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Guides & Individual Members
outfitters and guides code of ethics
1. The outfitter and guide will utilize his knowledge and skill for the benefit of the public and the profession he serves. He will cooperatively strive to extend the public knowledge and appreciation of his profession. 2. He shall advertise only in a dignified manner, setting forth a factual presentation of the services he is prepared to render for his prospective clients or the public and the cost of such services. 3. If he has the responsibility to furnish boats, stock or other equipment, the equipment furnished shall be safely maintained, operated and handled; the stock in such a situation conditioned to the job at hand. He shall maintain adequate sanitary service facilities and serve clean, wholesome food; both services to be conditioned only by the primitiveness of the surroundings. 4. He shall be licensed and bonded as an outfitter and guide by the State of Idaho and shall adhere to the laws and regulations, Federal and State, which govern the profession. 5. He will support the fish and game laws and will be fully able to use approved methods in the care of wildlife meat and trophies. He shall protect the fields and forests from the ravages of wild fire and support the conservation of natural resources. 6. The outfitter and guide will be loyal to his client or employer and perform his job to the best of his ability at all times. 7. He shall respect the rights of other outfitters and guides and shall not, without just cause, directly or indirectly, injure their reputation or business. He will refrain from expressing publicly opinions in regard to his associates or on allied technical subjects, unless he is informed as to facts relating thereto. 8. He will guard his profession against the admission to its ranks of persons unqualified because of the lack of good moral character or who are, because of inadequate training, unable to perform as a professional. 9. He will cooperate in extending training opportunities to others through an interchange of ideas and experiences and by seeking other means to assure the longevity of the profession. 10. The outfitter and guide shall direct his best efforts towards the fulfillment of his contractual obligations, but he shall do nothing that will infringe on the rights of his guest or the cause of good sportsmanship. 11. He shall practice appropriate minimum-impact camping techniques, and he shall cooperate with other outfitters and guides and agency personnel to continue to develop better methods of caring for the lands and waters upon which he outfits and guides.
member guides & individual associates
voting guide members
Ambelang, Andrew Joseph Anderson, Bob Bender, Joel Chroninger, Andrew Cole, Catlin Demerse, Mike Deutchman, Dagny Edson, Greg Edwards, Dylan Gehrman, Mike Jesse, Dennis Judge, Wyatt Juza, Jim Korell, Cody McGowan, Larry Pogue, Dean Power, Gary Reed, Adam Rigby, Doug Schroeder, Jo Smith, Ken Taylor, Fred Tremain, Tom Williams, J.R. Wright, Mary Youren, Harry Zettel, Jessica
individual associates
Blackburn, Joe Brookshire, Gary Bukowsky, Al & Jeana Canoy, Matthew Erickson, Noel Fisher, Shelly Heimer, John Mills, Dave & Sheila Nachbar, Dick Reynolds, Brian Rust, Mike Stephens, Ted
guide members
Adams, Mike Aronson, Ryan Baugh, Brant Baugh, Peyton Berchard, Ben Butler, Dale Butler, David Cole, Caitlin Cox, Cullun Edsel, Wyatt Edwards, Dylan Eimers, Anne Ginnetti, Curtis Gorrell, Jerry Greenwood, Josie Gregg, Kassarah Guest, Elliott Hepworth, Ben Kay, Brandon Langston, Caton Lieberman, Aaron Lindorf, Melody Lofto, Ryland Marek, Ben McGarry, Jake Moyes-Jeffs, Lonnacie Redrick, Ty Richard, Tyrell Riggs, Taylor Rodriquez, Jorge Smith, Jeffrey Stillwaugh, Tristan Sullivan, Cian Tinsley, Tanner Jordan Tuttle, Seth Wassmuth, Austin Wieber, Jeff Young, Hunter
Idaho Outfitters & Guides Association P.O. Box 95, Boise, ID 83701 Tel: (208) 342-1438 Fax: (208) 338-7830
For additional information on Idaho, call 1-800-VISIT-ID.