Visit Fort Dodge Grant Application Packet
The primary mission of Visit Fort Dodge is to increase the economic activity in Fort Dodge through the promotion of Fort Dodge as the destination for:
Conventions and meetings
Visitor Encounters
so as to enhance revenues for the lodging industry and consequently the City of Fort Dodge, to enhance the quality of life in our community, and to enhance the condition of the community.
Visit Fort Dodge is here to help you with your event, meeting, convention, or sporting competition. We can assist your event being held in Fort Dodge with financial assistance for marketing your event or to pay for hotel rooms to accommodate key persons to make your event a success.
To be eligible to receive funding from Visit Fort Dodge, your event must be
An event, attraction, or project that will potentially create overnight tourism and/or encourage tourism-related activity in Fort Dodge.
All funds received must be used for marketing materials, bid fees or the purchase of hotel rooms for key components of your event. Marketing materials could include brochures, direct mail, fliers, posters, advertising design layout, newspaper advertising, magazine, radio, and television or website design.
You will need to provide sketches or mock-ups and pricing with this application. We will only pay from original invoices and the checks will be paid directly to the marketing company.
Any hotel rooms needed will be billed directly to Visit Fort Dodge for payment directly to the hotel. All hotel rooms will need to be set up through the Fort Dodge Convention and Visitors Bureau director. Only rooms reserved by the director will be paid for.
Here is the process groups must follow in requesting funds from Visit Fort Dodge:
Applications for financial assistance can be submitted Visit Fort Dodge at any time but must be submitted at least 90 days prior to your event. The grant application process will not allow grants to be submitted within 90 days.
Once your application is complete and all information requested has been submitted it will be sent to the Grant Review Committee which will meet on the second Wednesday of each month.
The grant request will be reviewed; any additional information or questions will be submitted back to you for clarification. This information will need to be provided back to the review committee before moving on to the board for action.
Please make sure you provide all information and answer each question completely and accurately as misinformation and missing information will delay the review process and could cause your grant application to not meet the 90-day deadline.
Visit Fort Dodge Grant Application
Today’s Date_________________________
Event Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Event Date_________________________________________________
Contact Name____________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone Number___________________________Email__________________________________
Event Description:
Please define your event including the date
Please indicate specifically how the funds will be spent and how it will impact tourism in Fort Dodge.
1. How much money are you requesting for this grant?
2. What percentage of the total project cost does this request represent?
3. List all other grants and sponsorships you will receive or have applied for and the amount of each.
4. Please include a detailed budget including estimated admission/concessions revenue and expenses.
5. Are you planning on approaching the City of Fort Dodge for any funds and/or services?
6. Did this event receive funding last year? If so what amount and what were the funds used for?
7. Please describe the target audience for your event and how the marketing you are seeking funding for will reach this audience.
8. What is the estimated number of visitors this project will bring to Fort Dodge? Please explain how you arrive at this number. For sporting events please separate participants and spectators.
9. From where do you anticipate these visitors will come and why?
10. What is the estimated number of room nights you anticipate this event will generate and how did you arrive at this figure?
11. Has this event taken place in Fort Dodge before?
12. If not, was it held elsewhere and how many room nights were generated?
13. Will this be an annual project?
14. Will any profit realized this year be rolled over for “seed money” for next year?
15. Will admission fees be charged? If yes, how much will admission be?
16. What would you say is the most compelling reason for Visit Fort Dodge to support your event financially?
I understand that marketing projects funded by Visit Fort Dodge must contain the Visit Fort Dodge logo and tag line. I also understand that if the requirement is not met, no funding will be paid.
Signed by:
Please supply any additional information, samples, Etc…that may support your application.
Since funding from this grant program is uncertain, please do not rely on this grant as part of your operating budget. Applications with incomplete or inflated projections may jeopardize funding.
All applications receiving funding will be required to submit an Event Evaluation after the completion of the event in order to be eligible for funding next year.
Event Evaluation
Event Name____________________________________________________________________
Phone number__________________________ E-mail___________________________________
Event Discription________________________________________________________________
Event dates______________
Attendance___________________________ out of county attendance____________________
For sporting events #of participants_______________ & # of spectators___________________
How did you arrive at these figures?
Facilities used__________________________________________________________________
Were you satisfied with the facility and services? _____yes _____no
Hotel used____________________________________________________________________
Number of room nights created by your event_________________________________
Were you satisfied with facility and services ______yes _____no?
What services did Visit Fort Dodge provide for your event?
Were you satisfied with these services? _____yes _____no
Do you plan to hold your event in Fort Dodge again? _____yes _____no
Additional services you might find helpful in planning this event again?
Additional comments: