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00 Sylvain Codron DJ
from Culture Night 2022
17.45 Tórshavn’s concert band GHM will be playing. 18.00 Opening of Culture Night. Bárður Dal Christiansen, architect and artist, will give the opening speech. 18.15 Dania and Benjamin. 19.00 Sylvain Codron DJ. 22.00 Michael A. C. Johannesen DJ.
18.00-22.00 Tórshavn Municipality, Vaglið
The City Hall and City Council Room are open.
18.00-22.00 Tórshavnar Móttøkuhús and Myndasavn, Tróndargøta
A chance to see Tórshavn Municipality’s fascinating art collection.
18.00-22.00 Listahøllin at Finsen, Tróndargøta
The artists in Finsen invite you to an open house. Come visit and gain insight into the activity of the artists based at Listahøllin, which has been active since 2019. Refreshments will also be available. Everyone is welcome. Bárður Dal Christiansen, Súsan í Jákupsstovu, Jón Sonni Jensen, Billa Jenný Jónleifsdóttir, Ragnhild Hjalmarsdóttir Højgaard, Turið Maria Jóhansdóttir, Ole Wich, Anna Tórunn á Stongunum, Durita Jógvansdóttir Thomsen, Samal Blak.
18.00-22.00 Tórshavn Fire Crew, Bursatangi
Tórshavn Fire Crew is at Bursatangi. Old and new vehicles and equipment will be on show. 19.00 Drill. 21.00 Drill.
18.00-22.00 Perlan, Tórsgøta
"Same but different". International event with food, music and a good chat. Our international residents invite everyone along to share in their culture.
18.00-22.00 The High Commisioner of the Faroe Islands, Laðabrekka
In addition to opening the elegant Amtmansgarðurin, everyone is welcome to see the halls, receptions and offices of the High Commissioner. 20.00 The SEV choir will sing. 21.30 The choir Xperiment will sing.