2 minute read
Rediscover Old Favourites
They’re places everyone familiar with Melbourne will have heard about, but these streets have changed, and there’s never been a better time to revisit them.
An Old Italian Friend 5
For years, Lygon Street in Carlton has been known as Little Italy. After World War II, Italians migrated to Australia in large numbers to Melbourne and this neighbourhood. These days, Lygon Street is still a nexus of vita Italiana in Australia, but it’s so much more. Stores that have been there for decades sit alongside contemporary boutiques. Bars like Johnny’s Green Room and Heartattack and Vine attract a younger crowd as the sun sets. Plus, you can still get a great Italian meal. Try DOC Espresso for bowls of spaghetti al pomodoro or family-run Donnini’s for dishes like burrata with roasted bullhorn peppers. +johnnysgreenroom.com +heartattackandvine.com.au +docgroup.net/espresso +donninis.com.au
Johnny’s Green Room Ain Raadik
Pidapipó Ain Raadik

Going to Chapel 6
Everyone’s heard of Chapel Street, and everyone has an opinion. There’s no denying it has a reputation for attracting the party-hard crowd on the weekend, but that’s not all it offers. This four-kilometre stretch cuts through three suburbs, each with its own personality. Start at the South Yarra end, where there are glamorous boutiques like Scanlan Theodore, Mister Zimi and Gorman. Hit Prahran, and there’s a slight edge to the surroundings, more vintage stores and some excellent diversions, including Greville Street and Commercial Road, home of Prahran Market. Then stroll on to Windsor, where Chapel Street becomes foodie heaven: try Hawker Hall for Asian street food and beers, Europeaninspired Ines Wine Bar or the excellent pub fare at the Railway Hotel. +chapelstreet.com.au +scanlantheodore.com +misterzimi.com +gormanshop.com.au +hawkerhall.com.au +ineswinebar.com.au +therailway.com.au
Fitzroy’s Finest 7
There’s been a change along Brunswick Street. It has a rich history and, for a time about 20 years ago, was considered boho. Now its dining and entertainment options are considered some of the hottest in town. Stop by Pidapipó Laboratorio for the best scoop in town while watching the makers experiment with and create gelato and cakes using fruit, herbs and honey grown on the roof. The fun really starts at the end of the day. Sunset cocktails on the roof at Naked for Satan. Beers and $5 pizza at Kewpie. French bistro fare at Bon Ap’ Petit. Live music at The Workers Club. Take your time and enjoy it all. +pidapipo.com +nakedforsatan.com.au +kewpiefitzroy.com.au +bonap.com.au +theworkersclub.com.au