. I have won awards, I have heaps of testimonials, I have helped clients, I have had successes, I have written, co-authored, contributed to 19 books. I am awesome, you are awesome – we are all unique.
Trish Springsteen Founder Purple Unicorn™ Marketing Academy
IS YOUR FAMILY EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE A FINANCIAL TRAGEDY? It’s my goal to eliminate your fears concerning money. Schedule a free financial wellness chat today! k 12
Do you need help to start dreaming and to help discover your Why. Grab this free worksheet.
Power Words How many times in a day would you be looking for motivation? While working 9 to 5 that would be me. Take these power words and cut them all or a few of them and post where you see them. Better yet tear the whole page out and hang them in front of you.
very night, whether it is summer or winter, there are hundreds
lives and different stories. Perhaps if we understand that the only
of people sleeping on the streets. They are on the city
“difference” between us is that one side has a roof and food, and
sidewalks without coats, jackets or even shoes. Men, women,
the other has nothing, we would do better. We are all flesh and
boys and girls, in their teens here and all over the world. Some
blood. We are all mankind. So, configure your mind to see them as
have been raped, robbed, beaten and even mutilated. All because
that - human beings. That way, it would be easier to show kindness.
they lack one important thing - shelter. Every day, people like you
Empathy is essential, it has always been, and it will always be. We
and me, walk past these people and most of us do nothing. Some
can not help the next person if we do not have empathy. Begin to
of us give disgusting looks, ignore them and judge them inwardly.
see the unhoused as humans and kindness will flow easily.
Some even yell at these people who have been victims of life's circumstances, pretending these people are not the same people like us but just unhoused. Some of us stop and throw a coin or two. But we all go back to our busy lives and forget about the invisible ones on the sidewalks.
Being kind to others can lift our spirits and improve our well-being. It is especially important for persons who are unhoused to receive a welcoming gesture that will help them overcome
Yes, structures have been made to cater for the unhoused. So it
the solitude, depression, and
shouldn’t be any of our business, right? Well, it is our business.
embarrassment they experience
Homeless shelters can no longer cater for the entirety of the
on a daily basis.
unhoused population. Day by day more individuals and families are added to the list of those being turned away by these shelters. It is up to us then to do something about the unhoused people in our
Here are 6 acts of kindness you can try:
neighborhood. How do we start? How can we possibly help? How
Say Hello, Smile, And Make
many can we possibly help? All great things have small beginnings,
Eye Contact With Each Other.
remember? You can start with kindness. You can help as many
The unhoused may feel as if they
people as you can. All you have to do is start with one person, and
aren't even there. Respect is
one small act of kindness. Yes! Kindness is a currency we can all
one of the best ways to aid the
put to use and we can spend infinite amounts of kindness to our
unhoused. You confirm their
Unhoused populace.
humanity when you look into
We need to stop looking at the unhoused ( I like to call them unhoused) as those who just need a pair of used shoes, hot cocoa, a slice of bread or shelter. We need to start looking at the
their eyes, speak to them with
that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
genuine interest, and respect their worth as an individual.
unhoused as more than their needs or circumstances. We need
Donate One Old Item Of
to start looking at the unhoused as human beings with different
Clothes Each Time You Buy
“I have learned
–Maya Angelou
A New One. Donate your unwanted clothing to those in need while you go through your closet. There will always be a need for clothing of all shapes and sizes. In the winter, sweaters and coats are in high demand. Shoes, on the other hand, are the most difficult to find and undervalued items on the street. Make Two Sandwiches And Give One Away. An easy way to save time, in the long run, is to pack an extra lunch. Nonperishable foods can be stored for a long period of time. Simple snacks, such as peanut butter crackers, applesauce and an energy bar can make all the difference in the world to someone who is starving. Give A Person A Job Or Help Them Get A Job. There is nothing more rewarding than the opportunity to help someone's life, whether it's a security guard or an employee in the filing department. Even if it's only to mow the lawn. Buy Someone New Socks And Underwear. New socks and underwear at homeless shelters are some of the most requested, yet under-donated, goods. Despite the fact that many of the unhoused wash their feet, they still have to wear their filthy socks. So, buy that man on the sidewalk socks today. Gift Groceries Or Cash. Gifting a hot dinner is an alternative if you don't want to spend money. Providing a warm place to rest and access to a restroom with running water, soap, and a toilet for those in need are great too. Alternatively, give a cash and they can get what they want at the store. Sometimes a gift card won’t work because if they are not “clean enough” the store will not let them in to buy anything. Never Judge. They Are Human Too. Some people assume that persons who become unhoused are so because of their own poor decisions. Or they are on the streets by choice. However, being homeless might be the result of a variety of factors. In many cases, the homeless are still employed, but they are unable to pay their rent due to the lack of a decent salary. Others include victims of domestic violence, veterans addicted to drugs or people who have gone bankrupt because of a catastrophic sickness or injury. So never judge. The unhoused are never less human than you are. Let me end with this quote I love so much: Our New Address is: 9431 Haven Ave #100 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
You can sign up and download a free copy of the Self-Discovery Journal on 19
y career was less than motivating. My friendships were reduced to infrequent text messaging. My “super mom” energy was a facade. My marriage was two words away from collapsing. And my identity had become a question mark. My “cup” was so empty it was beginning to crack… I was in desperate need of Decision Permission. “Decision Permission is the contentment that only comes from the personal journeys we willingly take to
contemplate, act upon, and learn from the challenging decisions we face throughout our lives. -Kristy Jean, Decision Permission: Five States of Support for Every Level of Decision Making All of these areas of my life were falling apart, because I just kept avoiding “the work”. I didn’t want to face the fact that I was struggling, because I knew that facing my fears meant that I would have to make change–for myself and others. Although we have so little control over what happens to us in the course of a day, we have so many false senses of control that give us hope that if we just try hard enough, we can keep everything in “order” and everyone “happy”. I slowly came to realize, though, that my endless efforts to avoid rocking other peoples’ boats were slowly sinking my own. It was time for me to figure out who I was and what I needed in this one and only life I was blessed to live. This is where the “Five States of Support” were born. Through research, my leadership experiences in education, and a wealth of tears on yoga mats, in meditation classes, and throughout reflection retreats, I developed these five states to provide a sense of control in those times when life leads us to believe we have none. These “states”--not stages–lend themselves to a linear path, but they honor the truth that our lives are not linear, and so you can dive into and around the states as decisions are made for you and by you: *From Decision Permission by Kristy Jean
State 1: Ponder reminds us to Get Quiet and Make Lists, doing the work to understand who we are and what we need. State 2: Prepare guides us as we implement intentional shifts to our routines and rituals. State 3: Produce walks with us as we face and/or make our decisions. State 4: Persevere reassures us on our path and provides small, tangible steps to help us just…keep… going. State 5: Process encourages us to pause, reflect, & look for patterns that we can carry forward as we continue to make decisions in our lives.
When you reflect on decisions that have been made for you and by you in your professional and/or personal lives, which State/s do you already engage with? Which States could you use support from? Where do you find yourself at the present moment in your life? Do you find yourself struggling more with the decisions themselves or with the permission only you can provide? One truth we all share in common is that decisions will continue to impact us throughout our lives. And regardless of the unique factors surrounding those decisions, we share one more truth–only we can give ourselves permission to face those moments & move forward on a more hopeful path. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kristy Jean is a speaker, educator, & the author of Decision Permission: Five States of Support for Every Level of Decision Making (Available in paperback, audio book, & ebook on Collaborate with Kristy Jean for your next book club, speaking engagement, or business coaching event: Learn more at
Subscribe Today As low as $12 a year 21
The Journey of Personal Development By Kenny Ingersoll
he journey of personal development is a very individual and personal (hence the term personal development) journey. I am an analogy person so I will reference some analogies in this article. One thing to understand with this article is that you are a business, you are the business of _____INC. In my case I am the business of Kenny Ingersoll INC. Imagine for a moment if you will that your business is like a skyscraper, to go up you must go down. When you design a
skyscraper, it is like designing the goal in your business and life. Then once the design is approved you prepare the build location, you bring in the equipment -books, courses, study material- and crew -mentors, mastermind partners, accountability partners- to start digging the foundation. The foundation is the main part of personal development. You must dig deep in the ground to be able to create a foundation that will support the building that will rest on top of it, in like manner you have to go within and build the internal mindset in order to support the skyscraper of the business and life you have designed to build.
"Hold the dream: Just like the skyscraper, your dream will take time to become reality. Keep going, don’t quit, don’t water down your dream." As the building starts to be built you may encounter a lot of opposition. It may come from worker strikes- naysayers, it may come from people that don’t want the building to be built- haters, it may be thoughts of doubt, it may be from supply shortage- scarcity mindset. To an outsider, the foundation may look like just a hole in the dirt and the piles of building material may look like piles of stuff. Even when the building is halfway complete it may look like just walls and floors- nothing attractive or noteworthy in their eyes- but to the designer it looks like a masterpiece coming together. Even an outsider will start to recognize the progress when the building is at that step. When the skyscraper is complete and all the people come to admire the now finished masterpiece you will find, often among the biggest congratulators, are the same people that were the naysayers when all that was visible was a hole for the foundation. Here are a few steps to help you along the way. Have a dream: Create that masterpiece in your mind then write it down on paper. No one else must see or believe in your dreamjust you.
Create a plan: Decide on a plan to start building your
words, he is a Money Mindset, Dream Big Coach and Podcast
masterpiece. At once (as in immediately) put that plan
host. His passion is helping and serving others. He loves
into action, do not concern yourself with trivial things
helping others get a jump start on life and reduce some of
such as I don’t know how or I don’t have the people or
the “If I'd only known at your age what I know now” by sharing
resources, start anyway and you will figure it out. The
his knowledge and experience with everyone he can.
Universe will put the resources in your path as you do the work and follow your intuition. Understand that your plan may change along the way- you may have detours and setbacks but keep going. Remember that even though your plan may change the vision does not.
In February 2021 he started a show called Passion, Purpose, and Possibilities where he and his guest host talk about all things under those topics. He is currently in the process of writing a book. Kenny lives in Salt Lake City with his family.
Fine tuning the dream: The great thing with your vision is that it’s yours! You can tweak it, add to it, create it however you want. As you are putting your plan into action keep refining your dream to what aligns with you. Note I said you and not those around you or what Facebook thinks your dreams should be- YOU. When you describe your skyscraper, you need to define it so you know what color the flowers will be sitting on the windowsill on the top floor. If you described your dream to me and I didn’t paint the exact picture you have in your mind, then you need to add more clarity and detail to your dream. Immerse yourself in the dream: Imagine yourself riding the elevator to the top floor, and you walk over to the window and smell the flowers. What color are the flowers? What kind of flowers are they? How many? What does the vase look like? Is there carpet or tile or hardwood on the floor? How many windows? Is it a balcony? Who is with you? What drink is in your hand? Hold the dream: Just like the skyscraper, your dream will take time to become reality. Keep going, don’t quit, don’t water down your dream. Assemble the crew: Just like needing a crew when building an actual skyscraper, you need a crew of people when building a dream. You are the grand architect and designer- that is your role. You need people that will support you in your growth, help you become better, bring you out of your comfort zone. People like mentors- in person, virtual and via book or audio, you will want to surround you with people whose vision are in alignment with yours. Kenny Ingersoll is an entrepreneur, business owner, financial professional, speaker, and mentor. In other
YOUR MINDSET HOLDS THE POWER By Kera Asberry YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT? Have you ever heard of the saying, “You are what you eat”? The same goes for “You are what you think”. Remember the days when you were a child and you didn’t have any fears, you had so many dreams and did not care what anyone thought of you? I always tell people that we have to get back to the mindset of a child but on a mature level. It is so easy to let other people put labels on us and we start to live by what others think of us. When I was in middle school and high school, I was not liked by my peers. They said I was an Oreo, I was a nerd, I was ugly and that no one liked me. I started to believe that and guess what...I started to slowly feel unattractive, unworthy, and unfit to be amongst my peers. By the time I reached my tenth-grade year, I started to build my own confidence. I questioned myself daily by asking “Will these people matter to my life after high school?” “Why do I care what others think of me?” and “What makes them the king/queen that determines who I am when I know myself better than anyone else?” From that day forward, the most important thing for me was to love myself and think of myself as a great person. I was doing affirmations before I even knew what they were. The most priceless thing you can have is love for yourself. If you think badly about yourself, you will soon start to feel bad and then you will become bad. If you are constantly thinking about how much you dislike your current situation, your situation is only going to get worse. Always think about the positive, even if you cannot see the positive at that moment. FEED YOUR MIND WITH POSITIVITY Can you think about the last thing you watched or heard? Was it more geared towards negativity or positivity? If you are feeding your mind with negativity, you will start to think and speak negatively. Are you watching more television filled with negative programs or are you reading a personal development book on your free time? Are you spending a lot of your time around friends and family where you are constantly filling their cups up with positivity and you feel like you are left on empty or are you spending your time around people who are already where you would like to be. Iron sharpens iron. You must make sure you are feeding your mind with things that is going to help it grow. We are all hit with trials and tribulations throughout our lives. We must focus on not just the challenges we face day to day but how we look at these challenges. When you have an obstacle arise, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn. We are put here to grow through things that we are faced. Let’s be real, life can be hard. You have to change
VISION MADE MAGAZINE your mindset into how can I solve this problem and how can I learn from this challenge. So how can we
combat negative thoughts? What has helped me is
When we sit in pain for a period of time, it eats the life away from
I wear a stretchy bracelet on one wrist. Anytime a
us. I am not saying you should just forget about everything bad that
negative thought comes into my head, I immediately
has happened to you. You wouldn’t be human if you could do that.
pop the bracelet on my wrist and replace the thought
When you go through past traumas, disappointments, heartaches,
with something positive and then switch the bracelet
life challenges, etc., you start to feel those negative emotions such
to the other wrist. Look, this is going to take practice
as anger, guilt, resentment, sadness, and maybe even jealousy.
and I am still perfecting it but starting and executing is all that matters. Make sure you are giving your mind with positive nutrition to help it grow. CONFIDENCE AND MINDSET ARE SIBLINGS Confidence and mindset are related to one another. When I was younger, I looked up to female bosses… not just CEOs but true BOSSES. I see them running an empire, taking care of business, and calling the
Whatever it is that is causing you pain, forgive that person, the action, and forgive yourself. Forgiveness is one of the major challenges that has taken me years to get it down the way that made sense to me. The purpose of forgiveness is to not let it shackle you and keep you down in that negative emotion when you think about it. The mind is a huge catalog of memories, experiences, and knowledge that you have accumulated throughout the years. Our job is to archive anything that is going to put us back into that negative mindset.
shots fearlessly. I wanted to be that woman who
What I have done throughout the years is write down any past
had their stuff together and can walk inside a room
traumas- one by one. Write down why it hurts me to this day then I
and people knew who the boss was. As a got older, I
write down how will this affect my life if I keep holding on to it. Is this
realized that these women were not only confident
trauma still relevant to my life? Most of the time, it is never relevant.
but they knew who they were. I used to ask myself why am I not strong and confident like these women that I looked up to. The answer was they had a different mindset than myself. I subconsciously was still believing what I have been told for years by my peers. I was doing a lot of negative self-talk and doubted myself. I noticed that if I wanted to be like the women I inspired to be, then I can definitely do it. Who is going to stop me from being a strong, independent woman? Only I can dictate my future and it took me years to discover that I always had the power. So, what did I do? I started hanging around other “boss” women. I was talking to them more, asking questions, and learning that they all had a great story to tell about how they went through the trenches to get where they are today. I started reading personal development books, replacing my radio with audiobooks and motivational videos
I am the only person making it relevant and I need to forgive that person, forgive my actions as well as their actions, and let it go. After I seal it, I write down what I learned from that experience. Every experience we have is a learning experience. I will give you an example. I mentioned earlier that I had classmates from grade school who just did not like me. I did not fit in as the black girl that they wanted me to be. They called me names, behind my back and to my face. They also made me feel unattractive. I held on to this for a good decade or so. One day I wrote down this trauma. I asked myself, “Who am I?” I started writing it all down. I asked, “Are these people still relevant in my life?” The answer was no. My final question was “Then why bother being upset about people who are no longer serving in your life?” I was actually stumped and wondered to myself, why am I still worried about people I have not seen in years and who are all living their separate lives? I quickly forgave myself for being so absorbed with being hurt by people who are no longer in my life and I forgave them because we were kids and we just didn’t understand each other.
and I found myself a mentor. To be someone that
I learned from that experience that you must always know who you
you want to be, you have to change what you are
are before allowing someone else to define who you are. It is so easy
currently doing to be that person you would like
to allow people to come in your life that doesn’t know you to judge
to become. You have to get out of your own way
you. Sometimes people really just have a problem with themselves
and break all of those limiting beliefs that were put
more than you. I let it go. When you let go of pain, you can start to
upon you since you were a kid. Confidence is built
receive many blessings you have been waiting for. Let your mind be
once you develop a growth mindset. Fill your mind
at peace from any past pain or trauma so you can start to live the
with affirmations, positive self-talk, and positive
life that you want. Your mind holds the key to your success, who you
reinforcement from others. Write your own story
aspire to be, and your overall happiness.
and tell it how you want it to be told. Do not allow someone to write your story for you.
The holidays are a time of gift-giving, receiving, and spending time with those important in your life. It is also a time of selfreflection and soul-searching so you can figure out your New Year’s Resolution, one that will make a long-lasting positive impact. One year was rough for me and that’s exactly what I did. I wanted the next year to be different. How many of you failed at something, got discouraged, and started to think you were a fake? When I fail at something, that’s the first thing that comes to my mind. While others have the instinct to blame the situation or someone else, I internalize everything, and instead ask myself, ‘What could I have done better?’, ‘Could I have prevented this from happening?’ Or worse yet, ‘Why did I think I can succeed at this? I’m in way over my head!’. What we experience is commonly known as Imposter Syndrome. According to the American Psychology Association, up to 82% of us experience Imposter Syndrome, 65% of us as professionals. As an IT Professional for over 25 years, I’ve experienced situations which caused me to me to ask those questions. One year, I decided to earn the mother of all certifications in my field as a Project Manager - the Project Management Professional Certification. I took the virtual exam a few months after starting the journey of intense studying. After going through a rigorous check-in process, I was finally cleared to start. I took a deep breath and dove in when the clock started. Unfortunately, I struggled through the questions, and ran out of time. My heart sank and I resolved to the fact that I didn’t do well. I braced for the result. I read the words ‘You did not meet the minimum requirements to pass this exam’. At that point the camera was no longer active, and I became emotional. This was one for the books on epic fails. I reviewed the more detailed results with a mentor and came up with another plan of attack. I would focus my next round of studying on the sections I did poorly in. After a week of decompressing, I went at it again. A few weeks later, I felt ready and more confident. But after the 2nd attempt, I failed once more. I took a break from this experience as I felt deflated and unmotivated. What was wrong with me? I studied diligently and still failed. I’ve been a Project Manager for many years, why can't I do this? My colleagues all passed on the first try - clearly there was something wrong with me! I went through many months of running on autopilot, focusing on my challenging career and home life. I tried to not think of my failure, but when I did, it brought me to a dark mental place.
As I approached the one-year mark since I committed to this journey,
our situation from a different perspective
I decided to finish what I started. I reassessed what might have
and think of healthy ideas to overcome
gone wrong and really dug deep into my learning style, my mental
our issues.
capacity, my learning environment. I attended a boot-camp class to get me over the hump. A few weeks after the bootcamp, I took the exam.
Develop coping skills: Coming up with a tactical plan to address the issue rather than let it weigh down on us sharpens
I felt more confident this time around, as I was able to quickly
our emotional intelligence. Deliberately
identify the incorrect choices and I breezed through the questions.
taking inventory and exploring ways to
I took the breaks more confidently, still taking deep breaths, chugging ice water to wake up my senses, and mentally regrouping. I finished the exam early and prevented myself from second guessing and changing answers that were correct.
showcase our strengths will help us reduce the imposter syndrome we face. We can turn a negative situation into a positive opportunity, a purpose. All of us go through negative situations we
The next screen said it all. ‘Congratulations! You met the minimum
can’t control, which makes us question our
requirements to pass the Project Management Professional exam!’
competency as individuals, especially when
At that moment, I let it all out. I stood up, bolted my arms to the sky
road-blockers come up in our careers.
while still staring at the screen. ‘YEAH!’ I didn’t realize my volume got louder and more primal as I drew out that word. All the months of studying, frustration, fatigue, burn-out, emotional breakdowns – were released in word. I felt the hot tears coming down my face, all the while grinning from ear to ear. The camera light was still on. I did not care if the proctor saw me. I passed what Exam Labs in 2019 recognized as the 2nd toughest certification exam ever in IT! I DID IT!
How we react to those situations will determine our success in overcoming those life challenges. We can practice self-care, connect with others to build our support system, develop coping skills and most importantly, the confidence to beat that negative energy. We can ask the universe or powers that be to guide us in our quest. Through self-discovery
Learning from this experience, what I failed to do was keep my own
and redefining our success, we can turn our
mental health in check. I eventually got tired of wallowing in my
guilt, anger, and self-doubt into an opportunity
own self-doubt and realized the key to surviving life’s challenges is
to become better versions of ourselves and
balancing out mental health and redefining what success means
realize our self-worth.
to me. Did success mean just passing the exam, or did I want to resonate with the content? I couldn’t control how challenging it was, but I could shift my focus. That realization made me a Warrior in my own battle.
As you close out 2022 and think of your goals for the upcoming year, I invite you to join me in this life-long
There is a bright side! Imposter Syndrome should NOT cripple us
journey to no longer believe
when we fail. Whenever we face Imposter Syndrome, here are a
we are imposters – we are
few ways to help us gain that positive mental energy when faced
Warriors with a Purpose.
with situations we can’t control: 1.
Practice Self-Care: Eat healthy and be physically active. It will help us clear our minds and get us to that mental happy place for us to move forward in life.
Connect: Connecting with others helps us focus on the positive aspects of life through interaction. It is a way to help us look at
eople come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Our personalities are as unique as our fingerprints. We come from many different nationalities, cultures, and creeds. Sprinkled among every population, you will find neurodiverse people. Some even refer to themselves as ‘Neuro-spicy’. What does it mean? Where did the idea of neurodiversity come from? I’m so glad you asked, let’s take a closer look!
The term neurodivergent was started by Judy Singer in the mid 90’s. She’s a sociologist and autism advocate. She wanted to highlight the fact that autism could be considered a difference instead of disorder. Some autistic people will have higher support needs than others. It’s not a ‘one size fits and explains all’ condition. Now, neurodiverse or neurodivergent refers to many different types of people. It covers the broad spectrum of autism, ADHD, dyslexia in all its forms, Tourette’s, and more. It means someone whose brain structure, function, and learning processes differ from the usual or typical brain. We’re beginning to understand that these conditions are based on genetics, rather than environmental factors. For instance, ADHD is described as polygenic. This just means it’s a whole, big, spaghetti mess of the human genome that science hasn’t untangled just yet. Neurodiverse people, with all the different types and sorts, make up between 15-30% of the world’s population. As our brains are neatly tucked away, neurodiversity is recognized by different behaviors and experiences. It’s only very recently that we have come to understand how broad the spectrum of autism really is, or how ADHD carries on into adulthood. Even less well known was how neurodifferences show up in girls and women. It’s an exciting time of discovery and advancement. As someone with ADHD myself, I know first hand how being neurodiverse has its challenges and advantages. I struggle to create habits for self care tasks and to prioritize chores. I can easily forget information or ideas, my desk is covered in sticky notes for reminders. I will have to fidget with something, anything, if I’m going to pay attention in a not-so riveting meeting or lecture. On the other hand, I have amazing problem solving skills. I love creative challenges and enjoy many different hobbies. By drawing on my many different skills and treasure trove of trivia facts, I can make connections across many different genres and disciplines. If I’m interested in a new topic, it won’t take long for me to gather a literal ton of information in hyperfocus mode. Since I enjoy learning something about just about everything, it’s a fun way to spend a day or two. I might forget to eat and sleep, but I will be able to tell you all you want to know about the topic and more. Being neurodiverse, in all its spicy goodness, is something you are, not something you choose.
“Variety is the spice of life, that gives it all its flavor.” -William Cowper
It’s a part of your life and body, like the color of your eyes or height. What we can choose is how we support ourselves and each other. We all deserve respect and consideration. Whether neurotypical or neurodiverse, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. When we acknowledge and accept one another, we can create a better world to share.
SELF LOVE Our parents' mindsets are slowly killing us. Pretty bold statement, I know but hear me out for just a moment. The notion of self-sacrifice or bearing a brave face through adversity is something that seems to have crippled an entire generation with some pretty severe consequences for multiple generations that
would sink if it wasn’t for your constant give, give, give all need to
followed. The idea of personal time, investing in mental health,
be re-evaluated. Reciprocity is a necessary part of any friendship or
or even maintaining our physical health has long been a taboo
relationship and continuing to struggle through them just because
subject meant for a softer generation. Hinting that we lack the grit
it's something you’ve always done is counterproductive. I challenge
to sustain a balance in our lives for our highest good.
each of you to take a step back and ask yourselves which habits,
The Fact of the matter is that the avoidance of some of our basic human needs causes a disruption within us or an imbalance in our inner divinity. The detachment from the reality of the connection
friendships, mindsets or relationships are no longer serving me and in what capacity do they need to change to offer the reciprocity necessary to maintain that healthy balance.
between the space we offer ourselves and the space we offer
Begin with starting each day with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
others. Self-love is spoken so freely yet so many struggles with
When you wake up, before you do anything else, thank your body for
the true meaning of an act of self-love. I’ve worked with thousands
healing while you sleep, thank your mind for finding peace throughout
of clients over the years and the number one issue I’ve seen with
the night, and thank your spirit for thriving another day. These seemingly
nurturing self-love is perception. What will people think? What will
simple acts become a catalyst for the entire day and sets into motion
they say? Am I being selfish? I promise you, none of the above is
a mindset of self-love. Offering your conscience a reprieve from the
true. What is true however is that self-love is a gift we offer not
unhelpful ideals that sacrificing your needs, wants, and desires is the
only to ourselves but those we love and are always putting first.
only way to show or prove to others that you love and care for them.
We’re teaching people how to treat us based on how we are willing
The moral of the story is don’t beat yourself up, don’t overthink it,
to treat ourselves. The same is true for teaching people how to
and most importantly don’t second guess what brings you peace.
love us. We can only ever meet someone where we have first
We are issuing new constructs, we are healing generational traumas,
met ourselves anyway, correct? Why is self-love the key to our
broken systems of lacking mindsets, and absent family bonds. That
happiness? Ultimately we are filling our own cup, we are finding
all requires some serious nurturing. Journaling and speaking life into
and balancing fulfillment within ourselves that can only come from
your spirit, be it through prayer or affirmations, can quickly catapult
within. Acts of self-love will look incredibly different for each and
you into your self-love journey. At the end of the day, you are the only
every soul on this planet.
one who knows exactly what you need when you need it.
For one it may be having their coffee on the patio in the morning
It’s a truly beautiful thing to recognize the light that
while for another it may be taking the long way home from work.
others possess. So, live boldly, unapologetically,
The goal is to fill your cup, have a mani-pedi, take an early morning
and divinely and simultaneously watch those you
walk, turn the electronics completely off for an hour or two in the
love most step into their power, heal through self-
evening, dance to your favorite song while cleaning and so on, you
love and meet you where you are beginning to meet
see where I’m going here. Anything that truly feels good or raises
yourself. This is how we truly heal generational
your vibration in any capacity is an act of self-love.
traumas, one single act of self-love at a time.
With that being said it’s equally important to mention that those conversations you subject yourself to on a regular basis that seem to leave you drained and listless or those friendships that
This quarter Visionary in the Boardroom is Melanie Perkins You ask who she is....she is the co-founder of Canva. You ask why?? Here on the team we are always using Canva for graphics. So we thought it would be fun to learn about the person behind Canva, what was their inspiration to starting the company, along with an inspirational quote and so much more. We hope you find her story inspiring for you to go after your What's Next. Q: When was Canva started? A: It was started in 2013 in Australia with co- founder Cliff Q: Why was Canva started? A: Perkins seen students struggled to learn Adobe Photoshop. The struggle was so deep it would take students a semester to learn the basics.Then she thought to create a platform where no technical experience was required. Q: How many investors did she pitch her idea to? A: To thousands Q: What Awards and Recognitions has Canva received? A: Canva was named 2022 Top Startup for Enterprises Q: Little known facts about Ms. Perkins She is one of the youngest female CEOs of a tech led startup In May 2021, Perkins was named one of Australia's richest women. She pursued her first business Fusion Books after she dropped out of college Q: After all the countless Nos, what is the worth of Canva? A: As of today is worth over $400 Billion Dollars. Can you imagine how all those that said no is feeling right now????? Quote: If the whole thing was about building wealth, that would be the most uninspiring thing I could possibly imagine. I hope her story empowers you to go after the What’s Next no matter how many times you hear NO.
As the year is ending. It is time set new goals. What a perfect gift, Vision Made Vision Board Kit. The kit was created for no excuses. Everything is include so you don't have to purchase anything more. You can set goals for yourself or you could have a Vision Board Party, only $25
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