Free Online Math Tutoring

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Free Online Math Tutoring Free Online Math Tutoring Solving equation is an easy task but solving word problem is difficult do you know why? When we solve equation all the things are given to us directly and we have to only apply the rules and do some calculations to get result. But, in word problems the question is given in the form of word and we have to determine what we have to calculate and what is given to us. It is the toughest thing about word problems. Many students squeeze in translating word problems in mathematical form or terms and most of them need help with math word problems. When you solve any word problem you should approach in a proper and systematic way. Whenever you solve any word problem firstly, you should translate or convert the words into numeric equation that combine smaller expressions. After this, solve the equations. You should read the problem properly and try to understand it what it wants to say. Identify the variables and information that is given in the list and define what you have to determine.

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If you work in an organized way then you can easily solve the questions. While solving word problems remember some keywords like increased by, more, added to ,etc means addition, in the same way decreased by, less than, difference means subtraction. There are many other keywords for multiplication, division, equal, etc to get good knowledge on word problem you can take help of online free math tutor. There are large variety of word problems as they can be from age sums, distance problems, area, volumes, etc. Lets take an simple example to understand word problems. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 37. find the two numbers? The two consecutive number can be any number, so let us assume that two number are x and x+1. According to question sum of number is 37 that means x+ (x+1) = 37, we formed an equation and you all are expert of solving equations, on solving we get, 2x + 1 = 37, 2x = 37 -- 1, 2x = 36, x= 36/2,

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x = 18. So the other number is x+ 1 that is 18 + 1 =19. hence two consecutive numbers are 18 and 19. Online free math tutor will explain you all the fundamental of word problem and if you use free online tutoring math then you will exactly know how to crack word problems. Free online tutoring math service is a good way to learn apprentice math problems. Online free math tutors illustrate all the things from basic to higher level. Students of any class can use help with math word problems, as here, resources are available for all.

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