Elevation Min.: 10 fasl (3 masl) (Ancón) Max.: 2,825 fasl (861 masl) (Chosica)
Useful information for travelers
Temperature Summer: Max.: 81 °F (27 °C) / Min.: 66 °F (19 °C) Winter: Max.: 66 °F (19 °C) / Min.: 59 °F (15 °C)
To make your visit an enjoyable one Go on excursions along known and signposted tourist routes. Check with IPERÚ for more information. Take your lodging information with you: name, address, phone number, and reservation code. Exchange money or withdraw cash from ATMs at banks or authorized stores. Do not accept help from strangers.
Look after your belongings in public places and avoid frequenting isolated places.
Find out about the opening hours of tourist attractions and/or services before your visit.
Avoid eating at unauthorized street food stalls. Drink bottled or boiled water.
When hiring tourist services Request IPERÚ the list of travel and tourism agencies registered. It is advisable to get information from more than one formal company before hiring a service. Request details in writing of the terms of service and cancellation policies. Take authorized taxis. In Peru, taximeters are not used, which is why it is recommended to agree on the price before taking the service.
In case of non-compliance To file a complaint, request the Complaints Book. You can also request assistance from IPERÚ or the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI). Keep in mind that tourist services with very low costs do not guarantee good service.
If you need help IPERÚ San Isidro (+51-1) 421-1627 / 421-1227 Av. Jorge Basadre 610 iperulima@promperu.gob.pe Miraflores Av. Larco cdra. 7 (In front of BANBIF) Cl. Gral. Borgoño cdra.7 (Parque Sarrio) Callao (+51-1) 574-8000 Jorge Chávez International Airport Mezanine sur, of. 220, domestic boarding lounge and international arrivals iperulimaapto@promperu.gob.pe National Police of Peru (PNP) Emergency Number: 105 Tourism Police (+51) 980-122-335 (WhatsApp) Lima Norte Tourism Police Station (+51) 980-121-467 Av. España 400 (Regional Prefecture of Lima) divtur.celimanorte@policia.gob.pe
(+51) 944-492-314 iperu@promperu.gob.pe
Lima Sur Tourism Police Station Miraflores Cl. General Vidal 230 (inside Miraflores Police Station) – Reports Barranco Av. San Martín, cdra. 2, s/n (inside Barranco Police Station – 2nd floor) (+51) 980-121-463 (WhatsApp) comisaria.turismo.limasur@gmail.com dirtur.cet.limasur@policia.gob.pe