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GO Topeka has been working with local and national partners to spread the word about new incentive opportunities offered through the reconfigured Choose Topeka talent attraction program. We collaborated with our national public relations partner, Violet PR, to draft a press release that could be posted to PR Web and pitched to top-tier and trade publications interested in writing about the topic. Meanwhile, an advertisement focusing on the new boomerang component was created for TK Business Magazine, and The Partnership is looking for additional opportunities to get the word out about the program’s new elements.
Stay 785 Grants Awarded
With assistance from the Topeka Community Foundation, the Topeka Youth Commission recently announced the recipients of Stay785, an annual grant program created to fund community projects designed and directed by youth in the Topeka and Shawnee County area. For its 2022-2023 term, Stay785 is funding eight local youth-led projects with partnering organizations. This year’s awards were determined by members of the Topeka Youth Commission, based on the quality and strength of each project presented. The goal of Stay785 is to give young people in the area a chance to pursue initiatives that bring their visions for Topeka and Shawnee County to life, with the goals of keeping youths involved in the community and attracting more young people to the area. Examples of potential projects included, but were not limited to, public art, restoration projects, racial equity initiatives, beautification efforts, local events, and modernization of attractions.
Forge Recruitment Campaign Wraps Up
Forge Young Talent ran a successful recruitment campaign April 17 to June 19. The campaign was broken up into two different stages, with three different ads running during each stage. The campaign was completely digital and targeted the Topeka/Shawnee County, Lawrence, and Manhattan areas. Campaign results are below:
• Total reach of 84,893 across Instagram and Facebook
• 1,146 total clicks on ads
• 2,629 total website visits, with 1,100 of those occuring during the campaign (most viewed webpage on GO Topeka site this year behind home page)
• 74 new members during campaign period, 140 new members this year
Forge College Recruiting Initiative
One of Forge Young Talent’s goals for 2023 was to stand up a recruiting program to help spread the word about not only Forge but Topeka and its attractions, night life, business opportunities, and young professional amenities. In the first quarter, Forge attended two different college recruiting fairs — one in partnership with Choose Topeka and the other in partnership with GO Topeka Innovation and Small Business. At these events, we were able to pitch different aspects of Topeka, as well as share information about Forge, our business ecosystem, and other local resources in hopes of attracting talent from outside the area.
Forge Helps Usd 501 Pull Off Annual County Spelling Bee
In partnership with Topeka USD 501, Forge helped organize the 69th annual Shawnee County Spelling Bee held Feb. 25 at the Bishop Professional Development Center. Forge provided volunteers, trophies, and the event pronouncer, while USD 501 provided judges, the venue, volunteers, and worked to make sure all rules were followed to maintain an official spelling bee. A newsworthy element of this year’s spelling bee is that after an unexpected cancellation of the 68th annual bee last year, resulting in Forge stepping up last minute to help USD 437 pull off the competition, USD 501 has committed to partnering with Forge for the next five years to ensure the county spelling bee goes on!