Molly's Guide Autumn 2017

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ISSUE 28 • AUTUMN 2017

for parents & carers

EXPLORE, DISCOVER Learning at Lincoln Cathedral

Family fun at Family


40 years in Visit & discover more

with Andy Carando’s Entertainments




Fabulous family days out this

We take


year olds

A purpose-built local authority school serving the families of Birchwood and surrounding areas. Well-equipped inside and out with a fully enclosed spacious outdoor area. All children are welcome, their abilities, gender, cultural and ethnic background are celebrated.

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01522 684335 pp








September marks a huge milestone for children and parents alike, the beginning of a new school year for returning youngsters and the start of a new chapter for first timers.

Lincolnshire Puppy

I’m delighted that ‘Lincoln Loves Kids’ is working with Molly’s Guide, a free magazine you’ll receive every term in the school bag. The links it has with family events and activities can help you plan memorable moments outside of school. Children learn through play, and our ‘Lincoln Loves Kids’ website ( can help you explore and try new things - not just during the school holidays, but after school and at weekends too. When you see Lincoln through the eyes of your child, you’ll discover a city you’ve never seen before as well as experiences which will help them in the classroom.

Bastion in the Air


Don’t miss our ‘Lincoln Loves Kids’ competition to win a winter or summer break in Lincoln; including two night family accommodation, family passes for top attractions, tickets to an entertainment show and much more. Just go to to enter. I hope you find ‘Lincoln Loves Kids’ helpful and we welcome your feedback. We’d love to see your favourite moments and photos by using #LoveLincoln or tagging @VisitLincoln

St Barnabas Hospice

Lincoln Castle

stevensgreenmedia Editorial & Advertising: Stevens Green Media Ltd 63 Bunkers Hill, Lincoln LN2 4QS T: 01522 535068


Design: Dandelion Design Print: Photography: Cover image: Visit Lincoln


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The Lincolnshire Puppy

A children’s book which encourages primary school pupils across Lincolnshire to aim high in their ambitions has won a commendation at a national education awards. The Lincolnshire Puppy is an illustrated story telling the tale of a mischievous dog who gets into all sorts of scrapes until his friends show him that learning is fun and a route to be anything he wants to be.

Elly Sample, Director of Communications, Development & Marketing at the University of Lincoln, said: “We are delighted to be recognised by HEIST for our engagement with primary school children across Lincolnshire.

With references to famous Lincolnshire landmarks and institutions, from Lincoln Cathedral to the Red Arrows, the book aims to build confidence and aspiration in young children so that they can realise their ambitions – and discover that learning can also be fun.

“Higher education is a life-changing experience and yet for many reasons there are still significant barriers that mean young people from less advantaged backgrounds are underrepresented at universities. Lincolnshire in particular has some stark higher education cold spots – places where the percentage of teenagers progressing to university is significantly lower than would be expected based on their academic achievements at school.

It is a publication from the Lincolnshire Outreach Network – a partnership of higher education providers from across Lincolnshire led by the University of Lincoln. It is written by Elly Sample with illustrations by Ruddocks Design of Lincoln and a foreword by the broadcaster and naturalist Chris Packham, a Visiting Professor at Lincoln. Free copies of The Lincolnshire Puppy were posted to almost 300 primary schools across the region for Early Years and Year 1 classes in the 2016/17 school year. A competition was also launched for children of other age groups to claim their free copy by sending in stories and pictures about what they want to be when they are older. The first print run of 10,000 books quickly ran out and a further batch of the same size was ordered to meet demand. The Lincolnshire Puppy was Highly Commended in the Best Community / Business Engagement category at the national HEIST Awards 2017*, which celebrate the excellence and innovation of everyone involved in education marketing, from regional colleges to global university brands. 4

Autumn 2017

“There is evidence that children’s journeys in education are largely determined before they reach secondary school, which is why The Lincolnshire Puppy aims to encourage and inspire young children, their parents and carers to aim high, whatever their ambitions.” Paul Banton, Managing Director at Ruddocks said: “As a company we are very focussed on our local community and we are delighted to be working with the University of Lincoln to promote and encourage ambitions of the young people in our county, whether that be academic or vocational. “This is just one of many educational support projects Ruddocks are currently involved in; it is an important role of local businesses to provide guidance and mentoring for the workforce of the future.”


Desperate Dad Pretty soon there’ll be a chill in the air. But don’t worry it’s nothing sinister. It may seem a little alien after the warmish summer months however, as the days become shorter and mornings a bit darker. The landscape will slowly change, not quite life on Mars, but it’ll start to feel a bit different. More a refreshing breeze and the cooler air will feel good on the skin - we don’t need it too cool though! Lazy summer holidays will become distant memories, with kids back at school and routines thankfully settled again. Some of us love the sunshine and thrive on the long hot days, but with the changing seasons come new opportunities/problems for plucky parents to prioritise. PROBLEM ONE: Coats will become a necessity on school runs. Try telling that to two shorts mad monkeys however, who would tackle an arctic expedition in nothing more than a football top or Star Wars tshirt, given half the chance. PROBLEM TWO: Dwindling opportunities to visit the park. Come 3:15pm, when hell’s unleashed and the school bell tolls, excited children are looking to burn those last embers of pent up energy. A downpour at home time is more than enough to dampen everyone’s spirits, fear a mud bath the likes of Glastonbury has never seen. PROBLEM THREE: You already have too many problems.

And should it snow, well it really is the icing on the cake. Whole weekends can disappear quicker than your sledge down the hill. Entirely recommended. OPPORTUNITY TWO: Key dates and events. In addition to Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year, we even have a November birthday to crowbar in too. There’s always something going on. Whether it’s dressing up, or wrapping up, the cold snaps will go unnoticed thanks to the warmed hearts this continuing excitement creates. I guess it just goes to further underline how quickly time passes. Yet another cycle is ending its full loop, and no matter what they say, the grass never grows under your feet.

OPPORTUNITY ONE: Embrace the seasons fully.

Those cooler alien breezes are destined to usher in new chapters for us all to explore.

Kiddies are fascinated by the changing seasons. Leaves falling and puddles forming are a magnet for little legs. Think red rag to bull.

So although it may often feel like we’re smack bang in the middle of our very own ‘War of the Worlds’.

In appropriate, industrial strength clothing, many an hour can be whiled away, kicking and splashing like there’s no tomorrow. Barry Wood is an ex journalist now working for the NHS in Lincolnshire. A father of two boys and husband to one Portuguese wife, he blogs regularly as Desperate Dad.

A forever autumn would not go amiss, as we look forward to the changing seasons of life, and all the new adventures they’re bound to bring. Read more adventures: Facebook: Desperate Dad Twitter: @Dad_Desperate



Family time

Normally, at this point in the year, as the leaves slowly turn golden brown and the nights begin to draw in, I anticipate what lies ahead that ruminate on the new term, but instead, I’m going to look back. Back at the recent six-week holiday which I have spent with my children, cramming in as much as possible, before my eldest child begins secondary school and my four-year-old returns to complete what will be his final year in pre-school.

Newspaper columnist Sam Curtis, 47, lives in Lincoln, with her husband Leigh and their two children, Lottie, 11, and Louie, 4 You can follow Sam on: Twitter: @sammanfa Instagram: sammanfa1 Facebook: SamCurtisWrites


Autumn 2017

And, as they are both heading back to the classroom, I thought I’d refresh myself of the Three R’s – Reading, (W)Riting and (A)Rithmetic by devising a mathematical quiz – my summer by numbers, as it were. I’ll also do the ‘riting and you can do the reading if you like. 1. So, here goes, the first question: What’s the square root of 9? Three. Three is also the number of times I have taken my children swimming at North Kesteven swimming pool. For those of you who don’t know, the last time I went for a dip at the popular fitness centre, I embarrassed myself when my swimming costume ‘malfunctioned’. What I didn’t realise, as I bobbed up and down in the water, was the halter neck of my cossie had come undone and had ended up around my waist. My kids are lucky we made it back to the pool once, never mind three times after that happened.

2. In geometry, an isosceles triangle is a triangle that has how many sides of equal length? Two. Which is the number of times my children have been camping this summer. The first time was early on in the school holidays when we went to Heckington Show with my parents. We stayed over in their camper van so we could watch the fireworks display, which always takes place on the first evening of the event. The second time was when, on impulse, I put up the tent in the back garden and told my children they could camp out for fun. They were thrilled by the idea. I left them snuggled down in their sleeping bags at 9pm and by 9.30pm they were both back in their own beds because they ‘heard something’ outside of the tent. I am certain it was the snuffling of a hedgehog.

3. Ready for another? What is the formula for pi? 3.14159. A very precise number but this probably equates to the number of times my children have eaten pizza, per week over the six week holiday. It’s tricky feeding a pernickety four-year-old and a hormonal tweenager food they will both eat without grumbling. Pizza usually ticks the box, plus, I always serve vegetables and fruit salad as a side dish to make myself feel better. 4. We’re still warming up the brain cells – it’ll get harder. What is 10 x 20? 200. Which is also the total amount of cash I spent on kitting out my eldest child in new uniform. I basically handed over my debit card to the assistant in Uniform Direct and said ‘we’ll take it all, whatever she needs and we’d better have two of everything while you’re at it’. Also, because one of my lasting memories from when I started secondary school at the age of 11 is the HIDEOUS brown shoes my mother forced me to wear, I forked out for a pair of patent Mary Jane-style shoes from Clarks because no child of mine will suffer the embarrassment of being laughed at on her first day for wearing the wrong colour shoes.

5. How many zeros are in a trillion? A lot, well, this many to be precise: 1,000,000,000,000. That’s also the same number of times I have threatened to take my eldest child’s phone away if she continues to watch it under her duvet when it is way past her bedtime. It’s also the same number of selfies she has posted on Instagram and the same amount of texts and Snapchat messages (or ‘streaks’) she has sent to her friends over the course of the holidays.

6. Is a gazillion bigger or smaller than a trillion? Ah, trick question – there is no such thing as a gazillion but the one thing Google can confirm is it indicates a large number, huge in fact, which would equate to the number of times my four-year-old has shouted “MUMMY” over the school holidays. Sometimes, it has been warranted – like when he needed me to cut up sausages at teatime, when his sister was dangling him upside down by his feet, or to help with toilet duties. Other times, it was less necessary – like the time he yelled for me to glue his banana back together after it ‘snapped’. I have heard my name shouted so many times I have become slightly immune to responding, which probably isn’t a good thing. 7. What is everyone’s lucky number? It has to be 7, yes? Well, it certainly wasn’t all that lucky for my eldest child who was desperate to make slime this summer. There is a bit of craze going on at the moment – homemade slime – fuelled by a gazillion videos on YouTube of people making slime from PVA glue and Borax (try finding it in the UK). Other ingredients can be combined, including glue and contact lens cleaner, or glue and Aldi’s Almat laundry wash. We found, on the seventh attempt, that the Almat combination proved the most successful. But after seven goes, we were rapidly losing the will to live.

8. If the ice cream man visits your street every day for six weeks and you buy two ice creams a day. How many ice creams do you purchase over the duration of the school holidays? Ooh, me, me, I know – because I am the mother who let her children twist her arm into letting them have a treat from Candy’s van on a daily basis. The answer is 84, by the way. 9. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23… This is a list of what, of which 5 is one? Prime numbers – you clever things. Five is also the number of times I have already had a conversation about – shhh – Christmas, because we all know, as soon as the kids go back to school in September, we blink and the festive season is upon us. Maybe if we don’t talk about it, time will slow down and December will remain in the not-so-distant future. So, how did you do? Did you answer all nine questions correctly? Well done, if you did. You are officially ready for the new term, even if none of us are quite ready to set our alarm clocks to 7am after a summer of lie-ins and lazy



Lincoln Cathedral

EXPLORE, DISCOVER, BE INSPIRED Free CPD opportunity for teachers and trainee teachers Wednesday 1st November 2017 2pm-5pm The Old Deanery, Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln How to become a *Heritage School This practical session will give you the chance to explore the history of the area using maps and aerial photographs from our archives. We will show you how to trace changes in the historic landscape and give you a step by step guide on how to carry out a local history study using census data, trade directories and free websites. You’ll be able to research a street near your school and find out who lived there and what life was like. It’s easy once you know how! We will give you the tools to enable you to carry out enquiry based learning activities based around a local heritage site, and showcase many of the school resources we have developed that are specific to your area and tailored to the new History Curriculum. *Historic England is the public body that looks after England’s historic environment. We champion and protect historic places, helping people understand, value and care for them. “Our Heritage Schools programme aims to help school children develop an understanding of their local heritage and its significance,” Kate Argyle, Historic England This is also an opportunity to find out more about the exciting future for school visits at Lincoln Cathedral once the new Learning Centre is open. Find out how you can be involved in the programme development. To book your place, or find out more please contact

What teachers have said about this training... “Without a shadow of a doubt some of the best and most practical CPD I’ve ever been on. Thank you so much for organising it.” 8

Autumn 2017

“I came back to school and was eager to enthusiastically share what I had learnt that day , so all in all it was a very effective, informative and worthwhile CPD day for me. The opportunity and advice given was greatly appreciated.”

“I just wanted to say that I thought yesterday’s CPD was brilliant that rare combination of being both interesting and useful - thanks to all involved in making it happen.”

TOMORROW’S ACHIEVERS If you have children who are exceptionally able, gifted and talented, this is for you… Lincoln Cathedral is delighted to host a range of outstanding workshops for gifted and talented children aged 10+. This is an unmissable opportunity for your gifted and talented young people to participate in exciting, challenging and unique workshops starting from November 2017 through to April 2018. Topics range from ‘Hidden Treasures in the Cathedral’ and ‘Animals of Imagination, Fable and Fantasy’ to ‘Elbows! Smiles and Laughter: Assumptions Behind Body Language’.

Workshop participants will get the opportunity to visit the magnificent Lincoln Cathedral. All the sessions take place on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm and are led by highly experienced and entertaining tutors. There are also two sessions dedicated to helping parents and carers of gifted & talented children on Friday 1st December and Friday 26th January. Everything you need to know including how to book, dates, location and applying for a grant are on a link from this page: https://lincolncathedral. com/education-learning/tomorrows-achievers/

Places are limited & will get booked up quickly! Don’t miss out on this rare opportunity for gifted children to experience something really special in the historic city of Lincoln.

FREE PILOT SCHOOLS SESSIONS Lincoln Cathedral education is changing… We need your help so that we can offer you unmissable learning experiences outside the classroom. COMING SOON… Enhanced interactive school tours with

optional crafts with subjects including ‘Epic Journeys: A Pilgrimage’, ‘Solving Mysteries: Signs and Symbols’, ‘Time Detectives: A Norman Cathedral’. At the moment these enhanced tours will be limited to one class. Looking ahead to 2020, the Heritage Lottery funded Cathedral Connected project will provide an innovative, well-equipped new Learning Centre which will enable large groups to visit at the same time, with purpose-built facilities and an exciting range of learning experiences. If you would be interested in taking part in free pilot sessions please email education@ For further info: E:

NEW FAMILY BACKPACKS Just in time for October half-term there will be fun family backpacks available at the Cathedral. There will be different themes including ‘Animal adventures’ for the very young to ‘Work. Work. Work’ – all about building a Cathedral for 6 years plus. The packs are free to borrow whilst in the Cathedral and on return you will receive a sticker and treat.



The Priory Pembroke Academy

Headteacher Simon Evans

A school which joined the Priory Federation this summer is looking forward to a new era under a brand new name and leadership. The former Cherry Willingham Community School has formally opened for 2017-18 as The Priory Pembroke Academy. The academy serves mainly the populations of Cherry Willingham, Reepham, Fiskerton, Nettleham, Greetwell and Langworth. The new name commemorates the first Earl of Pembroke, William Marshal, who secured a decisive victory for the English army over the occupying French forces in the Battle of Lincoln in 1217. In the 800th anniversary year of Pembroke’s triumph in Lincoln, the new name pays lasting tribute to the heroism of one of the country’s greatest knights. His actions changed the course of history locally and nationally. 10

Autumn 2017

New Headteacher Simon Evans, most recently Deputy Head at The Priory LSST in Lincoln, said: “I am delighted to be the new Headteacher of The Priory Pembroke. I truly believe that this academy, working closely with the Priory family, will grow quickly and go from strength to strength.” The academy is focussing on academic rigour, using the Priory values to ensure that it is nurturing deeply cultured, reflective and philosophical thinkers of the future. The teaching team now consists of a blend of LSST and Cherry Willingham staff. Mr Evans said: “My staff will work hard to ensure that they empower intellectual curiosity and create active learners. It is also important that our pupils have the courage, generosity and passion to succeed. “This is an exciting time for the academy. It is undergoing significant development and our new name, identity and uniform will help us forge a new path in the community.”


OPEN EVENING Thursday 21st September 2017 6pm-8pm

Headteacher: Mr Simon Evans

T: 01522 751040 E: Croft Lane, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4JP

• • • • • •

Value individuals Instil confidence Raise aspirations Maximise potential Inspire leadership Foster creativity

Celebrate with the Witham Academy We are in the

top 20% in England for results

The Priory Witham Academy Proud to say

we are

‘Good’ Ofsted

Tuesday 12th September 6pm The Priory Witham Academy inspires and excites pupils to be passionate about learning


DE WINT AVE, LINCOLN, LN6 7DT • 01522 882900 E:

‘Believe together, achieve together’


Lincoln Minster School

Victoria Whitworth, Deputy Head of Lincoln Minster Pre Preparatory School on the importance of mindfulness in school... The development of the emotional wellbeing of each individual child is of vital importance at Lincoln Minster School. Having a happy child, who is focussed, enthusiastic and keen to learn is becoming even more essential at a time when academic excellence is being emphasised and expectations placed on children are high. Meditation is recognised as an important life skill, encouraging the development of emotional intelligence. Current research has determined that meditation increases resilience to stress, boosts self-confidence, enhances performance and focus, reduces anxiety, encourages good behaviour and improves overall attainment. We have adopted a variety of strategies from nursery to Year 3. For example, in nursery, sensory stones have been introduced with expressive words being used to describe how they look and feel. Year 3 pupils have listened to guided meditation whereby

they can use their imagination to create relaxing imagery in their minds. We have noticed an improvement in pupils’ responses to situations and their focus during lesson time. Whether a child is able to calm themselves through practising breathing techniques or their descriptive language and imaginative capacity have improved as a result of first hand sensory experiences, it is clear that there are many benefits of incorporating a mindful approach into everyday school life.



Sir William Robertson Academy

Choosing a secondary school is one of the most important decisions you will have to make for you and your child. The decision making process will be eased by gathering as much information about possible schools in advance of the October deadline. With this in mind, we would like to extend an invitation to parents/carers and your child to come and tour the Academy where you will see first-hand the excellent behaviour of our pupils and the high-calibre learning taking place in the classrooms.

Situated in a unique rural location, SWRA provides a safe and idyllic learning environment with superb pastoral care and support and a varied programme of enrichment and extracurricular activities. The Academy is easily accessible from Newark, Grantham, Sleaford, Lincoln, the A46 and surrounding villages – with school buses serving each of these areas.

Sir William Robertson Academy is judged as Ofsted ‘Good’ in all areas of the school and has been recognised as being one of the ‘Top 100 non-selective state-funded schools in England’ in a letter from Nick Gibb MP – Minister of State for Schools (Feb 2016).

Our pupils are well supported through an engaging and dynamic academic curriculum that is tailored to the needs of the individual. The school is well resourced, with wonderful outdoor facilities for a wide range of sporting activities. We offer a full and active programme of musical and performing arts from our purpose built studios.

The Academy is a highly successful 11-18 school with a flourishing and rapidly expanding Sixth Form. The school fosters an aspirational ethos in which every child is expected to achieve the very best they can in all that they do.

Come and find out how your child can ASPIRE to a brighter future by booking a personal tour on 01400 272422 or join us at our Open Mornings 9.15am - 11.15am 18th – 20th September 2017 September or our Open Evening on Wednesday 20th September 2017.

Please visit to find out more. 14

Autumn 2017

The Priory Academy LSST is one of the country’s top performing educational establishments, generating excellent examination results year on year. We have a national reputation for academic excellence and our aspirational emphasis helps students progress to the country’s top performing universities. We create and sustain an inclusive culture for our student community, working consistently towards excellence in teaching and learning. We have high expectations to ensure all students are given the opportunity to fulfil their potential and embrace new educational ideas and thinking.

Our students are encouraged to participate fully in all that the Academy has to offer. There is a vast range of extra-curricular activities ensuring we provide opportunities for our students to try something new in a safe and supportive environment. Parents, carers and students appreciate and support our high expectations of behaviour and uniform that are established clearly and consistently. The Academy’s environment is unique and has been thoughtfully fostered for many years. Sitting within a large campus area encompassing themed garden spaces, sculptures and activity areas, it creates a calm, reflective and purposeful atmosphere for our students.

Our highly qualified and supportive staff ensure that students achieve their very best.

OPEN EVENING Thursday 5th October 2017

Assessment dates for those wishing to apply for a place based on aptitude are: Saturday 30th September 2017 and Saturday 7th October 2017

The Priory Academy LSST, Cross O’Cliff Hill, Lincoln, LN5 8PW Tel: 01522 889977 Email: Website:


Lincoln Castle Academy When Year 6 pupils leave their primary schools, they feel successful; they have been the big fish, albeit in a relatively small pond. Starting secondary school can therefore be a worrying time: endless corridors, stairs, sixth formers twice their height, books, folders, maps, long days… At Lincoln Castle Academy, we believe the transition into Year 7 should be an exciting time. With care and guidance, our new Year 7 students make the transition successfully. Taster days alongside our Year 7 Summer School, allow students to become familiar with the surroundings, to meet staff and to make friends from other primary feeder schools. When students begin Year 7, they visit Lincoln Castle as a whole year group to learn about the city’s rich history and to get to know each other as a year group. As they settle, students embark on an exciting and challenging curriculum. During the initial term and throughout the year, additional opportunities are provided for parents to visit the academy and speak to their child’s tutor; these relationships are important to us.

By working in partnership, we ensure every student reaches their potential, achieving academic excellence, gaining life skills and ultimately ensuring they have the best chance to access good universities, apprenticeships or rewarding careers. Our Open Evening is an opportunity to learn about our curriculum, our programme of rewards, our extensive range of enrichment opportunities and to meet our students and staff. Please join us for our Open Evening, Wednesday 13th September, 6.30pm-8.30pm.

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Sir Robert Pattinson Academy Sir Robert Pattinson Academy is a school where students are valued, happy, challenged and strive to achieve their best. The Academy provides rich learning experiences both in and outside of the classroom, resulting in a great education. Staff pride themselves on ensuring that our pupils are not just well-educated but encouraged and supported to become valued members of society. The Academy makes sure that understanding and preparing for the world of work are priorities for our students. They are integrated fully alongside a firstclass education in a calm and caring environment where all students can succeed. The Academy has a strong ethos that every student should value, enjoy and be excited by learning and the world around them, giving them a unique opportunity to be successful. Students are inspired to take part in our excellent International Programmes, local projects and they actively engage with businesses and universities. In the latest OFSTED report last year inspectors rated the Academy as ‘good’ after praising its leaders for improvement of ‘all aspects of the school’.

The Academy’s facilities are continually updated, extended and refurbished. This next year we will see new Art rooms, new classrooms and refurbishing of the PE changing area. To see the campus and meet the staff for yourself, why not come to our Open Evening on Wednesday 20 September 6pm-8pm.



St Peter & St Paul Academy

Our mission as a Catholic Voluntary Academy is to provide the highest possible standards of education for all students, delivered within the context of gospel values. Our community is made up of many faiths and backgrounds, although our Catholic ethos underpins everything we do. We provide a safe environment so students are academically successful allowing them to become very well educated people with strong Christian values. Success at St Peter and St Paul Academy stems from careful planning of the curriculum so that every student is studying appropriate and challenging courses and we combine this with high quality teaching and support for each individual student. We are so proud as a school community that the results for Summer 2016 were the best that the Academy has ever achieved and in June 2017 the Academy was rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted. Our extra-curricular activities play an integral part of a young person’s development and all of our students are encouraged to embrace the breadth of opportunities available. We welcome visits at any time so do make an appointment to come and see us at work. For more information: T: 01522 871400 20

Autumn 2017


Bastion in the Air

This project aims to tell the story of the importance of Lincolnshire during World War 1. A series of travelling exhibitions will be held all over Lincolnshire and based in Village Halls, Heritage Centres etc and will not only focus on urban areas but also on rural areas and small communities. These exhibitions will stay at each location for between 7-10 days and we are hoping to be able to work with local schools, youth groups and village organisations. There will also be information packs available for the communities to use on self-directed visits. These exhibitions will commence in July 2017 and continue through the duration of the project, ending in 2020. During the summer of 2018, our two major static exhibitions will be held at RAF Scampton Heritage and Ethos Centre and also at The Collection Museum in Lincoln. Scampton will house an authentic reproduction of a WW1 airfield complete with aircraft whilst The Collection will focus on the work carried out on the design and production of aircraft as well as the threat to the Country of the Zeppelin and Lincolnshire’s role in defeating this menace. Education sessions will also accompany these two exhibitions and details will be sent out to all Schools nearer the time. For further information on this exciting opportunity or to find out when we will be in your area, please contact Brian Riley, Project Officer: or Sue Miller, Education Co-ordinator:



Kingsdown Nursery

Do you have a 2, 3 or 4 year old? If so, do you know that the Government is providing funding for some 2 year olds, and all 3 and 4 year olds to attend Kingsdown Nursery for 15 hours or 30 hours a week? Young children can have great fun playing with or alongside other children, exploring paint, water, clay and playing outside in a safe, well-equipped play area. As well as the benefits for the children, having a nursery place at Kingsdown, can give parents and carers a welcome break from the demands of a busy toddler or young child. It can give you extra time to go shopping, do some housework, look after the baby, take a college course, do extra hours at work or just have a cup of coffee in peace and quiet, and drink it while it’s still hot! Most children attend Kingsdown for 5 mornings or 5 afternoons, some do 2 ½ or 3 days a week. However, from September 2017, some children will get 30 hours free of charge. Coming regularly helps children develop friendships and positive relationships with staff and other children. We also run a before and after school club if you need care outside of traditional school hours. Families who are not eligible for the Government 2 year funding often use their Child Benefit to buy one or two sessions a week to help their child develop their social skills ready for starting school.

At Kingsdown we offer a wonderful engaging environment, both indoors and outdoors. Children have access to top quality resources and fully qualified staff, both teachers and Early Years Practitioners. We teach children to share, take turns, learn about letters and numbers, paint, write and draw, ride, climb, explore and investigate. Throughout the year, Kingsdown provides many opportunities for children to experience nature in all its forms. We have a bird’s nesting box with a camera in and currently there are 8 eggs waiting to be hatched. Children eagerly watch the laptop to see if the eggs have hatched yet. Kingsdown is fortunate to be near Birchwood Nature Park and we regularly take groups of children for walks there, to look for mini-beasts and to study the changing seasons. All children have weekly music lessons with Pete the Music Man. Pete brings his Double Bass and Guitar and enough musical instruments for all children to have a go! We also have Stuart from Meet the Beasts in with his exotic pets, snakes, lizards, spiders, insects and snails. Children can wear their own clothes but many wear our uniform of red, blue or purple polo shirt and sweatshirt. Children invariably join in with messy activities at nursery and if they have their Kingsdown uniform on, they are hard wearing and will stand up to the demands of a busy day at nursery!

For more information and a look round, please call in or T: 01522 684335 E: 22

Autumn 2017


ScanLinc Early Pregnancy Service

ScanLinc Early Pregnancy Service is a private ultrasound scanning studio based in Lincoln. ScanLinc is designed to provide care and reassurance to women and their families in the early weeks of their pregnancies. Every scan performed follows the safety guidelines as set out by the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS). Our main services include: • Early Pregnancy Reassurance Scans • Early Pregnancy Emergency Scans • Gender Scans • Harmony Prenatal Screenings • Full Well-Being Packages Creating by an experienced midwife and sonographer, ScanLinc is owned and independently run by Samantha Northway. “My aim for every appointment at ScanLinc is to provide a first-class personalised service, catering for both the physical and emotional needs of each family, resulting in a positive and valuable experience.” For you working ladies and mums, ScanLinc Early Pregnancy Service has evening appointments for all our services. Find out more at our website

“Went here today for a gender scan after hearing from a friend about this service and that they had a good experience. We were seen at 24 weeks as couldn’t find gender from hospital appointment so Samantha saw us specially to reveal the good news and could tell within minutes what we were having. Lovely lady and nice relaxed environment in the room itself. Tells you a little about herself and her professional past to reassure you and put you at ease. Over the moon with the service and would recommend.”

“Absolutely amazing experience. Sam was amazing, made us feel welcome from the moment we walked in. So much time was given to us looking at baby and watching all the special movements. Baby wasn’t in the best position but Sam was so patient and not rushed at all. Very calm and took her time to explain everything we could possibly need answering. Thank you very much for a lovely experience. Would recommend to anyone. Kelly and Gavin x” For more information: T: 01522 244 110 E: scanlinc Greetwell Place, 2 Lime Kiln Way, Lincoln, LN2 4US




Images: Mike Ruane Photography

Whether you’re an anxious mum-to-be, a dad struggling with a fretful toddler or a parent worried about an older child’s headaches – chiropractic care could put you on the road to a happier future.

Epoch, Lincoln’s newest chiropractic centre is an oasis of calm. It has been set-up by Directors chiropractor Dr Tom Waller and his partner Sarah Maplethorpe and they are passionate about helping families to achieve the best of health and fulfil their potential.

Dr Tom and Sarah, who is centre director, are delighted to be based at the heart of the community on Lincoln’s Birchwood Shopping Centre and using their expertise to help everyone from newborn babies to great-grandparents – often at the same time! One of their top priorities is to dispel any misconceptions that people may have that this holistic practice is all about “cracking the bones” or using heavy pressure, when in most cases it only requires a light touch. Epoch is light and spacious, with a calming ambience and non-clinical air. Modern and bright, its design reflects Dr Tom and Sarah’s enthusiasm. The décor is highlighted with


Autumn 2017

eye-catching statements underlining what chiropractic is really about – helping the body to heal itself. The Epoch team offer patients a warm welcome and direct them into the waiting area, with its cheery cushions, bowl of fresh fruit and dispenser of fruit-infused water. A large blackboard and children’s stools instantly make youngsters feel at home. An individual’s chiropractic care starts with an “orientation,” to learn more about chiropractic and their journey. “Orientation sounds complicated, but the term simply covers the process of explaining chiropractic to patients, telling them how they will be assessed and how we make “adjustments” to the body,” said Sarah, who is also training to be a chiropractor. After a “warm-up” on the wobble cushions, Dr Tom invites regular patients into the open plan adjusting area, where there are three couches. These are great when family members attend together, because they can enjoy a shared experience. Epoch also has a private consultation room and state-of-the-art, same-day, digital X-ray facilities and spinal scanners developed by NASA. Reports are produced within days, without a patient having to visit another professional for their results.

So how does chiropractic I relieve interference on the work and why is it suitable nervous system and help the for everyone, from the mumbody to start healing itself. to-be to a baby or older child? Chiropractic adjustments are

gentle enough to help prepare Dr Tom, an international speaker a pregnant woman for a more who hosts talks and positive labour and a natural birth. takes the chiropractic message out to community “Mothers often find labour groups and businesses, is to be a calmer and quicker happy to explain. experience after regular chiropractic care through “The brain and spinal cord pregnancy. control every function in the body. Any misalignment in A newborn might be affected the spine – which protects by a traumatic birth, if those two areas which are their skull and spine are in continual communication misaligned. Chiropractic – can have dramatic effects,” adjustments relieve pressure he said. on the nervous system. “The technical term for any misalignment is subluxation. Wherever this occurs, it will knock the body out of kilter, physically or otherwise. When I make adjustments,

“I have helped one-dayold babies, but the most pressure used is no more than that of putting a finger on the shell of an uncooked egg,” said Dr Tom.

Dr Tom and Sarah are serious about helping communities to understand more about chiropractic. On Wednesday 20th September, from 7pm-8pm Dr Tom will be giving a special talk at the Centre – “Do Kids Bounce?.” It’s FREE – call 01522 681100 to book.



Clearview Opticians

There are moments in your life that are special. I’m sure you’ve all had them, the ones that give you the warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy, well this is one I’ve had recently I’d like to share with you... A 20 month old little boy was brought to me by his mother for spectacles. Fortunately the mother had noticed a problem with his eyes and had been sent to the hospital via his GP. The family are current patients of mine and he’d been refracted at the hospital due to his age. She brought him to me to try spectacles. This little boy was deeply untrusting of medical professionals after what he’d been through at the hospital for his examination (which no doubt involved drops) so he automatically presumed spectacles were some alien torturing device which were going to cause him great pain. He fought me and to get anything on his face for longer than a few seconds before they were thrown to the floor, whilst he was crying and screaming, was an achievement.

Schools do not hold eye tests

After a few tries I managed to work out what would fit him and find frames his mother approved of so she whisked him away to try and soothe him and you can imagine I was looking forward to our next meeting to try and fit the specs when the prescription was in! And so the day came. I blocked an hour out of my diary so the practice would be quiet and less intimidating for him. I walked towards the little boy and his face filled with fear. I popped the glasses on him... and this was the magic moment. He looked around the shop with utter amazement and awe. He was now seeing the world as he should not the blurred version he was used to. Not once did he attempt to remove the glasses and his beaming smile was something special to behold. He kept looking around the shop fascinated with what he could see. He ran up to a mirror and looked at himself, seeing himself in a different and new way for the first time. He was fascinated with the laminate flooring in the shop as previously he would not have noticed the wood grain and all of a sudden he could see it. This was truly a warm and fuzzy moment for me. Watching him “see” the world for the first time was amazing. He walked out the shop holding his mother’s hand and not once tried to remove the specs. My job was done!

What they see

What you see

Make sure your child’s eyes are ok At Clear View Opticians we welcome children of any age. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Book your child in now - it’s free!

Private & NHS eye tests • Contact lens trials & aftercare 169 Burton Road, Lincoln LN1 3LW WE HAVE FREE CAR PARKING 26

01522 542121

Autumn 2017

I cannot stress enough how important it is to get your children’s eyes tested even if you think they are ok. The younger the child the easier it is to resolve issues that hopefully will not affect them in later life. I am happy to examine children from two and a half years old but will have a look at younger children if you are concerned. I examined an 8 month old the other day as the mother wanted her checking. I hope my story gives you a glimpse into my daily life as an optician and how rewarding it can be. I hope you get a little warm and fuzzy feeling too. T: 01522 542121 E:


St Barnabas Hospice

Dan Hadfield is set to support St Barnabas Hospice by performing his world class Gary Barlow set list. On Saturday 11th November, from 7pm, the World’s Number One Gary Barlow tribute act – Dan Hadfield – will be performing at Gainsborough Golf Club to raise money for St Barnabas Hospice. Guests can enjoy a delicious one course meal before Dan takes to the stage at 8.45pm, and will then be able to spend the rest of the night at the disco, which runs until midnight. Dan has performed with Gary himself, and tours all over the world with his solo show. He has also appeared on the Xtra Factor with Gary, and has even been voted Britain’s Best Lookalike. His uncanny resemblance in looks, mannerisms and vocal performances has left audiences stunned by his likeness to Gary himself. Dan Hadfield said: “I’m very happy to be supporting St Barnabas Hospice. What St Barnabas does for patients and their families is outstanding, and their support is absolutely crucial. “As a Lincolnshire lad, I’m pleased to be involved in what will be an

amazing night, and I hope you see you all there to help raise as much money as possible.” Tickets are currently available on an exclusive early bird offer, and can be purchased for £25 each until 28th July when the price will rise to £30 per person. Laura Stones, Events Fundraiser for St Barnabas, said: “Dan came last year to do a similar gig in support of St Barnabas, and it was a complete sell out! We’re hoping for the same outcome this year. “Last year, we raised £3,000 from the Dan Hadfield gig, so we’re hoping to exceed this in November. The guests will all have an amazing night, as Dan knows exactly how to work the audience and is a true professional.” To find out more contact Laura Stones T: 01522 559 515 E:



Lincoln Drill Hall

There’s no better family theatre experience than panto. Silly characters, stunning sets, dance numbers, singalong songs and special effects, panto has something for everyone - kids, Mum and Dad and Nana and Grandad alike! The spectacular production Jack and the Beanstalk at the Drill Hall (5 December – 2 January) includes all of those all-important elements PLUS a 15-foot giant - and as it’s the Drill Hall’s tenth panto there’ll be lots of anniversary surprises too! Ahead of the festive season, there’s a huge Autumn of family entertainment, with particular emphasis on the half-term break. Heading up the action

and fresh from a smash West End run is The Hunting of the Snark on Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 October. This wonderful adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s classic poem is a sparkling musical comedy adventure, performed by high-energy actors and featuring life-like puppets, catchy songs and lashings of daft humour. The perfect half-term treat for the whole family! Or follow Penguin Blue and friends as they go on an acrobatic Antarctic adventure in Metta Theatre’s Blown Away on Tuesday 24 October, an innovative family show featuring breath-taking circus skills, magical puppetry and lots of songs.

Fans of Horrible Histories will love Snail Tales’ The First King of England…in a Dress on Friday 27 October. This actionpacked storytelling show is suitable for ages 3+…and arrive early for face-painting. And with lots of songs and dances to join in with, The Teddy Bears’ Picnic (Saturday 28 October) will have preschoolers giggling until they’re tired little teddy bears. Also coming up this Autumn are three outings for Diddy Disco, the Drill Hall’s regular dance party for under 7s, the Happy Monday Club weekly play sessions for pre-schoolers, which includes storytelling, making, music and dance, Fishtank Youth Theatre for ages 7-11 and 11-16s and Hartbeeps weekly musical adventure classes for newborns, babies and toddlers.

For further information: T: 01522 808080 E: 28

Autumn 2017



Lincoln Performing Arts Centre is such an inspiring place for children to visit, especially if it is their first experience of theatre. And it’s not just in the theatre itself that the magic happens; at this year’s POP OUT Festival, taking place 11th September to 1st October, family shows and urban arts activities are popping up all over the place! In addition to the return of the much loved Roundabout by Paines Plough, POP OUT Festival 2017 will establish a new performance space inside the Waterside Shopping Centre. A vacant shop unit will be transformed into the Waterside Pop Out Theatre, with a vibrant and fun foyer full of activities for families and a small studio space, which will host professional performances from UK touring companies alongside special community events. Lincoln Performing Arts Centre has a well-established reputation for bringing big names and top quality family theatre entertainment to the region and this season is no exception. From the

Our Christmas Studio show ‘Brrr! The Lost Polar Bear’

MAIN & BELOW: 2016 POP OUT Festival

producers of The Hairy Maclary Show, join Timothy and his Elvis loving Dad on their adventures in this fun-filled family musical based on all three of Nick Sharratt’s award-winning Shark in the Park books. When Timothy Pope receives a brand new telescope for his birthday, boy is he excited to test it out at the park! But that really a shark he can see? Given that 2017 celebrates 800 years since the Charter of the Forest, what better story to tell this Christmas than that of The Adventures of Robin Hood and Maid Marian: Winter in Sherwood! The in-house production sees this familiar tale masterfully reimagined in a snow-covered forest, alive with magic and adventure. The boy-king Henry III rules an England in civil war and the Sheriff of Nottingham sees his chance to seize control. The people need a hero but who will step forward and fight for them? This wintery

quest is suitable for families and children aged six up. The creative team behind last year’s sell-out winter show for younger children are bringing another heart-warming tale to life in the studio with The Winter Whale. Two friends, the adventurous Anja and her best friend Karl find themselves cast adrift on an epic journey. Through rolling waves and frozen seas the children search for the magical Winter Whale to help guide them safely home. Due to popular demand this production will run right through the Christmas period up to New Year’s Eve.

Tickets for all these shows are available now. You can book your tickets online at over the phone on: 01522 837600 or in person at the box office in Zing Café Bar within Lincoln Performing Arts Centre



Lincoln Castle and heritage events

Lincolnshire County Council’s Heritage Service still has an array of fun to keep the little ones entertained this autumn. Pack up a picnic and settle in for the evening to watch cinema under the stars as Lincoln Castle teams up with Luna Cinema for A Knights Tale on Friday 22nd September. Celebrate Lincolnshire Day in style at The Museum of Lincolnshire Life as the Museum comes to life with costumed characters, let the museum sets take you back to a time that once was in Victorian Lincoln. See a traditional sweet shop, a working printing press and take in the smells of the Victorian kitchen on Sunday October 1st. Lincoln Castle also has a whole host of events to keep the little ones entertained this October half term with Imperial Army of Rome once again

returning to Lincoln. See the fully armoured soldiers drill and demonstrate a variety of weapons under the instruction of the Centurion. The world famous Ermine Street Guard will perform displays and there’s a chance for junior visitors to enlist in the army too! There’s even chance to take a visit to the Roman surgeon too for all those battlefield injuries! From Monday 23rd to Sunday 29th October delve into the darker side of Victorian England for Lincoln Castle’s Spooky Prison Week. Meet some unsavoury characters and hear ghastly tales of times gone by. The Collection will once again join in on the national campaign Museums at Night on October 27th, this time with a ghostly themed event to get you set for Halloween! The museum will open its doors from 4pm–8pm for a truly thrilling experience! Admission prices apply to certain events and craft activities. Visit the websites for more information.




£10 in advance £12 on the Gate


Children Go Free

Saturday 11 – Sunday 12 November 2017

Original condition and vintage machines lovingly restored. Commercial vehicles, Land Rovers, stationary engines and horticultural equipment on show. Rural crafts Rare and Native Animal Breeds Trade stands including specialist parts, heritage crafts, clothing and gifts Prize Giving follows our regular Sunday Remembrance Service, held in the George Stephenson Exhibition Hall amongst the vintage tractors, which starts at 10.45am. All welcome. We are grateful to Southwell Minster for their kind support.

@tractorshow •


Vintage Tractor Show

On 11 & 12 November, the largest UK show of its kind will be held at Newark Showground. This family-friendly event attracts crowds not just for the hundreds of lovingly restored vintage machines on show but also for the wide variety of trade stands, entertaining demonstrations and educational displays of all things agricultural. In addition to the rare and vintage tractors and horticultural equipment, there is entertainment for the whole family, with ‘war horse’ enactment displays and rides around the show on the tractor driven barreltrain, always a big hit with the children. The Rare and Native Breeds display, including sheep, goats, ponies and cattle and located in the John Eastwood Buildings, will both educate and inform the visitor and provide a unique glimpse into the UK’s farming heritage that has shaped our island. There will be plenty of displays and demonstrations to keep our young visitors fascinated.

The show attracts a wide variety of indoor and outdoor trade stands offering opportunities to shop for products such as country wear clothing, crafts and gifts, footwear, sweet and savoury snacks, as well as items that will appeal to agricultural machinery enthusiasts. The website, www. newarkvintagetractorshow. com is regularly updated as is the trade stand list so you will be able to check which trade stands will be present. The Sunday morning Remembrance Service, will again be led by Revd. Dr Alison Milbank of Southwell Minster and the organisers are extremely grateful for this support. The service is held amongst the vintage tractors displayed in the George Stephenson Exhibition Hall and is always well attended. The poignant sound of the lone bugler signalling the two minutes’ silence to

remember those lost at war is particularly evocative. Come early to be sure of a seat. There is the usual Brown & Co auction on Saturday and the popular Sort Out returns on Sunday. Everyone is welcome to attend the Saturday Night Do held at 6.30pm in The Cedric Ford. Tickets must be bought in advance and are great value at just £15 each for a twocourse dinner with a glass of wine. This year’s speaker is the highly entertaining and informative Mark Spencer, local farmer and MP for Sherwood.

If you are interested in sponsoring any aspect of this year’s show, please contact the show team, or see the website for further details.



Lincoln Loves Kids

Stars of the Lincoln Knights Trail will be reunited

Youngsters may be back in the classroom, or have rejoined their friends at playgroup, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty for families to look forward to in the weeks ahead – whether at the weekends or the eagerlyawaited half-term.

Think daring knights, soaring aircraft, digital installations, ghostly tales and tasty bangers. And don’t forget to look out for a great competition involving a large, cuddly yellow duck! On September 9 and 10, it’s time to look to the skies during the exciting Scampton Air Show. Inspiring youth will be at the heart of this event, which will feature an interactive Techno Zone aimed at young people. Kids can attend the show for Free. We’ve had a stunning Summertime in Lincoln, boosted by activities linked to the fantastic Lincoln Knights’ Trail and its sister Education Knights’ Trail. Scores of children have taken part in our special Knights’ Quest and had fun putting their creative talents to work in a variety of activities at Knights’ Central, which Lincoln BIG opened in the Cornhill. But the fun isn’t over yet. Families missing the “stars” of the Lincoln Knights’ Trail and their “half-sized” cousins will get the chance to see them again in all their glory.

Little Grayson Williams cuddles up to Lincoln Loves Kids’ fluffy duck mascot 38

Autumn 2017

“The “stars” of the main trail are being spruced-up ready for their reunion in the grounds of Lincoln Castle, where families can visit them for free and take even more smartphone selfies, from September 20 to 27.

It’s a Virtual World: Look out for the Frequency Festival

The sculptures in the Education Knights’ Trail will be having their own reunion in the Waterside Shopping Centre, where they can be seen from September 5 to 27. On September 16, if your family is feeling brave, there’s a chance to experience something different by hopping aboard Lincoln’s Ghost Tour. The bus leaves Minster Yard at 6pm and the tour lasts until 7pm. Places cost £6. (see more at October brings more unmissable events to enjoy. On October 14, families will find an irresistible urge to follow their noses in the direction of the fabulously tasty Lincoln Sausage Festival, which is taking place in and around the grounds of Lincoln Castle. Watch out for great cooking demonstrations, your favourite sausages and characters including The Cosmic Sausage, Juggling Jim, Mr Sausage and, of course Lincolnshire chef Rachel Green.

with exciting things to do. (see We’ll be asking people to try their luck in our “Name the Duck” competition – in a contest that lasts right through to the end of half-term! While half-term is in full-swing don’t miss the fantastic, 10-day, Frequency Festival, with its theme of displacement (Place and Displacement) which forms part of the celebrations of the 800th Anniversary of the Charter of The Forest. Frequency runs from October 20 to 29 and it will feature extraordinary art installations and amazing events, which fuse virtual and augmented realities! BELOW: Bangers are Brill’: Redhill Farm shows off its sausages

In October, the Lincoln Loves Kids team (from Visit Lincoln, Lincoln Mums and County Heritage Services) will be back on the scene. The team was at The Beach in City Square earlier this Summer, introducing families to their fun-loving giant fluffy duck mascot and the Lincoln Loves Kids brochure, which is packed


Autumn fun on the farm...

Join us for Halloween fun (see website for details)

• Newly extended Come indoor play barn* and play • Outdoor play areas whatever • Tractor & trailer rides th weather! e • Keith’s Krazy Karts • Farmyard crazy golf * with support from • Take a goat for a walk LEADER Grant funding • Woodland walk • Gift Shop • Award winning Tea Room

• Birthday parties • School trips welcome

01652 678822

See our

FREE CHILD voucher on page 47

Join us if

South Kelsey

Market Rasen, Lincs LN7 6PR

you dare

7th Friday 2rday & tSh atutober 28 Oc m

from 7p

Childrens magic show

Meet the howling wolves

TICKETS Adults £8.50 Children £6.95


Bar & BBQ ed ghost walk e chilling guid in sp , ow ad sh A int hearted! - not for the fa

Autumn 2017

ls flying Enjoy the eerie beauty of ow n bar lit in our lantern

Newball, near Langworth, Lincoln Tel: 01522 754280


Andy Carando’s Entertainments

Magician and Children’s Entertainer Andy Carando’s interest in magic started at a very early age with a box of magic tricks given to him at the age of eight! He spent many hours learning and perfecting new tricks to show his friends and teachers at school. As a young man Andy competed in and won many of the local seaside talent competitions which led on to auditions for national TV talent shows! After leaving school he started out in professional show business as part of a double act with his sister Carole. They joined Equity, the Actors and Entertainers Union and went on to perform in the UK and abroad together for 25 years as a Magician and Ventriloquist act under the name of ‘The Carandoes & Henry the Dog’. Many years ‘treading the boards’ entertaining at holiday camps, cruises, clubs, theatres, & cabaret etc. earned Andy along with his sister Carole Winners of the ‘Best Speciality Act’ in Lincolnshire. Andy was chosen to be Compere for Skegness & Mablethorpe Illuminations Switch-ons for several years running. After Carole retired from Showbusiness Andy went on to specialise in children’s party entertainment and created The ‘Andy Carando Magic Fun Show’. He performs his popular show at Children’s Birthday Parties, Christmas shows & special events all over Lincolnshire with the help of his ‘Roadie’ Martin.

A long serving Honoury member and four times President of The South Lincs Magical Society along with Magician of The Year at the Grimsby Magic Circle voted by his fellow Magicians are among his many achievements in the last 40 years. Andy is as keen today as he was right at the start of his career and prides himself on giving the best children’s parties which stay in their memories forever. To book your Children’s Party or Special Event: T: 0845 0941589 Facebook: Andy Carando’s Entertainments


Tel: 01522 693757

at Cogglesford Watermill,

Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln LN6 5SA

East Road, Sleaford NG34 7EQ

Tuesday 31st October, 6pm-7.30pm If you do, you must beware! For witches and ghouls walk free this night, to give you all a hellish fright! Join in with lots of ghostly fun as this creaky old mill celebrates Halloween. Explore the mill and follow terrifying trails before settling down with some spooky stories.

FREE ENTRY Open: 10am-6pm 7 days a week

Fancy dress welcome!

Children under 14 years should be accompanied by an adult.

For more info:


Autumn 2017

Seated Café serving breakfast, lunch, hot drinks, cakes and snacks

Try our real dairy ice cream made fresh using milk from our own dairy cows.

Suitable for all ages

01529 413671

• Farm-themed Crazy Daisy Golf and childrens play area • Meet our alpacas, goats and more in the paddock • Enjoy fresh coffee, cakes, desserts and hot food in our seated cafe




Try the ‘Lazy Daisy Drive Thru’ to grab an ice cream on the move!


Shooting Star Parties

Welcome to Shooting Star Parties! We specialise in providing interactive themed entertainment for children, and here you will find everything you need for your child’s party. Whether it’s a birthday party with 15 children, or an activity day with 1,000 guests, we are passionate about the work we do. Our brilliantly talented entertainers and are professional actors, and can create fantastic, realistic characters your child will love. We provide the entertainment, costumes, music, and props, to make your party out of this world. We also create bespoke kids’ parties, tailored to your specific requirements. Whatever your idea, no matter how big or small, we can transform it into something truly magical. If your child can think of it, we can put it together! We currently operate across the whole of the East Midlands, Parts of the West Midlands, Yorkshire and London. We are members of the actors union Equity, and all of our entertainers are covered by public liability insurance. Got your interest? Have a look around to find out more about what we do.

• All staff are professional actors and equity members • Wide range of themed parties available • Available 7 days a week • Bespoke parties tailored for each individual • Full public liability insurance

Absolutely brilliant company! So caring and brilliant in everything they do! – Matthew Ash I will recommend shooting star parties to everyone I know. My daughter had an absolutely brilliant time. I was so amazed by how well you kept the children of all different ages entertained for 2 hours! We will definitely be needing you again soon. Thank you x – Anna Austin

Whether your child wants a cowboy themed party or a Disney themed party, our actors compose a structured story dependent on your child’s chosen character, including lots of music, games and fun.

 Comedy shows  Interactive adventure story telling  Parachute games  Party games  Balloon modelling  Magic shows  Music and dancing games a venue, help you find We can also gs, or ba rty pa ke, will organise a ca n think of that ! ca u yo se el er ev st be anything e th ild’s party make your ch

E: T: 01522 820 042  M: 07591 416 113 Shooting Star Parties


Saturday 21st October 2pm

Featuring many of the characters from the books like Hercules Morse, as big as a Horse - Bottomley Potts, covered in spots – Schnitzel von Krumm, with the very low tum and Scarface Claw – the toughest tomcat in town. With music, singing and several of your favourite Hairy Maclary stories, this show is a must for the whole family.




Friday 15th September 10am-11am Friday 20th October 10am-11am Friday 17th November 10am-11am

HALLOWEEN TRAIL CU Wed 25th-Tues 31st October 12pm-3pm £2.50 PUMPKIN CARVING Tuesday 24th October 1pm-2.30pm £3.50


Thursday 26th October 1pm-2.30pm £3.50

GREAT SEED HUNT Saturday 18th November 1pm-2.30pm £3.50


01522 519999

The New Theatre Royal, Clasketgate, Lincoln LN2 1JJ


Autumn 2017

CU = Childrens University validated activities





The Little Pottery Studio

We are relocating to the Cathedral Quarter in Lincoln. Our new premises will be at The Lawns adjacent to the new Stokes Cafe. The new premises will be able to offer lots more crafts for the whole family to enjoy. We also have a ceramicist coming on board to offer workshops and courses from handbuilding to the potters wheels. We are teaming up with ‘The Bear Builder’ to offer building your own teddy parties, children can choose their teddy to create!. The Little Pottery Studio was established in 2015 and is growing everyday! We are so excited to welcome you all. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page for all opening day details.

For further info: T: 01522 536535 Facebook: The Little Pottery Studio


01522 536535

TERM TIME OPENING TIMES: Mon-Wed 10-3, Thurs/Fri closed, Sat 10-4, Sun 11-3




Jubilee Park

On 17th September 2017 Jubilee Park will host a magical themed elf and fairy event. The park will be filled with captivating delights designed to thrill the children and set their imaginations running wild! Children will be treated to the enchanting tale of the missing fairies. The story is designed to wake the children’s imagination and fill them with excitement and anticipation as they begin the magical hunt for tiny doors. Imagine a time when elves, fairies, wizards and humans all lived together happily. A time when there was no need for laws and rules, as everyone lived together harmoniously, as they all accepted the ancient codes of conduct written by a great warrior known only as “The Blue Knight”. The children will be directed around the hunt, where they will gather the clues and solve the puzzle in order to unlock the largest and final door behind which an exciting surprise awaits! The Park will be alive with activity. There will be many more attractions on the day that promise to entertain and provide a fun day for all the family.

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Other activities include: • Children’s entertainer – Mike Jackson, joining us all the way from Australia! • Wand making • The Coningsby & Tattershall strummers • Bouncy castles • Outdoor games • Face Painting • Fairy tales • Fairy cakes

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Autumn 2017

Tickets are booking fast and are on sale through Jubilee Park website:

One child admitted

admit 1 child




with 2 full paying admissions.*



North Parade, Skegness, Lincs PE25 1DB T: 01754 764345 E: Must be accompanied by a full paying adult. Cannot be used with any other offer/discount. Valid to 31.10.2017. MG17

Tel: 01652


South Kelsey, Market Rasen, Lincs LN7 6PR

*Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Expires 23rd Dec 2017

all games

from the Hut Stay & Play at Jubilee Park £1 off per person Stixwould Road, Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QH

T: 01526 353478 / 352448 Voucher must be presented on purchase. Not in conjunction OM with any other offer. FR 18


£1 OFF


01522 536535 FIND US AT REDHALL, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN One voucher per customer. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Valid til 30.11.2017


Outstanding childcare and education for children aged 0-11 years old, run by a qualified Early Years Teacher Graded by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ in all areas since 2007

PROVIDING • Full/part time day care for 0-5yrs • Before and after school care • School Holiday cover • Free 2 & 3 year old childcare spaces* • Flexible & reliable • References available on request (* Free childcare spaces subject to eligibility)

For more info please call 07825 741723 or email:

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Keep up to date with What’s On for family days out and activities NEW LISTINGS ADDED WEEKLY 48

Autumn 2017

Come and enjoy a

FREE coffee, latte

Have a coffee roelaxing n us

or cappuccino

WITH THIS VOUCHER Valid until 30th November 2017

Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, LN6 5SA One voucher per customer. Not in conjunction with any other offer.

20% OFF admission

per 2 full paying adults NEWBALL, NEAR LANGWORTH, LINCOLN LN3 5DQ Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Valid til 20.11.17

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Valid for up to four people. Expires 30th Nov 2017


01623 882977 Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer.

£20 OFF

our standard booking charges

T: 01522 820 042  M: 07591 416 113

*Offer valid upon presentation of this voucher. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Expires 31.03.18



DiscoverNK Heckington Windmill

Join us in the celebrations as venues across North Kesteven open their doors to the public for free from 7 to 10 September. Heritage Open Days celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to places that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Every year on four days in September, buildings of every age, style and function throw open their doors and is a once-a-year chance to discover architectural treasures and enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities that bring local history and culture to life. Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum

We are delighted to announce that participating venues within North Kesteven are: • Quaker House, Brant Broughton Exhibition: Brant Broughton Quakers – working towards equality. Open Thursday to Saturday 10am-4pm, Sunday 1pm-4pm. • Heckington Windmill Visit: open Thursday to Sunday 12pm -4pm. • Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum Visit: open Saturday and Sunday.

Navigation House

• Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum Exhibition: last chance to see High Flying Women Pioneering Aviators. Thursday to Sunday, 10am-4.30pm. • St Denis’ Parish Church, Silk Willoughby Display: Teaching & Preaching. Thursday to Sunday, 10am-4.30pm. • Navigation House Visit: Describing the Heritage of the Sleaford Navigation. Thursday & Friday, 12pm-4pm and Saturday & Sunday, 11am-4.30pm. • Cogglesford Watermill Visit: History in Action! Milling Day on Sunday 10 Sept, 11am-4pm. • Sleaford History Group Presents – Baron Hussey, Robert Carre, and the Lincolnshire Rising 1536 A walk with Simon Pawley. Sunday, 2pm-3.30pm.

Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum

• Welbourn – “Will, the Boy from Welbourn”, the life and the times of Field Marshal Sir William Robertson. Sunday, 11am-1pm. Booking is essential. Call 01400 272623.

To find out more about what’s happening at these venues: and find the online search directory; or pick up a Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days brochure in many venues across the county. You can also request a brochure by calling: 01529 308207. 50

Autumn 2017

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