20 minute read
from Summer in Gozo 2023
by visitgozo
Is-sajf f’Għawdex hu żmien mistenni minn bosta fejn il-ħajja mgħaġġla ta’ kuljum tieħu pawsa u l-gżira timtela attività b’bosta residenti u eluf ta’ turisti jgawdu x-xemx u l-baħar, imma mhux biss. Għal din is-sena wkoll, id-Direttorat għall-Wirt Kulturali, fi ħdan il-Ministeru għal Għawdex, fassal kalendarju estensiv ta’ attivitajiet kulturali għal dan il-perjodu.
Apparti x-xemx u l-baħar, li huma karatteristiċi tas-sajf fil-gżejjer tagħna, Għawdex joffri bosta attrazzjonijiet oħra, fejn l-istorja rikka li sawret lil gżiritna tiġi manifestata permezz ta’ attivitajiet li jfakkru ġrajjietha.
L-għadd ta’ attivitajiet kulturali, artistiċi u mużikali li hemm ippreparati għal matul dan is-sajf huma bosta, fejn prattikament wieħed jista’ faċilment isib attività kuljum. Dawn l-attivitajiet ma jipprovdux biss vetrina għat-talent lokali, imma tabilħaqq taħlita ta’ espressjonijiet fejn dak tradizzjonali jiġi mżewwaq mal-kontemporanju u flimkien jirrappreżentaw l-evoluzzjoni ta’ gżiritna matul iż-żmien.
Il-festi tradizzjonali li jiġu ċċelebrati f’kull belt u raħal f’Għawdex huma attrazzjoni minnhom infushom għaliex huma xhieda ħajja ta’ dak li jsawwar lilna bħala ġens. It-tiżjin fit-toroq, id-daqq tal-marċi brijużi, in-nar tal-art u tal-ajru, huma kollha ingredjenti li jagħmlu l-festi tagħna benniena ta’ talent apprezzat kemm min-nies tallokal kif ukoll mit-turisti li matul il-jiem tal-festi jesperjenzaw ilkultura Għawdxija fl-aqwa tagħha.
Permezz ta’ dan il-kalendarju kulturali, ser inkunu qed inwasslu varjetà ta’ avvenimenti mużikali u artistiċi, li jkopru firxa wiesgħa ta’ ġeneri ma’ kull rokna ta’ gżiritna. L-attivitajiet ivarjaw u żgur se joffru xi ħaġa għall-familja kollha. Fil-fatt, ġew introdotti wkoll avvenimenti ġodda li ngħaqdu ma’ dawk diġà stabbiliti bħall-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Ikel, ilFestival tal-Films ta’ Għawdex, u l-Victoria International Arts Festival.
Is-sajf f’Għawdex huwa tabilħaqq żmien biex nirrilassaw, ingawdu s-sbuħija naturali tal-gżira, u nesperjenzaw u nipparteċipaw fil-kultura u t-tradizzjonijiet uniċi tagħha. Wegħedniekom li ser inkunu qed noffru kullana ta’ attivitajiet madwar Għawdex kollu u jekk wieħed jagħti ħarsa lejn il-programm ta’ attivitajiet jirrealizza li kelmtna verament żammejnieha. Nawguralkom jiem ta’ mistrieħ u esperjenza memorabbli fil-gżira Għawdex matul dan is-sajf!
Clint Camilleri
Ministru għal Għawdex

Summer in Gozo is when the island comes to life. Locals and visitors alike take pleasure in the warm climate, stunning surroundings, and the wide cultural calendar that has been expertly crafted by the Cultural Heritage Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo.

Along with the sea and sun, Gozo has a lot to offer. The island prides itself on having a rich history and cultural heritage, which are celebrated through music, dance and traditional festivals. From one day to the next, there are a seemingly unlimited number of musical, artistic, and cultural events. This is not only about a showcase of talent but indeed a true expression where the traditional and the contemporary represent the island’s evolution over time.
As a starting point we have the traditional village festa. The weeklong event is a time when the streets are decorated with banners and streamers, while joyful band marches accompanied by fireworks, confetti and merrymaking ensure that the crowds are pleased.
Practically the entire island will host a variety of musical and artistic events covering a wide range of genres, which will be infused with well-established events like the International Food Festival, the Gozo Film Festival, and the Victoria International Arts Festival, to name a few.
In general, summer in Gozo is a time to unwind, take in the island’s natural beauty, and discover its unique culture and traditions. We guarantee that there will be activity all around the Island as our aim is to make this summer a memorable one for everyone who resides or visits Gozo.
Clint Camilleri Minister for Gozo
Marsalforn Mondays - This is a live performance programme that will take place in Marsalforn every Monday from July 3rd to September 18th. Different spots around Marsalforn will host artists who will help you shake off the Monday blues. All live performances will start at 9:30 pm.

City Tuesdays - All starting at 9:00pm, ‘City Tuesdays’ will showcase talented artists on several Tuesdays from July 25th to September 19th. This unique experience will take place at St George’s or Independence Square, where you can soak in the lively atmosphere and immerse yourself in the diverse range of music and talent on offer.
Mid-Week Summer Vibes - Mark your calendars for a series of captivating events that will ignite your midweek spirit! Every Wednesday from July 5th to September 20th, the Qala Village Square and Xagħra Square will alternate as hosts to an array of local performers, starting at 9:00pm.

Mġarr Fridays - Start your weekends off right with live music events every Friday night at Mġarr! From July 7th to September 22nd, you can enjoy a variety of genres and talented performers starting at 9:30pm.
I love Xlendi – Immerse yourself in Sunday evening vibes from July 2nd to September 17th at 8:00pm. Enjoy music, feasting, and the beautiful sea ambiance, making it the perfect way to end your week. Plus, don’t miss the traditional fjakkolata every Saturday during the same period and time.

Summer in the Square - Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience in Xewkija! From July 8th to September 16th, every other Saturday, enjoy live band performances and an International Food Festival right in front of the famous Rotunda, starting at 9:00pm.
Nadur Saturdays – Unwind at Nadur’s main Square on various Saturdays from July 15th to September 9th! Starting at 8:00pm, come and relax in the enchanting ambiance of the Square and enjoy the delightful entertainment on offer.
Other events - Get ready for an exciting lineup of events happening all around Gozo, each with its own unique start time! From festivals to cultural events, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Keep up to date with the latest information, including any changes to the original programme and unlisted events, by checking out www.visitgozo.com and www.eventsingozo. com a few days before the event date. This is your chance to experience the best of what Gozo has to offer, so don’t miss out!

July Events
1 July | 8:00pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Conventual Church of St Francis of Assisi, St Francis Square, Victoria
Viola and percussion unite in a captivating recital by Aiveen Gallagher and Kristian Schembri, hailing from Ireland and Malta respectively.
1 July | 8:30pm
Charles Buttigieg in Concert – St Luċija Square, Kerċem

The second edition of Charles Buttigieg in Concert showcases a charming selection of opera and musical theatre classics, complemented by the scenic and idyllic backdrop of Santa Luċija Square. Headlined by the acclaimed Baritone Charles Buttigieg, the event also features classical and contemporary singers as well as the SCJ Children’s Choir, all under the musical direction of Mark Gauci. Reserve your free seat at www.showshappening.com.
2 July | 2:00pm
Infiorata - In front of Church of the Visitation, Għarb
Experience a colorful and mesmerizing display of artistry at the annual ‘Infiorata’ event hosted by the Għarb Local Council. Watch as fresh flower petals and leaves are meticulously arranged into thematic designs, creating a stunning flower carpet. This event showcases the artistic talent and creativity of the Għarb community and is a feast for the senses.
2 July | 6:00pm
Lejla Għawdxija – Qala Belvedere - Qala
2 July | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Reboot Coast - Xlendi
3 July | 8:30pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Mgr G. Farrugia Hall, St George’s Basilica, Victoria

A Debutants’ Concert, featuring talented young musicians Matthias Conrad on the violoncello and pianoforte performers Christine Muscat and Kellyann Spiteri, accompanied by Nicholas Conrad.
3 July | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Sean Kamati & Band - Marsalforn

4 July | 8:00pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Conventual Church of St Francis of Assisi, St Francis Square, Victoria Indulge in a musical journey with the mesmerizing Cordia Quartet, a collaboration of talented musicians from Serbia and Malta. The quartet features David Lang and Emese Tóth on the violin, Jacob Portelli on the viola, and Frank Camilleri on the violoncello.
5 July | 8:30pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Mgr G. Farrugia Hall, St George’s Basilica, Victoria
Accio Trio: a group of talented musicians from Austria featuring Clemens Böck on the violin, Anne Sophie Keckeis on the violoncello, and Christina Scheicher on the pianoforte. Experience their unique blend of musicality and artistry as they perform a range of classical compositions.
5 July | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – MICHELA – Victory Square, Xagħra
6 July | 8:30pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Mgr G. Farrugia Hall, St George’s Basilica, Victoria

A saxophone and pianoforte recital, featuring talented musicians Magnus von Brandis from Norway and Francis Camilleri from Malta.
7 July | 8:00pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – Bishop’s Curia Courtyard, Republic Street, Victoria
Experience the dynamic and innovative sound of the Auric Saxophone Quartet from England, comprised of talented musicians Sam Corkin, Sally MacTaggart, Alistair Penman, and Jennifer Louise Watson. Their unique performance style showcases the versatility of the saxophone and delivers intricate harmonies and rich melodies.
7 July | 8:00pm
Ħondoq By Night – Ħondoq Bay, Qala
Don’t miss an unforgettable event showcasing local artists in the stunning setting of Ħondoq Bay. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the bay and be captivated by the talent of these exceptional artists. This event promises to be a unique and magical experience that celebrates the vibrant local arts scene and the natural beauty of Gozo.
7 July | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Stranded – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
8 July | 6:00pm
Xandriku Fest – Xandriku Street, Nadur
Experience the authentic charm of Xandriku Street, brought to you by Għaqda Armar Triq Xandriku and Nadur Local Council. Immerse yourself in a traditional setting featuring folk performances and local products.
8 July | 8:30pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Concert – St George’s Basilica, St George’s Square, Victoria
Experience a captivating chamber concert by Nova Sinfonietta, a string ensemble comprised of the foremost talents on the islands. Delight in a repertoire that spans from canonical masterpieces to contemporary compositions.
8 July | 9:00pm
Summer in the Square – Reboot Coast - St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
8 July | 10:45pm
Flames Across the Meadows - Kalandrijiet Street, Kerċem
A breathtaking display of pyrotechnics accompanied by a remarkable mechanical replica of London’s iconic Tower Bridge. The event promises to be a spectacular fusion of visual and mechanical artistry, with an impressive show of fireworks lighting up the night sky in perfect harmony with the intricate movements of the Bridge structure.
9 July | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Stranded – Xlendi
9 July | 8:00pm
Victoria International Arts Festival Closing Concert – St George’s Basilica, St George’s Square, Victoria
The Closing Orchestral Concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, led by conductor Philip Walsh, will feature a diverse repertoire of classical and contemporary works that showcase the orchestra’s precision and emotion.
10 July | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – DCapitals Big Band – Marsalforn
12 July | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Sarah Bonnici & Band – St Joseph’s Square, Qala
14 July | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Mel Xkejfa Duo – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
15 July | 8:00pm
Nadur Saturdays – Upper Lip - St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
16 July | 7:30pm
St Catherine’s Choir & Ensemble – Għajnsielem Centre, Għajnsielem
The open-air concert features the St Catherine’s Girls’ Choir and Ensemble from the UK, offering a diverse repertoire of classical and contemporary music in a beautiful outdoor setting.
16 July | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – MICHELA – Xlendi
17 July | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Upper Lip – Marsalforn
19 July | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Rebecca & The Passengers – Victory Square, Xagħra
19 July | 9:30pm
The Annual Symphonic Concert – St Margaret Square, Sannat
Enjoy a variety of classic, contemporary, and pop music performed by the Saint Margaret Philharmonic Band, led by Mro George Apap, with special guest singers. A synchronized fireworks display will accompany the concert, making it an unforgettable experience.

20 July | 8:30pm
Sweet Music – Narrow Street, Victoria
21 July | 8:00pm
Nadur Singers’ Festival – St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
A local song festival, catering to participants as young as five years old, is being organized by Nadur Local Council and Gaffiero Productions at the heart of the community.
21 July | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – The JoyGivers – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
22 July | 8:00pm
Cocomelon – Għajnsielem Centre, Għajnsielem
This is a fun summer event for kids with songs, clips from ‘Cocomelon’, and a classic movie. It’s colorful and tailored for young children and toddlers. They’ll have a great time and make lasting memories.
22 July | 8:00pm
Nadur Beauty Contest – St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
This is a beauty contest organized by Nadur Local Council and Gaffiero Productions, which gives modelling opportunities to kids and adults of all genders. It’s a great way to showcase unique talents, gain experience, boost confidence and have fun in a supportive environment.
22 July | 8:30pm
Xwejni Music Fest 2nd Edition – Xwejni Bay, Żebbuġ

This is an exciting music festival featuring a diverse lineup of talented artists such as Haddaway, Jolene Samhan, Rug, DJ Ryan Spiteri, Micimago and more. The festival promises to be a great experience for music lovers. To make transportation easy and convenient, a free park and ride service will be available to attendees. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy great music and connect with other music fans in a fun and festive atmosphere.
22 July | 9:00pm
Summer in the Square – Mae – St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
22 July | 11:45pm
Shades of Flames/Glowing Skies 2023 – St Margaret Square, Sannat
A spectacular firework display held in the town’s square.
23 July | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Roundhouse Kick – Xlendi
24 July | 9:00pm
Serata ta’ Għana - San Lawrenz
Immerse yourself in an evening of captivating music as singers and musicians perform a variety of songs. The renowned Ta’ Ċangura Folk group will also be there, offering not just performances, but also insights into traditional costumes and musical instruments. Join us for a remarkable cultural experience!
24 July | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Mel Xkejfa & Band – Marsalforn
25 July | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Gabriella – St George’s Square, Victoria
26 July | 8:00pm
1551 Commemoration – Ċittadella, Victoria
26 July | 9:00pm
Flimkien: Il-Kunċert - San Lawrenz
Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the San Lawrenz Festival, where people from diverse backgrounds come together in the vibrant San Lawrenz square. Join us for a special concert featuring Cash and Band, highlighting the festival’s cultural journey and promoting unity for the future. Experience the evolving power of culture and support local artists.
26 July | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Jolene Samhan – St Joseph’s Square, Qala
28 July | 7:30pm
Lejla Kerċmija – Ġnien il-Familja, Ħorġ Street, Kerċem
A musical festival for all the family in the gorgeous ambience of Ġnien il-Familja.
28 July | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – The Tramps – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
29 July | 6:00pm
Gozo Ceramics Festival – Xlendi
This event features both local and international ceramic artists showcasing their talents in sculpting and hand modelling, along with live music and entertainment. It promises to be a fun and unique night full of art, ceramics, and entertainment.
29 July | 8:00pm
Kalipso – Serata Maltija – Calypso Cave parking, Xagħra

This event is a unique cultural experience that features live entertainment and a demonstration of the loom weaving process. Attendees can enjoy a delicious meal while watching the fascinating display. The “Il-Kumittiva” dance will also be performed while the Ta’ Verna Folk Band & X-Tend Band will play traditional music.
29 July | 9:00pm
DCapitals Live@Cittadella (8th Edition) – Ċittadella Ditch, Ċittadella, Victoria
An open-air concert featuring a variety of talented musicians and singers, including special guest Ivan Grech, and resident singers Francesca Sciberras, Gail Attard, Eliża Stellini, Alexia Micallef, and Fabian Galea, all led by Mro George Apap. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy live music and connect with other music lovers in a beautiful outdoor setting. For more information, contact info@caf.mt or 7971 0366.
30 July | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Cash & Band – Xlendi
31 July | 8:30pm
Opera Vs Pop Under the Stars – Ġgantija Temples, Xagħra

The Gozo Youth Orchestra presents a concert featuring classical and operatic songs and arias, followed by pop arrangements from soundtracks and musicals, with a pre-concert cocktail reception. Contact gozowindbandorchestra@ yahoo.co.uk or 7942 1611, 9942 1611 for more information and bookings. Enjoy an evening of beautiful music!
31 July | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Reboot Coast - Marsalforn

August Events
1 August | 9:00pm
Qala Band in Concert – St Joseph Square, Qala
Led by Mro Mark Gauci, this annual event is a celebration of the local feast of St Joseph.
1 August | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Stents Duo - Independence Square, Victoria
2 August | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes - Cash & Band - Victory Square, Xagħra
4 August | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Sarah Bonnici & Band – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
4 August | 11:45pm
Shades of Light – Qala
A mesmerizing show of light effects and fireworks, synchronized with music by Għaqda Briju San Ġużepp.
4 - 5 August | 6:00pm
Malta International Food Festival - Gozo Special Edition – St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
This festival is the perfect opportunity to discover new tastes and flavours from various international cuisines, with delicious food cooked live throughout the night. Patrons are also entertained with live music, children’s animation, and other attractions.
6 August | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Denise – Xlendi
7 August | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – BrassTubes - Marsalforn
9 August | 9:00pm
Leone Band in Concert: Jubilee Edition – Republic Street, Victoria
The Leone Band marks the annual festivities of Santa Marija with a number of musical events, forerunner being the annual symphonic concert. This concert takes a special accent as it commemorates the 160th anniversary of the founding of the Leone Band (1863). The concert includes a mix of classic and contemporary symphonic music, both sacred and profane, complemented by a fireworks display. Free event but reservations are highly recommended on www.teatruaurora.com.
9 August | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Roundhouse Kick - St Joseph’s Square, Qala
11 August | 9:00pm
SempreVivo Xagħra Concert – Victory Square, Xagħra
This musical concert is a celebration of life, bringing together orchestras, bands, and singers to perform together. It promises to be a wonderful event filled with music and a sense of togetherness.
11 August | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Stents Duo – Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
12 August | 8:00pm
Nadur Saturdays – Divine Sinners – St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
12 August | 9:00pm
Echoes from the Sea - Għajnsielem Centre, Għajnsielem
Enjoy a special evening of live music from popular local bands in Għajnsielem, where the music will reverberate deep from the echo of the seas. It promises to be a unique and memorable experience, with talented musicians performing against the backdrop of the beautiful seaside setting.
13 August | 7:00pm
Xlendi Sunset Festival 5th Edition – Xlendi
Experience the magic of the Xlendi Sunset Festival! Enjoy music, lights, drinks, and a beautiful atmosphere for the whole family. Witness the breathtaking view of the cliffs and Xlendi Coastal Tower. Join us for an unforgettable celebration!

13 – 15 August
Gozo’s Traditional, Agricultural, and Industrial Fair – Villa Rundle Gardens, Victoria

Experience the best of what Gozo can offer: from locally produced wines, oils, and honey to artisan works and crafts, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The three-day event also features livestock displays and family entertainment related to traditional folklore, making it a great outing out for all ages.

14 August | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Novel – Marsalforn
16 August | 6:00pm
Dawra Durella – Ġnien Ċensu Xiberras, Kerċem
This event is a nostalgic celebration of the past, featuring food, music, and games that showcase local traditions. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the cultural history of the area and to experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of times gone by.
16 August | 8:30pm
Assumpta Fest...eku Mużikali - Assumption Square, Żebbuġ
The Santa Marija Band, along with guest singers, will perform a wonderful repertoire of music that’s sure to delight all who attend. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the vibrant atmosphere of the feast and enjoy great music in the company of others.
16 August | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – BrassTubes – Victory Square, Xagħra

17 August | 8:00pm
GħajnsielemFest - Our Lady of Loreto Square, Għajnsielem
Every year, the annual festival provides a platform for local talented singers and dancers to showcase their skills and entertain audiences. It’s a great opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the abundance of talent that the region has to offer.
18 August | 9:30pm
Rock Legends – Lourdes Street, Mġarr
A night of rock music featuring Upper Lip and Rock Troupers.
18 – 20 August
Gozo Film Festival – Ċittadella, Victoria
Don’t miss the three-day film festival that celebrates both local and international filmmakers. This exciting event offers free screenings of selected movies that span across different genres, giving cinema lovers the opportunity to enjoy a variety of films. Come and experience the creativity and artistry of talented filmmakers and immerse yourself in the world of cinema.
19 August | 9:00pm
Summer in the Square – Stranded - St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
20 August | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – The JoyGivers – Xlendi
20 August | 11:30pm
Silent Heroes 2023 – Assumption Square, Żebbuġ
21 August | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Jolene Samhan - Marsalforn
22 August | 9:00pm
St Joseph Band in Concert – Our Lady of Loreto Square, Għajnsielem
Come and enjoy a delightful selection of classical and contemporary musical pieces performed by the talented St Joseph Band of Għajnsielem. Led by the skilled direction of Mro Frankie Debono, this musical performance promises to be a memorable experience for all. Don’t miss out!
23 August | 8:00pm
Tisbit – Villa Rundle Gardens, Victoria
TISBIT is a percussion concert that showcases unique combinations of dance and music, featuring performances by the talented percussions from The Clef House, dancers from Danza C and the Cordia String Quartet.

23 August | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – StraitAhead - St Joseph’s Square, Qala
24 August | 8:30pm
Sweet Music – Narrow Street, Victoria
26 August | 8:00pm
Nadur Saturdays – Mel Xkejfa & Danny Magro - St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
27 August | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – DCapitals Big Band - Xlendi

28 August | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Rebecca & The Passengers - Marsalforn
28 - 29 August | 9:00pm
Fior D’Argenta - Folk Festival – St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
An event showcasing traditional and folk activities to commemorate the Beheading of St John. The program includes a performance by Banda Prekursur, traditional folk music known as “l-Għana,” cutting of the “Torta tal-Bajtar ta’ San Ġwann,” and the traditional bonfire known as “Il-Ħuġġieġa ta’ San Ġwann.”
29 August | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Cash & Kurt - St George’s Square, Victoria
31 August | 7:30pm
Notte Magica – Grand Hotel, Mġarr
The concert will feature the Gozo Regional Orchestra under the direction of Michel Angelo Muscat and guest conductor Joseph Chircop, with the participation of Gianluca Bezzina, Neville Refalo, Sarah Bonnici and Ritienne Azzopardi.
31 August | 9:30pm
Victory Band Programme – 125th Anniversary – Victory Square, Xagħra
In celebration of its 125th Anniversary, the Victory Band will perform a blend of contemporary music, pop, and opera. The performance will be directed by Mro Joe Galea and his Assistant Director Marvin Grech.
September Events
1 September | 9:00pm
Levant – Gozo Heliport, Xewkija
Experience a night of pure live music with the Tribali and Musea Orchestra! This event showcases the perfect blend of contemporary and classical sounds that will surely delight music lovers. Get ready to be swept away by the captivating performance of talented musicians as they bring a unique fusion of traditional Maltese, Mediterranean, and African rhythms. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable evening of musical harmony!
1 September | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – StraitAhead - Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
1 – 2 September | 6:00pm
Classic Wine Festival – Ġnien il-Kunsill, Madonna ta’ Fatima Street, Nadur
Nadur Local Council and Delicata are organizing two nights of live entertainment and wine tasting at a picturesque location, free of charge. Enjoy the live entertainment while tasting some of Delicata’s finest wines.
2 September | 6:00pm
Frott il-Qamħa u l-Ilma Ġieri – Qasam San Pawl Street, Kerċem
Experience an unforgettable evening in a picturesque village, where you can witness old farming techniques such as hay harvesting using restored machinery from the 1930s. Local ftira will be baked in wooden stove ovens, while DCapitals and The Travellers will provide live entertainment. To top it off, there will be a synchronized fireworks display.
2 September | 9:00pm
Summer in the Square – Krejon - St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
4 September | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – MICHELA - Marsalforn
5 September | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Mae Duo - Independence Square, Victoria
6 September | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Novel - St Joseph’s Square, Qala
7 September | 9:00am
Jum il-Vitorja – Victory Square, Xagħra
An event to honour and remember the Great Siege and the Second World War, featuring a re-enactment of the entrance of the Grand Master and a wartime air-raid.
8 September | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Mae - Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
9 September | 8:00pm
Nadur Saturdays – Rebecca & The Passengers - St Peter & St Paul Square, Nadur
10 September | 2:00pm
Family Funderland – Santa Luċija, Kerċem
End summer with a bang at Family Funderland! This fun-filled event is perfect for the whole family, especially the little ones. Enjoy games, food, and exciting rides. Our picturesque square will be transformed with bouncing castles, food stalls, games, a Nerf gun war, music, and more. There’s something for everyone to enjoy. Don’t miss this unforgettable day of family entertainment!
10 September | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Xlendi Folk Group – Xlendi

11 September | 8:30pm
Stage and Proms On The Sea – 8th Edition – Mġarr Marina, Mġarr
Experience an unforgettable concert by the Gozo Youth Wind Band, featuring spectacular performances inspired by London’s West-End shows and timeless masterpieces from the Proms. Join pop singers Ludwig Galea and Sarah Bonnici, under the direction of Mro Dr. Joseph Grech. Entrance to standing area is free, with the option to reserve a Premium VIP Designated Seated Area by contacting 7942 1611, 9942 1611, or gozowindbandorchestra@yahoo.co.uk. Don’t miss this incredible musical event!

11 September | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – Cash & Band - Marsalforn
12 September | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Jolene Samhan - St George’s Square, Victoria
13 September | 8:00pm
Into The Woods Jr – Villa Rundle Gardens, Victoria
Embark on a magical journey through the intertwining plots of beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tales in this enchanting children’s musical. Join a childless couple as they encounter a captivating witch’s curse and immerse yourself in a world filled with wonder, adventure, and heartfelt moments. Experience the power of bravery in this extraordinary production that will captivate audiences of all ages.
13 September | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – DCapitals Big Band - Victory Square, Xagħra
15 September | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Roundhouse Kick - Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
15 – 17 September | 8:00pm
Qala International Folk Festival – St Joseph Square, Qala
This event features a colorful display of dance, music, singing, and traditional costumes by both local and foreign folk groups. In addition, an International Folk Conference will also take place.
16 September | 9:00pm
Summer in the Square – The JoyGivers - St John the Baptist Square, Xewkija
17 September | 8:00pm
I Love Xlendi – Rubberband – Xlendi
18 September | 9:30pm
Marsalforn Mondays – StraitAhead - Marsalforn
19 September | 9:00pm
City Tuesdays – Mel Xkejfa Duo - Independence Square, Victoria
20 September | 9:00pm
Mid-Week Summer Vibes – Stranded - St Joseph’s Square, Qala
21 September | 7:30pm
Independence Day Concert - Independence Square, Victoria
A musical concert to commemorate Independence Day.
22 September | 8:00pm
Fontana Wine Festival – Fontana
The Fontana Wine Festival is a unique festival, featuring a vast selection of Gozitan wines, which are cultivated locally by Gozitan farmers and produced by various wineries. The fourth edition of this event will feature various local bands, including The Travellers, providing a festive atmosphere for all attendees to enjoy.
22 September | 9:30pm
Mġarr Fridays – Rubberband - Manuel de Vilhena Street, Mġarr
23 September | 7:00pm
Wine, Olive Oil & Honey – Is-Salvatur Square & Dun Karm Caruana Street, Għasri
This event is a perfect opportunity for foodies and wine lovers to indulge in some of the finest Gozitan food and wine. The festival includes a range of sumptuous dishes, including a pig roast, as well as honey and olive oil-based delicacies. In addition to the food, guests can enjoy live entertainment, wine tasting, exhibitions, and even a children’s area. This is a great event for families and friends to come together and celebrate the unique flavours of Gozo.
24 September | 9:00am
Żebbuġ Motor Show – Mons. Ġużeppi de Piro Street, Żebbuġ
The Żebbuġ Gozo Local Council is hosting a motor show featuring current and classic automobile models. Attendees can voluntarily donate, with all proceeds going to Puttinu Cares. This annual event has been organized for seven years.
The information in this booklet has been collected with thorough attention. The Ministry for Gozo is not responsible for any changes that might happen within the programme. To stay up to date with all the events in Gozo visit the official website www.eventsingozo.com or follow EventsinGozo Facebook page. There, you can find the latest information and updates on all the events mentioned, and more.