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Jobs / Funding / Awards / Commissions
Dlr Exhibition Proposals 2024-26
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (dlr) invite proposals for its 2024-2026 visual art exhibition programme for the Municipal Gallery, dlr LexIcon, Dún Laoghaire. The callout is open to professional artists, curators, and arts organisations to apply. Proposals for solo, two person, or group shows are welcome. A minimum of three separate exhibitions will be programmed from this call out. They will take place between 2024 and 2026. We envisage that one exhibition opportunity will be for an emerging artist.
This call-out is open to artists living in Ireland working in any visual art or contemporary fine art led craft practice. One proposal may be submitted per applicant. We are also open to curators proposing an exhibition with a specific artist(s).
Deadline Tuesday 14 March
Web dlrcoco.ie
Email cbrown@dlrcoco.ie
ARC-LAB Curatorial Scholarship 2023
The LAB Gallery at Dublin City Arts Office and IADT are partnering to offer a unique ARC-LAB Gallery Curatorial Scholarship in the context of curatorial education at postgraduate level. The ARCLAB Scholar will work with the Curator of the LAB Gallery on programming and research into curatorial strategies and develop a self-initiated curatorial project at the LAB Gallery. The ARC-LAB Scholar will be funded as a full-time student on the IADT MA in Art and Research Collaboration (ARC) which is an 18-month practical masters programme taught in the LAB. The outcome of their curatorial project will be presented in the LAB Gallery as part of the gallery’s public events programme in 2025. The ARC-LAB Gallery Curatorial Scholarship award comprises a stipend of €15,000 and MA tuition fees of €6,000. The ARC-LAB Scholar will also be provided with a dedicated desk and research space in Dublin City Arts Office, mentorship and professional guidance from The LAB Gallery, and IADT.
Deadline Thursday 16 March, 4pm
Web iadt.ie
Email maeve.connolly@iadt.ie
Director of Void Art Centre
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Director is a senior management position with responsibility for the efficient management of all aspects of the work of Void Arts Centre. They will develop and deliver the artistic programme. The Director puts in place the structure necessary to realise the potential of The Void Art Centre. They lead with applications for funding and the effective management of grants and stakeholders. They will foster positive relationships with cultural, educational and funding bodies, including, Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Derry City and Strabane District Council and key organisations in Northern Ireland and beyond. They will liaise regionally, nationally and internationally with artists’ resource organisations and with all relevant national agencies.
Deadline Monday 20 March, 5pm
Web derryvoid.com
Email hello@derryvoid.com
Artist in the Community Scheme
The aim of the Artist in the Community Scheme (AIC) is to encourage meaningful collaboration between communities of place and/or interest and artists.
The 2023 deadlines for the AIC Scheme are 5pm Monday 27 March (Round One) and Mon 25 September (Round Two). Applications are now OPEN for Round One. This includes the following awards:
• Research and Development Award (without mentoring)
• Research and Development Award (with mentoring)
• Recent Graduate Research and Development Award (with mentoring)
• Project Realisation Award
Additionally, we are pleased to announce enhanced award amounts for all Research and Development Awards. This is designed to reflect the lived reality of collaborative artists working in this field. Further details of these enhanced awards can be found on the AIC Scheme Awards page.
Deadline Monday 27 March, 5pm
Web create-ireland.ie
Email communications@create-ireland.ie
Traveller Wellbeing Creativity Initiative
Proposals are invited from Traveller organisations with experience of working with health/wellbeing and/or creative arts, and from other interested and experienced organisations and/or individuals to apply for funding under the initiative: Traveller Wellbeing through Creativity.
The Traveller Wellbeing through Creativity initiative is a call to relevant groups and organisations to deliver an innovative project in 2023 focused on enhancing Traveller wellbeing through the medium of creativity. Grant funding between €30,000€50,000 per project will be provided in 2023 under this initiative up to a total of €200,000 including a new Shared Island grant for one project of up to €50,000.
This initiative has been developed by the Department of Health (Healthy Ireland Programme), the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (Creative Ireland Programme), the HSE, the National Social Inclusion Office and the Arts Council working in partnership to support Traveller health and wellbeing through creative engagement.
Deadline Friday 31 March
Web creativeireland.gov.ie
Email creativeireland@tcagsm.gov.ie
Future Generation Art Prize 2023
Pallas Projects are a partner platform for the biannual Future Generation Art Prize – the only prize for the young generation of artists with a global dimension and guided by an open, free, and democratic application process. Supported by an eminent board, distinguished jury, and outstanding selection committee, the prize brings together the best of the art world to champion a new generation of artists. Together with its award of $100,000 and commitment to commission new works, the prize sustainably supports artists around the globe.
PinchukArtCentre (Kyiv, Ukraine) announces the 7th edition of the Future Generation Art Prize, with the launch of the application process on 16 January 2023.
The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognise and give long-term support to a future generation of artists. All artists aged from 18 to 35 working in any medium are invited to apply.
Deadline Sunday 30 April
Web pallasprojects.org
Email info@pallasprojects.org
TBG+S Recent Graduate Residency
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios invites applications from artists for the TBG+S Recent Graduate Residency Award 2023.
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios Recent Graduate Residency is a professional development opportunity aimed at recent graduate artists in Ireland. The Recent Graduate Residency 2023 offers a large free studio for one year, a €5,000 artist bursary, and a variety of institutional supports, to an artist who has graduated from an undergraduate degree in the past three years.
The Recent Graduate Residency assists artists in focusing their studio practices at this crucial point in their careers. It provides an opportunity for emerging artists to develop their careers in Dublin city, within the creative community of Temple Bar Gallery + Studios, and among the professional artists who work there.
Deadline Friday 10 March, 5pm
Web templebargallery.com
Email info@templebargallery.com
Bealtaine Sligo Artist Residency
The residency is part of the Sligo Arts Office Bealtaine Festival Sligo programming, which celebrates 20 years of the festival in Sligo this year. The Bealtaine Festival Sligo is funded by Sligo County Council Arts Service.
There is no set format for the residency, it can take many forms. The residency artist can dictate the terms of their residency based on what is most beneficial to their practice at the time.
The residency aims to offer the artist enough support to allow them to take a break from their working commitments and concentrate fully on their work for a period of time to return to their normal working environment refreshed and inspired to make new work.
The residency will also include two morning conversation and sharing of practice sessions with artist and Dovecote studio and gallery founder Tessa Marsden.
Deadline Friday 10 March
Web sligoarts.ie
Email catherinefanning@hotmail.com