Visit Jersey Place Names

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Jersey Place Names

Some of Jesey’s place names are in French and


be a little tricky for you (or clients) to

NT NT NT H H H WC WC WC WC WC WC H WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC L Ruede P o s M n d ub é La R u t d s Que ne a is Grand e R o ut d e M i l es esLande R e uV Bach La G n d R d S itn L ru tn A1 A St Aub sRd A A1 S Ouen’s Manor St John’s Manor S St. Aubin Gorey Maufant Rozel Manor Egypt Sorel Airport Les Mielles Nature Reserve Samares Manor Rozel La G ève dè Lecq Grève V A13 A 3 A 3 A3 A13 Route de la Pu n e R e de Corb e ont A12 A12 A12 M n P n Roued T od z La Ve te Rue L RoutedeSan J a Rou edesI u A 9 9A 9A A8 8 A 8 Bagatelle Rd on u vi e A4 A4 A4 A A4 A 4 4A A3 A3 A3 B28 B 28 G andeRoutede F ldoue La GrandeRoutedeSaintMa tin B 6 Don u Es P c L Rou e d C es d No d N i rmontRd Fisherman' Chapel Corbi re Phare Corbière Lighthouse Corbière Portelet Common Ouaisné Common Les Creux Portelet Inn Ouaisné Bay Grève d' Azette Grève de Lecq St. Ouen’ Bay St. Brelade’s Bay St. Aubin’ Bay St Clement’s Bay St Catherine’ Bay t. Rozel Bay Fliquet Bay Archirondel Royal Bay of Grouville Green Island Beauport Plémont Bonne Nuit Bouley Bay Portelet Bay St Lawrence St. St John St. St Mary St. St Ouen St. St Peter St. St Brelade St. St Helier St. St Saviour St. St. Martin Trinity 02 19 04 03 06 17 11 01 09 06 16 05 02 03 11 08 13 07 14 12 15 01 04 10 0 1 Beauport Bay Bo-port Bay 05 Greve de Lecq Beach Grev-der-leck Beach 09 Les Écréhous Les Eck-ray-hoe 10 Les Minquiers Lay Ming-keys 13 Samarès Manor Sam-a-ray Manor 14 St. Aubin’s Bay Saint O-bin 15 St. Brelade’s Bay Saint Bre-lards Bay 16 Plémont Bay Pleh-mont Bay 11 Mont Orgueil Castle Mont Or-guy Castle 12 Ouaisné Bay Way-nay Bay 06 Grosnez Castle Grow-nay Castle 07 Havre des Pas Beach Harv-day-par Beach 08 La Hougue Bie La Hoog-bee 02 Bonne Nuit Bay Bon-wee Bay 03 Bouley Bay Bull-ee Bay 04 Corbière Lighthouse Cor-bee-air Lighthouse
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