Examples of Nucleic Acids Examples of Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are biological molecules essential for known forms of life on Earth. They include DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). Together with proteins, nucleic acids are the most important biological macromolecules; each is found in abundance in all living things, where they function in encoding, transmitting and expressing genetic information. Nucleic acids were discovered by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Experimental studies of nucleic acids constitute a major part of modern biological and medical research, and form a foundation for genome and forensic science, as well as the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Nucleic Acids Definition :Every generation shows some resemblance to their ancestors which is because of nucleus of living cell. Nucleus has some bio molecules which can transmit the characteristics from one generation to next one, called as heredity.
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There are some particles which are responsible for heredity is called as chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of proteins and some bio molecules known as nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are bio polymers made up of due to polymerization of monomer unit called as nucleotides. There are mainly three components in each nucleotide, a sugar molecule, a heterocyclic nitrogenous base and a phospaht group. Mainly two types of nucleic acids are present in nucleus which involve in heredity process; DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid) and RNA (ribose nucleic acid). Both nucleic acids have their special features. DNA is a hereditary molecule which used to store and transmits genetic information, thus it is also termed as “code of life�. During the cell division in a living cell each DNA forms exact copy of that which carry information from parent cell to daughter cell. RNA can be three types; mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. mRNA involves in protein synthesis in the cell nucleus with the use of specific part of DNA by using transcription process. tRNA involves in transfer of amino acids to the exact place in the cytoplasm where the proteins are synthesized. Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids Nucleic acids are bio polymers composed of monomer units called as nucleotides, thus they are the building blocks of all nucleic acids. Each nucleotide has three components which are bonded together in a certain manner to form complete unit. These components are as follow. 1. Nitrogen-containing "base" :- There are two type of nitrogenous base present in nucleotides, pyrimidine (one ring) or purine (two rings) which are quite differ from each other in there structures.
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2. Synthesis of proteins RNA involves in protein synthesis and the message for the synthesis of proteins is coded in DNA. There are three types of RNA’s involves in protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA): It is a small but stable and long lived molecule contains around 65-110 nucleotides. It used to carry activated amino acids to the site of protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA: it involves in the formation of the ribosome which is a main site for protein synthesis. Messenger RNA (mRNA): It is a short-lived RNA which acts as a carrier of genetic information on the primary structure of proteins from DNA with special features which allow it to attach to ribosomes and function in protein synthesis.
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