1 minute read
• Before disembarking, have your COVID-19 PCR test result (in English) or your BIMSAFE QR
CODE visible. These results will be screened for validity by the Ministry of Health and
Wellness in Barbados.
• Remember to wear your mask while at the airport.
• All travellers must undergo health screening.
• If you haven’t submitted proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test result or the test is not validated, you may be denied entry to the country.
• Persons with a valid negative COVID-19 PCR test result may still be required to take a rapid (COVID-19 antigen) test upon arrival. The results of the rapid test will be returned before the traveller is permitted to leave the airport.
• Should a person's rapid test be returned positive they will be required to have a COVID-19
PCR test taken. Should that test prove positive they will be required to enter into a period of isolation at a Government facility.
Travellers will be required to retest with a COVID-19 PCR test 5 days (120 hours) after their arrival in the country. If the result of that second PCR test is negative, that traveller can now enjoy unrestricted movement. Travellers who refuse to have a second test may be denied entry or quarantined for 14 days.
Due to the limited capacity, the government quarantine facilities which are provided free of cost and used for accommodation prior to 2nd tests, will be reserved for Barbadians and permanent residents arriving in Barbados.