Ireland 54% 4% 36% 5% Leisure Business VFR1 Other 95% 5% Air Sea 1% 99% Day Overnight For 30% it’s their 1st visit 74% would return in the next 2 yrs 3NPS:62 5 Rank 9 10 8 7 8 2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
-8% vs. 2019 +2% vs.2022
Jersey in 2022-onwards, 2017-2019 by IGR. Spend is stated in nominal terms. Key: green is volume data, pink is spend, orange is experience data.1VFR (Visiting friends and relatives). 2Average length of stay excludes day trippers. 3Net Promotor Score (NPS) is leisure only and is impacted by cultural differences, avoid comparing by markets. Avg. length of stay2 £723 Spend per visit £126 Spend per night 5.6 4 Rank 4 5 4 5 5 2017 2018 2019 2022 2023 Spend (£m) Republic of Ireland port link Dublin 92% booked accomm. & travel separately 76% stayed in paid accommodation 10% 26% 65% Low5 Shoulder6 Peak7
1% of visitors in 2023 were from the Republic of
Visits (000s)
Source: Exit Survey by 4insight
by Visit