About Nothing

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A b o u t N o t h i n g Mariano Zuzunaga

Nothing is of course something we know. Socrates dixit. Whether we consider it enough to begin playing with words or not, it is obviously to what sight concearns that this is the point of departure of thinking. While something is off-­‐scene it is imposible to regard it as something but this doesn´t necesarily means that it is invisible. At least as something to talk about. it comes into scene. Much has been said about the difference between thinking as seing and believing. What may be bright to some is stupid to others. Some finds this text bright and it is just nonsense to others. Something is of course nothing we know. Maybe the only difference between something and nothing is what we find out independently of what we were expecting to find. As our ignorante has no limits we are limited to what we know. As human beings the only pecularity that distinguishes us from other animals is our possibility of being contradictory. We need not to welcome this fact.

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