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Help Australian wildlife

Across the national bushfire-affected areas, it is estimated that as many as 500 million animals, including critically endangered species, have perished in Australia’s bushfires, with the full impact impossible to determine.
Your donation will help fund emergency veterinary care and scientific intervention.
Click here to download the current and past issues of the Melbourne Official Visitor Guide at issuu.com/visitvictoria All money raised will be used in consultation with Victorian State Government Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to ensure it is most effectively assisting injured wildlife and their habitat.
Visit donate.zoo.org.au to donate now
This guide uses paper from internationally certified sustainably managed forests and is printed at a plant that holds the ISO14001 Environmental Management System certification.
Published by Visit Victoria Victoria’s Tourism & Events Company visitvictoria.com Get in touch with the team today: ovg@visitvictoria.com.au or find out more at corporate.visitvictoria.com/resources To order guides contact ovgorders@visitvictoria.com.au
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While every attempt has been made to ensure accurate information at the time of going to press, the publishers accept no responsibility for supplied information or omissions.
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