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6 Liveability Strategy Process

The preparation of the Parkes Liveability Issues Paper is the first step in the drafting of the Parkes Liveability Strategy. The next steps include:

1. Launch of the Parkes Liveability Strategy project and exhibition of the Parkes Liveability Issues Paper - to inform the wider community about the project, including an explanation of liveability concepts and background documentation as well as local issues and objectives.

2. Place Score Liveable Neighbourhood Survey - to obtain as many completed surveys as possible from members of the Parkes Shire community to ensure a good collection of data on liveability themes.

3. Draft Parkes Liveability Strategy - to record the surveys and direct engagement findings and to inform any new strategies proposed in response to preliminary engagement findings.

4. Exhibition of the draft Parkes Liveability Strategy - to provide further opportunity for input from government agencies, community groups, companies and individuals. The Parkes Shire Council Website will be used along with Council’s Facebook Page to provide further opportunity for new ideas, issues, places and suggested actions to be shared / recorded.

5. Finalisation of the Parkes Liveability Strategy - for reporting to Parkes Shire Council for adoption of the strategy and any recommendations in the final strategy document.

7 Community Engagement

Public participation is being led by the launch of the Parkes Liveability Issues Paper on Council’s website, which includes information to explain the framework for delivery of the Parkes Liveability Strategy.

The next step in the engagement process will be to open the Place Score Liveable Neighbourhood Survey from 13 June 2023 to 9 July 2023. Interested community members are invited to complete a Place Score Liveable Neighbourhood Survey online via Council’s website.

To make the survey as accessible as possible, paper copy surveys will also be available from:

• Parkes Shire Council Administration Centre.

• Parkes, Peak Hill, Trundle and Tullamore Libaries during normal opening hours.

In addition, a computer station is available at Council’s Planning and Community Services Department to complete the survey online.

A draft Parkes Liveability Strategy is intended to be placed on public exhibition in August 2023 to provide visibility of the survey / direct engagement findings as well as draft recommendations that respond to preliminary issues raised.

A number of meetings and workshops will be held during the exhibition phase to ‘drill down’ into the detail of the liveability themes.

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