Vista issue #122 January/February 2019

Page 1


The Rejuvenation Issue

6 Foods for Longevity pg 14

Creative Paleo Swaps pg 41

10 Steps for a Fitness Reboot pg 28

Get Motivated with Vista Ambassadors pg 30

MIDLIFE REJUVENATION How Monika Tupholme is inspiring women in their 40’s.


Skin Care for the “Natural Vegan” P R I N T E D I N C A N A DA

pg 22


CBD for Healthy Skin pg 26


Model Delaney Holley pg 46


#1 Recommended by Physicians

AdrenaSense® Stressed No energy Lack of sleep

EstroSense® Painful periods Hormonal acne PMS

MenoSense® Hot flashes Night sweats Irritability

ThyroSense® Weight gain Tired Thinning hair

When it comes to Keto, NOW® has you covered! With Canada’s largest selection of sweeteners recommended for a ketogenic diet, NOW® is your one stop shop for Stevia, Erythritol and Xylitol. Our BetterStevia® uses a whole-leaf extract which ensures a complex, intense sweetness without any bitter aftertaste. Choose from powders, liquids or tablets, organic or conventional, and 13 different natural flavours, including our newest additions – chocolate peppermint cookie, chai tea and maple. Also look for our new organic powdered erythritol, perfect for icing and confectionary use, so you that can diet and still be decadent.

Available at fine health food retailers across Canada. A trusted, family-owned company for over 50 years!


Hit the pause button to rejuvenate The New Year brings with it a fresh start and a sense of rejuvenation and renewal. But it is also a time to hit the pause button, take a deep breath and reflect on the past year. If years are like movie genres, then as I look back at 2018, it was definitely an action-adventure kind of year; moving so fast from one scene to another that my body and mind had to seriously work hard to keep up. I’m left wondering where the months have gone and taking a moment to make a serious, conscious ‘whoa’ to click that pause button. Whether you are into new year’s resolutions (which I loving call ‘January to-do lists’), goal setting or vision boards, this is a great time to take what we have learned from the past year and use it to improve our lives and the lives of those around us, leading to a true sense of rejuvenation, to start fresh in 2019. I often take the perspective (and explain to my clients) that our healthy life is a holistic circle, where one area blends and feeds into the vibrancy of the other. One that encompasses nutrition, rest, fulfillment, stress management, environment and fitness. When one area may slack or grow, that will directly affect the other parts of the circle. So where do we start?

Nutrition is really the foundation, and I’m not just saying that because it is my ‘thing’. But for real rejuvenation, let’s start with the billions of little things we all share: our cells. All of us have the ability to rejuvenate our cells. Think about how cuts heal or how we grow. Diet plays a huge role in that rejuvenation process. Making sure we are eating good whole foods rich in phytonutrients, essential fatty acids and amino acids gives us the right building blocks for stronger, more vibrant cells. The hearty rejuvenation bowl featured on page 39 is not only full of flavour and texture, but it is also stacked with the best rejuvenating and seasonal foods our cells (and tummies) will love. This issue is full of inspiration that will help you on that journey to make this year your most vibrant and rejuvenating yet. Maybe for you, is it focusing on more quality consistent sleep? If so, check out “Tired of Being Tired?: 3 Statistics About Fatigue Factors You May Not Know” on page 15. Or maybe your environment needs a serious Joanna Gaines pick-meup: see page 18 for “DIY Ways to Make Your Home an Energizing Space”. So, as we enter 2019, the last year of this decade, take a moment and hit your pause button to reflect on which area of your holistic health circle needs some extra love and attention. Which area would you love to rejuvenate, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and vital you?

MONIKA TUPHOLME (BSc., Biology/Chemistry/Biochemistry, PT, PN, FNC) has over 25 years experience as a personal trainer and in functional and performance nutrition. The 46 year old mom of two works with women in their 40s to teach them a new way to eat, train and recuperate, so they can achieve their health goals. She is the founder of the 3M System To Rev Your Over 40 Metabolism, and is also a former professional volley ball player. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A


The freshest, fairest, most future friendly

No. 122





Solomon Islands

Kirsten Buck

South Pacific Ocean











Alpha’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is certified Fair Dinkum Fair Trade and is hand-pressed directly from fresh coconuts in the Solomon Islands by island natives on their own family farms. The DME® process uses a manually operated cold-pressing unit to produce raw oil from fresh coconuts in as little as two hours or less.




VISTA MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED SIX TIMES PER YEAR. SUITE 451, 15216 NORTH BLUFF ROAD, WHITE ROCK, BC, V4B 0A7 CANADA TELEPHONE (877) 905-7771 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Vista Magazine publisher, editors, or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of Vista Magazine are copyright © 2018, all rights reserved. Vista Magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher. Canada Publication Mail Sales Product Agreement # 42898014










Take a Retreat— Right Where You Are 14 WHOLE FOODS

6 Foods to Eat For Longevity 22 ORGANIC ENTREPRENEUR

Conscious Skin Care

Midlife Rejuvenation

How Monika Tupholme is inspiring women in their 40’s.


Healthy, Tasty Swaps for the New Year 44 VEGGIE-FRIENDLY RECIPE

Cozy Lentil Bolognese

Jaymie Friesen vows to make brand zero-waste





CBD: Secret Ingredient to Healthy Skin?

A Healthy Lifestyle on-the-go Model Delaney Holley makes health and wellness a priority


10 Things to do to Start Exercising NOW

The Rejuvenation Issue



There is no reason why you can’t access the profound benefits of a retreat this season. Here are three steps for creating the sacred time and space you need to reflect, refocus, and rejuvenate.

1 Identify your intention

Take a Retreat— Right Where You Are There’s nothing like going on a retreat to start off the New Year with focus and vitality. And you can do exactly that – even if you’re short on time and funds – by creating your own personal retreat. The idea of taking off for some beautiful, secluded destination and having designated time for reflection, refocusing and rejuvenation is profoundly appealing. This is especially true after a busy holiday season, when the new year materializes with all of its promise for a reboot. Retreats are wonderful – and often necessary for the soul. But sadly, trips to far-flung destinations with like-minded people and gifted teachers are not always realistic. However, with a little creativity and intentionality, carving out the time and space for a personal retreat usually is.

Why would you like to go on a retreat? Is there a particular problem, pattern or purpose you’d like to spend some time investigating or contemplating? What would you like to get out of this designated time and space that’s just for you? When you create this retreat, identify one important intention that will guide your experience and lead you to where you want to go.

2 Create space Determine where you can go and what you can do to create quiet space around yourself. Is there a simple, inexpensive option, like staying at a friend’s home for a few days? If the only option available to you is staying at home, it can be challenging to create that quiet space, but don’t despair. Think creatively. Can you book a time when others will be away or busy? Can you schedule times for long walks? Or can you focus on carving out space in other ways? How about turning off your cell phone or disabling your social media apps for a period of time?

3 Choose your tools Finally, identify the tools that are going to aid you in your quest to follow your intention. Choose whatever will help you focus, go deep, be present, and – perhaps most importantly – record your discoveries. For many, a journal is essential, but perhaps you’re the sort of person who would rather communicate your thoughts into a voice recorder. Consider supporting yourself with essential oils, healthy food and drinks, and comfortable clothing. Remember, it’s your retreat; choose whatever works for you. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



6 Foods to Eat For Longevity Eating for maximum longevity means selecting therapeutic grade foods with the power to heal, rejuvenate and act as preventative medicine. Here are six extraordinary foods that support health and vitality late into life. 1


The benefits of consuming these blue-green freshwater algae have been studied thousands of times. Ground into powder and added to foods or simply mixed with water, spirulina is strongly flavoured – but worth it. It detoxifies heavy metals, helps prevent cancer, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and lowers inflammation – all lifeextending benefits.




A cousin to spirulina, chlorella is a deep green, chlorophyll-rich algae that boasts a phenomenally nutrient-dense profile. Packed with protein, fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals, it was identified in the 1940s as a potential solution for feeding large populations with limited resources. It also reduces oxidative stress, which has been proven to slow the aging process.




Bee Pollen

Those miraculous tiny golden-brown pebbles produced by honeybees who take pollen from flowers to their hives include all the nutrients the human body needs. Bee pollen, a food that has been formally recognized by Germany as medicine, reduces inflammation, detoxifies the system and lowers stress levels. It even reprograms your genetic code for greater immunity, making it an essential ingredient in a longevity diet. 4


Among the versatile coconut’s many benefits, its medium chain fatty acids (MCTs) make it a natural addition to any longevity diet. MCTs are digested more easily than saturated fats and go straight to the liver to be used as energy. This means fat from coconuts is much less likely to be stored as body fat. 5


Cacao, or raw chocolate, is a seed packing high levels of phytochemicals, antioxidants and flavonoids. Snacking on cacao nibs is a delicious way to promote better nerve function and digestion, while reducing your risk of coronary disease and stroke. Plus, it has been shown to boost collagen levels, giving it potent anti-aging effects. 6

Manuka Honey

As one of the world’s richest natural antimicrobial sources, the honey produced by bees pollinating New Zealand’s Manuka bush is an essential longevity food. It reduces allergies, boosts immunity, and prevents and treats a whole range of ailments, from digestive issues to gingivitis. Keep in mind that the darker the honey is, the more nutritionally dense it is.

2 5 6


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TIRED OF BEING TIRED? 3 Statistics About Fatigue Factors You May Not Know Stress, poor diet or lack of sleep are all

1 in 74 1 Underlying Health


factors that can cause you to feel a fatigue

Conditions: Over half

that’s hard to shake. But here are a few

a million Canadians –

statistics that might help you understand

approximately one in 74

other causes that might be sapping your

– suffer from Chronic Fatigue

energy – and what to do about them.

Syndrome (CFS), which

visits to the doctor in the UK is

have at least one of the

causes persistent tiredness

prompted by “tiredness and

leading risk factors for

that isn’t relieved by rest.

fatigue,” and doctors believe

fatigue: working at night or

that one in 10 of these cases is

in the early morning, working

caused by dehydration.

long shifts without breaks and

You know that consistently under-sleeping or

1 in 5

living off a diet of unrefined carbohydrates is

2 Dehydration: One in five

going to sap your energy, making fatigue your


daily reality. But what if you’re eating well and


sleeping seven to eight hours a night and you

CFS is a relatively rare condition,


still feel exhausted?

3 Work: The National

Safety Council has found that 97 per cent of Americans

working more than 50 hours per week.

but if you suspect that an


If you’re suffering from persistent fatigue

underlying health condition

It may surprise you to know


– a tiredness that lasts for weeks or months,

might be the culprit for your

that simply not drinking


impacting your sense of joy and motivation

constant tiredness, make an

enough water could make

Don’t underestimate the toll

– maybe diet and sleep aren’t to blame.

appointment with your doctor

you feel persistently tired. If

that overworking or difficult

Sometimes, what makes us tired can come as

right away. Other diseases

this is news to you, consider

work arrangements can have

a surprise.

associated with unshakeable

it good news: it’s relatively

on your energy levels. If your

fatigue include anemia, kidney

easy to up your water intake.

work includes one of these

unexpected factors that are linked to fatigue –

disease, hypothyroidism, liver

Invest in a good bottle and

risk factors, consider making

and how you can fight them:

failure and cancer.

keep sipping!

some changes, if possible.

Here are three statistics focused on

Wild Oil of Oregano

certified organic ingredients • 100% Oregano leaves picked in the • Mediterranean wilderness Carvacrol, High Life Force • High Keeps your immune system strong • Helps with conditions • Internal andmost usage • Thousands ofexternal satisfied users •


Ghee We’ve long known about the value of eating heart-healthy fats like olive oil. But did you know that butter – specifically, ghee – could be your key to a range of benefits, from weight loss to stronger bones? Ghee, a type of clarified butter, is a staple in South Asian cuisine as well as Ayurvedic medicine, and for good reason. 16

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Strengthen Your Bones Support Colon Health The short-chain fatty acids in ghee are detoxifiers that support your healthy colon. In fact, studies show that if you are suffering from digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or Crohn’s disease, ghee could provide relief. Overall, ghee’s fatty acids support a diverse gut microbiome, an essential factor in health and wellness.

Ghee is rich in the fat-soluble vitamin K2, which supports the body in utilizing minerals, including calcium. This means eating ghee could help you to strengthen your bones and protect yourself from tooth decay.

Lose Weight Like coconut oil, ghee has high levels of medium-chain fatty acids, which are easier to digest and travel directly to the liver to be used as energy. This prevents fat storage in the body and aids in weight loss.

Avoid Milk Allergens

Increase Satiation

Because ghee is made by heating butter and removing its milk solids, it is a great choice for those who are sensitive or allergic to casein protein or lactose. Enjoy the incomparable taste of butter without swelling, bloating, itching or any of the other adverse effects of a milk allergy.

When grass-fed milk is heated to create ghee, its naturally “buttery” flavour is intensified. This means you can eat a little bit of ghee and feel much more satisfied than you would by an equivalent amount of ordinary butter. Furthermore, you will find that less ghee can go further in recipes that call for butter.


Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil is made exclusively from 100% wild caught, Norwegian Arctic cod. Third-Party Tested

Exceptional freshness Great taste


DIY Ways to Make Your Home an Energizing Space

Ideally, your home should be a place to recharge and rejuvenate. Living in an energizing space becomes even more important during these long, dark winter months. Here are a few DIY ideas for upping the energy levels in your home.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Transforming a space with a few fresh coats of paint usually provides a boost, but this is especially true when you choose the right colours. According to the research firm LH Color, red, violet, and yellow can help you to feel more upbeat, energized and motivated. Just make sure you pick an organic paint that’s low in volatile organic compounds, the toxic emissions that can negatively impact your health.


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Diffusing the right essential oils throughout your home can provide that rejuvenating pickme-up exactly when you need it. To support your energy levels through aromatherapy, focus on citrus-oriented and herbaceous scents. Oils like grapefruit and sweet orange are uplifting and energizing. Oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and cedarwood promote focus, and can even prompt you to breathe more deeply, naturally replenishing your energy levels.


You have no idea how heavily your possessions weigh on your mind until you free yourself of them. To instantly give your home an energyboosting makeover, get rid of a few—or many—nonessential items. There is something about simply clearing space that gives your mind the breathing room it needs to recharge and rejuvenate.

Increase Natural Light

Natural light feeds our souls and gives us crucial signals to remain awake and alert. If your home is too shadowy or dim, it could be sending all the wrong signals. Move furniture around, get rid of heavy curtains, decorate with light colours, and hang mirrors that will distribute the light around your space. You’ll find that once you increase the natural brightness in your home, it will instantly become a more uplifting space.


Are Vegan Supplements Better for Everyone? SPECIAL PROMOTION

Think certified vegan supplements are exclusively for vegans and vegetarians? In fact, everyone should pay more attention to plant-based options. Here are the reasons why. Vegans make healthy choices The studies keep pouring in: the plantbased approach isn’t just good for the environment. Every year, researchers uncover fresh evidence that animal-free diets could help you to avoid health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, premature ageing, and obesity. When it comes to supplements, plantbased is also highly recommended. Since vegans and vegetarians tend to have a very high standard for health, vegan supplements are typically certified vegan, naturally sourced, and nutrientdense. They are usually formulated without GMOs, sugar, gluten, preservatives, or artificial colors and flavors. If a product passes the “vegan test”, you know it’s going to be good for you!


Vegan Multivitamin • VEGANLY’s Vegan Multivitamin caters to vegans and vegetarians who aren’t getting enough B12, D, Zinc, Calcium, or Iron • Within its 26 essential ingredients, it comes with 1000 mcg in B12, 1000 IU in D2, 150 mg in Calcium, 9 mg in Iron and 15 mg in Zinc • As far as we know, it’s the only multivitamin in the market currently catering to the possible nutritional deficiencies of a vegan diet The Verdict: Ideal for vegans, vegetarians and those who follows a plant-based diet for balance in nutrition

Vegan Advanced Hair, Nail, Skin

A Canadian Vegan Brand– VEGANLY Vitamins

• VEGANLY’s Hair Nail Skin combines super food-derived antioxidants with biotin and Vitamin E for healthy, youthful-looking hair, nails, and skin

Let’s take a look at this brand as a case study demonstrating how certified vegan supplements are great for vegans, vegetarians—and everyone else.

The Verdict: Great choice for vegans and vegetarians For omnivores who want plant-based beauty solutions

Vegan Super 4 in 1– Antioxidants & Anti-inflammation • VEGANLY’s Antioxidants formulation has high concentrations of antioxidantrich super foods like Turmeric, Ginger, Blueberry, and Cranberry • Antioxidants could help to stop or limit the damage caused by free radicals that contribute to the aging process and are good for the maintenance of good health The Verdict: Essential for both vegans and vegetarians Great for those who are simply making more plant-based choices For omnivores who would like to get an effective antioxidants supplement for overall health

Vegan Calcium Plus 7: for strong bones and teeth • Veganly’s Calcium Plus 7 goes further than most other plant-based calcium sources by including super foods like spirulina, broccoli, green beans, kale, spinach, algae, and thymus The Verdict: Ideal for both vegans and vegetarians For omnivores who want their calcium supplement to be maximally effective

To get detailed information, visit and follow @veganlyvitamins on Instagram and Facebook


In 2017, two good friends with shared interests came together to create Natural Vegan, a food-grade, toxin-free skin care company. Founders Jaymie Friesen and Hannah Christian, both naturalists and environmentalists at heart, are hoping to make a difference not only with your skin care, but with the environment, too. Jaymie tells us how.

Left: Hannah Christian, Right:Jaymie Friesen


Before co-founding Natural Vegan, what were you doing and what led you to this new business? Since the age of 13, I’ve started and owned several businesses. The majority of my experience was in managing a large software business in the telecom industry. I’ve always believed if you’re intelligent enough to fix a problem and create a better world – in whatever form that may be – it’s your responsibility to do so. So, I took the same methods and processes I had learned and began to think about how I could apply that to something impactful. Natural Vegan itself was formed in a roundabout way. Hannah, my co-founder and old high school friend, was formulating her own food-grade body care products because she couldn’t find anything on the market that was up to her standards. I took notice and started buying her products. From there, I started to get more involved and offered to help Hannah start her business. Before we knew it, we were running a full-fledged company together. So, you started in the vegan niche and you’ve found success in formulating incredible food-grade natural products – but what’s next? What have you discovered about your customers and overall business placement? We’ve discovered our customers are more concerned about the environment than they are about being a grade more natural than the competitor. This is great because we’ve formulated some of the most natural products on the market, and can now turn our focus to new advancements, creating a potent combination. Since understanding the need for more environmental and zero-waste solutions, we have

vowed to make our entire brand zero-waste – every single product. This is starting with our deodorant and lip balm tubes being made of recycled paper. We’ve gone as far as developing the world’s first compostable bottle. We’re currently on the third prototype, which will be a combination of paper, corn starch-based compostable plastic liner and natural cork. Your business model is a little bit different than most. Can you explain that and why you chose to go that route? Our model is what’s called a “subscribe and save” model, which has two parts. You’re able to buy our product just like any other product. You’re also able to subscribe to a product or to a full membership plan which saves you 20 per cent, along with many other benefits like free gifts, loyalty points, free shipping and a one-on-one personal shopping assistant. We’re also making our products available in stores across both Canada and the United States. We’re currently opening up our wholesale options for our top sellers: deodorant, lip balm, and our variety of bars. Our wholesalers will be privately-owned local shops to support local business and they will have access to digitally enhanced experiences, including iPad signup options, and direct contact with a Natural Vegan representative for any specific questions the customer might have and more. Our reasoning for our approach to both online and digitally enhanced retail is the goal of making it abundantly easy for people to transition to a healthy, environmentally conscious and plant-based lifestyle when it comes to their body care. One of the things that this model allows us to do that competitors cannot is offer a free sample kit to anyone that is interested in becoming a customer. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



“People need to stop focussing so much on what they think are “best business practices” and focus more on best worldly practices.” Tell us more about what products you offer and what makes them special. Currently, we offer deodorant, lip balm, shampoo, conditioner, a body wash bar, a hand soap bar, a conditioning shampoo bar, bamboo toothbrushes and organic loofahs. Our hypoallergenic product line is food-grade, cruelty-free, vegan, 100 per cent biodegradable (safe in rivers, lakes and oceans), paraben-free, soy-free, gluten-free friendly, dye-free, silcon-free, sulfate-free, aluminum-free and available in compostable packaging. When creating new products, including packaging, we approach the process with two rules of thumb: it should not include any crap that does not belong in your body, and it should be cradle-to-cradle, meaning that it should come from the earth and go back into the earth. Tell us more about this compostable bottle project. I can’t give out too many details because it’s still in the works and it’s not yet launched, but I can say that – when released – our first version will actually


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be a paper bottle and have a removable plastic liner with a return/reuse program, which will be the first of its kind and is patent pending. And yes, the paper bottle does repel water and does survive in the shower. This will be a massive shift in the right direction for the beauty industry and the world as a whole. It’s our view that everyone needs to step up and take responsibility for themselves and their businesses. People need to stop focussing so much on what they think are “best business practices” and focus more on best worldly practices. I think they will realize that if executed effectively, it will actually be better for business in the long run. You can stay up to date at and watch out for our upcoming Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for our first large production run. What have been your biggest challenges so far? Our biggest challenge with product has been just a ton of trial and error which was just time consuming. The bigger challenge has been the development of this bottle which has only been made due to constant perseverance. It’s been very difficult finding the right suppliers, labs and manufacturers willing to experiment and customize their processes for us. Business-wise, our biggest challenge has definitely been financial. We’re still a start-up, and we’re running on shoestring budgets for everything we do. But we’re still growing and still hitting those goals, so we’re happy!


Why choose Alpha Health Products for your family?

Curried Split Pea Soup with Coconut Milk

Alpha DME Organic Virgin Coconut Oil is certified fair trade and is hand-pressed directly from fresh coconuts in the Solomon Islands by island natives on their own family farms. A manually operated cold-pressing unit produces raw oil from fresh coconuts in as little as one-and-a-half hours or less, eliminating the concern of mold growth or other impurities. The coconut husks are used for

IT’S SOUP SEASON, and as much as we want to eat light after the holidays,

fuel and the leftover coconut meal is fed to livestock.

comfort food is still high on the list. When you make this soup with Alpha DME®

This process provides superior quality, sustainable and

Coconut Oil and Alpha Organic Red Palm Oil, you can also be sure you are

melt-in-your-mouth delicious coconut oil.

using fresh, organic, fair trade and sustainable ingredients to satisfy your taste buds.

INGREDIENTS • 2 tbsp DME Coconut Oil • 1 tbsp Organic Red Palm Oil • 1 tsp fresh ginger, minced • 2 garlic cloves, minced • 1 tbsp curry powder • 1 white onion, chopped

• 2 carrots, chopped • 4 cups vegetable broth • 2 cups green split peas • 1 can organic coconut milk • Salt and pepper to taste • Cilantro for topping

DIRECTIONS 1 On low to medium heat, allow the first seven ingredients to cook in your soup pot for five minutes. 2 Add broth and split peas, bring to a light boil, then turn to low. Cover and let simmer for about 40 minutes, until peas are cooked.

Alpha Organic Red Palm Oil is thoughtfully sourced from Ecuador, made on small farms from fresh ripe palm fruit (never the palm kernel), fairly traded and in a sustainable way. The best part? Ecuador

3 Add coconut milk and use a hand blender to puree to your preferred consistency.

doesn’t have orangutans, and no clear cutting or

4 Top with cilantro, serve and enjoy!

displacement of people or animals happens to bring this beautiful oil to market. Certified Palm Done

To learn more and for more recipes, go to

Right™, so you can feel good about feeling good.

Is CBD the Secret Ingredient for Glowing, Healthy Skin? The recent legalization of cannabis in Canada has catalyzed an onslaught of buzz surrounding this sticky green plant. A whole slew of weed-infused products have hit the shelves claiming they will cure a wide range of ailments, including skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne. As it turns out, this is not just a new fad. BY DR. ANDREW KERKLAAN

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years to treat medical issues. It’s just that now cannabis finally has the opportunity to show its true potential with scientific research and mainstream acceptance, allowing the negative stigma surrounding cannabis to fade away. As an ingredient in skin care, cannabis — and more specifically CBD — has the potential to provide huge relief to those suffering from skin ailments, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

What is CBD, exactly?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a non-psychotropic component of the cannabis plant. It has become well-known for reducing pain and inhibiting inflammation within the human body, without any side effects of feeling “high”. The human body actually produces CBD naturally on its own to maintain homeostasis. We have a biological system called the endocannabinoid system that allows these neurotransmitters to bind to cannabinoid receptors throughout our entire body. When activated, these receptors stimulate a response that promotes healthy regulation of our immune, nervous, and gastrointestinal systems. Most cells in the body have these cannabinoid receptors, and they are


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plentiful in your skin. So when you apply a topical that contains CBD, you are essentially supplementing your own endocannabinoids with CBD from a plant. Your body is already very familiar with this compound, whether you knew about it or not. Stimulating the endocannabinoid system allows our body to naturally improve cellular function, maintain proper immune response, reduce pain, and inhibit inflammation. Since CBD is already naturally occurring, it is very well tolerated by the body and can be used on a daily basis, cutting out the need for drugs such as steroids that can have harmful side effects, especially when used long-term.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Many skin issues are a result of an immune system that isn’t functioning properly, causing inflammatory responses in the skin. Common inflammatory skin disorders include psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and acne. These conditions can cause significant challenges, as the skin becomes dry, itchy, inflamed, and irritated. A study conducted by the University of Colorado School of Medicine concluded that the topical use of CBD can be a promising treatment for a wide range of skin issues, especially ones that cause the skin to become inflamed and itchy. By soothing the skin with its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD ointment eliminated severe itching entirely for nearly 40 per cent of patients in the study.

Antioxidant properties

CBD can also help prevent cells from getting damaged and breaking down, which causes signs of aging in the skin. The antioxidant properties in CBD have the potential to retain


moisture while also protecting skin from sun damage. As a result, applying a topical CBD cream daily has the potential to visibly diminish irritation, skin dullness, and uneven skin tone, resulting in a more youthful and glowing complexion. CBD can help you attain healthier skin because, through interacting with the endocannabinoid system, it encourages the body to heal itself through its regular processes such as cellular regrowth.

How to incorporate CBD products into your skin-care regimen With so many options out there to choose from, picking the perfect CBD cream for your specific skin needs can be a difficult decision. Not all CBD products are made the same, so it’s important to be aware of what’s inside them. First of all, look for products that are hypoallergenic to reduce any chances of having a bad reaction. You should also stay away from products that contain alcohol,

Enter code "VISTA20" for 20% off

as this is drying to the skin and could even make some skin conditions worse. It’s also important to note that some topical products only contain the isolated CBD compound instead of including the whole cannabis plant, which has lots of other healing properties that work together to bring maximum benefits. While CBD-only products will still provide some healing effects to your skin, it has been found that whole-plant extracts are far more effective. A study published by members of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem proves this fact, stating whole-plant extracts are “superior over CBD for the treatment of inflammatory conditions.” It is believed this is the case because other components within the plant synergize with CBD to achieve stronger anti-inflammation results. No matter what CBD ointment, cream, or lotion you choose, be sure to do a spot test when you first try it out, just to be sure you don’t have any negative reactions to it. Once you find something you like, it’s safe to use it up to several times a day. There are no dangerous side effects that come with using a CBD topical, and you don’t have to worry about any psychoactive effects. CBD just might be the secret ingredient you’ve been searching for to provide much-needed relief from uncomfortable ailments and finally achieve healthy and rejuvenated skin that glows from the inside out.

Exercises, Not Excuses 10 things you can do to get started right NOW! BY SABRINA VIRDEE

The catalyst for many changes is often the coming of a new year. But when it comes to fitness, this can be even more effective when you start right away. There always seems to be this overwhelming pressure at the beginning of the year to make resolutions, get active, eat healthy, blah blah blah. Don’t get me wrong; goals are great – after all, they reflect many of our important desires and aspirations. However, the overwhelming pressure not to fail can be far from encouraging. Take some of that pressure off by starting now. Wanting a healthier you can seem like something completely out of reach. It appears to require more than you think you have, or more than you feel you are even capable of. I’ve been there. I know how hard it can be to ground yourself, focus and mute all the noise in the background. With all this being said, there is never the perfect time to start your fitness goals. I have heard all the excuses, and one thing I know is that you are the only thing between you and your goals. Whether you are new to fitness or an avid gym goer, there are always setbacks – times of difficulty, times where direction is less than focused and times where life just gets in the way. It’s okay, I have also been there. Life can be messy. It can be complicated and unpredictable. When we learn to accept this, however, it can also be dynamic and exciting. This can push us past our comfort zone and propel us to grow. The number one thing that your fitness journey needs to be is realistic. And for it to be sustainable, you're going to have to ease into things. Here are my top ten recommendations on how to do that.

Remember your WHY. I find taking myself back to the reason I started my journey helps bring me back, connect and refocus. Whether your “WHY” is to feel better, keep up with your kids, or to look good in those jeans, it will allow you to build and conquer. Your “why” may change, but the fire it sparks will not.


Celebrate all of your accomplishments (big or small) of the past year. There will always be things you want to change – could have, would have, should have – but there are always things you have done well. Progress is progress. Fitness is not a destination; it is an ever-evolving journey.


SABRINA VIRDEE is a registered holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and mom of two little ones. She specializes in pre and postnatal care and family health, helping mothers and families stay healthy, happy and well.


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Consider your fitness goals for the next year. Start slowly, set small attainable goals (in the context of your life) and breathe.



GIVE THIS QUICK FAT BURNER A TRY Complete as many reps as possible in 30 seconds before moving on to the next exercises. Take a rest between rounds. You can play around with this template by changing up the exercises. For those looking for a bit of a challenge, increase the time of each exercise, or the amount of sets. Adding weight is also a great way

Put together a plan. Following a fitness schedule is the key to hitting your goals. Lack of direction makes it very hard to track your progress and see your improvements. You want to challenge your body constantly and surpass those goals. As a personal trainer, I like recommending starting with an every-other-day schedule, which works out to three to four days per week. Get into your fitness by alternating between training days and rest days. This planned schedule frequency will give you time to recover, while allowing you to remain consistent enough for results.


Learn the benefits and requirements of exercise. This is extremely important if you're serious about getting in shape. Understanding basic principles of training will strengthen your determination to work with purpose, all while keeping you safe.

to challenge yourself. For example, hold on to 5lb dumbbells for the burpees, or incorporate a kettle bell with the jump squats. Have fun with it. And remember, fitness is not a destination; it is an ever-evolving journey, you just need to turn those excuses into exercises.


BURPEE Sets Time Rest 4 30s None


Prioritize and get more sleep. Lack of sleep makes it harder for your body to recover from exercise. How? By slowing down the production of growth hormone, which is your natural source of anti-aging and fat burning that also facilitates recovery.


JUMP SQUATS Sets Time Rest 4 30s None


Drink more water. Being mildly to moderately dehydrated can negatively impact your fitness performance.


Don't set deadlines for your fitness goals. Instead, look forward to how you'll look, perform and feel when you are where you want to be. Work toward that and then set some new goals to crush.


MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Sets Time Rest 4 30s None



PUSH-UP Sets Time Rest 4 30s None

Fitness can be done anywhere: at home, at work (over lunch or even a break) outside, and yes, at a gym. Fifteen to 20 minutes is all you need.


Don’t make excuses. As I mentioned earlier, you are the only thing between you and your goals. There will always be a reason why you can’t fit in fitness, and in this moment, remember your why. “I regret that workout” – said NO ONE EVER!



PLANK Sets Time Rest 4 30s 1 min

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Each new year inspires us all to take a fresh new look at our health and wellbeing. As we begin the new year, receive some added inspiration from our Vista Brand Ambassadors. Only a tap away, these IGers will lead you to some great products, healthy advice and daily motivation. HANNAH SCHMITT is a wellness blogger, healthy recipe creator, and aspiring holistic nutritionist from the Sunshine Coast in B.C. Hannah now lives in Vancouver, where she creates wholesome, gutfriendly recipes, and shares her love for natural health and holistic living. Hannah first started her blog and Instagram back in 2017, after being diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). After struggling with digestive issues for years, Hannah has learned to use the power of real food and natural living to heal her gut and enhance her life. You can follow Hannah’s journey on her Instagram, and find all her allergen-friendly recipes at WHOLISTICALLYHANNAH.COM  WHOLISTICALLYHANNAH_

Find them on Instagram @VistaMagCanada and follow our hashtags #VistaMagCanada and #VistaAmbassador to get your daily health fix. 30

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JESSICA BUSSEMAKERS is an Edmonton-based Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, green beauty lover and founder of the blog and social media platform The Stellar Glow. Her own 20 year journey with chronic acne and eczema has evolved into a passionate calling to help support, guide and educate other women across the globe with chronic skin conditions so that they too can learn to tune into their bodies to address the root cause(s) and journey onto a pathway of confidence, optimal health and a stellar glow from the inside out! You can find her on Instagram and her blog at THESTELLARGLOW.COM.  THESTELLARGLOW

A mother of two, TARRA CLARK began her love of holistic nutrition 15 years ago when she saw a registered holistic nutritionist who helped her lose weight and ultimately get pregnant. It was at that point Tarra decided that once her kids were old enough, she would change careers and go back to school to help others. In 2018, Tarra graduated at the age of 44 and recognizes the need to support others in her community with affordable, down-to-earth nutrition advice, while also having fun doing it! One way she tries to make it fun is by teaming up with her friend Jenna to make candid videos about nutrition. Calling themselves The Holistic Detectives on Instagram, Tarra believes people will pay more attention to your message if you can be real and make them laugh. “The reality is we all want healthy families,” says Tarra. “But it can be expensive and confusing, so my goal is to make nutrition more accessible to everyone.”  HOLISTIC_TARRA V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



IDIL FARAH is a Toronto-based nutritionist. Her ultimate goal is to help her clients improve their health, achieve their goals and develop sustainable, healthy eating habits so that they can live a healthy and balanced life without restriction. She blends science with her professional and personal experience for a unique and customized approach to nutrition counselling and holistic health. “Having experienced my own health issues, I came to see just how powerfully impactful food could be, not only in helping your body heal, but in helping it thrive and achieve optimal health,” says Idil. “I believe what you eat will dictate the future quality of your health.” As a result, she strives to empower her clients to take an active role in their health, and to establish a connection between the food they eat and their physical and mental health. Her philosophy revolves around the theory that food is your medicine and your kitchen is your medicine cabinet. Idil says that while nutrition is a science, your food preferences are personal, so healthy eating is a little bit different for everyone. She believes many factors shape the way we eat, such as schedules, food availability and cultural background. Her aim is to understand her clients’ food preferences, financial situation and cultural values so she can support them in making lasting changes from the inside out.  IDILSWORLD

Balance and prevention are vital for a healthy vibrant life. This belief led MARGARET LEE on a path to helping others achieve optimal health. She has a degree in human biology, is a registered holistic nutritionist, and a registered acupuncturist. “Living a healthy life goes beyond what we put on our plate or numbers on the scale,” says Margaret. “We radiate what we put in our mind, body, and soul. Eating whole foods, reducing toxic load, staying active, and having a positive outlook in life are important, as are a few indulgences to bring joy to the soul. What makes her jump out of bed in the morning? Having a job she loves and the desire to gain new perspectives and knowledge. Her Instagram is a way she shares her creativity and connects with a wonderful health conscious community that continually inspires.  NUTRIACURE


In our last issue we incorrectly listed SHAYNA LIBURD-EDWARDS instagram handle, sorry Shayna!  SHAYPEUPSHAY


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Crafted from organic, premium, plant-based food ingredients and additional vitamins and minerals not normally in standard all-in-one shakes, VegiDay’s Organic All in One Shake & Go has everything you need in one delicious, nourishing scoop. Available in three delicious flavours: FRENCH VANILLA, DECADENT CHOCOLATE and UNFLAVOURED.








Get a FREE VitaDay Multi when you Value purchase any VegiDay All in One Shake & Go. Flyer SALE ends January 27, 2019.

While quantities last.



Monika Tupholme was in her early 40s when she hit her pivotal moment. She re-invested in her health and, now feeling more energetic and younger than ever, she is helping other women in their 40’s re-ignite their life!

Midlife Rejuvenation Q+A WITH MONIKA TUPHOLME,



What was the pivotal moment in your health journey? I was that girl who would say ‘age is just a number’ or ‘I don’t feel my age’. But then it hit me a few years ago when I was in my early 40s, and a daily stare in the mirror took my breath away - and not in a good way. I didn’t recognize the reflection I saw looking back at me. Besides the expanding waistline, I was also tired all the time. My knees and back ached and throbbed and my patience for just about anything was wearing thin. I ate ‘clean’, worked out hard but everything, including the inches, stayed the same. My body was telling me something, but my mind couldn’t comprehend or I was just too tired to even care. Even as a former professional athlete with over 25 years in the functional fitness and nutrition space, I just didn’t have the answers entering this new era of 40. Many people told me “you know Moni you had kids later in life (37 and 42) and this is just how

it is supposed to be”. But I refused to settle and began to do some research. Fast forward a few years later and after some lifestyle tweaks, hundreds of hours of reading, talking to experts and lots of education, I finally got ‘me’ back: my confidence, my vitality, my love for life and yes my old waistline. Now I take my personal and professional expertise and provide powerful solutions (like the 3M System to Rev Your Over 40 Metabolism) for other women

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When you started eating, training and recuperating for a 40 year old physiology, what changed? So much! I had more energy, lost inches and was feeling rejuvenated and younger. The biggest thing I would say is I reconnected with my body and focused on a healing protocol, rather than a diet protocol. I learned to listen and embrace that mind/body connection, rather than thinking it was just plotting against me. For example, if I felt I needed a snack, I would have it, but not because I was

supposed to have one. If I didn’t get a great night sleep, I would do a restorative exercise or not work out. I became very conscious of what would add more stress to me and my body. I also had to make a HUGE mental shift and understand that what may have worked in my late 20s and 30s, did not work now. But first and foremost, I also had to believe I was worth it. Rejuvenation and vitality starts with loving yourself. Why do you think mindfulness is such an integral part of our health journey? Mindfulness, by definition, is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. When you are mindful, you live with intention instead of by reaction. You become mindful of the decisions you are making and where you are spending your time. This is particularly great for stress management, as stress can be a huge drain on energy and vitality. It also squashes our willpower. Our willpower is not at the same constant level all day waiting around for us to use it. It actually gets weaker with each decision we make. Roy Baumeister, a prominent psychologist, has researched the phenomenon of decision fatigue. When our brain is low on mental energy, it is really hard to make good decisions on the things that matter - like our health goals. So I coach my clients to try and make decisions for their future selves. Keep it simple. Every night, take 10 minutes and think about your next day. Plan your outfit, a healthy breakfast, what to get at

the grocery store and at what time, and even what to do if a 3 pm crash or sugar craving hits. You also talk about performance nutrition. What is that and why do you think it is so important? Besides helping women in their 40s re-ignite their slow metabolism, performance nutrition and biomechanics is a side passion of mine. Whether someone wants to function every day without pain or someone wants to complete in a half marathon or even make sure their son is nourished to skate well at hockey, we want to try and perform (mentally and physically) at our best. So we have to ensure how we eat will support that energy exchange, prevent or heal injury and support that performance level. What advice do you give someone who is super busy, and can’t fit one more thing on their plate but still wants to feel healthy, confident and vibrant? “Action expresses priorities” –Mohandas Gandhi You must make yourself a priority. It is not selfish. Everyone is busy, but where can you prioritize the time for you? It doesn’t have to be a huge chunk of time. Start with 10 min, but freeing space is… well freeing. Secondly, look for support, a team or a tribe (whatever you would like to call it). Doing it alone is beyond hard. Who is your wingman? Who is the person that you can trust, answer questions and help you reach higher than you believed you could? Even as an expert in my field, I have my own mini wellness team: an


in their 40s to get their mojo back, even if they are super strapped for time and don’t know where to start.

“You must make yourself a priority. It is not selfish. Everyone is busy, but where can you prioritize the time for you?” osteopath and acupuncturist that I see, instructors and trainers that I work out with and coaches to answer questions and help develop strategy. You are pretty transparent about the struggles you and many busy moms feel striving to give their family proper nutrition. Any advice? The struggle to plan meals that do not involve goldfish crackers is real. Jordan is beyond fussy and getting him to eat anything green is a major home run. Mila will eat whatever is put in front of her with a big yum. Again, simply planning ahead will take the rush and stress out of it while also promoting healthier choices. Remember to keep nutrition fun and light by including your kids in the process and preparation. My kids quickly learned how quality, real whole food made them feel and love to help to get dinner ready. V I S TA M A G A Z I N E . C A



“My kids quickly learned how quality, real whole food made them feel and love to help to get dinner ready.” What does 2019 have in store for you? Oh boy, this is juicy. Every year, I like to designate a word that will represent how I want to feel that year. Each season, I take a moment to make sure my actions with myself, family, and business are aligned with that theme and intention. For me this year, I want to feel grounded. Where do you find your inspiration? I get a ton of inspiration from my close family and friends, plus having awesome networks in the health space where we talk about the evolving space of food, fitness, spirituality, and personal growth. But at the heart of it all, I really do grab inspiration from hearing other people’s stories: ones of triumph, ones that soften your heart, ones that make our cheeks hurt from laughter and ones that just let you and everyone know that you are not alone in this crazy wilderness of being over 40.



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Hearty Rejuvenation Bowl This rejuvenation veggie bowl is not only full of flavour and texture but is also stacked with the best rejuvenating and seasonal foods our cells (and tummies) will love and crave. Serves 4: Vegan and gluten-free



FOR THE DRESSING • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar • 2 tbsp organic maple syrup • ¼ cup tamari • 2 tbsp finely minced garlic (about 8 cloves) • ½ tsp finely grated fresh ginger, more if you desire.

• ½ tsp onion powder • ½ tsp garlic powder • ¼ tsp or a pinch of cayenne powder (optional) • 2 tbsp black or white sesame seeds • 1 tsp sea salt, or to taste

VEGGIES PLUS • 1 red onion, thinly sliced • 4 carrots, shredded • 2 cups of sliced cremini mushrooms

• cup frozen peas • 4 cups of spinach • 2 cups of cooked wild black rice (the real kind)

OPTIONAL TOPPINGS • Green onions, chopped

• Organic medium/firm tofu

1 Prepare all the veggies. Set aside. 2 Place the apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, tamari, garlic, ginger, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne powder, sesame seeds and sea salt into a small bowl and mix well. Set aside. 3 In a large skillet, over medium high heat, sauté sliced red onions for a couple of minutes and then add in grated carrots and mushrooms and sauté a few minutes longer. 4 Add the dressing and frozen peas to the above skillet. Stir well, cover the skillet and allow mixture to cook for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on how tender you enjoy your veggies. Make sure you check often and stir. 5 Remove skillet from heat, add in spinach and place the lid back on. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes. 6 Serve with cooked wild black rice and top with chopped green onion, sesame seeds and tofu (optional).


Some of our favourite game changing products for your health

Fauxmagerie Zengarry’s new flavour of vegan cashew cheese is here! The new ALE AGED is a sharp cheddar style cashew cheese cultured with Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co.’s Lug Tread Ale, creating a rich flavour profile with a light layer of craft beer taste. Try it in mac & cheese or as a fondue!  ZENGARRYVEG ZENGARRY.COM

CARDIOFLEX Q10™ is a proprietary collagen precursor formula/drink mix designed to promote the body's natural ability to produce collagen and repair connective tissues to support cardiovascular health. It contains amino acids, vitamins, electrolytes, ubiquinol, prebiotic fibre and high antioxidant fruit powders. It is KETO Friendly, Intermittent Fasting Friendly, free of GMO’s, sugar, dairy, gluten, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, flavours and colours. A top seller for Innotech Nutrition for over 15 years. Now with 20% more. Ask for more info in store or visit  INNOTECH_NUTRITION INNOTECHNUTRITION.COM


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Revolutionary water filtration is not about what you take out, but what you put back in. Santevia takes out tap water contaminants and adds healthy minerals Calcium and Magnesium, giving you clean, mineralized and naturally alkaline water. Get better tasting water with the Santevia ALKALINE PITCHER - MINA SLIM.  SANTEVIA SANTEVIA.COM

Part of the Hamilton Beach White and Stainless Collection, the EASY-REACH CONVECTION TOASTER OVEN is designed for easy access with a large glass door, sliding rack and removable crumb tray. It has a 6 slice toast capacity and can cook a 12 inch pizza. Features include convection, bake, broil and toast settings, and “Stay On” setting with 30 minute timer and ready bell.  HAMILTONBEACHCA HAMILTONBEACH.CA


Making The Swap Bring your favourite foods with you into the new year by making tasty swaps KIRSTEN BUCK, HN

If making healthier food choices tops your resolution list for 2019, you’re not alone. The New Year is always a great opportunity to set goals to find ways to improve our health and well-being. Not to mention, after all of the holiday gatherings and rich delicious food shared, many of us crave healthy, nourishing foods that are light and make us feel our best.

It is common to jump in too hard and too fast when creating New Year goals for eating healthier. The “all or nothing” jump can make things more difficult. Healthy eating shouldn’t be hard or stressful. Instead, try creating a lifestyle around it. Start by practicing small changes and making swaps in the kitchen. If you get creative, there are many swaps that can be made. One of my favourites is to swap hamburger buns for slices of baked sweet potato for a nutrient dense bun alternative. My simple sweet potato turkey sliders recipe couldn’t be easier to make. The sliders are juicy, flavourful, and satisfy any burger craving. Adding toppings like red onion, mixed greens, avocado, and tomato adds crunch and an extra couple servings of veggies too! Another great swap that is easy to transition to is buying unsweetened plain yogurt rather than flavoured. Flavoured yogurts tend to have more added sugar. Buying plain allows you to add your own sweet elements like the homemade blueberry chia jam and cashew granola in my light and healthy breakfast parfaits. They are deliciously indulgent, low in sugar, and make a perfect light breakfast that will help you feel your best all year long. Don’t forget to add pomegranate and mint for extra bursts of flavour!

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Light & Healthy Blueberry Chia Jam Breakfast Parfaits with Cashew Granola (previous page)

Ingredients FOR THE CASHEW GRANOLA • 2 cups raw unsalted cashews • ½ cup large flaked coconut • 2 tbsp golden flax seed • 2 tbsp hemp seeds • 2 tbsp chia seeds • 1 tbsp melted coconut oil • 1-2 tbsp Organic Traditions Yacon Syrup (or sweetener of choice)

FOR THE BLUEBERRY CHIA JAM • 2 cups frozen blueberries • 1 tbsp Organic Traditions Yacon Syrup (or sweetener of choice) • 1 tbsp chia seeds • 1 tbsp water

FOR THE PARFAIT • Plain, unsweetened coconut yogurt • Fresh pomegranate, mint, or other fruit of your choice

Instructions 1 To make the granola, pre-heat the oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine all the granola ingredients, mix together, then transfer onto the baking sheet and place in the oven. Allow to bake for 15 minutes, stirring every few minutes, until the cashews are golden brown. Watch closely as the cashews can burn quickly. Allow to chill before transferring to a storage container. 2 For the blueberry chia jam, combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Allow to cook for 8-10 minutes until the berries have released their juice. Remove from the heat, and set aside to cool and thicken before transferring to a storage container. 3 To make the parfaits, layer the yogurt with the granola, chia jam and fresh pomegranate in a jar. 4 Garnish with fresh mint and serve chilled.

KIRSTEN BUCK is a Winnipeg based Holistic Nutritionist, food lover, and founder of the popular blog and social media platform Buck Naked Kitchen. She focuses on a nutrient dense, paleo approach to eating. Her contributions can also be seen on popular websites such as The FeedFeed, Joyous Health, and The Food Network Canada. She is passionate about creating delicious recipes using fresh seasonal food that inspire others to make healthy choices and find confidence in the kitchen.  BUCKNAKEDKITCHEN


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“Healthy eating shouldn’t be hard or stressful. Instead, try creating a lifestyle around it.”

Simple Sweet Potato Turkey Sliders Makes 8 sliders





• 2 large, round sweet potatoes, scrubbed • 1 tbsp avocado oil • ¼ tsp sea salt

1 Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2 Slice the sweet potatoes into ¼th inch thick round slices. Each potato should yield approximately 8 slices. Evenly space the sweet potato slices on a baking sheet and coat with coconut oil and sprinkle with salt. 3 Bake for 30-35 minutes, flipping half way through, until they are cooked through and the edges are crisp. Set aside to cool slightly.

FOR THE SLIDERS • 1 lb ground turkey • 2 tbsp almond flour • 1 egg • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley • 1 tsp garlic powder • 1 tsp onion powder • 1 tsp sea salt • ¼ tsp black pepper

FOR THE TOPPINGS • 1 avocado, sliced • greens of choice • sliced red onion • tomato slices • grainy mustard

FOR THE SLIDERS 1 In a medium size bowl, add all of the ingredients for the turkey sliders and mix well to combine. Using your hands, form the ground turkey mixture into 8 small patties. 2 In a skillet over medium heat, heat a tablespoon of avocado oil 3 Add the patties, frying until golden brown on each side and cooked through, about 4 minutes per side. 4 To assemble, top a sweet potato bun and turkey patty with avocado, greens, onion, tomato, and grainy mustard. Finish with another bun, and secure with a cocktail pick if desired.

Cozy up with this Lentil Bolognese Dish January is a great time to hit that reset button and get back on track with healthy habits. Simple ingredient swaps can refresh your favourite recipes and boost the nutrient value of the dish. BRITTNEY DESROSIERS, B.SC. (HNS)

In this lentil bolognese recipe, we’ve changed a traditionally heavy meat and carbohydrate dish into one with fresh, more nourishing ingredients. Lentils are a good source of plant-based protein, dietary fibre and minerals. They offer a thick yet chewy texture, making them an ideal meat substitute in this recipe. Instead of using spaghetti in this recipe, we’ve spiralized zucchini into noodles! This is a low carbohydrate alternative which provides fibre, vitamins and antioxidants. It also has the texture of al dente pasta. If you don’t have a spiralizer, we highly recommend adding one to your kitchen. Spiralizing fruits and vegetables makes recipes more fun, especially for kids! Another delicious swap in this recipe is sprinkling the final dish with nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavour. Unlike baker’s or brewer’s yeast, nutritional yeast is not alive when purchased. It is ideal for vegan and vegetarian dishes as it is rich in protein, vitamin B12 and many minerals. Next time you’re in the mood for a cozy, comforting noodle dish, try this delicious vegetarian alternative!

BRITTNEY DESROSIERS is a health food blogger from Winnipeg, who is dedicated to sharing quick and easy recipes. Her interest in food and science led her to pursue a degree in Human Nutritional Sciences at the University of Manitoba. During her last semester, she created an Instagram account, EXPLORINGHEALTHYFOODS, to share her passion for nutrition and recipe creation. This quickly evolved into a blog where you will find many healthy recipes, videos and nutrition resources.


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Comforting Lentil Bolognese with Zucchini Noodles Serves 4

Ingredients • 1 cup red lentils, strained and washed • 2 cups water • 1 tsp extra-virgin olive oil • ½ onion, chopped • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced • 1 tsp pink salt • 700 mL jar salt-free marinara sauce • ¼ cup organic vegetable broth • 8 organic zucchinis, spiralized • Nutritional yeast (1 tsp per serving) • 2 tbsp parsley, chopped

Directions 1 Bring red lentils and water to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 5 minutes. Strain lentils to remove excess water and set aside. 2 In a large pot, add olive oil, garlic and onion. Stir until fragrant, about 5 minutes. Then add mushrooms and salt. After 2 minutes, add marinara and vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer for 15 minutes. Fold in lentils for about 2 minutes and remove from heat. 3 Add zucchini noodles to bowls and place lentil bolognese over top. 4 Sprinkle with nutritional yeast and garnish with parsley.



Delaney Holley

Who inspires you and has had the most influence on your growth and why? My parents. They are the true definition of selfless. They live their lives by the Golden Rule, giving to their family, friends and community. Through leading by example, they have taught my two sisters and I how to live a fulfilled life. For as long as I can remember, my mother has been involved with numerous charities and organizations including the Kidney Foundation of Canada, following in the footsteps of her mother. The most remarkable quality my parents possess, that has influenced me the most, is their humble nature. Learning from them has inspired me to grow and work to become the best version of myself.

Delaney Holley is a 27-year-old international model from Renfrew, Ontario. Delaney travels across Canada and around the world to do photoshoots, attend fittings and walk the runway. Her on-the-go lifestyle fits well with her healthy living initiatives. Delaney focuses on maintaining balance in all facets of her life while striving to get messages of importance heard through her role in charity. Can you describe what a typical day for you looks like? A typical weekday for me always starts off with a balanced breakfast and of course a coffee or matcha latte. I will usually eat oats, berries, and eggs or a smoothie when I’m on the go. Being a professional model, I find myself constantly on the move. Meal planning makes it easy for me to take well balanced meals and snacks with me on the go. My jobs range from photo shoots to tv segments, fit modelling to runway work. After I finish my workday, you can find me at the gym or doing a class at a barre studio. After my workout, I make dinner which always includes a salad, protein and vegetables. In the evening, I can be found organizing my schedule, working on product creation for my new company Shop Dholley, or out in the community at an event. Since I commute regularly, I love to listen to audiobooks to multitask and make the most of my time. A few of my favourites include Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, The Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.


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What made you decide to add a health & wellness focus on your Instagram account? Growing up in an active household has taught me how to maintain a healthy lifestyle no matter how busy my schedule gets. Health and wellness is essential! It is important for me to feel my best and fuel my body for optimum success. My followers enjoy and engage with my health and wellness posts, whether I’m sharing a recipe, a workout or healthy tips and tricks. I try my best to motivate and inspire my followers to live their best lives! What central message do you hope your audience takes away through following your wellness adventures? The central message throughout my Instagram feed is to always stay positive. Life gets busy and things can become overwhelming, but if we take a moment and channel our inner positive energy, fuel our body with good food, make healthy decisions, give to others and share our inspiration, we can strive to become the best version of ourselves. Any exciting projects or plans in store for 2019 that your followers should get excited for? So many exciting plans for 2019! One at the top of my list is the official launch of my online store Shop Dholley. During the fall of 2018, I came up with the concept and have since done a soft launch during the holiday season. The official launch will be coming in early 2019. Follow me online to stay up-to-date on all things Shop Dholley and stay tuned for other exciting projects in the works!

Visit to learn more.

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