The South Fyn Archipelago – Faaborg, Svendborg, Langeland and Ærø

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Svendborg | Faaborg | Langeland | Ærø




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Tryksag 5041 0072

Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago Fifty-five! That’s the number of islands and islets in the South Fyn Archipelago, one of the country’s most beautiful regions – and the one best suited to tell the story of Denmark as an island kingdom. On a clear summer’s day, the view of the islands dotting the shallow blue sea is breath-taking. Each island is affiliated with a market town on the mainland – making the harbours in Rudkøbing, Faaborg, and Svendborg the gates to the archipelago. The market towns themselves are characterised by cobblestone streets, secret back alleys, and a vibrant commercial life. And outside the towns, the rolling hills and winding coastlines invite you to go hiking on The Archipelago Trail all year round. Learn about the centuries-long history of shipbuilding in Svendborg, visited each year by thousands of yachters. In

Faaborg, you can dive straight into the fjord at the mid-town bathhouse, or enjoy the picturesque charm of the narrow streets. You are never far from unspoiled beaches, idyllic village ponds, quaint seaside towns – or the small archipelago islands, which are easily reached, whether you visit them by ferry or in your own boat. We are not alone in praising the region, as it is currently in the process of becoming a UNESCO Global Geopark. There are already lots to experience in connection with Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago. Take a trip to the South Fyn Archipelago and discover coastal Denmark at its most vibrant throughout the year. We are looking forward to showing you around!


Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago

When the final ice masses from the last glacial period melted, the water levels south of Fyn rose dramatically. Settlements and forests were flooded, and the sea intruded on the low lands, while the highest parts of the region remained above water. Those parts are the 55 islands and islets in today’s South Fyn Archipelago – a spectacular drowned ice-age landscape. Across South Fyn and the archipelago islands, the enormous powers of the ice masses shaped the landscape, creating rolling hills, varied coastlines, and a mild climate. In turn, those conditions have defined life in the region, characterised by shipping and farming. You enter Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago when you enter one of the four constituent municipalities: Svendborg, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Langeland, and Ærø. DISCOVER THE GEOPARK

Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago offers a wide range of experiences. You can go hiking, cycling, horseback riding, sailing, angling, or diving. You can spend the night in an outdoor shelter, visit interesting geological locations, find local coffee spots, and taste the delicious local produce. In other words, there’s something for everyone in the geopark. Get inspiration for your trip in the free app ’Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav’, at or in the ’Archipelago Map’, which is available for free at the region’s tourist offices.


Large parts of Avernakø was created by melting dead-ice – large lumps of ice from a glacier, which is no longer moving. The drowned ice-age landscape is particularly noticeable under water





The hills of Svanninge Bakker and Svanninge Bjerge are part of the so-called ’Alps of Fyn’, stretching 16 km across South Fyn and peaking at an altitude of 128 m at Trebjerg. The ’Alps of Fyn’ have been selected as a particularly interesting geospot in Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago, and if you are fond of hiking, mountain biking or horseback riding, it is a true paradise. The hills were formed in the last glacial period, when enormous masses of soil were pushed together by the advancing ice. Melting dead-ice and erosion caused by meltwater also played their part in creating the rolling hills. Meltwater clay provided the basis for small brickworks such as Gærup Teglværk, which used to be part of the Brahetrolleborg estate. Read more at and

The stretch of coast from Bagenkop to the cliff known as Dovns Klint on the southern tip of Langeland has been selected as a particularly interesting geospot in Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago. There are lots of exciting things to do and see in the Dovns Klint area: Marvel at the wild horses, visit a bird reserve, or take a walk in the coastal forest. On your way back from a visit at Dovns Klint, try ascending the large hat-shaped hill Fakkebjerg. These odd rounded hills (geologically known as ’dislocated kames’) are common all over Langeland. In fact, some of the cliffs along the coasts are actually hat hills, which have been partly eroded by the sea. Read more at and



Voderup Klint

Svanninge Bakker and Svanninge Bjerge

Thurø Østerskov



The south-eastern corner of Thurø, comprising the forest Thurø Østerskov and the beach meadow Thurø Rev, has been selected as a particularly interesting geospot in Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago. The area is loved by hikers, bird watchers, and botanists. You can find lots of wild plants growing here among the grazing animals: orchids, adder’s tongue, and field gentian. If you take a walk along the cliff east of the forest, you will find all kinds of beautiful pebbles originating in different parts of Scandinavia and brought here during the glacial periods. Thurø Rev is owned by the Danish Nature Agency and designated as a NATURA 2000 location. Due to the breeding birds, the fenced-off area on Thurø Rev is closed for visitors from 15 March to 1 July. Read more at and

The cliff known as Voderup Klint on the southern coast of Ærø has been selected as a particularly interesting geospot in Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago. Inside the cliff, there are some very sticky clay layers containing snails and shells, deposited 115,000-130,000 years ago in what was then a warm ocean. The clay layers form a slip surface upon which soil layers have slid out, shaping what resemble giant steps leading down toward the water. Furthermore, there is white sand inside the cliff, deposited by rivers and cool polar winds during the last glacial period. Stretching 3.5 km along Ærø’s southern coast and reaching a height of 33 m, Voderup Klint offers spectacular views of the sea, and there are paths leading all the way down to the water’s edge. Read more at and




Island hopping! Journey Across the Archipelago Hop on the ferry in Svendborg or Faaborg and experience the calm and serenity of the small archipelago islands. Each island has its own unique history and scenery, though they also have some things in common: splendid coastal nature and that special island vibe. Take the ferry from Svendborg to Skarø, Drejø, and Hjortø, which is home to only a handful of permanent residents. Bjørnø, Lyø, and Avernakø are reached by ferry from Faaborg. In the summertime, extra ferries enable you to hop from one island to the next without setting foot on Funish soil. HOW TO HOP FROM ISLAND TO ISLAND Go island hopping for one day or a whole week – for the same price. Tickets can be used for up to seven days and for all ferries. Get your ticket at ø THE ARCHIPELAGO

’Det Sydfynske Øhav’ is the Danish name for the shallow waters south of Fyn and the archipelago comprising more than 55 island and islets – it’s the world’s largest drowned ice-age landscape. The area was flooded during the Stone Age, which created the islands’ unique hilly terrain. The ice-age landscape stretches from Helnæs Bay west of Faaborg, across the Alps of South Fyn, and to the small fishing village of Lundeborg on the east coast. From South Fyn, the archipelago stretches south, with Langeland and Ærø being the southernmost islands. In total, the area spans more than 480 km2.






This small island is known for its beautiful scenery and interesting bird and animal life, though the passionate islanders have done their part as well to put Skarø firmly on the map: Skarø has a music festival held each year in August, an ice-cream manufacturer selling ice-cream all over the world, a summer café with its own smokehouse, an apothecary garden, and lots more in addition to all the scenic sights. The island, half an hour’s ferry trip from Svendborg, has several accommodation options Get your ferry tickets at Read more about Skarø at

Located south-west of Faaborg, Lyø is the westernmost island of the archipelago. Lyø’s greatest attractions are its peace and quiet, its clean air and beautiful scenery as well as the old village with its many half-timbered houses. The island’s farms are located around the village ponds in the historic town, which is considered one of Denmark’s most interesting village communities. Klokkestenen – the Bell Stone – is a several thousand years old dolmen chamber. Clear notes ring out from the stone formation when you strike it. From Faaborg, it takes about 35 minutes to reach Lyø, where you can find a grocery store, cafés, and several accommodation options. Get your ferry tickets at Read more about Lyø at


Bring your bikes when you go to Drejø. From the eastern ferry berth, there are only 4 km to the island’s westernmost point, a cliff offering a spectacular view of the archipelago. The trip takes you past Drejet, a narrow isthmus with water on both sides. On the north coast, the old harbour of Gammel Havn is a charming sight, and Bækkildestrand on the south coast is the best place to go for a swim. Drejø has a grocery store, a local museum, a café, and farm shops selling local products. The island is one hour and 15 minutes from Svendborg by ferry and offers several options for accommodation. Get your ferry tickets at Read more about Drejø at AVERNAKØ

Avernakø is a special island, as it originally consisted of two islands – Avernak and Korshavn – which, in 1937, were connected by a dam called ‘Drejet’. The island has a rich birdlife, lovely beaches and lots of open space. Avernakø is known for its two maypoles, located in the villages of Avernak and Munke. Once a year, on the Saturday before Pentecost, villagers convene around the pole. In Denmark, maypoles are only found on Avernakø and the nearby island of Strynø. Only 100 islanders live on Avernakø, and they all jointly own the island’s grocery store. There are plenty of comfortable accommodation options as well as nice places to eat on Avernakø, which is reached by ferry from Faaborg in either 35 or 60 minutes, depending on your choice of ferry service. Get your ferry tickets at Read more about Avernakø at


With only four permanent residents, Hjortø is among the least-populated islands in Denmark. Hjortø’s diverse nature is often visited by flocks of migrating birds, amongst them the majestic sea eagle and the small wren. The islanders have spotted more than 100 different bird species on Hjortø. If you love the outdoors, Hjortø is the perfect choice. You can spend the night in a shelter or put up your own tent. Hjortø is an hour away from Svendborg by ferry. Get your ferry tickets at Read more about Hjortø at SVELMØ

This uninhabited hidden treasure is owned by two families, who rent out Svelmø’s houses as holiday homes. You can’t reach Svelmø by ferry, only via the low-tide road from the road ‘Østergyden’ between Nab and Nakkebølle on Fyn. To reach Svelmø, you then have to wade about 500 m with water up to your knees. The trip can be made in a more comfortable manner, though, in the back of a tractor. On Thursdays throughout summer, you can go on a guided tractor tour with local Svelmø expert, Jan. Once you have reached Svelmø, the guided tour continues on foot. The three-four-hour trip ends with a dinner on the beach: grilled fish or beef from Svelmø with locally sourced potatoes on the side. Go to to read more about Svelmø and to book your Svelmø trip



Bjørnø is first mentioned in the 13th century, then spelled Byørnø, meaning the island inhabited by bears. Don’t worry, though, there haven’t been any bear sightings lately… Cars are not allowed on Bjørnø, and bikes are not recommended either, but you can walk around the island in a couple of hours. The island has plenty to offer – flat beach meadows, a rich birdlife, and tall cliffs with spectacular views of Fyn and the neighbouring islands. During summer, islanders and visitors enjoy their evening coffee together on the waterfront, watching the sunset over Faaborg and Svanninge Bakker on Fyn. Bjørnø has a charming café, an ice-cream kiosk as well as several accommodation options. The ferry ride aboard ’M/F Lillebjørn’ is only 17 minutes from Faaborg. Get your ferry tickets aboard the Bjørnø ferry, Kanalvej 24, 5600 Faaborg Read more about Bjørnø at BIRKHOLM

The people of Birkholm are known as the archipelago’s Frenchmen due to their high spirits and fun-loving attitude! With such a reputation, one may wonder why Birkholm is one of the islands in Denmark with the fewest permanent residents. Today, Birkholm has far fewer residents than houses, a lot of which are second homes for people from all over Denmark, who nevertheless spend a lot of time and energy maintaining them. Birkholm has a varied fauna, including fire-bellied toads, hares, and around 4,000 mute swans. The swans convene around Birkholm in late summer, when it is time for them to shed their flight feathers – it is quite a sight to see so many swans huddled together. Remember to be careful and respecting when enjoying Birkholm’s natural sights. Book your ferry tickets at (the mail boat sailing from Marstal on Ærø) For more information about Birkholm, go to STRYNØ

The largest of the small islands in the South Fyn Archipelago, Strynø is about 30 minutes away from Rudkøbing by ferry. The island has around 190 permanent residents, some of which are farmers or private business owners, while others are commuting to work on the larger islands. Strynø is a well-functioning community on a small scale, with day care centres, a school, a grocery store, a church and several different clubs and societies. Naturally, the close-knit local community is a big part of life on the small island. A visit to Strynø is a good opportunity to gear down while remaining active. Bring your own bike or rent one on the harbour front for only 20 DKK, and go for a tour of the island. Other options include trying out stand up paddling or learning to sail in a smack dinghy at Øhavets Smakke- og Naturcenter. Book your ferry tickets at For more information about Strynø, go to Svelmø










Svendborg – capital of the archipelago

If salt water is coursing through your veins – or you simply like the feel of it in your hair – the South Fyn Archipelago is the place to visit. Experience the archipelago from a sea kayak, on an island hopping trip, aboard the veteran ferry ‘Helge’, standing on your paddle board, or on a yacht. Or take a swim at one of the region’s great beaches.

Sometimes life is as simple as lounging in a comfy café chair, watching the busy world pass you by. That is how we prefer to live life in Svendborg. In the capital of the archipelago, it’s easy to find happiness, keep up the good spirit, and enjoy life – accompanied by some nice music. With more than 700 live concerts every year, the biggest problem is choosing whether to go to the ambitious jazz festival, the big pop and rock show, the cosy mid-town festival, the debut of a local singer-songwriter, or a late-night blues gig at one of the town’s many pubs.

The region is perfect for cycling, too, whether you prefer a longer trip with packed lunches and a thermos, or a muddy day at one of the mountain biking tracks bound to get your heart racing. If you prefer to go on foot, the long Archipelago Trail invites you for a scenic hike like no other.

The Svendborg area is a gastronomical hotspot, with Kulinarisk Sydfyn – the largest food market in the Nordics – leading the way. There are plenty of ways to satisfy your appetite: gourmet restaurants, charming cafés, and impassioned smallscale producers making everything from organic ice cream to whisky!

If the weather happens to force you indoors, you can always head for the swimming centre or the bowling alley, or visit one of the many interesting art galleries, artisanal workshops, specialty shops, castles, estates, and museums. But do remember that you are among people who like to live life to the fullest: You might just want to start out by leaning back for a while and enjoying the good life!




Explore the most social of towns If you’re lucky, you might just cross Svendborg’s charming town square at the exact moment when Povl takes his seat and starts playing melodies on the church bells. If you are a regular visitor, you will know that the town’s cheerful carillonist will play everything from classic Danish tunes to the Star Wars theme from his work station high above the town. Down on the ground, lots of joyful experiences await the curious. Take a walk around the historic Church of Our Lady from the 13th century, and follow the narrow streets until you reach the pedestrian street Møllergade, Svendborg’s creative artery. The tone is set by the concert venue and rehearsal spaces based in an old merchant’s house, and that vibe continues throughout the street, which also has a Parisian-style café, a vinyl record store, an organic bakery, an instrument shop, a gourmet restaurant, and a café serving the classic Danish open sandwich known as ’smørrebrød’ – as well as other fascinating specialty shops. When you reach the bottom of Møllergade, you find yourself in Svendborg’s Latin Quarter. Try walking down Skattergade to see the small, idyllic houses, and discover the quirky specialty shops in Korsgade. If you walk downhill from here, you will reach the harbour – the gate to the archipelago and the starting point for a trip to the fairy-tale islands. However, if you walk uphill, you will soon get to Svendborg’s other pedestrian street, Gerritsgade, which is brimming with shops and cafés. By the fountain in Gerritsgade, you are likely to see – and hear – one of the town’s numerous musicians. And if you follow in their footsteps, you will almost certainly end up at one of Svendborg’s many concert venues – you won’t find a higher ratio of concerts per citizen anywhere in Denmark. The same is said about the number of pubs and bars. Svendborg is indeed a very social town, especially in summer when the town plays host to a number of festivals. Another place to check out is Byens Gårdbutik – a farm shop located in central Svendborg, presenting high quality products made by the local food and beverage producers. Or better yet, go on a foodie tour of the region’s farms, breweries, distilleries, and ice-cream makers, as well as all the other companies contributing to Svendborg’s status as a culinary mecca. If you are in a playful mood, the tree tops at Gorilla Park north of Svendborg, the beach at Christiansminde, and Thurø’s miniature golf course (one of Europe’s best) are three wonderful options. Also, you have to visit the harbour to say hello to the local dolphin who loves to play around in the waves…


Vibrant culture on the shipyard island The shipyard whistle still sounds five times a day across the island of Frederiksø, recalling bygone memories from the heyday of shipbuilding: oil-stained boiler suits, enormous steel ships, and hundreds of shipyard workers sharing a strong sense of camaraderie. At the turn of the millennium, the shipyard Svendborg Værft closed down for good, but in recent years, new cultural forces have set up shop on the old industrial island. The shipyard buildings – the oldest of which are from the World War I era – are now home to art galleries and artisanal workshops, as well as a bike repair shop, a concert venue, and the Danish Yachting Museum, to name a few of the occupants. Along the quay, you can rent boats, play pétanque, or consume the contents of your picnic basket – or enjoy the metropolitan vibe at the beach bar while watching the sun set over the Svendborg skyline with a cocktail in hand. Quite often you will be accompanied by the newest addition to the Svendborgsund strait: a bottlenose dolphin who on a good summer’s day attracts hundreds of dolphin spotters to Frederiksø. Throughout summer, big pop and rock concerts as well as an ambitious opera festival also take place at the shipyard island. And then there’s the trusty shipyard whistle calling people to work, to lunch, and to close up for the night. It might be the oldest of its kind still in use in Denmark, but it’s not just there for old time’s sake. As it happens, there are still two active shipyards – one is a small yard making steel ships, and the other is a repair yard for wooden ships, one of the few remaining in Denmark – and their workers still heed the call of the whistle. Thanks to the two shipyards, visitors to Frederiksø still get to experience the sight of large steel ships and impressive schooners, the last of which have a long-standing connection with the illustrious Ring-Andersen shipyard. In that way, Frederiksø offers a unique mix of old and new, wood and steel, industry and culture. And don’t worry, the island is connected by bridge to the town, so it’s easy to get there on foot!




Make a friendly deal It’s official: Svendborg has been named the most charming shopping town in Denmark. It doesn’t require expert eyes to notice the vibrant and cheerful mood in Svendborg’s shopping streets. Try visiting on a Saturday morning and be part of the crowd going from one specialty shop to the next and moving between the market stalls on the town square. You also get the chance to observe the townspeople’s favourite pastime: seeing someone they know, stopping for some light conversation, exchanging stories of the past week, and then moving on to the next chance encounter. The people of Svendborg simply love to take their time and enjoy themselves. Svendborg’s town centre offers charming cafés, busy pedestrian streets, and great shopping in a wide range of high-street stores and specialty shops selling unique artisanal items as well as delicious gourmet products – and remember to explore the town’s side streets and hidden courtyards, too. Just make sure that you have plenty of time: you’re very likely to be held up by some nice music and cheerful conservation!




When Troense captured the oceans Located on the island of Tåsinge, the incredibly picturesque old shipping town of Troense is quite a unique place and looks like something out of a postcard with its many historic thatched houses. When the chamberlain Niels Juel, who resided at the nearby Valdemar’s Castle in the 18th century, gave the order to build houses with large orchard-like gardens, it signalled the beginning of an immense export success, with ships carrying fruit far and wide, to ports in the North and Baltic Seas. This trade laid the foundation for the golden age to come in the following centuries when schooners from Troense roamed the seas and travelled as far as America and Asia. The local shipbuilders saw their business thrive and probably enjoyed a glass of rum by the natural harbour, which is protected by the narrow strait.


Thanks to a thorough conservation plan, Troense still looks like its old self and tells the story of its fruit farming, shipping, and connection to Valdemar’s Castle through the well-preserved houses, gardens, and scenic surroundings. You can visit Troense by taking the veteran ferry ‘Helge’ from Svendborg, by docking at the charming marina, or by checking into the old seaside hotel. Take a walk through the enchanting streets and along the open fields to Valdemar’s Castle, a couple of kilometres outside town. And when you’re in Troense, you have to visit the small grocery store ‘Storms Hjørne’ where local volunteers are continuing the work of the Storm family who ran a grocery store in that exact corner building for more than 100 years. Today, the store is a prime example of the strong community – and it’s filled with local goods. The historic shipping town also offers guided walks, open gardens, and a number of bed-and-breakfast options.





Maritime experiences – sea water is running through our veins

Svendborg’s heart beats for the sea. Thanks to the location next to the strait and the centuries-long shipbuilding tradition, Svendborg is a natural starting point for maritime experiences. On the waterfront, you’ll find restaurants and cafés overlooking the sea and the constantly changing traffic of freighters, ferries, wooden ships, and yachts. The bond between the old wooden ships and Svendborg is tied with a sailor’s knot. In fact, a lot of the ships were built here, and today, the wooden ships have their own pier next to the harbour’s historic yellow store houses. And the historic ships are not just there to be gazed at: the old schooner called ‘Meta’ invites you on board for day trips to the archipelago islands or sunset trips in the evening. Get your tickets at the tourist office on the harbour front. Another way to experience the Svendborgsund strait is by taking ‘M/S Helge’, a former ferry criss-crossing the strait throughout summer. The scenic route starts at Svendborg Harbour and takes you past Vindebyøre, Christiansminde, Troense, and Grasten before arriving at Valdemar’s Castle. Check out the timetable in this magazine. The archipelago is known and loved by yachters from near and far. Every time you arrive at a new island, a new adventure begins. Even though you might think that small islands are all the same, that is not the case here: the archipelago islands each have their own special vibe. Go see for yourselves, preferably on a multi-day island hopping trip. The region also offers great opportunities for sea kayaking, angling, and surfing, so it’s fair to say: We do have sea water running through our veins!




Article: The South Fyn Archipelago is near and dear to my sailing heart

By Klaus Hansen, CEO of FilmFyn I have been sailing for around ten years. For the first eight of those, the annual vacation trip went from Copenhagen to South Fyn; and since I got the job at FilmFyn two years ago, my boat has been my everyday companion. My colleagues in the movie business constantly joke that when they can’t get hold of me, it must be because I am out sailing. That’s not completely true, but I do love to head straight for the boat after work and then go for an evening trip around Bjørnø or Skarø. Sometimes I even go all the way to Svendborg where I have an apartment. Then I have breakfast on the boat on my way back the morning after. Twice a year, I embark on longer trips. Sometime in early summer, I take the boat all the way around Fyn, with stops at harbours in each of the ten municipalities, including Ærø and Langeland. All over the region, people are fond of sailing, and a trip around Fyn is always full of fun experiences. But the highlight of the year is the summer vacation: three to four weeks aboard the boat with my wife and the occasional visit from other family members. My most important advice is that you don’t make too many plans. There are so many options in the South Fyn Archipelago that it’s better to be impulsive about what to see and where to eat. The distances in the archipelago are short. You have to make a real effort to go on a longer voyage – for example, the distance from Faaborg to Lohals on Langeland is around 40 nautical miles, but that’s only if you take the route south of Tåsinge. If you go island hopping and include a visit to a ”big city” every once in a while, you only have to sail two to four hours a day. When it comes to the most beautiful trip to take in the South Fyn Archipelago, I have many favourites: Svendborgsund is so scenic on either side of Svendborg Harbour, and you are virtually guaranteed to see the local dolphin. Another favourite of mine is the trip from Faaborg, passing Bjørnø and Dyreborg, rounding Horne Næs, before arriving at Falsled inside the bay of Helnæs. Yet another is the route from Ærøskøbing to Rudkøbing, past Birkholm, perhaps with a stop at Marstal or Strynø. There are all kinds of harbours and marinas in the archipelago region. On the smaller islands, there is typically a bit of a walk from the harbour to the town, whereas the harbours are close to the town centre in Ærøskøbing and Marstal on Ærø, as well as in Svendborg and Faaborg. No matter which harbour you find yourself in, there are plenty of local sights to see – that is, if you don’t just want to relax on your boat. Last year, my wife and I had a fantastic time in Ærøskøbing. We happened to be there at the same time as the local jazz festival was going on. It was the perfect yachting experience: sunshine, great food, and amazing jazz music. We also went to Avernakø where some young people recently opened a new restaurant serving a simple and excellent menu. That kind of entrepreneurial spirit is typical of the archipelago islands, with Skarø’s world-famous ice-cream being the prime example.

Going sailing in the South Fyn Archipelago is almost by definition a culinary experience. All of the islands have one or more restaurants and cafés – either on the harbour front or in the island’s main village, which usually also has a grocery store selling everyday necessities as well as local specialties. If you want to eat “at home”, most harbours have barbecue facilities – however, they are in high demand in peak season. There is a special vibe around the harbour just before sunset when the grown-ups are relaxing with a glass of rosé and the kids are making new friends at the playground. The South Fyn Archipelago is especially suitable for sailing with children. The distances between harbours are short, and it’s easy to find someone or something to play with in every harbour. Crab fishing is a popular activity for kids (and their parents), and there are great playgrounds next to a lot of the marinas. Even though I have visited many harbours across the South Fyn Archipelago in the last ten years, I still have a few places left to explore. I must try lying at anchor for a day or two at Thurøbund, which everyone keeps telling me is a must-try. Then I have to go to Bjørnø off the coast of Faaborg – and not only because Bjørnø was the favourite retreat for the members of Danish rock band Gasolin when they wanted to get away from the Copenhagen limelight. Finally, I want to go to Bagenkop – the southernmost point of the South Fyn Archipelago – and on that trip I will bring my grandchildren so they can experience the wild horses. I work as the CEO of FilmFyn, an organisation supporting movies and TV shows filming on Fyn. There are a lot of connections between the maritime environment of the South Fyn Archipelago and the movies being filmed here. The classic Danish movie ‘Martha’ – about the good ship Martha – is celebrated each year in Svendborg. More recently, the TV show ‘Mercur’ was filmed in and around Svendborg, the movie ‘Far til fire – til søs’ was partly shot at Faaborg Harbour, and some of the movie ‘Swinger’ was taped at Ærøskøbing Harbour. Parts of Susanne Bier’s Oscar-winning movie ‘In a Better World’ (known as ‘Hævnen’ in Denmark) was filmed at the harbour in Rudkøbing, with the large FAF silo playing a key part in the action. I love to sail, and especially to go on longer trips. Being under sail is great, although I am equally fond of sailing by motor. For me, the most important thing is relaxing and only having to concentrate on staying on course and deciding when and where to eat lunch or dinner. In the future, although I’m going to use the archipelago as a starting point for trips around Fyn and to Southern Jutland, the South Fyn Archipelago will always be my favourite place to sail.


• CEO of FilmFyn • Lawyer by education • Former CEO of the trade organisation for movie, TV, and video game producers • Boat: Coronet Elvstrøm 38


Get a taste of the good life in Svendborg! In Svendborg, we have a motto: ”Move to Svendborg and get a taste of the good life”. But what do we really mean by that? What is the good life in Svendborg? The good life can be many things, depending on who you are and what stage of your life you are currently living. However, we believe that Svendborg – the municipality and the town itself – offers many of the things that make life a little better. Svendborg has a long-standing maritime tradition, and there is still plenty going on at the harbour, especially in the related industries. There’s a lot to see and experience at the moment, as the first stage of the project called ‘Den Blå Kant’ is under way, with the purpose of climate-proofing the harbour area and making it more attractive for locals as well as visitors. FROM METROPOLIS TO MARKET TOWN – CIT Y PEOPLE CAN SAFELY MOVE TO SVENDBORG

For city dwellers who are avid consumers of arts and culture, Svendborg has a lot to offer. Not only does Svendborg have an idyllic exterior, it also has a varied and thriving cultural scene, with plenty of concerts, plays, exhibitions, and other cultural experiences.


It’s not just culture that is prospering in Svendborg. If you are thinking of starting your own business, you will soon discover that the town has a great environment for start-ups, helping you to grow your business with a bit more leeway than you might get in the bigger cities. In Svendborg, there’s plenty of room for informal talks, which will help you expand and develop your network. If you need to unwind, slow down, and get a break from the daily routines, the Svendborg region is perfect for that as well. The forests, beaches, and waters of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago are all easily accessible. So if you’re interested in geology or natural and cultural history, Svendborg is definitely the right place to go. So come to Svendborg – and get a taste of the good life!

Enjoy Tag påaen unique enestående cruise sejltur and experience i Det Sydfynske the Øhav og nydFunen South Svendborgsund Archipelago ombord on board på veteranskibet the vintage ship



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12 . 30 12 .40 12 . 45 13 .00 13 . 10 13 . 25

14 .40 14 . 50 14 . 55 15 . 10 15 . 20 15 . 35

16 .40 16 .50 16 . 55 17 . 10 17 .20 17 . 35

Valdemars Slot Grasten Troense Christiansminde Vindebyøre Ank. Dep. Svendborg

10 . 55 11 . 10 11 . 20 11 . 35 11 . 40 11 . 50

13 . 25 13 .40 13 . 50 14 . 05 14 . 10 14 . 20

15 . 35 15 . 50 16 .00 16 . 15 16 . 20 16 . 30

17 . 35 17 .50 18 .00 18 . 15 18 .20 18 .30

Afg. Arr.

INFORMATION Svendborg Svendborg Harbour Havnekontor Office Jessens JessensMole Mole66,- 5700 Svendborg Tel: Tlf: +45 6223 3000 (Svendborg (Svendborg Municipality) Kommune) Mandag Mon. - Wed. - onsdag 9 am kl.- 93 -pm 15 Thursday Torsdag 10 am kl. 10 - 4.30 - 16.30 pm Friday Fredag 9 am kl.- 92 -pm 14

Svendborg Vindebyøre Christiansminde Troense Grasten Ank. Arr. Valdemars Slot


SEJLPLAN 8. maj TIMETABLE 8 May - 12. -september 12 September 20212021





Læs turforslag, Readmere moreom about trip ideas, priser og køb billetter prices and buy tickets på at


Svanninge Bakker



Breathtaking mountain biking The hilly landscape of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago offers some of Denmark’s best tracks in a challenging and scenic terrain that seems made for mountain biking. South Fyn also has two large mountain biking events: Bissen MTB and Outdoor Sydfyn. LEGENDARY MOUNTAIN BIKING TRACKS MTB SVANNINGE BAKKER

A few kilometres north of Faaborg, the spectacular landscape known as The Alps of South Fyn offers some of the region’s best mountain biking terrain with amazing tracks of varying difficulty (green, blue, red). The starting point is by the Svanninge Bakker parking ground. You might also want to try the long flow trail, which recently opened by the Gåsebjergsand nature playground. In total, the area offers 7 km of high quality mountain biking fun, and more tracks are in development. Free of charge. Start at: Svanninge Bakker MTB Track: Odensevej 163-173, 5600 Faaborg (GPS: 55.12649, 10.25507). Gåsebjergsand Flowtrail: Odensevej 150, 5600 Faaborg (GPS: 55.12013, 10.24919) MTB SKOVHUGGEREN

Named one of Denmark’s 10 best mountain bike tracks by Danish newspaper Politiken. 17 km of extraordinary mountain biking on both medium (red) and easy (blue) tracks. Both tracks are kept open throughout the year. Get access at Start at: Alpevej, 5771 Stenstrup (GPS: 55.0974, 10.5128) SVENDBORG MTB TRACK

Only a short distance from the beach and central Svendborg, this first-class MTB track offers a 4 km red loop with plenty of technical challenges for experienced riders as well as an easier 4.5 km blue loop with lots of flow – both are perfect for a fun day on the bike. Free of charge. Start at: Hallindskovvej, 5700 Svendborg (GPS: 55.0642, 10.6506) PIPSTORN FOREST – FAABORG

A great short track of a little under 4 km. The starting point is by the former railroad tracks in Pipstorn Forest just outside Faaborg. Categorised as easy (blue), but harder loops are available as well. Start at the parking ground by the Lucienhøj outlook point, Faaborg (GPS: 55.0878, 10.2879). BISSEN MTB

The Bissen MTB race, held in April on the Danish holiday of ’Store Bededag’, will take you from the former shipyard in Svendborg, through the beautiful townscape and onto steep tracks in the forest. This well-organised event is popular with mountain bikers of all skill levels. Bissen has been named ‘Best cycling event’ at the Danish Bike Awards. Read more at OUTDOOR SYDFYN

If you are into action sports, this event is made for you: A weekend in August filled with races in mountain biking, trail running, open water swimming, etc. – all taking place in and around Faaborg. If you want to lower the tempo, you can try out some of the many free family-friendly activities, such as kayaking, stand up paddling, and much more. Read more at




Gear down… Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago is a dream destination for a two-wheeled vacation, as it’s easy to explore even the remotest parts of the region’s exciting and diverse cycling terrain on bike. Let loose on the flat coastal roads and work up a sweat in the forests and open fields of the rolling countryside, and through villages and market towns. Or why not bring your bike on an island hopping trip around the archipelago? South Fyn, Langeland, Ærø and the smaller archipelago islands are perfect for a biking vacation – or a vacation with a few trips on bike There are lots of cycling routes marked with signs along the way. Try the Mountain Route leading you through quaint villages and over the hills of Svanninge Bakker, which offer spectacular views of the surrounding area. Or cycle along the water from Svendborg and over the dam to Thurø to see the old fishing community and relax on the beach. Remember to bring your bike when visiting Strynø, Lyø, Avernakø, Skarø, Drejø – and Ærø, of course. All the ferries criss-crossing the archipelago accept bikes. And if you haven’t brought your own bike, you can rent one at various sites across the islands. The book ’17 Cycle Routes around the South Fyn Archipelago’ costs 75 DKK and can be purchased at the tourist offices. Pick up bike maps and get suggestions for trips at the region’s tourist offices


Blown a tire? Help is always near. Across South Fyn and the archipelago, you can find service stations with bicycle pumps, puncture repair kits, drinking water, and toilets – all free of charge. Look for the Bike Friends sticker at grocery stores, cafés and wherever you spend the night. THE BALTIC SEA ROUTE

The Baltic Sea Route – or N8, as it says on the signs – is an 820 km cycling route traversing Southern Jutland, Fyn, Lolland, Falster, Møn, and Southern Zealand. Naturally, the route visits South Fyn, Langeland, and Ærø as well. The route keeps to bike-friendly roads and the signage makes it easy to follow. You can divide the Baltic Sea Route into shorter trips or take a local detour along the way.

Bølgemose, Ærø




Rudkøbing Rudkøbing has everything you wish for – and then a little extra! With its secret alleyways and quaint atmosphere, Langeland’s largest town oozes historical charm and is definitely worth a visit. And don’t just take our word for it, come see for yourselves! Rudkøbing Harbour, Bellevue Beach, and the bathhouse are all just a short walk from the town centre, which has everything you expect to find in a market town in addition to some unique shops that you will only find here. Take a stroll along the coast or go for a swim before enjoying a lovely dinner at one of the town’s nice restaurants. Learn more about Rudkøbing’s most famous son, the scientist Hans Christian Ørsted, who discovered electromagnetism. There are plenty of things to do and see in Rudkøbing, which is why it’s such a popular destination with tourists. We look forward to seeing you here!

Tourist Information

In addition to its large collection of books and cartoons, the library in Rudkøbing is also the place to go for information about the many things to do and see on Langeland and Strynø. During opening hours, staff is ready to guide you to all the well-known sights and tell you about their own secret favourites as well. In fact, Langeland offers a lot of experiences that are so unique that we don’t just go around telling everyone about them… For opening hours, go to


På Langeland Bibliotek kan du finde information om de mange oplevelser og seværdigheder der er på Langeland og Strynø. Tourist information At the Public Library in Rudkøbing you can find information about the many experiences and sights on Langeland and Strynø. Touristeninformation Weitere Informationen und Anregungen für Erholung, Erlebnisse und Sehenswürdigkeiten finden Sie hier: Bibliothek in Rudkobing, Osterport 5 Langeland Bibliotek, Østerport 5, 5900 Rudkøbing

Natur &


Byliv, ku nst & kultur 142



Se åbningstider/Opening Hours/Öffnungszeiten:




Shores Langeland In Danish, Langeland means ’long country’, and that name is quite fitting – Langeland is 52 km long and only 10 km across at its widest point. That means that the island has 142 km of varied coastline with clayey cliffs, beach meadows, and lagoons. The eastern coast is what geologists call a simplificated coast, on which protruding areas have been eroded, resulting in a straightening of the coastline, whereas the western coast is sheltered by the land mass to the west, resulting in a sinuous moraine landscape. Due to the oblong shape of the island, you are never more than 5 km from the coast, which makes it possible to reach both windward and leeward coasts in very little time. Thanks to its location between the warm, shallow archipelago waters and the colder Baltic Sea, Langeland provides exceptionally good conditions for many different species of fish, twenty of which can be caught here. Stone reefs, seaweed, and large mussel beds make the waters off Langeland a great place to go underwater hunting as well, especially for cod and flatfish. The best places to go underwater hunting are Lytteposten, Tranekær, Keldsnor Fyr, Dovns Klint, and Bukkemose. Langeland Belt east of the island is one of the top spots to go cod fishing in Northern Europe, frequented by thousands of German, Dutch, and Danish anglers. There are also fifteen sea trout spots along the coasts as well as more than 100 registered wrecks in Langeland Belt. Keep an eye out for Grejbanken (The Equipment Bank) traversing Langeland carrying SUP boards, wetsuits, snorkeling equipment, diving masks, crab fishing rods, etc. They also bring their mobile sauna around Langeland, which can be booked online.

The Langeland Fort Denmark’s first cold war museum is based at the Langeland Fort, located near the southern tip of Langeland. Since opening in 1997, the museum has welcomed thousands of guests. With its scenic location overlooking the sea, you almost forget that the fort was constructed in the 1950s with the purpose of defending Denmark and all of NATO.

In addition to the indoor and outdoor exhibits, you can try out the fort’s exercise track, which is specially designed for children, and explore the fort’s lesser known areas – there are many hours’ worth of fun and excitement for the whole family.

Explore the underground bunker and the large exhibition spaces, and discover how a 47 m long submarine has ended up on dry ground on Langeland!


Vacation on Lovely Langeland When the Baltic ice moved across Zealand towards Eastern Jutland 15,000 years ago, it split in two when it reached Fyn. Langeland’s landscape was significantly shaped by the eastern glacier, which later melted and became the Great Belt. The saying used to go that Langeland has fifteen mills, fifteen parishes, and fifteen ”bøller” – ”bølle” is a place-name suffix characteristic of Langeland, originally meaning ”village”. Today, the number of parishes has risen to seventeen, but the words still say a lot about Langeland, which has a large number of small villages as well as a number of estates, the largest of which are Tranekær, Egeløkke, and Skovsgård. About a third of the 12,560 people living on Langeland resides in Rudkøbing, which, despite being fairly small, is the island’s largest town by far. Since 1844, Adam Oehlenschläger’s ”Der er et yndigt land” (”There is a lovely country”) has been the national anthem of Denmark – and the story of the anthem actually begins on Langeland. Oehlenschläger composed the poem, then called ”Fædrelandssang” (”Homeland song”), sitting beneath a giant beech tree in a forest just north of Spodsbjerg on Langeland’s eastern coast. If you take a walk in the stunning coastal forest, it is easy to imagine how he was inspired to write the poem praising Denmark’s nature. The magnificent tree is now known as ”Oehlenschlägers beech”. Great thinkers have had great ideas on Langeland, and one of the reasons is the calm scenery creating the ideal conditions for immersion and attentiveness. Langeland boasts dramatic nature, but on a small scale, which is perfect for getting some much-needed breathing space. Besides deep thinking, the landscape is also perfect for being active, with plenty of marked routes suitable for hiking or cycling. If you want to spend the night outdoors, you can book one of the island’s many shelters. If you prefer staying at a camping site, an inn, or a hotel, there are plenty of options to choose from in those categories as well.








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The silver of the sea The coasts of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago are known for their unique conditions for sea trout fishing. The fine conditions for making a great catch have been more than 25 years in the making, the result of a determined effort to improve living conditions for the sea trout as well as the quality of water. No matter the season and regardless of wind direction and wind force, you will always be able to find a suitable fishing spot along the coast. All year around, anglers catch large silvery sea trout. When the water temperature rises in spring, garfish and – later in the season – mackerel turn up in the waters around South Fyn. Due to the short distances, it is easy to find a new fishing spot when the weather changes.


Off the coasts of Langeland, you can go sea fishing on the Great Belt. Rent a boat in Bagenkop or Spodsbjerg, or take a trip on a fishing vessel and catch large codfish, pollock, and flatfish. Remember to buy your fishing license at the region’s tourist offices. The guidebook ’117 Fine Fishing Spots’ can also be purchased at the region’s tourist offices. GO HUNTING BELOW THE SURFACE

Put your wet suit and flippers on and glide silently through the water armed with a harpoon. Skilled underwater hunters can catch flatfish, sea trout, codfish, and mullet.


South Fyn is a blue playgound

Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago is a playground for outdoors people who love water – regardless of skill and experience level. Between the many bays and inlets of the archipelago islands, you will always be able to find a suitable spot that is sheltered from the wind. EXTRAORDINARY DIVING SPOTS

There are no fewer than 22 diving spots across the archipelago, spanning fascinating wreck dives and challenging drift dives. One of the most stunning dives is the old ferry M/F Ærøsund, which hit the seabed in 2014 after a controlled scuttling. Another cool wreck dive is the four German torpedo boats, scuttled by the Germans themselves in May 1945. They are now located on the seabed just off the coast of Valdemar’s Castle on Tåsinge.


The South Fyn Archipelago offers quite a treasure for snorkelers: a vast flooded ice-age landscape. Archaeologists from Øhavsmuseet in Faaborg will take you on a snorkeling trip to the magical undersea world. Explore one of numerous spots along the archipelago coast where remains of the local stone-age community are visible on the seabed and marvel at the stunning scenery. RIDE THE WAVES

Over the last couple of years, stand up paddling – also known as SUP – has become increasingly popular around the archipelago, and for good reason: SUP is a great way of getting into watersports and a fun way to exercise outdoors. Get started at Nicus Nature on Tåsinge or at one of the SHORES hotspots along the coasts of Langeland. GO ISLAND HOPPING IN YOUR KAYAK

Enjoy the serenity of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago from a sea kayak. The calm and narrow waters and the wealth of small islands make the archipelago a popular destination for kayakers. The ’Sea Kayak Guidebook’ with trip suggestions can be purchased at the region’s tourist offices.


The Archipelago Trail – take a hike on the wild side Put one foot in front of the other, and return home with renewed strength. Hiking is more popular than ever – perhaps because it enables your mind to wander along with your feet. At 220 km, The Archipelago Trail is one of Denmark’s longest hiking trails, winding its way through a unique landscape with impressive castles and manors, stunning scenery, charming villages, laid-back fishing hamlets, and historic market towns. Some parts of The Archipelago Trail follow the coastline while others take you through inland hill country, with great views of the archipelago everywhere you look. WALK THE TRAIL ALL YEAR AROUND

The Archipelago Trail is open throughout the year, and is equally suited for a brisk two-hour walk, a mini vacation with luggage transfer, or a whole week of backpacking. The Archipelago Trail is reserved for hikers and marked by poles with the blue ”hiker” symbol. FACTS ABOUT THE ARCHIPELAGO TRAIL

’The Archipelago Trail – A Walking Tour of the South Fyn Archipelago’ is a 180-page guidebook with detailed maps and descriptions of each section of the trail. Buy the book at or at the tourist offices in Svendborg, Faaborg, Rudkøbing, or Ærøskøbing. At the tourist offices, you can also pick up free maps of The Archipelago Trail’s seven sections. Each section of The Archipelago Trail has its own leaflet containing descriptions of sights along the trail, detailed maps as well as practical information. 1. Faldsled - Svanninge Bakker - Faaborg - Fjællebroen 2. Fjællebroen - Egebjerg Bakker - Svendborg 3. Svendborg - Broholm - Lundeborg 4. Svendborg - Tåsinge - Siø - Rudkøbing 5. Lohals - Tranekær - Stengade Strand 6. Stengade Strand - Rudkøbing - Henninge Nor 7. Marstal - Ærøskøbing - Søby

If you want to spend the night outdoors, try one of the new architect-designed shelters. To book in advance, go to



Voderup Klint, Ærø


Article: Connect with nature and yourself on The Archipelago Trail

The section in Svanninge Bakker is also very special, the hills themselves are beautiful, and the views of the archipelago from up there are stunning.

Nine years ago, childhood memories of family sailing trips across the South Fyn Archipelago brought Nina Brandt Jacobsen from Copenhagen to Fyn – back to the compelling scenery, which has become a big part of her work in the field of outdoor tourism.

Do you have any good tips for a first-time hiker wishing to experience The Archipelago Trail? - A good starting point is buying the ’Archipelago Trail’ guidebook at one of the region’s tourist offices. The guidebook has suggestions for day trips, which is a good idea for a first hike. You might also want to try taking the bus out somewhere and then walk back from there. Returning to your starting point is a nice feeling, especially if you are hiking with children. Energy is always low at the end of a hike, and then it’s nice just finishing at home instead of having to wait for public transportation or arranging to be picked up.

Get Nina’s tips for hiking on The Archipelago Trail.

The stretch from Lohals to Rudkøbing is exceptional as well, because the trail runs along the coast almost the entire time, you can see Fyn on the other side of the water, and you really get to experience Langeland’s varied nature.

Where can I spend the night along The Archipelago Trail? - First you have to decide on the type of accommodation. It’s possible to bring along your tent, mat, and sleeping bag, and then find campsites along the way. But I would recommend that you book in advance. Especially if you are hiking with kids, it’s too risky to simply count on there being a vacant shelter or a free spot at the camping site. What makes hiking on The Archipelago Trail special? - It’s really something to go hiking in a flooded ice-age landscape, which the archipelago is. It is a unique place, even on a European scale. It’s easy to find peace of mind here, even though you are moving through a quite densely populated area. You are walking close to the sea, through open fields and thick forests – an amazing variety of landscapes and impressions. As opposed to many other popular hiking paths, The Archipelago Trail is not overcrowded. With a total distance of 220 km, there is room enough for everyone to reach that state of calm, which so many people seek out when they go hiking in stunning natural surroundings. Another characteristic trait of The Archipelago Trail is that it encourages you to visit many of the archipelago islands. Furthermore, and unlike many other Danish hiking trails, there aren’t many asphalt sections. The type of surface that you walk on affects your knees, and your body in general. So in that way, the Archipelago Trail is a rather gentle trail to walk, even though its slogan is ”tough but charming” – and the trail is physically demanding. What is your favourite spot along the 220 km trail? - I have many favourites! I love to go hiking on The Archipelago Trail on Ærø. There is an amazing island vibe, and this part of the trail is perfect for a weekend trip.


There are plenty of options if you want to spend the night at a bed-and-breakfast. I myself prefer to sleep in a bed, mostly so I don’t have to carry a mat and sleeping bag, which can get very heavy – especially for the kids. Also, you don’t have to worry that much about rainy weather when you know you will soon arrive at a place where your clothes and shoes can get dry. Another option is to book a package deal with a tour operator – then everything will be taken care of. What is your most memorable experience hiking on The Archipelago Trail? - I’ve had so many memorable experiences! But I have to say Ærø tops the list. Hiking from Marstal to Ærøskøbing, eating a great dinner and spending the night there, then continuing the hike to Søby, hopping on a free bus to Ærøskøbing and taking the ferry back to Svendborg with exhausted legs. I absolutely love that trip! It’s definitely the one I’ve been on the most times, and I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of it. I’ve also enjoyed serving as tour guide for groups of women from all over Denmark on hiking trips on The Archipelago Trail. When I see how astonished they are to discover that we have such natural beauty in Denmark, I get quite proud, actually. Some of them, who I have met again later on, have bought a summerhouse or plan to move here permanently, because they have fallen in love with the region. How do I convince my kids to go hiking? - I am currently hiking The Archipelago Trail bit by bit with my 14-year-old son. Everything over 10 km feels too far for


him, and I think many children feel the same way. So it’s important to proceed at their pace. But if you stuff your backpack with snacks, pack a good lunch, and perhaps some cocoa powder and a camping stove to boil water, then everything will work out fine. Going hiking is a great opportunity to have a good chat since you’re moving at a slow pace. On our last trip, my son spoke constantly for almost two hours straight. In that way, hiking is perfect for getting closer as a family.

when they’re around 7 years old. At that age, they can join you on day trips, carrying their own little backpack. • If you want to bring your children on longer hikes, it might be a good idea to book accommodation in advance at B&B’s or hostels. That way you don’t have to carry a lot of stuff. • Remember to bring the proper equipment: Footwear that has been broken in. A good quality backpack suitable for your needs, your back, and the weather. Water bottle, rain poncho, sunglasses, sunscreen, band-aids, a cap and a light wool sweater. Then you’re good to go!


• Clarify what the purpose of the trip is: Is it about getting exercise? Or about spending some quality time together? The latter is a better selling point with kids. • Involve your children when planning the trip. Talk about everything big and small: Where to go, and what to put in your snack packs. Do not underestimate the importance of snacks when hiking with kids. • Turn on your phone’s GPS tracker, so the kids can brag about how far they’ve hiked. Remember to hit pause when you take a break in order to calculate your pace. • When your kids are small, you can go hiking with them in a sling or a baby jogger. However, it’s more enjoyable from


• Has more than 20 years of hiking experience and knows The Archipelago Trail like the back of her hand • Ph.D. and consultant in the field of outdoor and nature tourism • Experience as a hiking tour guide with Topas Rejser and Aktiv Øhav


Faaborg – The gate to The Archipelago One of Denmark’s oldest market towns, Faaborg is nestled between the hills of Svanninge Bakker and the South Fyn Archipelago. Faaborg is first mentioned in 1229, when the Danish king Valdemar the Victorious gave the town to his Portuguese daughter-in-law, princess Eleanor, as a wedding gift. Back then, the town was known as Foburgh – which according to experts means The Fox’ Castle. Faaborg is incredibly picturesque, with roses climbing up the old houses in the narrow cobblestone streets. The old merchant’s houses have been preserved, as has the old bell tower – the town’s landmark. The small market town has always attracted artists from near and far and still has a vibrant cultural scene. Faaborg is a popular destination for yachters, and the waterfront is always teeming with activity, in the old industrial harbour as well as at the impressive marina. Jump on one of the island ferries heading to Bjørnø, Lyø, Avernakø, or Ærø, go on a kayaking trip, or take a swim in the fjord from the bathing jetties at Faaborg Havnebad.






Small town – great experiences Take your time experiencing Faaborg – the market town, which was one of Fyn’s most important ports in the 18th century. Staying a couple of days will give you time to enjoy the splendid scenery and visit all the sights. FAABORG MUSEUM – A WORK OF ART IN ITSELF

Faaborg Museum is quite extraordinary. It is constructed specifically for the artworks of the Fyn Painters (a group of local artists around 1900) and comprises painting, sculpture, architecture and furniture design. The museum is an architectural gem in itself, and one of the most significant buildings of Danish neo-classicism. Call ahead to book a guided tour in English. THE JAILHOUSE – COME IN AND BREAK OUT!

The former jailhouse is bound to get you thinking. How does it feel when the door slams shut and you find yourself behind bars? A visit at the jailhouse is a great learning experience, for both kids and adults. You will learn about prisons past and present – and about your own attitudes towards justice and punishment. KALEKO MILL

How did we process grain 100 years ago? Find out at Kaleko Mill, which is the oldest preserved water mill for processing grain in Denmark. There is a special vibe to the thatched and half-timbered mill, making you feel as though you have travelled back in time. TAKE THE VINTAGE TRAIN

Experience a train ride out of the 1950s aboard the vintage train from Den Syd Fyenske Veteranjernbane. During the half-hour trip from Faaborg to Korinth, you can enjoy the views of the lovely South Fyn landscape and the archipelago. THE BELL TOWER – FAABORG’S LANDMARK

The bell tower is Faaborg’s best-known landmark. After the Reformation in 1536, the Church of St. Nicholas was torn down, and only the bell tower was left standing. The view from atop the tower, overlooking the town’s red roofs, the hills of Svanninge Bakker, and the South Fyn Archipelago, is simply magnificent. The saying goes that a true child of Faaborg will never move so far away as to lose sight of the bell tower. ØHAVSMUSEET – NEW MUSEUM EXPLORING INNER AND OUTER LANDSCAPES

Nature has always played an important part in human existence, but the processes of industrialisation and urbanisation have alienated us from nature. However, lots of people wish to reunite with nature, and Øhavsmuseet gives you the opportunity to do just that. Discover the powers of nature and see if you can hold your own against it. The museum offers both indoor and outdoor experiences and invites you for snorkelling trips, sensory walks, and tours in a glass kayak. This new museum opens in 2021.




Explore Faaborg Accompany the watchman on his evening round, explore the town on your own, or travel back in time to the 1890s. FOLLOW THE NIGHT WATCHMAN

In 1592, the first night watchman did his rounds in the streets of Faaborg. The watchman’s task was to keep order at night and sound the alarm in case of fire. The tradition was revived in 1995, and so, every evening during summer, the watchman sets off on his round at 8pm from the bell tower. Everyone, big and small, is invited to follow in the watchman’s footsteps – and it’s free of charge. EXPLORE FAABORG AT YOUR OWN PACE

With the combined map and guide ‘Walk through the town’, you have a local historian in your back pocket. The booklet can be purchased at the tourist office and at A TOWN WITHIN A TOWN

Faaborg Miniby is a historically correct 1:10-scale version of Faaborg in the year of 1890. Take a stroll through the miniature town of 150-plus houses, all built according to original architectural drawings and with authentic building materials – an exact copy, down to the smallest detail.


The alps of Fyn are full of mystery and great views The forces at work during the last glacial period shaped a unique hill country almost encircling Faaborg: Svanninge Bakker, also known as the ‘Alps of Fyn’. Many, many years ago, Svanninge Bakker was a desolate, uninhabited area, overgrown with heather. The townspeople of Faaborg were not fond of passing through the hills at nighttime, and place names such as the Thief ’s Button and the Coffin Lid are a testament to those feelings of fear and superstition.


Today, though, the hills, valleys, and forests of Svanninge Bakker are best known as a popular choice for excursions and outdoor activities, as the rolling hills exude adventure, beauty, and romance. The many paths meandering through the hills are perfect for hiking or mountain biking trips. There are also marked routes for those who prefer to enjoy the scenery on horseback. Also note that in case of snow, Svanninge Bakker is where you find the best toboggan runs and ski slopes on Fyn. Read more at


Faaborg’s Secrets


The ruins of the former Findstrup Church is located just east of Diernæs (around 5 km east of Faaborg). There are many stories connected to the site, but nobody knows for certain why the church fell into ruin. Visit for the mystery and the amazing views of the surrounding area. Read more at PIPSTORN FOREST

With its many burial mounds and prehistoric monuments, there is a special vibe to Pipstorn Forest, stimulating the imagination and transporting you back to ancient times. Around 4,000 years ago, the Pipstorn area started being used as a burial site, and only later the forest grew up around it. Today, Pipstorn Forest is used for forestry and leisure activities besides being home to wild animals and plants. Some hundred metres into the forest, there is a combined shelter and bonfire cabin. Entrance and parking at the Lucienhøj outlook point. Read more at HAASTRUP HILLS

If you want to savour the experience of being by yourself in nature, then this newly-opened nature site north of Faaborg is the perfect choice. Feel free to go outside the paths and take a stroll among the juniper bushes or along the small lakes. Park your car at the Dronningeudsigten outlook point and walk up the path until you reach Haastrup Hills. Read more at

Beneath The Ice – invisible theatre in Svanninge Hills EXPERIENCE THE ALPS OF FYN WITH A STAR CAST OF ACTORS!

Download the app, put on your hiking shoes, and join archaeologist Sofie on a walk from central Faaborg to the ice-age hills surrounding the town. Feel the beating of your heart as you ascend the hills with a lovestruck Hans Christian Andersen in your ears, enjoy the scent of the pine forest as Riborg Voigt shares her memories with you, and discover the rolling hills with which Anna and Fritz Syberg fell in love. The route is 7 km. Read more at




Lilac Country

A piece of Japan on Fyn

South Fyn is the land of lilacs. Every year, beginning in midMay, the South Fyn landscape undergoes an almost magical transformation when the tender green colours of springtime are woven through with a net of violet lines – the flowering lilacs! Ever since the early 1800s, it has been tradition on South Fyn to plant lilacs along roads and property lines and as windbreaks. Traveling along the narrow winding roads of South Fyn in summer, the scent of flowering lilacs pervades the air, and the view of nature’s own decorations is something to behold.

The Japanese Gardens outside Faaborg is landscape gardening at its finest. Take a relaxing walk through seven themed gardens laid out according to old Japanese traditions. Marvel at the carefully sculpted bushes and trees and their reflections in the lakes and streams. Large rhododendron, cherry, hydrangea, and azalea are among the many fascinating plants in the gardens. A soulful forest experience awaits you, when the brand new forest garden is revealed in 2021. For more information, go to

The flowering lilacs are best experienced on foot or on bike. If you choose to go by car, just remember to roll down your window to enjoy the scent as well! De Sydfynske Syrendage – South Fyn Lilac Days – are held on the third weekend of May. Read more at




Kidholm (private island)


Faaborg Harbour – take a swim in the fjord Faaborg’s lively and charming harbour was established in the late 17th century and remains active to this day. Commercial vessels and fishermen still use the harbour, as do the ferries serving the islands of Lyø, Avernakø, and Bjørnø. The harbour is visited by large ships, yachts of all sizes, and kayakers, who have embraced the South Fyn Archipelago because you never lose sight of land. The harbour is located right in the centre of this lovely old market town. There is only 100 m from the harbour to the town square. Throughout summer, you can go on a tour of the archipelago on ’Haabet’, an old wooden ship based in Faaborg Harbour. On the waterfront, Faaborg Røgeri Café serves homesmoked seafood, and there are lots of other eateries, shops, and grocery stores nearby. In the eastern end of the harbour, you can go for a swim in the fjord at Faaborg Havnebad, which has two wide bathing jetties. There’s also a sauna, so winter swimmers can warm up after taking a cold dip.



“One of

Riderute Sydfyn the 50 most beautiful places in Europe”


The Living Castle on Funen

Europe’s first Camping Outdoor Museum opens summer 2021

Egeskov is no ordinary castle – it’s one of Europe’s finest Renaissance buildings, featuring a real moat, spires, a knight’s hall and ghastly creatures in its masonry. You can take a look inside the castle, visit one of Europe’s most beautiful historic gardens, and take a look inside at the many inspiring exhibitions with Classic cars and motorcycles. You’ll find inspiration for a whole day of fun.

OPEN FROM 24 APRIL - 24 OCT. 2021 You’re very welcome

Open by Night 7.7. / 14.7. / 21.7. / 28.7. / 4.8. untill 10 pm



Egeskov Castle

Counts, barons – and half a kingdom

The impressive and picturesque Egeskov Castle is the most well-preserved renaissance moat castle in Europe – and the most popular tourist attraction on South Fyn. Within a radius of 40 km, many other estates rise above the landscape – Brahetrolleborg, Broholm Castle, Tranekær Castle, Holstenshuus, Valdemar’s Castle, Hesselagergård, and Hvedholm Castle, among others. Fyn has a total of 123 castles and manor houses – a large proportion of which are located within Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago – and several of them are open for visitors. The large estates offer a variety of experiences for nature lovers, history geeks, gourmets, and those with a penchant for waking up in a canopy bed within the solid walls of a castle. EGESKOV CASTLE – THE LIVING CASTLE ON FYN

The 460-year-old Egeskov Castle is not only the home of count Ahlefeldt and his family, but also a museum. Explore the impressive collection of classic cars, get lost in the labyrinth, or go tree-top walking. In late May, the castle grounds serve as venue for Heartland Festival. For more information, go to





The owners have called this impressive castle home through 12 generations. BROHOLM CASTLE

Wake up feeling like nobility on this castle hotel, which also has a restaurant. SØBYGAARD

Valdemar’s Castle

One of the archipelago’s smallest estates, Søbygaard has been witness to Ærø’s tumultuous history of being governed by different counts, dukes, and princes. The farm buildings have been renovated and is now used for concerts and changing exhibitions.

The castle gardens BRAHETROLLEBORG

Visit the castle’s rhododendron park – you enter from the road called ’Spanget’ north of Korinth.

Broholm Castle


The castle grounds are home to TICKON, where you can experience internationally renowned land art. You can also visit the medicine garden, or enjoy some nice food at the ’Generalen’ restaurant located in the former stable. Remember to take a stroll through the village of Tranekær and take in the historical vibe of the charming half-timbered houses. HOLSTENSHUUS

Throughout the year, you can visit the castle’s rococo gardens from 1793. Søbygaard

Tranekær Castle





Ærø will blow you out of the water!

Do yourself a favour and pay a visit to the sunny island of Ærø, about an hour away by ferry from Svendborg, Faaborg, or Rudkøbing. Discover the fairy-tale town of Ærøskøbing, and the charming maritime environment in Marstal. Near the north-western tip of the island, the town of Søby awaits you, boasting a unique seaside golf course. On Ærø, you can go hiking and cycling with a backdrop of grazing cows and rolling waves. There is ample opportunity for activities taking place in and along the water – the 80 km coastline is great for angling, kite surfing, and kayaking. If you prefer staying on dry land, you can visit inspirational museums in charming old buildings. The kids can run free in the calm streets and make life-long friends at the beach. Ærø is the perfect setting for enjoying some quality time with the family! Read more about Ærø at THE BEACH HOUSES

Some of Ærø’s most iconic landmarks are the small picturesque beach houses, which have played a significant role in the life of both local residents and visitors to Ærø. The first beach houses were built in 1920, and today, there is a total of 90 unique beach houses on Ærø – 19 at Eriks Hale near Marstal and 71 at Vesterstrand in Ærøskøbing. Throughout the years, the beach houses have shaped many happy vacation memories, and they are still being used in the summer. Read more at


Ærø is home to Denmark’s only seaside golf course where the sea is visible from every green. Located at Ærø’s north-western tip, the 18-hole course encircles a lighthouse – Skjoldnæs Fyr – and is itself surrounded by the sea on three sides. This is the type of golfing experience that you otherwise go to Ireland or Scotland for. And even if you’re not a golfer, the course is worth a visit just for the splendid views of the sea. Read more at





Ærø has a real nice climate, perfect for growing vegetables, fruits, and berries. As a result, there are plenty of roadside stalls across the island tempting you with all the best that nature has to offer, such as large walnuts and even figs, if you stop by at the right time of year. Besides the delicious fresh produce, Ærø is home to a number of excellent food and beverage producers, such as Aroma Is (ice cream), Hattesens Konfektfabrik (liquorice allsorts), Ærø Whisky, and Ærø Bryggeri (beer) – to name a few. Last but not least, Ærø has something as exotic as a tobacco plantation serving the local cigar producer, Ærø Cigar. Several of the local companies offer guided tours – with samples, of course. At Ærø’s restaurants, you can get everything from classic Danish dishes to experimental gourmet food. Last year, Arnfeldt Hotel & Restaurant became part of Gastro Fyn, a co-operation between the top restaurants on Fyn and the archipelago islands. Read more at

”Take your time” – so says the message written on the red heart hanging on a wall in Ærøskøbing. And that is exactly what Ærø encourages you to do. The pace is different here, perfect for relaxing and recharging. Perhaps, it’s the absence of shopping malls and rush-hour traffic, or it might just be the simple fact that you arrive here by ferry – that Ærø is a place you seek out, not a place you just happen to be at. Ærø offers yoga retreats, silent walks, foot treatments, massage, and lots of other wellness activities. In winter, you can join the local winter swimmers, or spend some relaxing time in a sauna or a wood-fired hot tub – regardless of season, Ærø is a great choice for a time-out. If you want to be physically active outdoors, Ærø has got you covered as well! With its natural beauty, varied terrain, and long coastline, Ærø is made for cycling and hiking trips, kayaking and stand up paddling, angling and lots of other activities. Read more at


Voderup Klint, Ærø


Vesterstrand, Ærø




South Fyn – inspiring art We could write a whole book about art on South Fyn and the archipelago islands. Artists have always been attracted to the region because of the scenery and the special light, and in the early 20th century, the Fyn Painters put South Fyn firmly on the art map. Today, creative souls are prospering across the region. There are sculptures on many a street corner and small shops with glassware, ceramics, and various artisanal and one-of-a-kind objects. Throughout Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago, galleries, museums, and churches present all kinds of art and exhibitions. THE FYN PAINTERS

In the late 1880s, an artist’s community based in Faaborg and Kerteminde was formed. Fritz Syberg, Peter Hansen, and Anna Syberg (née Hansen) were central figures in the com-


munity. They were all originally from Faaborg and returned home after completing their artistic education in Copenhagen. Also among the group’s core members were Alhed and Johannes Larsen from Kerteminde. The Fyn Painters were called ’peasant painters’ and ’clog painters’ because their paintings were inspired by nature and rural life rather than the hustle and bustle of the big city. Several of the Fyn Painters’ well-known paintings are at Faaborg Museum, which was constructed specifically for their artworks. FAABORG – A MAGNET FOR ARTISTS

Throughout the years, many artists have chosen to settle in Faaborg. Especially Bøjestræde in the old part of town has a vibrant art community with galleries, workshops and boutiques selling glassware, ceramics, jewelry, and paintings. Konservesgården is located next to Faaborg Museum and hosts changing exhibitions. Artists may borrow the historical Levins hus to exhibit their own artworks.


Read more at, and pick up the arts and culture guide at the tourist office in Faaborg. SVENDBORG – AN ABUNDANCE OF ART GALLERIES

In Svendborg, there’s not far from one art gallery to the next. The town has a wealth of art spaces of different sizes, including the SAK exhibition space. The galleries all exhibit works of local as well as internationally acclaimed artists. Several artisans reside in Svendborg’s Latin Quarter – try visiting the open workshops of ceramist Ulla Sonne or glassblower Bente Sonne. The town is also known for its active music community, and each year in late August, Svendborg hosts the SVEND film festival. For more information, go to ÆRØ

Many skilled artists and artisans call Ærø home, and they are more than happy to show you around their workshops. In Ærøskøbing, Ærø Kunsthal presents art across 1,000 m2 of

exhibition space, and on the harbour front in Marstal, the former storage building Det Røde Pakhus now serves as a charming arts and culture centre. The Ærø Dog Days festival and the local art college Ærø Kunsthøjskole’s summer exhibition both focus on experimental art by young artists. For more information, go to LANGELAND

A great number of talented artisans reside on Langeland, and there are lots of interesting art galleries that is definitely worth a detour. On your way there, you are likely to pass by Denmark’s longest art exhibition – the 12 Art Towers, former electrical transformer towers now serving as diminutive art galleries. Read more at If you find yourself in Rudkøbing, remember to visit the artisan workshops in the charming cobblestone street Sidsel Bagersgade. For more information,


The South Fyn spirits route In Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago, we prefer living life outside the fast lane, focusing on quality of life and attentiveness to the little things – inspired by the Tuscan way of life. The rolling hills are similar as well, so in a number of ways, the South Fyn Archipelago is the Tuscany of Denmark. South Fyn, Langeland, and Ærø have many breweries, vineyards, and distilleries, all inviting you in for a taste of their spirits. Try visiting Grands Vin, Gundestrup Mejeri, Midtfyns Bryghus, Svendborgsund Bryghus, Ø-Bryg, Skårupøre Vingaard, Svendborg Vingaard, Kimersbjerggaard Vingaard, Aqua Vitae Sydfyn, Ærø Bryggeri, Ærø Whiskey and Mosgaard. Located in a charming farmhouse overlooking the sea near the village of Oure north of Svendborg, the organic whisky and gin distillery Mosgaard has received wide acclaim for its gin, and the distillers are constantly working on developing new and exciting tastes.



The Organic Gin and Whisky distillery of Southern Funen Experience the atmosphere and get an exquisite experience with our Gin and Whisky - or get the whole story on one of our guided tours Opening hours can be found at our website Tanghavevej 43, 5883 Oure - Tlf: (+45) 2480 9302




Denmark’s Orchard The South Fyn Archipelago tastes delicious

Fyn is known as Denmark’s orchard. Throw away an apple core, and a new tree will sprout right away – or so the saying goes. The fertile Funish soil is the origin of many food products sold in Denmark. In Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago, you won’t have to drive far to pass a roadside vegetable stall or a farm shop, and local food producers make excellent cheese, meat, flour, rapeseed oil, honey, juice, candy, and chocolate – and then there is the ice-cream made on Skarø, which tastes so heavenly that Singapore Airlines serve it on first class. Many of the specialties produced on South Fyn end up being served at Denmark’s finest restaurants. On South Fyn, Langeland, and Ærø, you can find first-class award-winning restaurants, ambitious chefs firmly grounded in the Funish soil, and community kitchens serving food made with love, care, and locally sourced meat and produce. Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago has something for every taste bud and wallet size – even if you want to hit the highest gastronomical notes. Each year in June, the largest food market in the Nordics, Kulinarisk Sydfyn, fills the streets of Svendborg with slow food, organic food, and local products of the highest quality. The enthusiastic exhibitors will offer you plenty of samples while telling you the stories behind their products. The tourist offices in Svendborg, Faaborg, Rudkøbing, and Ærøskøbing are ready to offer you great tips for a culinary road trip.


Ristinge Strand



Let’s go to the beach! No matter where you happen to be on South Fyn or the islands, you are never far from the coast and a nice day at the beach. One of the best beaches in Denmark is located at Ristinge near the southern tip of Langeland: a wide stretch of white sand and dunes covered with lyme grass. There are nice beaches at Bagenkop, Spodsbjerg, Emmerbølle, Stoense, and Lohals as well. Bellevue Beach in Rudkøbing is a charming little patch of sand, and not far from there, you can jump in the waves from the town’s old bathhouse, which is also used in the off-season by the brave local winter swimmers. Ærø is known and loved for its unique bathhouses on Vesterstrand in Ærøskøbing and at Eriks Hale in Marstal. There are nice options for going for a swim in the crystal-clear water near Søby as well. You can go to the beach close to central Faaborg at Klinten, and a short drive away, there are great sandy beaches at Nab, Drejet, Knolden, Bøjden and at Dyreborg, where the setting

is particularly charming. If you don’t want sand between your toes, you can dive into the fjord from the bathing jetties at Faaborg Havnebad. In and around Svendborg, there are plenty of options for a day at the beach: Christiansminde Beach is only about a kilometre from central Svendborg, and Smørmosen on Thurø has a family-friendly beach as well as a playground and a charming miniature golf course. There’s also a lovely beach at the scenic Thurø Rev, not far from Smørmosen. On Tåsinge, Slotshagen Beach just behind the yellow tea pavilion at Valdemar’s Castle is a great choice. West of Svendborg, Lehnskov Beach offers great views of the archipelago, and north-east of Svendborg, at the opposite end of the municipality, the small fishing hamlet of Lundeborg has an excellent family-friendly beach as well as a playground, an ice-cream kiosk and some nice eateries.


Sights and activities

VISIT Svendborg Golf Club - unique golf experience in beautiful South Funen nature Svendborg golf klub - tordensgårdevej 5 - 5700 svendborg - tlf. 62 22 40 77 - e-mail: -


Explore the magic of nature with all your senses. Visit Denmark’s new museum for inner and outer landscapes. Learn more and buy tickets at

Øhavsmuseet · Havnegade 3 · 5600 Faaborg ·

ohavs_annonce_190x89mm.indd 6

11/01/2021 08.50

Take af trip with The Heritage Railway from Faaborg to Korinth and enjoy an experience of a journey like your Grandparents did!

Departure from Faaborg at 11.00 and 14.00 June: 27 / 29 July : 1 / 4 / 6 / 8*) / 11 / 13 / 15*) / 18 / 20 / 22*) / 25 / 27 / 29 Aug.: 1 / 3 / 5 / 12 / 19 / 26 ) * + ekstra trip from Faaborg at 19.00 Tickets return: Adults 90 DKK Children 45 DKK Banegårdspladsen 10, 5600 Faaborg


Nice and easy....

Lining up a local activity

Are special experiences something you and your family and friends want to share together? Maybe it’s time for a romantic getaway or a cultural minibreak? Could you do with going out into the countryside, getting more out of art or discovering a local taste sensation? Then book a tour with local enthusiasts and guides who are passionate about revealing Faaborg’s best kept secrets. At you can book local experiences all year round.


The mini-train runs every day

The Danish Railway Museum Come and play at the Children’s Railway Station and the outdoor playground. The Danish Railway Museum has its own station and railway tracks. Go full steam ahead on the vintage train on selected days. Activities at the museum are included in the admission price

Dannebrogsgade 24 • 5000 Odense C • 26.06-08.08: Open 10-17 All other days from 10–16 •


DJM.annonce.190x135.visitsvendborg21.indd 2

Subject to alterations . Photo: Ard Jongsma & Flemming Wedell

Fun for the whole family The carriages and impressive locomotives fascinate children and adults alike. Take a look at model trains, model ferries, the vintage bus and the royal saloon carriages.

30/11/2020 12.05

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Nicus Nature, Vindebyørevej 31B, 5700 Svendborg

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SKIPPERHJEM - FOLKEMINDESAMLING SKIPPERHJEM - FOLKEMINDESAMLING HISTORISCHE VOLKSKOLLEKTION – ELVIRA SKIPPERHJEM - FOLKEMINDESAMLING CAPTAINS HOUSE - FOLKLORE ARCHIVES MUSIKHUS – REBSLAGERHUS – GL. LEGETØJ MUSIKHUS – REBSLAGERHUS – GL. LEGETØJ MADIGAN UND SIXTEN SPARRES MUSIKHUS – REBSLAGERHUS – GL. LEGETØJ ELVIRA MADIGANS LOVE STORY - MUSICAL ELVIRA MADIGANS MINDESTUE – LYSTHUS ELVIRA MADIGANS MINDESTUE – LYSTHUS LIEBESDRAMA ELVIRA MADIGANS MINDESTUE – LYSTHUS INSTRUMENTS - CRAFTS – TOY KAPITÄNSHAUS - MUSIKINSTRUMENTEN 1 Maj - 24 okt. Tirs. - Søn. 10.00-16.00 1May 1. - Oct. 24. Tue. - Sun. 10 am. - 4 pm. Maj - 24 okt. Tirs. - Søn. 10.00-16.00 1 Maj - 24 okt. Tirs. - Søn. 10.00-16.00 HANDWERKE - SPIELZEUG Voksne 50 kr. Børn gratis. Grupper 40 kr. Voksne 50 kr. Børn gratis. Grupper 40 kr. Voksne 50 kr. Børn gratis. Grupper 40 kr. Genießen Sie den Blick auf das Archipel Åbent udenfor åbningstid efter aftale Entrance DKK 50. Children free. Åbent udenfor åbningstid efter aftale Åbent udenfor åbningstid efter aftale vom Museum und den Hügeln von Bregninge. Open by appointment outside the season.

1. Mai - 24. Okt. Di - So 10 -16 Uhr Tel. 21400156 Medlem af Medlem af ”Bike Friend” Tlf. 21400156 Erwachsene DKK 50. Freier eintritt für Kinder Tlf. 21400156 Tlf. 21400156 Außerhalb der Saison geöffnet auf Anfrage Tel. 21400156 Medlem af ”Bike Friend”

17/12/2020 16.52



CAPTAINS HOUSE FOLKLORE ARCHIVES CAPTAINS HOUSE - FOLKLORE ARCHIVES CAPTAINS HOUSE - -FOLKLORE ARCHIVES ELVITRA MADIGANS LOVE STORY MUSICAL ELVITRA MADIGANS LOVE-STORY STORY- MUSICAL - MUSICAL ELVITRA MADIGANS LOVE INSTRUMENTS CRAFTS TOY INSTRUMENTS CRAFTS TOY INSTRUMENTS - CRAFTS - TOY May 1.- Oct. 24. Tue.-Sun. 10 am.- 4 pm. May 1.- Oct. 24. Tue.-Sun. 10 am.- 4 pm. May 1.- Oct. 24. Tue.-Sun. 10 am.- 4 pm. Entrance DKK 50. Children free. Entrance DKK 50. Children free. Entrance DKK 50. Children free. Open by appointment outside the season. Open by appointment outside the season. Open by appointment outside the season. Tel. 21400156 Tel. 21400156 Tel. 21400156


Classic French bistro with a twist Salig Simons Gaard is the epitome of a French bistro, exactly as we know them from the wonderful streets of Paris. For lunch we serve an ensemble of French classics. For dinner we serve our all-inclusive menu at a fixed price. Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday Lunch: 11.00 - 16.00 Evening: 17.30 - 23.00

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Atmosphere, cosiness and Good food • Classic Danish cuisine • Good local produce • Take away every day: Call and order • Terrace with a view of the harbor and Svendborgsund Find out more on our website

H av n e p l a d s e n 5 · 5 70 0 S ve n d b o r g · t e l . 6 2 21 07 1 9 · w w w. r e s t a u r a n t s ve n d b o r g s u n d . d k


Enjoy a delicious, all inclusive summer buffet with a rich variety of dishes at Best Western Plus Hotel Svendborg´s cozy Restaurant Krinsen. Our Summer Buffet is available during summer period in June, July and August. For table reservations please contact us at or +45 6221 1700 Check out our other special offers at


Spend time together at Jensens Bøfhus in Svendborg


At Jensens Bøfhus, you can enjoy a good time together with the ones you hold dear – and not give dishwashing and cooking chores another thought! Simply enjoy the time you have. Together. Gerritsgade 25 | 5700 Svendborg | 62 80 08 84 |

tid til at være sammen

Restaurant Bella Italia

Restaurant Bella Italia

Authentic Italian ambience. Taste a slice of Italy in charming and authentic surroundings. With our genuine Italian passion for food, we serve a menu filled with speciality food and wines.

Brogade 2, 5700 Svendborg, (+45) 6222 2455

+ Open every day + Known for high quality burgers + Steaks, sandwich, fish, vegetarian/vegan food + Lovely coffee + Close to the harbour + Take away

Kullinggad e 1 5700 Svendborg 62 22 17 48 Illustration: Ulla Ersland


GASTROPUB BØRSEN – The sense of enjoyment… GASTROPUB BØRSEN OFFERS: • Outdoor service right in the middle of the pedestrian street • Great food from fresh produce • Large selection of special beers • Homemade smoothies and milkshakes • Barista Coffee Treat yourself to the experience of or »Marthastuen« – »Matadorstuen« and »Mogensenstuen«



Come visit us and taste 24 different kinds of delicious homemade ice cream incl. sorbet ice creams and softice

Svendborg’s ice cream dairy and ice cream shop You’ll find us on Gerritsgade and at the harbor in Svendborg

Family recipes made with organic milk Our ice creams are made from organic milk sourced from a local farm. Everything is produced in our store from scratch based on our family recipes.

We also offer: Milkshakes made from homemade ice cream Chocolate and vanilla flavored softice Homemade waffles Our special ‘guf’ (marshmellow) Ice cream cakes & desserts We also offer take away


BUTIK/SHOP IS/ICECREME/EISCREME CHOKOLADE/CHOCOLATE/ SCHOKOLADE Konnerup & Co. Chocolatier Svendborgvej 399, Vester Åby, 5600 Faaborg Åben/open/Öffnung Man/Mon/Mon - Fre/Fri/Frei: 10.00 - 17.30 Lør/Sat/Sam: 10.00 - 14.00 Søn/Sun/Sonn & Helligdage/bank holidays/Feiertage: Lukket/Closed/Geschlossen


Camping sites and summerhouses



O N-




G N-






2 20

NAB STRAND CAMPING Kildegårdsvej 8 DK-5600 Faaborg mail: Tel: (+45) 22 12 31 32 Nab strand camping_Annonce_199x66mm_Final.indd 1

09/12/2020 08.47

Åben - open 1/5 2021

Rantzausminde Camping Lille hyggelig plads ved Svendborg Sund


Åben /Open/ Geöffnet von 26.4 - 29.9 2021



A small and charming campsite right next to Svendborg Sound Kleiner, beschaulicher Campingplatz am Svendborg Sund

Svendborg Sound

Rantzausminde Camping Rantzausmindevej 215 // 5700 Svendborg // (+45) 2030 6112 //

SVENDBORG SUND CAMPING - oasen ved Vindebyøre

S C -

Vindebyoerevej 52 · 5700 Svendborg Mobile phone +45 2172 0913 SVENDBORG SUND CAMPING

S C -

SVENDBORG SUND CAMPING - die Oase am Vindebyøre

S C -

- The Oasis at Vindebyøre

Åbent fra påske til 1. okt. // Open from Easter until 1 October // Öffnungszeiten: Von Ostern bis 1. Okt.

ED NYuHdendpølardss r e r e St on dle g va


Bøsøre Strand Feriepark Tropisk badeland / Tropical pool Tropisches Erlebnisbad Fodboldgolf / Football golf Fußballgolf 88

Se mere på


Skårupøre amping Skårupøre Strandvej 56a · DK-5881 Skårup T: +45 6223 2147 · mail:

Choose between +6000 holiday houses in the wonderful nature and the most desirable holiday locations in Denmark

Book on

Did you know that Sol og Strand is run as a trust fund, where the profit goes to charity. This way, your booking is making a difference.


igt disk



The pearl by Svendborgsund Restaurant/Terrace Accommodation

Strandgade 5, Tåsinge . DK-5700 Svendborg Tlf. +45 62 22 54 12 .





Når opholdet skal være en del af Hotel Christiansminde tilbyder fan til sundet, restaurant med panoram inspireret køkken, der anvender lo

Vi Øh be Discover Hotel Christiansminde close to the beach and nature and not far away from the city There are spacious rooms to the south, a unique view from the restaurant and a stunning terrace in first parquet to Svendborg Sund. Experiences for the whole family or just the two of you in scenic surroundings. Active holiday or tranquility and presence - Hotel Christiansminde has it all. Enjoy a relaxed atmosphere in the restaurant, that offers tasty food and cosy meals with friends and family. Hotel Christiansminde | Christiansmindevej 16 | 5700 Svendborg | tlf. +45 6221 9000 | |

M/S Helge fra hotellet eller e Istidslandskab med 55 90

Om dy me


Christiansmindevej 16 | 57 Christiansmindevej 16 | 5700 Svendbor

Danhostel Svendborg YOUR POINT OF DEPARTURE TO THE SOUTH FYN ARCHIPELAGO Danhostel Svendborg is close to the many amazing experiences Southern Fyn has to offer - with only a few minutes’ walk you are on the archipelago trail or down by the harbour ready to explore the archipelago We have all the facilities for storing and cleaning your bike or kayak. Get a packed lunch to go and you are ready for unique adventures in the breathtaking nature of South Funen.

rt d sta l u o art e sh so st s ntur , e v h c d u a m An a elicio l sto d l r u f u on a ith o ay w st buffet d r you kfa brea o all, s o t n on ope mily et is a f f f u d b s an ! Our iend venture r f e t i d v a n i ty a tas

Vestergade 45 - DK-5700 - Svendborg - Tlf: +45 6221 6699 91

Hotel Ærø . Brogade 1-3 . 5700 Svendborg . tel: (+45) 6221 0760 . .


Follow the footsteps of Elvira Madigan and experience hygge and genuine Danish quality at the waterfront of Svendborg



Restaurant Ærø . Brogade 1 . 5700 Svendborg . tel: (+45) 4120 0976 . .

In the center of one of Denmark’s coziest market towns Best Western Plus Hotel Svendborg offers a wide selection of great package deals including concerts and other activities on beautiful South Funen as well as delicious menus and buffets in our charming Restaurant Krinsen. Check out upcoming events at or follow us on our Facebook page. For enquiries please contact us at: or +45 6221 1700 Read more about Best Western Plus Hotel Svendborg at Centrumpladsen 1

5700 Svendborg

Tlf. +45 6221 1700

Best price in Svendborg

at the harbour, close to the bustling town and its cultural scene Book your next holiday on +45 6221 1700 or by email Read more about Hotel Garni at Toldbodvej 5


5700 Svendborg

Tlf. +45 6221 1700

Selected local produce, Nordic cuisine, Spa & Wellness. Next to Nature


Visit Hotel Faaborg Fjord and experience the charm of southern Funen in the cobbled streets of the old market town of Faaborg. Enjoy the world famous Nordic cuisine with a selection of local and organic produce, an exquisite selection of wine, lovely rooms along with breathtaking Spa and Wellness in a class of its own. In bathrobe and slippers you can sit back and enjoy the food, the wine, the spa area and the beautiful location in the middle of nature with forest in the backyard, beach in the front garden and at the foot of Svanninge hills and mountains.

Enjoying the waterfront view of the beautiful South Funen archipelago makes a stay at Hotel Faaborg Fjord an exquisite experience.


Age +16

Svendborgvej 175 | DK-5600 Faaborg +45 6261 1010


Broholm Castle • Hotel & Restaurant

• Party & Celebrations

• Gourmet stay

• Holiday home

• Meetings and Conferences

• Fishing Lodge

Open all year

Broholm Slot Broholmvej 32, 5884 Gudme, (+45) 6225 1055

Boats and engines

Restaureringofafold gamle skibe, træ/stål • Restoration ships, wood/steel Reparation • Repairs Nybygning • New buildings beddingerofpå 150 tons og • 2 slipways 150 tonnes and350 350tons tonnes Flydedokdock 1000oftons • Floating 1000 tonnes W 1FUFS 3JOH "OEFSTFO 'SFEFSJLT r %, 4WFOECPSH 5FM r XXX SJOH BOEFSTFO EL & NBJM JOGP!SJOH BOEFSTFO EL








FREDERIKSØ | 5700 SVENDBORG | PHONE +45 71992679





Artisanal workshops


Bente Sonne Glasblæseriet

Salig Simons Gaard, Brogade 37, Svendborg Tel: 6222 8373, Opening hours: see website

Sankt Peder Stræde 7, 5700 Svendborg Opening hours: see homepage, (+45) 5126 7916



Practical Information Strynø Færgen T: 62515100 (Weekdays 9am -10am) www.

ÆrøXpressen (Rudkøbing-Marstal) Tel: +45 7370 7800

AMBULANCE: Tel: 1 1 2 POLICE: Tel: 1 1 4 EMERGENCY SERVICE DOCTOR: Tel: + 45 7011 0707 EMERGENCY ROOM: OUH Svendborg Sygehus Valdemarsgade 53, Svendborg Tel: +45 7011 0707

Bjørnøfærgen (Bjørnø) Tel: +45 2029 8050

BUS SERVICES: & Tel: +45 6311 2233

Ø-Færgen (Lyø & Avernakø) Tel: +45 7253 1800

PARKING: Look for parking pay stations, and remember to set the parking disc in parking spots without pay stations.

Alslinjen (between Fyn and Als) Tel: +45 7023 1515

FERRIES: Højestene (Skarø & Drejø) Tel: +45 6223 3000

TRAINS: DSB Tel: +45 7013 1415

Langelandslinjen (Spodsbjerg – Tårs) Tel: +45 7025 1025

Hjortøboen (Hjortø) Tel: +45 6223 3084

Birkholmposten (Marstal-Birkholm) Tel: +45 4040 0325

Ærøfærgerne (Svendborg-Ærøskøbing, Faaborg - Søby & Søby- Fynshav) Tel: +45 6252 4000



Svendborg Løve Apotek


Svendborg Løve Apotek serves as the emergency service pharmacy of South Fyn. The emergency service pharmacy is located at the shopping mall Svendborg Bycenter. Outside the mall’s opening hours, please use the entrance at Vestergade 16.



Opening hours:


Opening hours:


Weekdays: Saturday:

Svendborg Bycenter Vestergade 16, 5700 Svendborg Tel.: 62 21 00 62

Weekdays: Saturday: Sunday:

Møllergade 92 5700 Svendborg Tel.: 62 21 00 62


8am – 9pm 8am – 3pm 6pm – 9pm 10am – 3pm


9am – 7pm 9am – 3pm 10am – 2pm


Opening hours:


Opening hours:


Weekdays: 9am – 5pm (Thursday until 5.30 pm) Saturday: 9am – 1pm Sunday: Closed

Langgade 20 5874 Hesselager Tel.: 62 25 10 03

Weekdays: 9am – 5.30pm (Thursday/Friday until 6pm) Saturday: 9am – 1pm Sunday: Closed

Torvet 5 5750 Ringe Tel.: 62 62 10 34


Go island hopping

Faaborg III: Faaborg, Lyø, Avernakø

Skarø - Drejø Stry nø - Bj ø rnø Hj ortø - Averna kø & Lyø

Book dit personlige Ø-hop i det Sydfynske Øhav på www.ø For at gøre det nemt og overskueligt for dig som ø-hopper, kan du på www.ø læse mere om øerne, færgerne, attraktioner samt booke dit eget personlige ø-hop.

Faaborg Lyø


Book your own Island Sightseeing on



Avernakø Skarø Lillebjørn: Faaborg, Bjørnø



Hjortøboen: Svendborg, Hjortø, Skarø

Rudkøbing Island Combiferry: Svendborg, Strynø, Lyø, Bjørnø, Avernakø, Drejø, Skarø


Højestene: Svendborg, Skarø, Drejø

Strynø: Rudkøbing, Strynø

At you can read about the islands and book your own sightseeing.

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